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Daily Racing Form Handicaps LEXINGTON The lurses which seem best in Tuesdays races are : Lexington, Ky., September 18, 1922. 1 Royal Dick, Mabel G., Jou Jou. 2 Gordon Shaw, Cash, Piedmont. 3 INQUIRY, Sun God, Virgo. 4 Miss Meise. Lierre, Antonia. 5 Montfort Jones entry, Translate, Miss Muffins. 6 Nulli Secundus, Dearie, Mammon. 7 Uncle Velo, Runquoi, Brotherly Love. J. L. Dempsey. IVrtv York TTandlca p. 1 Royal Dick, Mabel G., Jou Jou, Winding Through. 2 Gordon Shaw, Rencelaw, Cash. Yorick. 2 Sun God, British Maid, Inquiry, Virgo. 4 Miss Meise, Panna, Credit, Antonia. 5 TRANSLATE, Miss Muffins, John S. Reardon, Yoshimi. C Nulli Secundus, Dearie, Pavlowa, Ailsie Vernor. 7 Uncle Velo. Brotherly Love, Runquoi, Sands of Pleasure. lii:iu.i iini! ICiiir:ili 1 1 :i ml Ii-n . 1 Royal Dick, Mabel G., Hapid Stride, Mom. 2 Gordon Shaw, Rencelaw, Cappy Ricks, Cash. 3 Dr. Gilbert. Virgo, Sun God. Inquiry. 4 Miss Meise. Credit, Antonia, Panna. 5 Translate, John S. Reardon. Yoshimi, Pe gasus. G Dearie, Nulli Secundus, Ailsie Vernor, Nowata. 7 UNCLE VELO, Runquoi, Brotherly Love, Cotton Blossom. Observer Handicap. 1 Mabel G., Royal Dick, Jou Jou, Rapid Stride. 2 Rencelaw, Gordon Shaw, Cash, Cappy Ricks. 3 Inquiry, Sun God, Virgo, British Maid. 4 Miss Meise, Antonia, Credit, Panna 5 TRANSLATE, John S. Reardon, Miss Muffins, Yoshimi. C Dearie, Nulli Secundus, Pavlowa, Irene Walton. 7 Uncle Velo, Sands of Pleasure, Runquoi, Brotherly Love. CoiiKciiKii.s of Handicaps. 1 Royal Dick, Mabel G., Jou Jou, Rapid Stride. 2 Gordon Shaw, Rencelaw, Cash, Cappy Ricks. 3 Inquiry, Sun God, Dr. Gilbert, Virgo. 4 Miss Meise, Antonia, Credit, Panna. 5 Translate, Montfort Jones entry, Miss Muffins, Yoshimi. G Nulli Secundus, Dearie, Pavlowa, Ailsie Vernor. 7 UNCLE VELO, Runquoi, Brotherly Love, Sands of Pleasure. AQUEDUCT The hcrses which seem best in Tuesdays races are : Aqueduct, L. I., y. Y September IS, 1922. 1 Huonec, Scottish Chief, The Peruvian. 2 Lanius, Frigate, Sleiveconard. 3 Pirate Gold, Flannel Shirt, Lucky Antoine. 4 Blanc Seing, Equinoctial, Aladdin. 5 GOALER, The Roll Call, Recount. G Rigel, Sakah, Hobgoblin. F. J. OrtelL. Nciv York Handicap. 1 Lord Herbert, Maize, Consort, Buxom. 2 Lanius, Frigate, June Grass, LEffare. 3 PIRATE GOLD, Flannel Shirt, Trajanus, Scotland Yet. 4 Blanc Seing, Aladdin, Peter Brown, Equi noctial. 5 Goaler, Recount, Violinist. The Roll Call. G Great Lady, Rigel, Satellite, Sakah. Cbicaxo ami lluflTalo Ilauilicap. 1 Maize, Lord Herbert, The Peruvian, Con sort. 2 LANIUS, Frigate, LEffare, Sleiveconard. 3 Pirate Gold, Scotland Yet, Lucky Antoine, Flannel Shirt. 4 Peter Brown, Aladdin, Blanc Seing, Equi noctial. 5 Goaler, Recount, The Roll Call, Corse Pav- ton. G Satellite, Rigel, Sakah, Owasco. Observer JIniiilleap. 1 Lord Herbert, Huonec, Scottish Chief, .The Peruvian. 2 LEffare, Lanius, Frigate, Sleiveconard 3 Pirate Gold, Flannel Shirt, Scotland Yet, Lucky Antoine. 4 Peter Brown, Blanc Seing, Equinoctial, Aladdin. 5 GOALER, Recount, Violinist, The Roll Call. G Rigel, Satellite, Soviet, Great Lady. Consensu of Handicaps. 1 Lord Herbert, Huonec, Maize, Scottish Chief. 2 Lanius, LEffare, Frigate, Sleiveconard. 3 Pirate Gold, Flannel Shirt, Scotland Yet, Lucky Antoine. 4 Blanc Seing, Peter Brown, Aladdin, Equi noctial. 5 GOALER, Recount, The Roll CalL Vio linist. G Rigel, Great Lady, Satellite, Sakah.