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I THIRTY LEADING WINNING MOUSES Piilory still maintains his pride of place at the top of the list of the money winning horses, with 4,G54 to his credit. Morvich, Whiskaway, Exterminator and Snob H. follow in the order named. AH but five of the thirty leaders have won in excess of 0,000 each. The following are the records of the thirty leading money-winning horses from January 1 to and including the racing of June 2S: Horso. Col.Scx.Asc. Pedigree. Owner. Sts. 1st 2d. 3d. Unp. Won. ; Pillory ch. c. 3 Olambala Ilostpr Trynne U. T. Wilson C 4 1 0 1 f04,C:4 Morrich br. c. 3 Iiunnymece Ilymir 15. Block 3 1 1 1 0 57.475 j Wldhkaway ch. c. 3 Whisk Broom II. Inaugural II. 1. Whitney. . 3 3 0 0 0 49,462 I Ilxtenninator s 7 McCee Fair Empress W. S. Kilmer.. 8 7 1 0 0 39.9.K jSnob II br. c. 3 Prestige May Dora J. S. Coa.lcn 4 2 110 27.00, Dr. Clark ch. g. 5 nroomstick ranasine M. Goldblalt ..10 3 3 3 1 19,19:; ! Itebukc blk.c. 3 Dick Finnell The Scold T. Monahan ...13 4 2 0 7 IS, 6S I t Billy Barton c. 4 Iluon Mary Le I5U3 T. Monahan ... 8 4 0 0 4 17,710 i Mnlciber bit. g. 4 Vulcain Tapiola G. K. Allen 13 3 3 4 3 17.510 Mad Hatter ....b. h. 6 Pair Play Madcap Bancocas Stable 0 2 3 1 0 16,550 I Distinction ....b. m. 5 The Manager Alar.arkn T. 0. McDowell. 5 4 1 0 0 15,740 Patted Verde ..b. c. 4 Golden Maxim Yankee Tree C. W. Clark 12 0 3 1 2 15,20J i East Indian g. 5 Delhi Killincrankie G. J. Millor 9 3 0 1 5 ll.HJO McKce b. c. 2 Ultircns Ballymena J. 13. Madden... 2 10 0 1 13,200 Sennings h. 6 Jim Oaffney Irish Queen We-.tmont Sfbla 7 2 2 1 2 12,700 : Itouiface b; h. 7 Transvaal Ccrinn J. K. L. Bus3.. 8 3 3 0 0 12.413 Golden Sphere. .ch. c. 4 Oliver Goldsmith Spb. of Influence Icueram Si-ib!c. 5 2 10 2 12.200 Lady Madcap... br. f. 4 Dick Finnell Affable D. Breckinridge. 10 4 4 0 2 12,133 Bunga Buck c. 4 Vulcain Mary Orr ar. Daitner 22 5 i 1 10 12.UN9 Donges ch. e. 2 Celt Bessie Mcltcn J. S. AVar.l 7 -1 0 1 2 12.0SC Prudish blk. f. 3 Peter Pin Polly Flinders II. p. Whitney.. 3 10 11 11.E00 True Flier ch. f. 2 Pennant Ruth I-iw S. IT. Harris. -.13 I! r 1 0 lil.MM i Prince K b. g. 2 Mont dOr II. Louvois Marshall Broc.17 8 3 2 4 10,1 Startle ch. f. 3 Star Hawk Inspiration II. H. Hewitt.. 4 1111 10.420 Be Frank b. g. 0 Sir John Johnson Frankness G. P. Fuller.... 9 2 2 1 4 10.2 0 Frank 8 br. c. 2 Solomon Ann t Elsie v. Steinbart ... 4 2 1 0 1 9,sOO Captain h. 5 Ogdcn Mallard Quincy Stabls.. S 1 1 2 4 0,350 Grey Lag ch. c. 4 St:;r Shoot Miss Minnie Raneoeas Stable 3 2 1 0 0 0,237 i New Hampshire.. b. c. 2 Granite Annagh m. Ilirsch 7 2 1 0 4 8.9.50 j Deadlock b. c. 3 Sir Wilfred Hortense II It. H. Shannon.. 5 3 0 0 2 8.SS0