7th Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-11

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7JU DA PC 1 Mile Ityearolds and upward Claiming June 17 1O1C In nAlt ias y us GEN CZAR ch c 4 104 By Czar Lady Lonndes by Admonition AdmonitionTrainer Trainer W J Donohne Owner J Hnmbrecht Breeder Clark Fear FearC7573 C7573 Tiiuana 51 f 109 fast 1C5 107 5 3 1 is C Rails 12 Midian Review Glenzar 67452 Tijuana 1 l43 = fast 16f 107 4 2 l k 23 II Molters 9 Gipsy Joe Lariat Little Gink 67357 Tijuana 1 l42Vifast 28 100 4 5 5J1 5 3 H Long G DocTubbs Proclamatn Shores 67278 Tijuana 34 lll fast 68 113 9 S Sl 9 H Molters 9 DtorTubbs SlieDcvi AuKevoir AuKevoirG49U6 G49U6 Bghouse 34 l17vislow 79 103 3 1 F Cantrel 9 LitAbe ChoMaster LittltGiuk LittltGiukMISS MISS EMMA G ch f 4 103 By MaUmont Bessie La timer by Lord Esterlins Trainer EsterlinsTrainer E W Moore Owner E W Moore Breeder A Brown 67496 Tijuana 1 l42ifast 5 99 3 2 3J 41 P Hum S MsPink SilkSox Proclamation C7380 Tijuana 34 l14 4fast 4310 107 7 10 71 7 J A Clnver 11 Aiyauna Slie Devil July Fly 672G4 Tijuana 34 J14 ifast 3 106 7 4 41 S4 R Flynn 8 CSnider DonJosc IWHarper G3GOO Windsor 34 l157 slow 11 94 12 12 12 liic P Walls 12 Stoto Ultra Gold Helen Atkin 62119 Thncliffc 34 lU ifast 2310 104 44 J Thomas 9 Sword Selotn Griselda 2010 AVdbine ImOy 147 slop 133 107 2 4 41 5l A Allen 5 Redstone FIJean Proclamation C1917 Wdbine 1 116 147 fast S5 5 101 2 1 1 l J Wallace 7 FanBean Er Vhite MMaxira 61411 HdeGco 51 f l077if st 24 9310 8 8C1327 5 = 2i J Wallace 13 Ultimata FacnlvBoan C Pillar C1327 HdeGce f 103 mud 14 93 6 C CPROCLAMATION 41 3 J Wallace 10 ExcuscMe CapePillar Que ada PROCLAMATION ch E 4 100 By Jim Gaffncy Royal Message by Star Shoot ShootTrainer Trainer A L Aostin Owner E A Kibler Breeder A B Hancock HancockC7551 C7551 Tijuana Im70y l45 fast 32 K6 5 1 4J CJ P Poirior 7 SumSigli Ycrmak Cavaldrll CavaldrllG7496 G7496 Tijuana 1 l42 fast 8 301 2 1 1 3 M Andson S McGeesPink SilkSox MEmU MEmUG7357 G7357 Tijuana 1 l42itfast 5 100 2 1 2 21 C Rails C DocTubbs Shoreacrcs GipsyJoe G7320 GipsyJoeG7320 Tijuana 1 l41fast 3J 103 5 3 3 = 3 K Petzoldt 8 Ring Silt Sox Theresa TheresaG7245 G7245 Tijuana 34 l4fast 13 10S 6 4 Z Z M Andson 7 Allrden Altizon Tom Craven CravenG7037 G7037 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 60 101 6 7 6J C J Thomas 7 ChBnrthcll Romulus PlowSteel PlowSteelGG974 GG974 Tijuana Cl f l10fchvy 9 S7 1 5 41 41 1 Thomas 7 LKlorce DrTiilib McGsPink 7U P Poirier S Xcuette Calcadourll Rivulet 10 154 664 4 P Poirier G Delliimar Batty H it TIC MTJNOZ b g 5 105 By Peter Pan Tree Dove by Ben Brash BrashTrainer Trainer R Cooper Owner R Cooper Breeder H P Whitney 65280 Hastings Cl f 123 fast 24 113 71S II Cooper 7 IIGeorge FIorDeen EugenisK EugenisKC5078 C5078 Hastings 61 f 125 mud S 115 Cl II Cooper 7 CBoyle HontGeorce FIorDeen FIorDeenG4910 G4910 Bghousc 58 lOOWfast 19 112 5i H Rowe f KlmerK DtorCorbett Kinglike 64428 Hastings Ab 5S l0jgood 11 100 11 H Long 5 DeBecre CAComkey JFredck 64178 Hsfgs Ab 1 18 l52 fast 19 107 5 H Cooper G Carabosse MarBoy WMgomy 64041 Brhouse 115153 fast 26 108 7T1 H Cooper 9 Carabosse WMontgomy Fklin 63926 Brhouse 1 142 fast 26 107 2 R Cooper 7 Jcllison Franklin WMtgomery WMtgomeryDR DR STEVENSON br g 5 109 By Ten Point Treason by Dr MacBride MacBrideTrainer Trainer J Healey Owner J Healey Breeder J T Hughes 67580 Tijuana f f l07fast 133 103 7 7 7 7le J Thomas 7 EthelBrown Herder Barrixkano 67247 Tijuana 1 f l07 ifast 108 103 C 6 7 = 1 7J H Molters 8 Herder Horace Lerch Xeg 67188 Tijuana 51 f l12 hvy V 109 4 2 41 H Molters 9 Herder Red Man July Fly BlcheMeycrs6G973 67151 Tijuana 5S 103 hvy 16 107 4 3 1 1 II Mollers 7 PhyllisK Tlirills BlcheMeycrs 6G973 Tijuana 58 l03hvy 23 109 7 6 C 6 C Rails 8 Harry D It Tcrnette 66934 Tijuana Ci f 111 hvy IS 109 8 S 7l 7 J A TmblcylO OWood VcniRita Al Porter PorterPEACE PEACE ManagerTrainer FLAG ch f 3 M 81 By Manager Waite Plum by The Manager Trainer J J Duggan Owner Sbafer Comway Breeder T C McDowell 67531 Tijuana 34 l14 fast 65 91 1 3 3 = 2J J Thomas 11 UManuing Contriot Malzavena 67472 Tijuana 58102 fast 6 110 5 3 3 = 4i W Miller ji Doubtful El Boble Budive 67433 Tijuana 5 12 f lOSKfa t 3 102 5 4 4 2 J Thomas 7 Bowsprit Lady Leuuid Norfield 67319 Tijuana 51 f l03Hfast 1 112 1 3 1 11 M Fator 7 Sirl oaid XHoney LyLioness 67135 Tijuana 51 f l115 hvy 5 97 2 3 35 2 C Rails 9 BlackDeer Krippen Domlnator i 113 1 2J 2 A Ciaver b MBuneh RoyalMaid SirLeonid NORFORDS HighlandTrainer LAST b c 4 104 By Norford Nebraska lass by Highland Trainer J S Steward Owner T S Steward Breeder Neal Bartholomew G7320 Tijuana 1 l41sfast 56 107 6 7 7 7 II Molters 8 Ring Silk Sox Proclamation 67187 Tijuana 1 l49 = hvy 7 10S 5 3 3 3 H Molters 7 Bcnecia Cave Man Jay Mac 67157 Tijuana 1 l48 l48shvy = shvy 71 107 7 66 7 H Molters 7 Whippet Lavaga Xortu Tower G707G Tijuana 34 4 121 hvy 26 107 107G3631 3 3 22 1J H Molters 12 ArgncFort CavoMan DrCund DrCundf G3631 Reno 51 f l08fast 11 102 102G3522 7 H Molters 7 GoldFlusb HnrveySraarr Alaska G3522 Reno 58 8 l01fast 25 103 103G3417 811 D Hum 9 El Sabio Olive D Plantagenet G3417 Reno 34 4 l15sfast 6 101 101VANESSA Cl D Hum 9 Bridgette SanthiaC GladNewa GladNewach VANESSA WELLES ch m 8 112 By Dick Welles Vanessa by BelvJdere Trainer J J Quinlan Owner Qninlan Hcigel Breeder T Piatt 67470 Tijuana 34 l14fast 75 5 111 211 = 1 = 1 M Garrett 10 View Plantagenet Red Man 67299 PorterG7247 Tijuana 51 f l08 fast 4 109 4 6 6 = = 3 M Garrett 7 Galway ThirtySrn Al Porter G7247 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 10 n 109 3 F r 4l 4s M Garrett 8 Herder Horace T Lcrcb v Xcg G7080 Tijuana 61 f 112 hvy 7 112 4 4G6949 4 = 1 3l M Garrett 7 Joe Tag Vera Rita Tennllee G6949 Tijuana 34 l16 slop 3 113 C 5 = 1 5 3 R Carter 7 LFlorcnce NthSIiore CRobta GG920 Tijuana 5S l02 mud S 114 2 4 4s 331 M Garrett G HonGeorgc DancGirl Angela AngelaTUT TUT oDayTrainer ch g 5 114 By Harrigan Beatrice Sonle by Peep oDay Trainer W H Sperling Owner J Pidgeon Breeder B A Jones JonesG7512 G7512 Tijuana 58 l01fast 32 113 6 8 8 S R Carter 8 Icon Candorosa Zindo 67375 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast 7 103 2 2 4 = 1 4j E Petzoldt G F G Corley Xeg Kimono 67052 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 14 111 1 4 51 5 E Duggan 7 Pueblo Toombeola Don Jose 66895 Tijuana 5S 10 slop 5iC 111 2 1 1 J Il R Carter 11 Chrome Tirge Xeg 61388 CastleCrownG1350 Tijuana 1m 143 fast Sf 10S 8 8 8 73 M Garrett 9 Kenward HotFoot CastleCrown G1350 Tijuana 1 143 fast 43 103 9 8 8 8 W Organ 9 Limerick JUnderwd AlPortir AlPortirSILVER SILVER MAID ch f 3 90 By Atwell Miss Vigilant by Rensselaer RensselaerTrainer Trainer W Reeves Owner W Reeves Breeder R H Dots DotsG7510 G7510 Tijuana 58 102 fast 92 92 6 8 71 75i J Thomas 8 Angela Sweep Up II Don Jose 67376 Tijuana 51 f 1OS fast SS 103 7 10 9J 9 P Walls 10 Atbanna El Roble Sir Leonid 67265 Tijuana 51 f 108 fast 11 108 5 10 9 = 1 S II Long 12 BrianKent LyLeonid Bowsprit 66975 Tijuana 58 l02 hvy 13 103 5 6 51 5 = A Ciaver G JoellaJ GlosEnrique DTcrpin 66917 Tijuana 58 103 mud 12 106 1 1 1s Il A Ciaver 7 LyLeonid Plnaquana PrPnsa 66527 Toledo 51 f l07 l07sfast sfast 29 109 4 4 4l 4si E Petzoldt 7 Noonliour Athlete Illusionist 66493 Toledo 51 f 109 fast 73 109 3 1 I1 l t E Petzoldt 7 EauGallie FrankEib AuntleM MARY D blk f 4 By Tony Bonero Rose Pompom by Boyal Flush TH Trainer B J Sheldon Owner Nebraska Stable Breeder C Field G7430 Tijuana 5S l017sfast 15f 103 5 o 5 71 F Andson 9 Stanleyll Shelbyville StyMiss StyMiss70y 64998 Bghouse Im70y 70y l48 l48ulow i lov C2 99 99C4810 6 = P Hum S BYoung ClovJunia MonBelte C4810 Bghouse 5i 1 f lOSHfast 31 106 106G4362 553 J Dawson 11 WotheWisp MHility Review G4362 Hastings 34 34118 118 slop 99 100 100G4010 9 = = W Miller 9 Sky Man MHrmann GolRoso GolRoso5S G4010 Brhouse 5S l01fast 2f SS E1 C Cantrell 8 SMgie LyEdmton BaStan 63923 BrhDUso 41 1 t 54fast 49 107 107OLYMPIAD 714 G Ury 8 DrCorbett Jocltlair FBali II OLYMPIAD ch g 4 185 185Trainer By Ferole Olympia by Rock Sand Sandeard Trainer J D Heard eard Owner G H Abbott AbbottG7574 Breeder A Belmont G7574 Tijuana 51 1 f lOSsfast 165 104 9 7 7G7429 ff 6SJ F Stevens 12 Ispham Tillotson Plunger G7429 Tijuana 58 102 fast 15 112 1 10 10G7225 6i 31 M Andsonl2 Lady Small Bookworm Viva G7225 Tijuana 58102 good 9 11111 11 1 11 11 A Ciaver 11 ZlnUo Mayflower Tom Roach 67152 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 10 101 4 3 4h 3 C Rails 8 Red Man Biglnilian Billy Joe 67099 Tijuana 1 l46Hbvy 33 98 6 C 5 5 C Rails 8 Whippet My Rose Dissolute G5221 Hastings Im70y l323 slow 18 99 B3 W Dean 7 Cirale SenDonlan GMuchlebh

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011101/drf1923011101_11_2
Local Identifier: drf1923011101_11_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800