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532 Fnrionsrs Syearolds and nptrard Claiming Jan 24 GRATIAN b m 5 110 By Astronomer Helen OC by His Highness HighnessTrainer Trainer W C Westmoreland Owner W C Westmoreland Breeder D Gideon 67388 Havana 34l13fast 8 105 3 3 41 43 W Obert 8 ArrahGoOn MajDomo Ruddles 67142 Havana 34 l14sfast 3 108 32 21 21 W Obert 7 MCaltiia Pericdine ICCtham 66924 Havana 51 f lC6fast 13 103 5 C 5 471 Riley 0 ChfSpsor Discussn CMurphy 65442 HdeGVe 1 1S l37ifast 7f 105 5 7 12l 13IJ L Penman 15 HelenAtkia Gallivant NWales 65304 HdeGce 1 1lt l51fast 7f 112 3 8 S 11 = J Chlmersl4 Our Birthday Miles S Amaz 65002 Timm Ab 1 1S 153 fast 25 113 1i C Mergler 3 Navajo Jake Schas 64940 Timm Ab 1 116 152 fast 2310 110 I1 J Connor 8 Amaze La Kross Prunes 64200 Delmier Im70y l47fast 12 110 3 E Atkinsn 9 CcmColin ElCoroncl RichardV 64123 Demier Ab 6i f 129 hvy 910 llff Sl S Boyle 8 Doyle Iloruam ICayman 64009 Kempton 34 l22V hvy 145 113 2 S Boyle C Bab Golden Chance King B 63951 Kempton 58 lOS fast 1 110 2l W Taylor 8 Aunt Deda Maybridge MollieO 63696 MtRoyal 51 f lOSifast 195f 113 11 W Hinphy 11 CMurphy BlkBaby LochLevei LochLeveiTENDERFOOT TENDERFOOT b c 3 M 88 By Polymelian Hassick ty Martinet MartinetTrainer Trainer K K Karrick Owner W B Coe Breeder W R Coe 67485 Havana 5J f l08Vfast 4 99 4 1 31 9 i J Callahanll Salamder Huronll IIGoLucky 07423 Havana 51 f l07fast 3 10S 6 5 5 = 51 J Brunner C FrcnchCanadian Chile Susiana 67368 Havana 5i f lOSsfast 4 110 2 2 21 62 J Bunner 11 EternStar Spartina OurTellie ROSIE H b f 3 93 By Astronomer Ellen M by Trap Rock RockJ Trainer J E Wrisht Owner J E Wright Breeder K P Shipp 67541 Havana 51 f 107 fast 10 105S 89 3 2 21 4S3 W Milner G Susiana Armedee Miss Mazie 67402 Havana 5S 1 00f ast 30 1021 5 6 6 0 T Burns C Marnctte LSIcellia FCadlan 67256 Havana 5 f 112 hvy 5 104 4 3 3J C = 3 H Stutts C Valmond Gouwithiui Wild Cat 67192 Havana 51 f l07sfast 7 101 3 3 C 41 F Horn 7 Susiana Illusionist Cis ma 67143 Havana 34 l12fast 13 135Sl01fast 96 1 C 61 6 T Brothers 7 Mirionte RoniMary NoonGlide 67082 Havana 5Sl01fast 195 5 108 6 4 4 t 31 J Callahan 7 Susiana SweetCookie BobPrater 66820 Bowie 34 116 fast 14 109 2 3 61 5 i E Legere 12 Owasco Racket Papillon 66522 Laurel 51 f 1OS fast 29 99 5 C 71 7 S McLane S Blucllswk TriieFlier ESanyer 66418 Laurel 51 f l097ifast 9 9Ej 104 2 2 21 3 1 S MiLane 10 Noon Glide Pennon The Girl 66069 Laurel Ej f lllVfehvy 143 13 107 1 1 1 4 i C Lang 8 BofBltidge Vdcrburg Crugie Crugiellf 05862 Laurel 34 lI5fast lit 107 1 2 2 t 3s C I ng 11 XoonGlide FaithW IfeTrueman 65673 KdeGce 51 f I07isfa3t 32 87 4 6 7J 5J1 J Wallace 9 Heeltaps Druid Hill Tassell FOY blk g 4 4Trainer 105 By Doncaster Lelia by Leonid LeonidF Trainer F J Beverly Owner F L Stephens Breeder I E Clark C7369 Havana 5i f l08fast 3 102 9 6 6 55i S Banks 10 Biuce Dudley Hullo Chevalier 67140 Havana 34 l13 fast 76 110 5 4 41 4s L Gray 7 Spoils Foul Weather Orris 67006 Havana 51 f 1OS fast 11 106 8 6 51 L Gray S KCIieatuam MCaltiia FPulIct 83 100 6 6 6 6 A Arvin S Theo FKinucv MissCrestwooJ t5754 MHeights 34 l13fast 23 103 S 6 5 43 R Romelll 8 WRThrosijrh Tlieo BlossHouse i36C2 MHelghts 34 l13good 13 113 3 8 8 7 E Martin 10 TySue BlosIIotise MCrestw I 63506 MHcigats 51 f l06Hfast 11 103 2 7 7 7 J Chalmer3l2 Batty It Grey Rigie Tony Sut Sut21f G3150 Latonia Im70y 46slow 21f 103 2 4 6l 7 1 G Ereungl2 Alara Girl 1Mb Grass Hysteria CHEVALIER b h 5 108 By Uncle Lottie Darr by Ethelljert EthelljertTrainer Trainer 0 L Foster Owner O L Foster Breeders Carr Piatt 67539 Havana S4 114 fast 8 107 2 2 11 H5i C Grace 11 Dairyman Lvlloirt LyFrakcs 67505 Havana El f l09sgood 7 107 3 1 1 3 ° t F Herdnz 10 MDenzio Lylleart JphineK JphineK6744C 6744C Havana 34 l15fast 1G 106 1 1 41 6 1 P Humlc lO Inimokahe Discussion Salamr 67369 Havana 51 f l08jfast 10 107 C 2 2 3J T UrotherslO BruceDiidlry Hullo llatrack 67291 Havana 34 l16igood 19 109 6 3 6 73 J lirunner 8 Golden Chance McLane Ited 67231 Havana 34 l18mud 2 104 1 7 8 8 T Brothers 8 Perhaps Kutli Wehle Humpy 67102 Havana 5Jfl07 fast 2C 103 3 4 6 6M T Brothcra 7 CarMoor ValdOr Black Top 54741 BBonts 1 IMlHfast 175f 103 14 11 11 7 91 9 J Gneisen 17 Mormon Elder Duke Ruff Hucu HucuE4664 E4664 Dorval 24 l21ihvy 35 10010 7 7 6 o J HunmerlO KltitnSi urKuilileni VarSuioku LADY HEART cb f 4 4Trainer ReyF 107 By Hearts of Oak My Hocoy by Yo XI Rey Trainer R D Carter Owner F Hynes Breeder H Giddinjs 67539 Havana 34 114 fast fastG7505 1071 4 6 3 2 G Walls 11 Dairyman LvFrakes Advance G7505 Havana 51 f l03good 1071 2 3 31 2 G Walls 10 MDenutzlo Chpvalr JphineK JphineK1C8 67370 Havana 51 f l03fast 1C8 2 4 61 51 G Walls S Prookfield Ilcliocross Cuirtncy 66496 Toledo Ab 34 l03 = fast 29 109 8 7 7t 7 C Dlshmon 9 Uunnan Miss Caltha Batly H 66358 Toledo 51 f 107 fast 7 109 4 6 C 6 i G Wallace 7 Uiinnan IloftluNth AsQueeu 66289 Toledo i f 1C9 fast 3o 1CS 2 3 21 Il T Bums 7 Gin Squaw Chief Momentum 66052 UHghts 01 f 111 mud 11 105 5 M Garrett 7 Hcdmon MrIvulio Mad Nell 65814 MHghts 34 114 fast 106 II G Wallace 7 J Hoffman Itriaioliff MadXelJ 65701 MHphta 34 lUS l13faat fast 9 9f 103 41 G Wallace 7 SpringVale Marmite Bcliaualu f 65309 Wooiine 1 116 143 fast CO COHAZEL 126 2 4 4 4 II Rotuelll 4 Affectation Iush Pin Diadenia HAZEL w ch m 5 5Trainer 103 By Everett Lukermus by Luke Ward Trainer S T Baxter Owner S 5 1 Baxter Breeder I E Clark 06589 Latonia Im70y l 4fast 96 966C095 105 7 5 8 S II Stutts 8 Ilnclltra TdHonr BelnQun 6C095 Latonia 34 l17iivy 6S 6SKG029 6 2 3 E = 5 = = T Brothers B ClilcsHiniy Bui Proof Pongee KG029 Latonia 34 l17hvy Sf SfC2G82 96 7 6 5J 7M J CorcoranPJ SiwlConibs CriiGold Topmost C2G82 Omaha Dl f lOSfast 71 71C2591 SedanKO 104 6J n Espene S FklcFancy MargElnora Sedan C2591 Omaha 1 l41Vslow C KO 2 = 1 U Espene 5 NKIi al Billlkad Dutylxidy 02538 Omaha 31 l14 = ifast 1 107 34 U Espendo 7 MissMcolk IxaiiFrog I ttri 2tl4 Omaha 34 lU iaat 10 10C1872 107 41 R Espcnde 7 Kir ties Cub Nuusuit Herder C1872 Churchill 34 l13Hfast 41 41WINDS 102 11 9 8 = 5 A Arvin 12 Nenettf Archie Alexander Dj l WINDS OF CHANCE ch m 5 5Traiccr 110 By Superman Flumeria by Eael Plume Traiccr C L Mackey Owner C 5 L Mackey Breeder H T Oxnard Oxnard10S1 ft 7540 Havana 34 114 fast 10S1 1 5 7 75 W PrnrosolO HGoLiRky ShAway GolnUed 67370 Havana 1 f lOS ifast 109 C 5 4 = 4 J E Ambrse S Brookflfld Ileliocrosa Currency 67332 Havana 61 f 108 fast 104 7 2 61 7 S Kirke 8 San Dlirto Itiinnan Miss Calliii 67025 Havana El f l06 fast 103 5 2 CJ 61 J Brunner 8 San Pablo Discussion Superior GC980 Havana 1 t l07fist 107 3 1 1 21 H Crmntsll Valtlne dOr UMeme Humpy 66941 Havana 61 f l08faiit 110 1 1 21 4 = F llellly 8 Cothe Ust Val dOr Plycn t 63101 Aqueduct d f l20fst 11117 10 10 10 E Taplin 10 Bayonnt TincaLing Bcckna 61020 Havana 34 113 fast 103 11 4 31 6 A Tryon 12 Polar Cuh TlioEniiuirer Gratian I 60932 Havana El f lOSgood 107 5 2 41 8 M Garner 9 FIloudle MumJumbo Gratian 60892 Havana Si f l12jy vy 107 2 2 in 7 J M Garner 10 CabinCicuk Slarkadcr Gold lied BAIXYNEW ck r 118 118Trainer By The Manager BaUymena by Adam AdamBreeder MajorC7487 Trainer J Hizer Owner E Major Breeder W B Miller C7487 Havana 34 l13fast 10 MS 7 6 6C7066 5 5 W Taylor 10 Fincastle Old Sinner Glenn C7066 Havana 34 l13fast 26 106 1 7 7C6573 61 71 W Taylor 9 Approval Different Eyes Dad C6573 Akron 34 l16fast 4 108 3l E T Moore 8 She DeTll Glenn Panaman 66361 Akron Ab 58 59 fcn3t 5 m 21 T Rao 5 CoiacnChatice Woodpile Puzzle Puzzle6V 66150 MHEhts El f l12mu l 11 110 6V T Eae 5 Mannite Cacambo NanMcKiny NanMcKiny2i 65941 MHghta 78 127 fast 45 113 2i T Wayt B Sbc Devil Red Hopeful 65798 MHghts 3 l13fast S 110 3J T Wayt 8 Assume Thco Roisterer 64846 Duffcrin 61 f 126 fast 21 109 5 T Wayt 7 BobAllen Panaman Flibtybet 64727 Dovshlro 34 l15Xhvy 9 120 2 8 8C3887 8 7 J E Taylor 9 Kincastlc Jacques Bobby Allea C3887 KworUi 7S l27fast 2 IOC 1 1 1C3774 11 2 A Plckens 12 Anticipate RsRosc ArctlcKIme C3774 Kworlh 34 l13fast 5i 115 B 6 3 3i E Taylor 10 Doric Rolo Zouave 63536 Windsor 34 lO2Hfast J 5 U2111 10 10 10 E Taylor 12 Ablaze JBrsnt TothMorag TothMoragBy CAPEBS br m 8 110 110Cullen By The Commoner Lady Eastman by Masetto MasettoBreeder Trainer T Cullen Owner T Cnllen Breeder Farmer Hendrie Hendrie3k 67540 Havana 34 114 fast 8 109 7 3k 6 T Nolan 10 HGoLucky ShAway GolnRed 67313 Havana 51 I 108 good IS 107 7 S10 4 1 G Walls 7 IJohokus FoulWeather Iluronll 3 Akron 34 l16 fast 17 108 108Ab 5l A Arvin 8 She Devil Glenn Ballynew 66505 Akron Ab 58 l00slow 10 110 5s T Willlms 7 Panaman Redmon Gold Chance 66402 Akron 61 t 123 mud 11 110 110Ab 71 O Atwell 7 Panaman Puzzle She Devil 66266 Akron Ab 58 B9Xfast H 108 I1 J Pevic 7 Panaman Redmon Loch Lcvcn 65938 MHEhts 1 f l07fast 7 106 34 J Allen S Loch Levcn Discussion Emden 65710 NKton 61 f 121 fast 35 112 1 C Eames T SlipSilver WillScon MMallon 65617 NKton 34 l17fast ss5 107 107Ab 2k J Allen r Advance She Devil Loch Lcvon 65512 NKton Ab 58 101 fast 0 110 21 J Allen 6 OlyKing MyGracie RightAnglfi 65465 NKton 34 117 fast 107 6 2 J Allen C She Devil Advance Loch Leven LevenBy ED GARRISON b g 9 9Trainer 110 110Fcncbter By Ogden Country Fraud by Deceiver DeceiverBreeder Trainer I Accy Owner W Fcncbter FcncbterGO Breeder S C Lyne 65811 Latonia 34 l13fast GO 103 6 6 H E Jones 0 Rnby ANAkin Blue Paradise 65566 Lexton 34 114 fast 63 105 8 jn y Pool S Louanna WThrongh MnWinks 65480 Lexton 34 115 fast 10 103 1 6 5 W Pool 7 SamReh CotheRst GrMinard 65265 Lexton 34 l13 ifast 60 103 7 91 S11 J Owens 10 Royal Dick WngThrough Mom 65202 Lexton 34 115 fast 12 103 2 71 10 J Owens 12 Lottie Loraine Stamp Dad K4883 Churchill 34 l13fast 126 105 1 16f 6 41 H B Jonesl2 UncleBeit RoyilDick Approvl 64685 Churchill 34 l13fast 6f 105 1 S 11 C Rails 15 QuiiHigh Whirl WdingThrgh 64639 BlueGrass 34 l14fast 8 112 3 1 U HVgfn 7 GrMinard Macliiavelli Pamly 64600 BlucGrasa 5S l02good 185 125 4s J Robbins 7 BoneroBluc Macbiavelli Pamly 64532 BlueGrass 51 t l07fast 116 117 3 R Harton 8 Sarmount JGorman Scarpiall 64381 Toledo 51 f 103 fast 6 112 84 C Rails S Goldic S Capers Carl Roberta 64314 Toledo Ab 34 l104fast 31 1CS I1 C Rails 9 Mab San Pablo Red 64279 Toledo Ab 34 l09 l09sfast sfast 10 103 6 1 T Wayt 7 MarionHollins Advance Zalncr 64222 Toledo 51 r 107 fast 216 112 6 T Wayt 12 FlrstConsul MarUoIlins Zaincr ZaincrBy ASSUMPTION br g 7 115 115Trainer By Jack Atkin Arrogance by Golden M ilm ilmBreeder Trainer J S Whatley Owner J Rorris Breeder J HacManos 67542 Havana 34 113 fast 30 109 6 9 71 S11 J Connors 9 CotheRoost Janku Panamnn 67161 Havana 24 l13V fast 32 115 9 10 10 10 J Connors 11 Sirocco Tony Bean AplJack II 67123 Havana 3J lllfast 53 112 6 7 8 S J Connors 8 BudKean ChiefSponsor Salvo 63413 KingEd Ab 34 l 4fast 51 110 721 S Wlda S ChfSponsor LEnfieId Hohok 63353 KingEd 1 116 I52a3t S 112 5 S Wida 8 Glenn Ballotcar Chefa 63310 KlngKd Ah 34 l17fast 32 111 1116320C 2 S Wida C Allah Shcba Katherine Rankln 6320C KingEd Ab 34 l13Hfast 125 112 SB S Wlda 7 Allah Glenn Jake Schai 62924 Delmicr Ab 7S l29ifast 11 112 6 i J Connors 7 Chief Sponsor DukeRuf f Sheba 62882 Delmier Ab 34 Il9fast 163 108 2l 3 Connors 7 RisRock Ballotcar PepperTej