Brighouse Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1922-09-08

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o BRIGHOUSE PARK FORM CHART VANCOUVER, P.. C Wednesday, Aujust 30, 1922. Brishouse Park. 1 mile. Fourth day. Rrig-housc Park Associations second meeting of 7 days. AVeathcr clear, Piesiding judge, L. J. Rose. Associate judges. T. J. Wellman and J. S. Rothert. Starter, James Donovan. Racing secretaiy, Robert F. Leightou. fi AQOd FIRST RACE 1 Mile. Aug. 1, 1914 1:28 6 112. Canadian Derby Purso 0?. 3-year-olds and upward. Western Canadian Bred." Net value to winner 50; second, C0; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. AVt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 64777 Benmore II. Ill 1 AV Gargan 115-100 G4777Yrkre Rlhllt 2s R Lowe 130-100 37148 Camflage II. 121 3 J J H Rowe 605-1C0 C1174Chat.Court 116 4 P Martinez 1125-100 048095Daring Rose 104 5" F Cantrel 2400-100 G4875 Balsroch Foxlll 6 T AVilson 2CCO-100 mutuels paid, Benmore II.. .30 straight. .50 place, .33 show; Yorkshire Relish, .50 place, .30 show; Camouflage II., .85 show. Time, 25, 49, 1:15, 1:42. Track fast. AAihner J. C. Bremnera ch. h, 5, by Fliss Rosebud HI., by Rosewatcr trained by D. R. Stewart; bred by Mr. J. C. Bremner. AVent to post at 2:38. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Darins Rose. AVon easily; second and third driving. fidQfi SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Aur. 27, uaauu 1921 59 5 113. Derby Day Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Not value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. G4425 Vodka 110 1- H Rowe S2-m 64394 Aryanna H2 II Long 40-100 643233Fire Ball II. 114 34 D Powell C93-100 64811 Viola Park 112 4 Lafferty -424-100 64810 Martha Z. 112 5 P Martinez 2010-10 63988 Marion Flukell2 6" AV.Dan 430S-KO G39833Irish Maid TO 7 G Weber t tMutuel field. mutuels paid. Vodka, 8:45 straigh .03 place, .35 show; Aryanna, .15 place, .fJ show; Fire Ball II., .20 show. Time, 24, 49, 1:02. Track fast. Winner C. E. Matthews b. 111, 7, by Ostler Joe Barbcri. by Canopus trained by C. E. Matthews; bred by Mr. John Franklin. Went to post at 3:16. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Aryanna. Won handily; second and third driving. fi4Q0fi THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. July 29. 1914 1:05 0109. Kentucky Derby Purse. Purse . 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to wiener 50; second, 00; third, 0. Equiv. Odds. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Joekpy. Straight: 04324 Stanley H. 114 1 P Hum 2GT.-100 64871Clirome 114 21 B McEwen 700-101 6477G3Bessie YounglOO 3 H Lotig 1911-1 0 P43G23Goldie Rose 112 45 T Wilson 220-1CO G4426 Black Spray 117 5" AV Gargan 925-100 G4391 Chippendale 107 61 H Molters 7 G4813 I. W. HarperlH 71 P Martinez H-mo 64810 Olympiad 103 8 F Seremba 1120-100 G442G Ann S. 112 9 Lafferty 2SG0-100 tMutuel field. mutuels paid, Stanley II., .30 straight. .10 place, 39 show; Chrome, place, .4J show; Bessie Youns, field, .55 show. Time. 24, 49, 1:08. Track fast. Winner G. F. Hums b. g, 12, by Pl.uiudes Variant, by Disguise trained by G. F. Hum; bred by Mr. Garrett D. Wilson. Went to post at 3:58. At post 1 minute. Start fair and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. fi4.Qf7 FOURTH RACE 1 1-10 Miloa. Aug. vsovi 1912 1:45 4 113. French Derby Purse. Purso 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Caiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Equiv. Ofid. Ind. norse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. G3635 Green Mint 107 1 H Molters CSO-100 64875Mot. Belle 112 2zl W Gargan 2:0-100 G4875 Clover Junia 111 3 H Rowe SI5-1C0 64813 sLittle Abe 111 4- P Martinez - SO5-I0O 63765 Little Gink 111 5J G Ury 1300-100 63981 JnolR.Roche 111 6a J Singleton t 64320 sSippara 106 7-5 H Long . 1943-130 G4396?Loa: 104 S- F Seremba 1140-101 64875 Nebraska, 106 91 W D Miller 3800-100 GlSSeCobrita 111 10 G AVeber 2833-100 G4875 Audrey K. 1C9 11 P Hum 221C-10J tMutuel field. mutuels paid. Green Mint, 5.00 stragfit, place, .43 show; Montana Belle, .43 place, .75 show; Clover Junia, S3.75 shew. Timo, 24; 48, 1:14, 1:41. Track fjst. AVinner Elander Bros. b. 2. . by Sp:.-i ci:::t Greenvale, by, Hamburg trained" by D. Y. Klanler; bred in England by Mr. Harry Payne AVlf.tie. . Went to post at 4:32. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second a:ul ihhd driving. fiAQflR FIFTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Jar 13, "k0"0 1S14 1:51 7 122. PursD ,000. Brlghouse Park Derby. 3-year-olds. Net valu3 to winner 00; sesq-d, 00; third, 50; fourth, 3; silver cup to owner of winner. Equiv. Odds. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. I G4779 Tulalip 117 1 P Martinez 135-1.0 I G4778 Hal AVright 119 2 S Smith 1451-101 647783N. Harper 117 3 J Deford 600-103 64778Capt. Cloverll9 4" J Singleton 341-100 G4779 Sample 119 5 H Long 805-1CO 64014 Wedg Princell9 6 C Duggan G10-100 mutuels paid, Tulalip, .70 straight. .9 place, .40 show; Hal Wright, 1.G3 place, .i" show; Nellie Harper, .25 show. Timo, 25, 48, 1:14, 1:41, 1:55. Track fast. AVinucr G. Drumhellers ch. f, by Ballot Enterprise, by Bathampton trained by D. F. Canncu; bred by Mr. C. II. Beiryman. Went to post at 5:12. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and -third-driving. fidQflQ v-xovu SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. July 2G. 1913 1:42 4 105. Cal-cutta Derby. Purse 03. 4-year-olds and uaward. Net valuo to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Equiv. Oddd. Ind. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. G47793Marcella Boyl07 l3 H Molters IS21-1C0 G4779 Prce Direct 114 2U T AVilson 1215-100 G4779W. MtgmerylGO 3 J Singleton 230-100 G4779 Jellison 114 in B McEwen 2S45-1C0 G1779 Fnnklin 110 5l H Rowe 20MM00 64779 Breeze 109 6$ W D Miller 2160-101 G4779 Laggan 107 7 AV Davis 1910-1W G4428 D3 Beers 112 S- AV Gorgan f G4815 AVeinland 114 9J G AVeber 4SC0-100 G4327Grayson ill 10 P Martinez 220-100 fCoupled in betting as J. Franklin entry. mutuels paid. Marcella Boy, .G3 straight, S5.20 place, .03 siiow; Princq Direct, 0.75 place, .50 sliow; Woodie Montgomery, .70 thow. Timo, 23, 48, 1:13, 1:40, 1:44. Track fast. AVinner A. T. Baumstarks b. g, 4, by Light Brigade Waldena, by Star Shoot trained by A. T. Baumstark; bred by Mr. II. B. Wise. AVent to post at 3:31. At post 1 minute. Start poor and slow. AVon easily; second add third driving. v-xuj-v flAQI fl SEVENTH RACE 5-8 Mile. Auff. 27. 1921 59 5 118. Australian Derby. Purso 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net valna to winner 50; second, 00; third, 0. Kquiv. Odds. Tml. Horse. Wt. Fin. Jockey. Straight. 623273Elmer K. 109 IJ P Martinez 175-109 G43273Doctor Corbtll9 2s AV Davis 24I1-1C0 64180 Kinglike 112 3 J Deford 263-100 4180Joe Blair 115 4U AV Gargan 605-1CO G4428Vic Munoz 112 5 H Rowe 1863-100 S2 mutuels paid, Elmer K., .50 straight, .e0 place, .40 sJiow; Doctor Corbett, .90 place, .25 show; ICinglike. .05 show. Time. 23, 47, 1:00. Track frst. Winner G. Drumhellers ch. g, 5, by Sir AsUton Arenora, by Ciomwell trained by D. F. Cannou; bred by Mr. J. L. Knight. AVent to post at G:25. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and thiid the same.

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