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DAIL Y RA CING FORM HANDICAPS FAIR GROUNDS The horses which seem best In Thursdays races are areFair Fair Grounds Xcw Orleans La Jannary 10 1923 1 Radiant Sweet Mama Childs Play 2 Col Taylor Ukase John Joseph 3 Glabella Irish Pat Blue Bird 4 Translate Marvin May Blue Nose 5 PARADER Wynnewood LEffare 6 Natural Our Birthday Voogeria 7 Bill and Coo Ballybell Buxom BuxomJ J Li Dempsey DempseyNew New York Handicap 1 Marjorie Wood Childs Play Radiant RadiantMacbeth Macbeth 2 Col Taylor Machiavelli Ukase Fluff 3 Glabella Flying Devir Ghost Blue Bird 4 Marvin May Parader Ararat Translate 5 PARADER LETTare Blarney Stone Co Colando lando G Winneconne Paul Micou Our Birthday BirthdayWalnut Walnut Hall 7 Encrinite Bill and Coo Topmast Brown BrownCheck CheckChicago Check Chicago and BnfTnlo Handicap 1 Old Top Radiant Marjorie Wood Childs Play 2 Moon Winks Bayonne Col Taylor Shaf ¬ fer 3 Glabella Flying Devil Mildred Ruth Blue Bird 4 Barracuda Ararat Marvin May Trans ¬ late 5 BLARNEY STONE Parader Louis A Wynnewocd 1 6 Winneconne Our Birthday Jacobina Paul Micou 7 Tyranny Encrinite Ballybell Bill and Coo CooObserver Observer Handicap 1 Radiant Marjorie Wood Macbeth Old OldTop Top 2 Col Taylor Moon Winks Machiavelli MachiavelliRekab Rekab 3 Glabella Blue Bird Flying Devil Ghost 4 Ararat Marvin May Translate Royce RoyceRools Rools 5 Parader Blarney Stone LEffare Louis LouisA A 6 WINNECONNE Our Birthday Natural NaturalWalnut Walnut Hall 7 Encrinite Wadswortlrs Last Tyranny TyrannyBallybell Ballybell BallybellCoavcnsas Coavcnsas of Handicaps 1 Radiant Marjorie Wood Old Top Childs Play 2 Col Taylor Moon Winks Ukase Machia ¬ velli 3 GLABELLA Flying Devil Blue Bird 4 Translate Marvin May Barracuda Ara ¬ rat 5 Parader Blarney Stone Wynnewood LEffare LEffareC C Winneconne Natural Our Birthday Paul Micou 7 Encrinite Bill and Coo Tyranny Bally ¬ bell HAVANA The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are areOriental Oriental Park Havana Cuba January 10 1323 1 Harold K Sovereign II Bab 2 Ed Garrison Tenderfoot Rosie H 3 Marshal Tilghman Harry Glover Battle BattleMountain Mountain 4 Hatrack Edith K Jack Healey 5 Misericorde Sun Turret Win or Quit 6 AWNING Grandson Prospector ProspectorT T 1C Lynch LynchNew New York Handicap 1 Josephine K Doctor D Sovereign IL Tom Caro 2 Lady Heart Gratian Ballynew Winds of Chance 3 Adelante Medusa Legacy Yakimene 4 Le Bleuet Hatrack Job Thayer Jack Healey 5 WIN OR QUIT Article X Meadoworth Lady Rachel RachelC C Ciceronian Prospector Awning Dairy ¬ manChicago man Chicago and BafTnlo Handicap 1 Josephine K Sovereign II Bob Prater PraterTitania Titania 2 Gratian Tenderfoot Rosie H Foy 3 Medusa Harry Glover Legacy Battle BattleMountain Mountain 4 Job Thayer Bounce 1retty Baby Molly MollyPuff Puff 5 Miss Rankin Lady Itachel Sun Turret TurretMisericorde Misericorde 6 FATELLE Awning Ciceronian Short ShortStop Stop StopObservers Observers Handicap 1 Harold K Josephine K Sovereign II IIDoctor Doctor D 2 Gratian Lady Heart Ed Garrison Rosie RosieH H 3 Battle Mountain Harry Glover Medusa MedusaAdelante Adelante 4 Bounce Hatrack Editn K Jack Healey 5 Sun Turret Whippoorwill Win or Quit QuitLady Lady Rachel 6 AWNING Fayelle Prospector Short ShortStop Stop StopConsensus Consensus of Handicaps 1 Harold K Josephine K Sovereign II Doctor D 2 Gratian Ed Garrison Lady Heart Ten ¬ derfoot 3 Marshal Tilghman Adelante Medusa Battle Mountain 4 Hatrack Le Bleuet Job Thayer Bounce 5 Misericorde Win or Quit Miss Rankin Sun Turret 6 AWNING Fayelle Ciceronian Prospector TIJUANA The horses which seem best in Thursdays races are areTijuana Tijuana Mei Jannary 19 1923 1 Sweep Up II Phyllis K French Nurse 2 Tillotson Frank Wilson Clearfield 3 Midian Kling Norfield 1 Al Wick Tom Brooks Dora 3 Katherine Rankin Regreso Colonel Matt SPOT CASH Delante Carlos Enrique 7 Miss Emma G Peace Flag Proclamation S Mollie Barnes Shelbyville Roisterer RoistererG G W Schilling SchillingNew New York Handicap HandicapI I Sweep Up H Phyllis K French Nurse Circulate CirculateJ J Tillotson Frank Wilson San Hedron Sarah Cochran 5 Delancey Cancion Rling Bonnebelle Al Wick Tom Brooks Dora Swenson 3 Regreso Colonel Matt Just Right Kath ¬ erine Rankin 6 ATHANNA Doubtful Carlos Enrique De ¬ lante 7 Peace Flag Proclamation Miss Emma G Gen Czar CzarS S Col Snider Shelbyville Mollie Barnes El Roble RobleClilensro Clilensro nail Buffalo Handicap HandicapI I Phyllis K Sweep Up II French Nurse Circulate 2 Tillotson George Muehlebach Frank Wil ¬ son Lobelia 3 Midian Kling Miss Dunbar Cancion Al Wick Dora Tom Brooks Steve 1 REGRESO Colonel Matt Katherine Ran ¬ kin Whippet 6 Doubtful Athanna Spot Cash Delante 7 Gen Czar Miss Emma G Proclamation Vic Munoz MunozS S Col Snider Shelbyvlife Royal Maid El Roble RobleObservers Observers Handicap 1 Sweep Up II Phyllis K Circulate French Nurse 2 Tillotson Muriels Pet George Muehle ¬ bach Clearfield 3 Midian Delancey Old Homestead Nor ¬ field 4 Al Wick Tom Brooks nora Cork 5 Colonel Matt Regreso Katherine Rankin Whippet 6 ATHANNA Carlos Enrique Sir Leonid Bowsprit 7 Gen Czar Vanessa VeIles Peace Flag Norfords Last 8 Poacher Shelbyville Col Snider Amac kassin kassinConsensus Consensus of Handicaps 1 Sweep Up n Phyllis K French Nurse Circulate 2 Tillotson Frank Wilson George Muehle ¬ bach Clearfield 3 Midian Delancey Kling Cancion 4 AL WICK Tom Brooks Dora Steve 5 Regreso Katherine Rankin Colonel Matt Whippet 6 Athanna Spot Cash Doubtful Carlos En ¬ rique 7 Gen Czar Miss Emma G Peace Flag Proclamation 8 Col Snider Mollie Barnes Poacher Shel ¬ byville