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ANSWERS TO QUERIES QUERIESW W M Cincinnati O It was Grace E which ran third in the seventh race at Ti ¬ juana January 3 3P P W Greenville O A parlay to show December 28 on Anna Gallup in the sixth race at Jefferon Park and Hainan in the sixth race at Havana was a draw Anna Gallup was scratched and there was no show price against Haman HamanH H C Tampa Fla A number of horses have won two races on the same day A notable case was that of Sidney Lucas which as a twoyearold won two races at Washing ¬ ton D C then came to Chicago the next year and won the American Derby DerbySamuel Samuel W and others Chicago 111 The chart of the second race at Tijuana January 2 expressly states in a footnote that Three X was the horses sent in the entries from the track as Thirty Seven The latter horso was not in the race and any wagers on it were draws