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1 18 Allies yearolds and uptrard Claiming 3farch 2 AL WICK ch e 19 11 11Trainer By Albulx Rubywlck by Hawkswick Trainer A M Gray Owner A M Gray Breeder W J Grist 67547 Tijuana 1 18 l564fast 1 110 2 3 3C7471 31 2 H Molters S IWHarper Meteor JohnArbor C7471 Tijuana 1 13 lS6fast 5 110 4 2 2J 2 H Molters 10 Argento Deckhand John Arbor 67453 Tijuana 1 IM Vifast 8 112 8 8 51 5 i II Molters 11 WiseJudge TomCraven Flame 67395 Tijuana ImTOy IMS fast 61 110 9 5 S1 61 F SerembalJ Lntirafoclirou Liiriat Rhymer 67244 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 4t 103 1 6 6J 6 1 F SerembalO LittlcOrphaii Iteyiln Decithand 65255 Hastings ImTOy 150 good 2 108 1 F Seremba S Donatello Cafetiria Bes Young 64815 Bghouso ImTOy l42Kfast 5 109 in F Seremba 11 DouliIeVan Deckhand Bobolink 64042 Brhouse 1 116 IMSrsfast 135 106 I1 F SerembalO LorMoss GMiiehlebii CSnider 64013 Brhousa 1 144 fast 3 105 2 F Seremba 8 Black Top Cork Bobolink DORA LamplighterTrainer br m 5 113 By Rock View Carolyn B by Lamplighter Trainer M Hanley Owner Hanley Cisler Breeder J D Carr Bra 67548 Tijuana 1 1S Ia6 fast 9 113 2 1 31 3 E Taplin S JgeDavid Firewth HOlympus 67471 Tijuana 1 1S l56 ifast 19 113 S 6 8 = 1 SJ E Taplin 10 Argento Al Wick Deckhand 67318 Tijuana 1 11G l49 fast ISf 115 7 6 31 5 S Smith S WaltcrDant Dkhaisd Cnnmam 67244 Tijuana ImTOy 14S fast 4f 113 7 9 S 4 S Smith 10 LitlleOrnhan Reydo Deckhand Deckhand6713G 6713G Tijuana ImTOy 151 hvy 22 107 2 6 5 5 H Long G Yermak Coiilclion Rhymer 67056 Tijuana 1 11C l313 hvy H 104 3 4 6ls 5s H Long 7 Torsida Poacher Silex II IIG7022 G7022 Tijuana ImTOy l30Vimud 41 103 798 711 H Zander 9 Lavaga Conichon Double Ky 66953 Tijuana 1 116 l3395Slop 7J 111 3 3 21 3s II Molters 7 SiimSish I elinosaiire Argcnto Argcnto6G918 6G918 Tijuana 1 116 l S mud 8 108 1 2 V 2 = E Petzoldt 7 MisIolly LittleDear Myl iddie 65282 Hastings 1 11G liOHf 19 114 7 S Smith 9 Deckhand CIgale Loteua Moss TOM BROOKS ch g 7 105 By Brummcl Resignation by Ben Strome Trainer E McCown Owner E McCown Breeder S K Nichols NicholsC757G C757G Tijuana ImTOy lJT = 5fast it 117 10 11 11 11 T Wilson 11 Lariat Cigale Obstinate G5I83 Hfgs Ab 1 1S l5Shvy 7 112 C14 F J Baker 7 Lariat Capcn Lorena Moss 64815 Bghouse ImTOy l42Vifast 4 lit S5J T Wilson II Al Wick DoubleVan Deckhand 64781 Brhouse ImTOy l14fast 5 111 35 T Wilson 11 Cafeteria YkLassie LenaMow 64397 Hastings 1 116 l51mud 165 111 35 T Wilson 5 Lariat Conichon Bobolink 64295 Hastings 1 116 l50fast 41 114 3J T Wilson 9 Dora Day of Wrath Cork 64179 Hastings ImTOy 113 fast G 116 61 W GarganlO Bobolink PceDIrect NchkaT id 63989 Brhouse 1 llltifast 8 109 li T Wilson 10 MissIIerrmann BkTop SHill 63733 Reno ImTOy l47fast 3110 113 113G3G24 2h F J Baker 9 Al Wick Rinkavous Mrs Pat G3G24 Reno ImTOy l47 fast S 108 108STEVE 3J W Davis S BesYoung UotFoot Uickorynut STEVE b g G 113 113Trainer 13 By Tncle Strito by Waterboy WaterboyGates Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates GatesG515 Breeder Oneck Stable G515 Tijuana 1 116 l49J4fast US 115 5 5G7470 6 6 6 O Atwell 8 Shorcacres Lariat Rhymer G7470 Tijuana S4 l14rsfast 27 113 PlantagenetS 9 1 16USI 10 S S W Martin 10 Van Welles View Plantagenet 6USI Tijuana 34 l17Hmud 43 112 2 S S TJ 7ts R Carter 9 Pueblo Coomb Ciioir Master C0135 Tijuana 1 1S 200slop 22f 112 5 7 7777 7 7t R Carter 8 WUPenrce Yermak ISooncvilla 1 60027 Tijuana Im70y l43good 22 114 4 4 5 5 6 6 R Carter 7 Bneville Ckllkley Slunauiltt 59929 Tijuana 51 f llliislop 23 115 S 8 7 5 4 1 R Carter 8 Velvet Crispie Cicely Kay 55693 Tijuana 118157 fast 60 112 5 6 8 t 8 B Neal 8 Clover Junia DrSaruuel Pierrot 1 59568 Tijuana lm0y I5l7sslow 17 111 8 8 7 7 7 71 A Jacobs 9 Undine Lewis B Clover Junta Juntai i SWENSON h g 11 105 By ByTrainer Leonid Insolence oy Dunarven Trainer P A Cornwall Owner S J Cornwall Breeder W McLemore 67548 Tijuana 1 1S 1 6i H Long 8 Judge David Kireworth Dora 67471 Tijuana 1 1S l36fast 41f 113 9 6 Gl 5 = 1 S Sykes 10 Argento Al Wick Deckhand C7453 Tijuana 1 l42Afast 117 112 10 10 10 = 9 ° E Pct = oldtll WiseJiidge TomCraven Flame 67277 Tijuana 1 1S l53fast 23 114 5 6 6 = 1 G = F Smith 10 Madge F Judge David Drifting 67243 Tijuana 21 103 S 9 91 61 E Petzoldtl2 WGMcCtock GByng Obnate 67115 Tijuana ImTOy 1 52vimid 44 1G5 S 7 6 = 1 6 E Petzoldt 9 Lcta Deckhand Little Orphan Eye6G897 67022 Tijuana ImTOy l30Hmud 7S 113 6 6 6i 611 F Smith 9 Lavasa Conicbon Double Eye 6G897 Tijuana ImTOy l47slop 9f 110 9 7 S f Millirk 11 Caralcidrll Torsida Yermalf YermalfGr731 Gr731 neno ImTOy l15fast 11 113 S Millerlck 9 Bobolink Brid efte JUnderwM 63590 Reno ImTOy l45ifaat 7 104 6 1 H Molters 10 Caaraano Madrono JUiiderxvM JUiiderxvMG3451 G3451 Reno 1 1S l51 iast 71 105 Il E Petzgld 7 Zamloch Al Wick Tom Brooka BrookaCORK CORK h g 8 113 By Harrigan Flarney by Greenan Trainer J T Strite Owner Strite Valentine Breeder B A Jones 67548 Tijuana 1 1S l5Cfast W 113 G 6 G 5s T Wilson 8 Judge David Firewortli Dora 67338 Tijuana 1 l43fast 3Dt 113 S 7 T1 fl T Wilson 9 Leta Cantion An Revoir 67277 Tijuana 1 1S l55ifast 20 113 10 7 1 7 T AVilson 10 Mnilsc F Judse David Driflin 67243 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast lOf 112 12 7 7l 7 1 T Wilson 12 WGMcCtoctc GByng Obiiate 67077 Tijuana ImTOy l51 ihvy 17 105 5 9 9 S T Wilson 9 Rlbird LitOrphan HansTi pJ3 G7051 pJ3G7051 Tijuana 5S l04 hvy 79 114 7 7 7 7 T Wilson 7 Harry D Kimono Ella Waldo Waldo651K7 651K7 Hastings ImTOy l53shvy 17 114 71 G Weber 7 ChMuster ClorJunia DesRos 65121 MaryFuKetG5080 Hastings ImTOy l31 slow 12 10 C W Davis G LorMoss NebrLad MaryFuKet G5080 Hasting ImTOy l30 mud 61 111 3 T Wilson 8 Cobrita LoraMoss CloverJunia 64815 Bghouse ImTOy l42Vsfast 34 Jll 5J1 H Rowo 11 Al Wick DoubleVan Deckhand DeckhandC4781 C4781 Brhouss ImTOy l14 = fast 33 110 7 H Howe 11 Cafeteria YkLassie T Brook BrookEL EL REY ch e 9 115 By Peep oDay Lady Strathmore by Strathmoro StrathmoroTrainer Trainer J B Dalton Owner Dalton Dawson Breeder T P Haves 67277 Tijuana 1 1S l55 = ifast 80 103 1 9 91 9 = H Long 10 Madge F Judge David Drifting I 67038 Tijuana ImTOy 151 hvy 42 425 105 7 7 7 7l H Zander 7 Barriskane Yermak JohnArbor i GG938 Tijuana 1 143 hvy G GI 63 IOS 5 6 6 C H Zander 6 Yermak Midia Millcrshurg I 6562G FAgainG5557 Omaha 1 116 14 fast 12 112 C J G Ury 7 DofWratli Ilarskanc FAgain G5557 Omaha 34 l13fast 23 115 6 = C Wilson 8 MDenunzio DestRose El Wood WoodTAG TAG DAY br g 4 M 105 By Nealon Fair Annie by Hawkswick HawkswickTrainer Trainer A Binney Owner A Binney Breeder Thorncliffe Stable StableC7243 C7243 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tifast lOf 1 3 9 11 J1J 9n H Xander 1 WGMCtk GByng Obstinate 67187 Tijuana 1 l49ihvy 63 100 7 7 6 = 1 6 J H Zander 7 Beuecia CaveMan Norfordslxist Norfordslxist6707G 6707G Tijuana 3 121 hvy 2710f 103 7 10 9 9 H Zander 12 NfdsLast ArgFort CaveMan 65935 Mneuve Ab 34 123 hvy 17 105 5 A Sstrora KinsB Key Ennls Margaret N 65841 Mneuve ImTOy 150 fast 13 102 511 A Sstrom G Edith K Tommie C King B Bfi484 fi484 KingEd 1 f l24 = ifnst 26 94 7 A Sstrom 7 G Berry Safmore FandWer 6458 KingEd ImTOy l49Hfast 45 S9 7 A Sstrom S EvaSong FandWmer JShrina 64167 Delmier Ab 73 l31 ifast 6 105 6 E Atkinsn 9 MyrtCrown CaptBob M Voter 64077 Delmier Ab 5S I flr slop 33 103 7 F Bullman 8 KsQuecn Drifting FIyl inty 64008 Kempton 34 121 hvy 20 102 Pulled up C White ESong CaptainB FandWmer