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Latest Work-Outs 103 BOWIE. Md., November IS. Todays training gallops at Prince George Park included tho following: BOWIE. Weather clear ; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 101-Jolly Sailor ...3S 81-Ticacey 30 101-Polly Anu 39 95-T. McTiiggart..39 99- Pctitc Dame ..40 93-Vanderburg ...40 80-Tidings .40 Half Mile. 100- Bclpbrizonia ..52 101-Ira "Wilson ...50 427-Charming 49 91-Joscph ltrant...r.l GO-Dclhi Maid ...02 99-Miraclo Man ..53 101- Fly by Day ..50 101 -Tingling 51 100- Freezy Sneezy..Bl 101-Transom 50 101- Grace Foster.. .52 GJ-Thc Foreigner.. 50 Five -Eighths Mile. 95-Bullct 1:05 102-Moody 1:00 9t-Fclsidc 1:03 100-I"ssc dOuillyl:04 100-How Fair ...1:03 102-Picnic 1:05 100- .7olin Morrill 1:03 100-Roy. Charlie. 1:05 C2-Leocharcs II..1:04 101-Tubby A. ...1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. OG-Amnscmcnt ..1:17 100-Missionarr ..1:21 93-Blue China .1:19 97-Miss Filloy .1:23 101- Bluffer 1:18 94-Mustd Seed. 1:21 OG-Rrilliancc ..1:20 101-P.T.Barniim 1:24 101-Crocns 1:10 102-Passamaria ..1:22 100- Camonflage .1:20 100-Rosic n 1:23 101- Dry Moon ...1:16 100-Sanclio Pansyl;17 89-Dan Polling .1:17 102-Seths Lemon. 1:22 95-Doughnut ...1:17 101-Swcepy 1:18 100- Decision 1:17 101-Scc. 101- E1 Dorado ..1:20 98-T. Grcgian .1:10 102- IIar. Dattnerl:18 lOl-Wocdflowor .1:20 100-nidden Jewcll:19 101-Wraith 1:21 9G-Jyntcc 1:20 Seven-Eighths Mile. 102-Luminist ...1:31 93-Iennon 1:31 100- Lady Myra ..1:30 One Mile. 100- Attorney 1:55 101-Natural 1:50 83-Austral 1:49 100-row "Won- ..1:51 101- I5y Jiminy ..1:51 101-Prudery 1:47 101-Bal. Wheel .1:51 100-Roekminister 1.47 101-Crossless ....1:4S 101-SIippcry Elm. 1:50 98-Cleau Gone ..1:46 102-Tuftcr IMS 101- Dr. Ch. Yvcllsl:18 9G-Tangerinc ...1:48 102- Gaziuta 1:4S 9S-Torcliy 1:50 101-Jacqucs 1:48 100-Wcl. Strangerl:50 93-Ly Emmclincl:49 100-Zouave 1:53 101-Miss Micerva.l:47 King Charming showed good speed. Ira Wilson ran well. Tubby A. showed good speed all the way. John Morrill was doing his best. Felside ran well. Crocus was doing her best. Sweepy was under restraint. Dry Moon was not extended. Lady Myra worked fast. Rockminister had plenty of speed in reserve. Kings Belle worked a good mile.