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jthe. th e Ja VVon 1 $ j 2, 1 1 WHITNEY THE LARGEST WINNER Through the success of Whiskaway in the rich Kentucky Special, H. P. Whitney has displaced R T. Wilson as the leading money-winning owner of the year. The Whitney stables earnings now total 25,704 and the Wilson figures are JIOS.JG.S. J. K. Ross is third on the list with J61.438 to his credit, while W. S. Kilmer lias 153,407, Benjamin Block .7,C75 and the Rancocas Stable 5,448, following in the ordor named. Twonty-four of thirty leaders have won in excess of 0,000, striking evidence of the rich turf prizes being offered. The following are the thirty leading owners, the records of which cover the racing from January 1 to and including June 28: in Lead ins Winner "Won In Leading "Winner 1921. Owner. in 1921. 1st. 2d. 3d. 1322. in 1922. 241.6S0 Whitney, H. P Broomspun 34 23 14 5125,704 Whiskaway 40,410 Wilson. R. T Duncccap 12 11 12 10S.3G3 Pillory 167,042 Ross, J. K. L Roniface 28 SO 15 C1.438 Boniface G0.110 Kilmer, W. S. Exterminator 13 3 2 50.407 Exterminator 110.700 Block, B Morvich 1 2 1 57,075 Morrich 263,500 Rancocas Stable Grey Lob 22 16 9 55,443 Mad Hatter G8.4G0 Goldblatt, II Atta Bey IL 2-1 22 23 44.150 Dr. Clark I 111.723 Jones, Montfort Miss Joy 32 2G 22 41,490 John S. Rcardon 52,284 Grccntree Stable Touch Me Not 17 21 16 33,275 Cherry Tie 74,765 Cosden, J. S Blazes 10 15 18 38.539 Snob II. 32,355 Irwin, C. B." Itcgreso 45 51 C4 37.615 Itifle 33,030 Madden, J. E Surf Rider 12 15 12 31,720 McKec 111,351 Quincy Stable Captain AIcccU 10 7 8 20,170 Captain Alcock 31,890 Parson, J. A Jake Sehaa 50 42 23 2S.510 Sister Susie 21,000 Clark, C. W Wliite Star 10 7 7 27,754 United Verde 28,841 Winfrey, O. P. and G. C.Burgoyne 23 17 22 27,484 Lunetta 2S.508 Swinkc, A Austral 27 11 10 27,322 Irish Dream 57.035 Hewitt, H. H Startle 9 8 8 25,837 Startle 10,590 Breckinridge, D Lady Madcap 11 8 2 22,553 .Lady Madcap 1,250 Monahan, T Anna M 5 6 4 22,057 Rebuke 17,101 McDowell, T. C Distinction 8 7 7 22,051 Distinction 18,265 Goldcpple Stable Sweep Clean 8 8 G 21,315 Billy Barton 0,910 Perkins, W Radio 12 i 4 20,984 Tlubodaux 40,810 Seasram Stable Golden Upbore 6 7 17 20,S50 Golden Sphere 11.03S Marshall Bros Rep 13 13 9 19,187 rrincc K. 15.274 Hirsch, M Tody 9 S 4 18,841 New Hampshire 44,154 Gallahcr Bros Kinburn 4 7 7 18,497 Cherokee 6,800 C. and D. Stable General Mcnocal 10 9 7 17.940 Aiken 3,900 Shafer and Conway Belpian Qneen 17 12 IS 17,810 rianet 320 Allen, G. R Le Dinosaure 3 3 4 17,540 Mulcibcr