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AQUEDUCT The horses which seem best In Mondays races are: Aqueduct, L. I., TT. T., July 1, 1022. 1 Beckna, Ting-a-Ling, Squaw Man. 2 William Tell, Dunlin, Carol. 3 Mount Hope, Deep Sinker, Mystic. 4 New Hampshire, Blanc Seing, Ambler. E SE RE NADER, Hephaistos, Ray Jay. C Hourbel, Cheapside, Delcadia. F. J. Ortell. New Yorlc Ilnuilluni. 1 Squaw Man, Bernicc IC, End Man, Esquire. 2 William Tell, Roseate TL, Carol, Chile. 3 Mystic, Mount Hope, Deep Sinker, Bravo. 4 New Hampshire, Anonymous, True Flier, Raffles. E Ray Jay, Hephaistos, William A., Letter-man. 6 BBILIANCE, Prima Donna, Giarre, Cheapside. Chicago ami KniTnlo Handicap. 1 Squaw Man, Martin A. Noonan, Ting-a- Llnsr, High C. 2 William Tell, Satellite, Chile, Caveat Emptor. 3 Mount Hope, Mystic, Bravo, Deep Sinker. 4 New Hampshire, True Tlier, Paisley, Thessaly. C WILLIAM A., Saddle and Boots, Ray Jay, Hephaistos. C Cheapside, Brilliance, Ethnea, Sunday Best Obei-vera Ifnnllcai. 1 Beckna, Squaw Man, Esquire, Martin A. Noonan. 2 William Tell, Satellite, Chile, Caveat Emp tor. 3 Mystic, Mount Hope, Bravo, Deep Sinker. 4 NEW HAMPSHIRE, Thessaly, True Flier, Paisley. 5 William A., Serenader, Hephaistos. Ray Jay. C Hourbel, Cheapside, Brilliance, Giarre. Cii.ciikiix of Ilmidlcniia. 1 Squaw Man, Beckna, Ting-a-Ling, Es quire. 2 William Tell, Satellite, Carol, Dunlin. 3 Mount Hope, Mystic, Deep Sinker, Bravo. 4 NEW HAMPSHIRE, Time Flier, Thessaly, Paisley. 5 William A., Ray Jay, Serenader, Heph aistos. 6 nourbel, Cheapside, Brilliance, Delcadia.