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2nd RACE 5 12 Furlonsrs Jlyearoldn and nptvard Claiming June 28 TILLOTSON br g 11 115 115Trainer By Marta Santa Black Banner by Masetto Trainer Z E McGregor Owner Z E EG7574 McGregor Breeder S C Lyne G7574 Tijuana 1 f lOS fart 1310 US 3 1 l t h R Carter 12 Ispham Plunger Cave Man 07490 Tijuana 5S l02 ifast 2710 115 7 7G7430 3 21 21 R Carter 10 Vera Rita Norfield PokeyJ n G7430 Tijuana 5S l01fast 41 111 1 2 3 6 1 R Carter 9 StanleyU Shelbyville Sty Ilsa 02587 Omaha 51 f l107islow 8 112 112M27G 10 1 L Mills 10 Herder LitPoIntcr HelenMajor M27G Tijuana 5S l0iifast 16 112 t tG1203 5 8 7 1 P Hum 8 CoverUp AskJessic Ella Waldo G1203 Tijuana Cl f 103 fast 13 112 3 3G1151 4 3 3 1 P Hurn 8 Don Jose Cover Up ColMurphjr G1151 Tijuana 5S 101 fast G 110 4 4G1055 2 2J 3 P Hurn 9 Alajah IWUarper Rnfferty G1055 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 16 112 8 8C0925 8 8 8 i W Organ 8 RAtkin Th Seven Mayflower C0925 Tijuana 5S l04 hvy 8 112 4 4GEORGE 6 6 1 C l C Rails 7 Pueblo CicclyKay DulyFashloB DulyFashloBBy GEORGE MUEHLEBACH b g 7 110 110Trainer By McGee Stolen Moments by Kingston Trainer J Mannale Owner J Macnale Macnale0757G Breeder C W Moore 0757G Tijuana ImTOy l47 l47sfast = sfast 9f 112 4 4G735G 3 61 7 J F Stevens 11 Lariat Cigale Obstinate G735G Tijuana Ira70y l47Mfa t 21f 110 7 7fi7185 7 lOlll H Molters 11 EHarrigan UCochron Driftinj fi7185 Tijuana II f l12 = hvy 39 101 9 i C = i C Balls 0 U Rudder Vera Rita M Dunbar 07 118 Tijuana 34118 mud 2 105 S SG5221 7 7 71 F Stevens 7 CountUorla DoubleEye HLerch G5221 Hastings ImTOy l32Hslow 10 114 491 R Lowe 7 Cigale SenDonlan Olympiad 65153 Hastings ImTOy 152 slop 7 103 103C5080 C H Molten 7 MonIIelle NcbkaLad DesRos C5080 Hastings ImTOy l50imud 16 111 S1 Kzllum 8 Cobrita Lorena Moss Cork 64303 Hastings ImTOy l43islop 8 113 7 S Smith 8 Lariat Clover Junia Cigale 64268 Hsfga Ab 1 18 153 fast 7 113 7 B McEwen 8 MUrman Clor Jnnla Dkluind FRANK MarianTrainer WILSON ch 8 110 By Bearcatcher Lorett Gale hy Marian Trainer G W Williams Owner Williams Thatcher Breeder Bowman Bradley C7297 Tijuana 61 f 108 fast It 104 2 4 G 6 1 M Milrlck 7 H Rudder O Wood 11 Major MajorC1389 C1389 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 4 112 3 4 S1 5T1 M Fator 9 OrleansGirl DaintyLady Zetetic 61338 Tijuana 34 lll fast 4 11J 4 1 1 2 M Fator 11 CMurphy RedMan Orleans Girl GirlC11G7 C11G7 Tijuana ln 70y l47ifast 4 117 3 3 6 6T1 E Taylor 7 Booneville Tomllrooks Missoula MissoulaG0950 G0950 Tijuana 08 l02Sicood 35 117 6 S 8 6 C Thpson 8 nobtLOwen MadByng 1erca LOBELIA b m 9 1C8 1C8Trainer By Dr Lcggo Othale ty The Judge Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Gates Breeder A B Spreckols 07491 Tijuana 6S l03fast 10 10S J 6 6HI 6J 7 i W Martin 11 Candorosn JCampbell Alajah HI 200 Tijuana 34 l15 = igood 18 110 1 5 61 71 C Rails It DonJose DbleVan LyBourbon 61119 Tijuana 51 f l07 l07sfast sfast 44 112 7 6 4J 4 i E Taylor 8 Mfiower HiltonA rSlartm 01083 Tijuana 61 t lOS fast 13 110 E 61 6 G WilllmaiO FdHope HalWrigkt Al Porter 61057 Tijuana 1 IMlftfast 3 113 3 7 7 7 J Hunmer 9 IWHarper BStuart OSnlder 61033 Tijuana 34 l14stow 9 112 5 3 34 341 J Hunmer 7 July Fly Channant IWHarper 60969 Tijuana 58 l01faat 13 113 6 8 61 61 C Gross 8 TtySeven FondHope Limerick SAN HEDEON blk g 4 113 113Trainer By Disguise Katherine G hy Dick Tinncll TinncllC Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder J H Eossster Eosssterlof 67545 Tijuana 08 8 l01ifast 15f 112 11 12 12 9 P Martinet OlWood JCampboll Mayflocr 67056 Tijuana 1 116 16 l54ihvy IS 116 C 7 7 7 7 = J OKeefo 7 Torsida Poacher Silex II G7O22 Tijuana ImTOy v l50mud 11 104 9 5 51 4 D Hum 9 Lavaga Conlchon Double Eye 6G974 Tijuana 5i t l10ihvy l10ihvy6G918 8 103 7 7 7 7 D Hum 7 LFlnce DrTubhs McGsPinlc McGsPinlc2J 6G918 Tijuana 1 116 l53mud 2J 103 7 1 3 5 D Hum 7 MistressPolly Dora Little Dear 66008 Laurel 1 116 l4S fast fast65G50 69 104 6 12 12112 B MarielU15 Gallivant Troma Curt Events 65G50 HdcGco ImTOy 14S fast fast65G08 40 108 6 6 6l 6 J M Schwtz S Bengalese Amaze Waukeag 65G08 HdeGcc 1 116 151 fast 93 110 334 3 M Schwtz G MilcsS Crk oGold SHodron SHodron8f 65146 ILdeOcc ImTOy l47 ilast ilastVERA 8f 108 1 10 12i 121 M SchwtzH Bromelia KgGrge DrCWelli VERA WOOD b m Woolsthorpebertson 5 113 By Honeywood Lady Vera ty Woolsthorpe Trainer G Robertson bertson Owner C Boose Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 67450 Tijuana 58102 fast S3 110 7 3 4 71 T Wilson 10 Hazel Dale View Delanccy Delanccy5S 67317 Tijuana 5S 58102 102 fast 21Cf 114 C 7 6 J J Carroll 9 Mayflr StanleylL Syncopation 65285 Hstings Ab 58 S9rifast 38 107 7 W Davis 10 CdeWcaver ArmValley Meteor Meteor70y 61875 nchouse Im70y 70y IMlsfast 70 107 9 = H Molters 11 BcrnlccE MonBelle ClovJunia 64397 Hastings 1 116 16 l5 75mud 77 107 6 P T Marez G Lariat Conichon Tom Brooks BrookstS 64268 Hstgs Ab 1 tS 153 fast 48 103 S1 P T Mnez 9 MHrman ClorJunia Dkhanil Dkhanil70y 64035 Brhouse Im70y 70y IMGrsfast ISf 102 914 P T Mnezl2 Joe Underwood Overstep Lola 63988 Brhouse 1 142 fast 34 107 10 S Smith 11 Wcinland LitAbc CloverJtinia CloverJtinia70y 63732 Reno Im70y 70y 14C fast fastTWIN 48 108 8 S Smith 8 Glad News Coniclion Norain TWIN RUBY b f 4 1 H 105 By Ikkie Twin Girl by Wherewithal WherewithalNarnee Trainer J McNaraee Narnee Owner J Anderson Breeder A L Jones 67531 Tijuana 34 l14ifast 417 109 10 11 116726G 11 11 R Lee 11 LManning PoflceFlag Contriot 6726G Tijuana 1 141 fast 15 98 4 8 8 6 J Thomas Supercargo Breeze Pastille PastilleJl 67205 Tijuana Jl f lll slow 40C lit 10 12 126G89G 12 121 M Garrett 12 Trinket Gienzar Make Haste Haste6S 6G89G Tijuana 6S 104 slop 5 111 6 I 71 7 H Garrett 8 Milda Plantagenet Jerry JerryJl 61334 Tijuana 51 Jl f 109 fast 33101 93 10 11 It 10 W Dean 11 Bookworm Apropos Rinkarovs Rinkarovs5S 61272 Tijuana 5S l01sfast 155 98 11 I ICLEARFIELD Pulled up D Hum 12 Shelbyville Angela Candorosa CLEARFIELD b e 7 110 110Trainer By TeztUe Grizel by Aintree AintreeBond Trainer B B Bond Owner B B Bond Breeder B Smith Smithil ijuana 51 il f l09 l097sfast ifast 75 110 4 7 71 6 1 E Petzoldtll Due de Guise Jazz Alazon 67429 Tijuana 58 102 fast 31f 110 8 9 81 7 F Stevens 12 LadySmall Bookworm Olympd 65412 Kempton 51 f l09fast 9 117 65i H T Mooro G Theresa Hush Mike Mike5S 65323 Kempton 5S l01fast 31 107 7CJ F Bullman 9 Fait Accompli Crest Bab BabH 64485 KingEd CI H f l21Hfast 14 115 2 P Madeira 9 Wise Lady Black Pat Smite SmiteJi 64387 KingEd Ci Ji f l29 slow 32 107 G P Gross 9 Crest TopRung Tokalon March 64198 Delmier Ab 78 l3U fast 4 107 4l C Eames 9 Propaganda Cavalier Crest CrestuS 64057 Delmier Ab Fancy5S 3S l03Vihvy 16 113 7 F Bullman 9 Diocletian Riposta Just Fancy 63949 Kempton 58 l04rsfast 11 112 1 F Bullman 9 Starkader Mess Kit No Trumps Trumpsm MURIELS PET br m 10 113 By Ifarta Santa Little Fraud by Deceiver Trainer W A Wrieht Owner W A Wrirht Breeder S C Lyne C7575 Tijuana 51 f l03 = 4fast HOf 113 6 9 91 9 2 O Atwell 11 Due de Guise Jazz Alazon 67512 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 146 110 4 5 61 7IS O Atwell S Icon Candorosa Xindo 67432 Tijuana 5S l01fast 2lf 108 6 S Sl S1 H Zander 11 Fond Hope Vera Rita Angela 65284 Hstings Ab 5S C9ifast 3110 114 2 S Smith 8 Kroltski Ermltann BustBrown 65258 Hstings Ab 5S 100 good S 114 4 P MartlrezlO Limerick Squash Ermitana 6507G Hastings Ab 58 10 mud 27 117 S W Brown 9 Bonbclle ValI idy TlTeBells 64996 Bghouse 34 l17slpw 17 109 6 F Sercmba 9 LitAbe ClioirMaster GenCwr 64811 lighouse 51 f lOSVJfast 30 107 S11 H Mclters 11 LadyBourbon Kos Goose Toyon 64776 Brhouse 5S l02iast 9 111 9i W Garganll Torsida LittleOne Bessie Yoims 64175 Hastings Ab 5S E9 fast 23 112 7 M MthewslO Volima Cascade LadyKdutoutou HcCEOAN b s 7 115 115Trainer By Uodrcd Leenja by Hastings HastingsBreeder Trainer C H Duffy Owner M Jordan Breeder C B Daniels 67078 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 4310f 107 7 8 9 9 D11 K Flynn Flynn1m 9 KyeUright MHolIins CMaster 61383 Tijuana 1m l43 4fast 17f 103 6 8 7 8 R Moss 11 rCashotah AHorter ColMurphy 61320 Tijuana 1 l43 fa3t 10 104 9 7 4l 5SJ W Organ Organi70y 9 MyrllcA Prless One CMaster 6128G Tijuana ln 70y l4Sfast 15 110 5 2 2s 2 Vf Organ 9 Vera Wood Cobrita Gen Pyng 61231 Tijuana 1 l43fast 2 105 3 2 6s 7 i R Moss 8 Orleans Girl Limerick Careen 61200 Tijuana 34 l137sgor llf 105 8 I 10 101 10 J R Moss MossCI 11 DonJose DoubleVan LBourbon 61171 Tijuana CI f lOSfas 86 10S 754 4 3 31 It iloss 8 G Enough WalMack HWrisht SASAH COCHEAN T f 3 If By Leonid Helen Print by Argyle Trainer C A McCroan Owner C A HcCroan Breeder C B Daniels 63483 Keno 5S l02 ifast ifast627G8 26 102 551 E Petzgld 7 PIIampson ElmerW PPierson 627G8 Reno 12 CI slow 25 107 5 M Garrett G O Henry QaeencupIL FKIerce 61040 Tijuana 12 49 fast 3 106 8 8 6 6 J C Studer 8 XWinet PPierson PHaiupsou 6 832 Tijuana 38 37 fast 52 110 IlampsonUS 6 Cl 4 R Carter 8 JHanecy BRuth P Ilampson 63643 Tijuana 38 36fast 22 22JIH 116 5 5i 81 6T1 R Harton 7 SmilVotcr Moth Agnes IrisUIrl IrisUIrlHi JIH FARMER ch i h G M MTrainer Hi HiHowell By Light o m Life Ices by Cleofas Trainer D Howell Owner A L Cartwright Breeder G Gray GrayiOGO 67262 Tijuana 34 l14fast 10GO 303 10 S S l 7 L Barbrr 10 XebrIad TCraven Sbelbyville 67172 Tijuana 51 f llliihvy 244 lOt 7 75S 7 7 7 L Barber 7 HarryD RBlkwcll CBarthell 65627 Omaha 5S l02rifast 22 112 I I5S Lost rider W Gargan 7 MayBoch BGnleaf TandTight 654G8 Omaha 5S l02sslow KTemplnrt10 13 112 CIX M Lowe 8 MissBoy T Roach KTemplnr 65378 Omaha 41 f 54 fast 1310 t10 112 4 1 M Lowe 9 Ucau ApBlossom VerasChoice 62508 Omaha 34 115 fast 29 116 4i J Allen 9 Mooresque DonJose Acclamatn 62340 Omaha 1 l45 ifast 125 112 9 C McCUIe 9 Ixenrack SanStefnno RoBlue 62312 Omaha 51 f l08fast 30 115 7 J C McCkle 12 ClearLuke Jltndrow Innovation 62259 Omaha 34 117 fast 24 112 2 C ilcCTkle MDenuuzio Leenrack SSIefano