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Claiming Fell 9 1918 111 15 O 110 MOON WINKS b f 4 111 By Sweep Experience by Knight of the Thistle ThistleTrainer Trainer W Woodard Owner E C Christian Breeder E C Christian 67478 FGrnds 34 l16hvy 12 110 1111 Il L Morris 11 Feodor Silence Execution 67326 Jefferson 1 l44hvy 15 104 2 3 2 7 J II Thurberl2 Chateaugay BcttyJ OurBctsy 66985 Jefferson 34 l14fast 4 107 2 2 21 3i H Thurberl2 Stamp Voogeria My Rosic 66613 Latonia 1 11C l47fast 34 101 122 7 H Thurbe 12 Carnarvon Wickford LWidrig 66578 BTliongC6413 IKitonia 1 116 l47fast 7 101 7 1 7 7s H Thurbe 12 TonyBeau FosEmbry BTliong C6413 Latonia ImTOy l44lfast 65 101 1 2 2 2 H Thurbe 12 Buddie Kcan Gem Hailock 66314 Latonia Im70y l44V fast 70 101 4 4 71 S H Thurbe S LoeiistLoaves Diana BritMaid BritMaidC6068 C6068 Latonia 1 116 li Zihvy 41 103 3 6 6 6JS H Thurbe 0 Megan Rekab Smuts Smutsi i 31 l13fsfast 15 10612 12 12 12 = L McDottl2 JasBBrown TonySue Manicnr 65566 Lexton 34 114 fast 10 103 3 2 21 31 L McDott S Louunna Winding Through Fo BAYONNE ch f 4 100 By Berrilldon Angela K by Celt CeltTrainer Trainer W M Ryan Owner Creole Stable Breeder L Garth 66909 Jefferson 34 ll7ifast 13 10411 12 12 12S J Merimeel2 Maliony Esquire Youneed 66372 Empire Ab 34 110 fast 30 112 H 11 IS 13s E Jelley 13 TAImoner CPghjdan StoneJug 64149 Saratoga 34 l13sgood 30 109 13 17 17 17 L Morrs 17 LEffaic New Oilcans leghorn leghornG3854 G3854 Empire Ab 34 l09fast 7 102 3 6 65 5 1 E Marts 7 WydLady Jyntee BobbedUahf 63101 Aqueduct 61 f l20fast 31 99 4 1 1s 1s B MairellilO TingaLing Beckua Oreus 62687 Aqueduct 34 l124igood 60 TO 5 9 9 9s B Marielli 9 Wishbone Exodus Slciveconard COL TAYLOR b g 7 107 By Plaudit Looking Glass by Clear the Way Trainer J McKeon Owner W Baumgartner Breeder J L S Holton 67345 Jefferson 58 l01ifast 4 95 2 2 2 3s J Corcoran 7 ElmerK High Cost Monastery 67092 Jefferson 34 l16hvy 10 105 2 1 21 61 E Roehm 12 Whalebone ScwlCombs Ettahe 67012 Jefferson 51 f l10Vmud 4 106 1 1 11 21 E Roehm 6 Whalebone Paul Micou Money 56955 Jefferson 51 f lOSfast 95 107 2 1 1s 2 E Roehm 12 Machiavcili Ruggles Twopair 66698 DadePrk 34 113 fast 28 103 1 1 1 5i E Roehm 7 Reliability Topmost GoIdFloss 66513 Latonia 34 112 fast 37 106 1 2 8 10 E Roehm 12 Sir Lriwnfal Bullion Sam Reh 66377 Latonia 34 l14igood 14 106 1 1 21 E E Roelm 11 Royal Dick Twopnir Locarno LocarnoG4635 G4635 BlueGrass 58 l02slow 1710 105 U B Harvey 6 GMinard BoneroBlue ScpialL 64001 BlueGrass 34 l14 good 3 1141 5si J Bobbins 5 Escarpolte LLoraine ColTenn 64346 Toledo Ab 34 111 slow 1310 100 4J O Rails 5 IlainRill Mnruiitc Sentimental 64248 Toledo Ab 34 l09J fast 215 110 4s R Holway C Uncle Bert Silence Marmite MarmiteSHAFFER SHAFFER ch g 4 103 By Peter Quince Flying Frances by Flanvdti FlanvdtiTrainer Trainer W Speirs Owner J Shaughnessy x Breeder D W Scott 66821 Bowie 61 f l21fast 12 ICfi G 4 5 7s F Weiner 13 HidJcwel Ettahe Camouflage 66509 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 5 106 5 4 31 321 F Weiner 8 TheAlmoner GdTime TPeruva TPeruvaG6440 G6440 EsquireG6056 Empire Ab 34 111 fast 8 1101 5 3 2 5s T Rice 13 Orcus Daydue Esquire G6056 Jamaica 34 114 mud 41 115 1 1 1 1 L Fator S Good Time Evil Nightboat 65851 Jamaica 34 l12fast 31 110 325 5 J H Wakoff 11 The Peruvian Nightboat Evil 65664 Aqueduct 61 f l21fast 3 102 1 1 1s 1 II Wakoff 7 Clsu Jordan St Isidore JnJopk JnJopkFLUFF FLUFF b m 5 107 By Celt Follie Levy by Golden Maxim MaximTrainer Trainer J Shields Owner H S Taylor Breeder A B Hancock HancockG7326 G7326 OurBctsyG7305 Jefferson 1 l44hvy 7 103 9 6 8s 101S A Roach 12 Chateaugay BcttyJ Ourr OurBctsy G7305 Jefferson 34 l14fst 8 103 2 1 1s 1s G Mein 12 Grayson SilrSprps Antici Anticipate G6877 Bowio 61 f 122 fast ITf 107 5 6 31 3l S Lowe 13 Sling Ettahe Gaudy 66842 Bowie 61 f l22fast 12 111 3 3 31 7 J McTagtlS Kirah Hillsdale Ina Kay 66508 Empire ImTOy 147 fast 8 981 4 1 Il I J McCoy 9 MAgnesS DpSinker BazEye 66406 Empire 1 l42good 15 15 104 1 S 4l 5 1 G W Carllll Guelph Venizelos High Speed 66305 Empire Ab 34 l10fnst 20 110 3 C 1 6 G W Car1110 Nightbt TaLiug BrtLighti 64543 Saratoga 1 l44 hvy 8 105 3 3G4331 5 7 7 = ° C Studer 7 Xormal Ira Wilson CnrmenciU G4331 Saratoga 1 l397 fast 15 103 1 1MACHIAVELLI 11C1 610 C Studer 11 The Peruvian Brink Care Free MACHIAVELLI ch g 5 107 By Disguise Ghetto Girl by Ben Brush BrushA Trainer A K Miller Owner A K Miller Breeder H T Oxnard 67362 Jefferson 34 l14 fast 12 12 108 1 5 7l T5 H Thurberl2 Royal Dick Grayson Jock Scot 67220 Jefferson 34 lI5slow 1S5 5 113 4 2 41 51 G Mein 12 Meuse Gen Cadorna Hereafter 66992 Jefferson 34 118 mud 6 113 2 1 1C935 1 2n J Corcoranl2 RoyalDick Winneconne Tpalr C935 Jefferson 51 f l08ifast 8 307 6 Z 21 m J Corcoranl2 Col Taylor Ruggles Twopair 751 DadePrk 34 l17imud 15 15 110 7 7 6 6 J Owens 12 Herald MabelRule T the Mark 66712 DadaPrk 34 113 fast 183 3 112 7 5 5GG681 5s 51S J D Mney 9 Grace E Grayson Frank Boyd GG681 DadePrk 34 l14Ufast S 107 10713 13 13 13 12 = E Roehm 14 Jacobean Maliony Amanda 64639 Blue Grass 34 l14fast 113 5 113 113G4GOO 21 J Robblns 7 GraccMinard EGarrison Pamly G4GOO BlueGrass 5S l024iKood 910 10 116 116C456G 2s L Mink 7 BoneroBlue Pamly Ed Garrisoi C456G BlueGrass 51 f l07faat 1110 10 118 118REKAB 3 II E Jones 5 LtColcnel BonBIue Macliluvll REKAB br g 4 SandriacPerkins 110 110Trainer By Dick Finnell Sandringham Belle by Sandriac Trainer A Thomas Owner W Perkins ham Breeder T Piatt PiattS 67498 FGrnds 34 115 good S 110 4 2 2G7149 2 75i G BreunglS Wireless CJCraigmiic MRuth G7149 Jeffeison JeffeisonG6810 34 l17hvy 7 102 6 3 3G6810 31 3 i G Breung 12 Jaco Spugs Grnyson G6810 DadePrk 34 l17iimud 76 6 104 2 2 3 2 J Owens 7 GoldenFloss Delhimar Arietta 66794 DadePrk 34 l14Hslow 10 10 113 1 2 2 3s H Tliurber 9 Royal Dkk Ogarite Bojul 66766 DadePrk DadePrkG6163 34 118 hvy 115 10S 5 4 4s 4 L McDott 8 Serbian Mabolltute Royal Dick G6163 Latonia 1 116 l47fast 12 11019 II 10 10 E Pool 12 RobbleSliet Virgo Walnut Hall 66068 Latonia 1 116 l53V hvy 145 109 1 1 I1 2 E Pool 6 Megan Smuts Jordan JordanG6000 G6000 Latonia ImTOy 143 mud 95 107 2 2 71 9s J Heupel 9 SistcrFlo Repeater Lady Rachel 65954 Latonia ImTOy l46fast 1 112 4 2 3 9 J Heupel 10 Queen High Pumps Birdie G GG5388 G5388 WhippetG4822 Lexton 1 116 l50hvy 5 103 4 1 1 1 W Pool 10 Randel Split Grass Whippet G4822 Churchill 61 f llSfast 19 109 1 12 8 6 E Pool 12 Whirl BirdicG Crest wood Boy 14747 Churchill 34 l12fast 29 1101 226 6 E Pool 6 MMuffins AunticMay RapDay RapDayRAPID RAPID OrnamentTrainer STRIDE ch h 6 107 By Rapid Water Lady Ornatta by Ornament Trainer W St Vincent Ow er J L Earl Breeder G W J Bissell BissellG7478 G7478 FGrnds 34 l16hvy 13 114 11 9 9s 6T1 E Scobie 11 Moon Winks Feodor Silence G5996 SilenceG5996 Latonia 34 l15 imud 7 10S1 9 7 S 9 J D MneylO CharIIwiry RoyalDk BPdon 65231 Lexton 34 l12fast 103 105 3 7 S 8SO II Harton 8 HonorMan Cnarvon GrSwell C3887 GrSwellC3887 Kworth 78 l2T7sfast 48 10S 4 5 7 5 1 II Brydges 12 Anticipate Ballynew RIngRose 63536 TothMorncG3107 Windsor 34 l12ifast 27 114 12 11 11 11 T Murray 12 Ablaze J Brant TothMornc G3107 Latonia 34 116 hvy 2 106 2 2 Il 1s W Pool 10 Loiiniina Bobbie Shea Creatiou 62750 Latonia 34 l1375fast 17 105 7 2 41 41 W Pool 12 Youneed Grayson Pyx 62210 Churchill 78 l2G ifast 19 112 1 2 6 7 E Martin 8 Tacola Marse John Tharon 61552 I xton 34 l15hvy 23 113 3 6 8 SJ A Wilson 8 Hold Me Rep John S Reardoa 61190 Lextoii 34 UlS mud 6 112 3 2 2 3 A Wilson 8 AtieMuy Ch Henry JSRrdou JSRrdouUKASE UKASE TyrantTrainer ch g 4 11 By King James Verdict by Tyrant Trainer J Boland Owner J Coyle Breeder H T Oxnard 67438 FGrnds 34 117 hvy 41 10S 7 8 5 5i L McDott S lh1il Maid Minute Man Jago 67345 Jefferson 58 l015fast 4 105 4 3 1 C 3 C Lang 7 UlinerK High Cost Col Taylor 67000 Jeffeison 51 f l12hvy 135 118 2 1 1 1 C Lang 11 Fcrnandos LcoFisher IighSic a 64810 Hclmnt 34 MC l12slow 15 115 2 2 21 4 J L Ensor 8 So It Goes Wyllc Fayollu Bellsobr5L97 64745 Belmont 1 l38fiist 100 109 8 8 8 S = J Pierce 8 St Allan Whisk Bellsobr 5L97 Sartoga 51 f l06fast 50 115 3 8 12 12 12s M Mntain 12 Oceanic Frank Furst Deadlock DeadlockS4151 S4151 Plmlico 5S 104 slop 8 110 4 2 3 8J 9IS M Mounfn 9 Ogarlte Chatugay MyldBella JOHN JOSEPH ch g 4 K KTrainer 104 By Glencairn Caraqnet by Bryn Mawr Trainer W Shield Owner 7 L Holland Breeder J Harrone 67237 Jefferson 5 t l09good 6 11 7 6 7 6 E Kummerl2 Xoona Hilly Connor Reformer 66365 Empire Ab 34 l10fast 20 111 10 7 8l 10 H ThomaslG Nightbt TaLirig BrtLIghts C5756 Jamaica 34 l12fasl 15 112 226 7 H Thomas 9 TbeAlmoner HighSpd GdTime 65664 Aqueduct GJ f l21fast 135 J02 2 2 3l 4J E Kummer 7 Shaffer Clghjordan StIsidore 65585 Aqueduct 61 f l19fast 8 112 11 11 11 J Mooney 11 TlDictator HSpeed TAlmoner 65161 Belmont 34 ilC l12Hfast 1SG 115 4 1 li 41 C Ponca 11 Trajanus Guclpli Romulus 64879 Belmont 1 l3SHslow 100 103 77 7 7 J Mooney 7 SouthCross Pir Gold Jaunebar NA1T McKLHNEY ch f 4 1W By Leonid Kate Dcrman by Modrod ModrodTrainer Trainer L T Whitebill Owner L T Whltohill Breeder C B Daniels 67478 FGrnda 34 l16hvy 8 102 2 2 31 71 R Doyle 11 Moon Winks Fcodor Silence 67286 Jefferson 1 116 l49Xfast 23 102 6 5 11 11 J Majestic 11 Winneconne Etcrity Tingling 67238 Jefferson 1 l43good 15 105 6 1 1 5ll J Majestic 12 WhUaven Hutchison Warlike 66985 Jefferson 34 l14 fast 12 10710 11 31 lll J Majestic 12 Stamp Vcogcria Moon Winks 66563 Toledo Ab 34 110 fast 61 100 6 5 5 47i J JIajestic G Money AssyrnQueen Jacobina 66497 Toledo Ab 34 Ii09fast 83 100 7 7 1 7 J Majestic 7 Mumbo Jumbo Money Diomed 66260 Toledo Ab 34 l09 fast 24 105 5 5 5 5 i J Majestic G Ultimata DulBoy HBurgoyne 66150 MHghta 51 f l12mud 6 101 3l M Garrett 5 Marmite Cacambo Rcdmon 66017 MHghta 51 f l10hvy 6 106 Il J Majestic 7 Plutrel SilkSor JudgcHoffman 65800 MHghta ImTOy l44 fast 11 96 6 J Majestic G MaryMaxIm DukeRuff Quaker 65703 MHghts 1 l40 fast 36 105 9 J Majestic 9 Prime Quaker Duke Ruff By Sweeper Gas Jet by Lamplighter Trainer J H Nichols Owner J H Nichols Bred in France by H B Duryea 67483 FGrnds 1 18 l57 hvy 3 ICC C 8 11 11 J Sehtserl2 Lord llerbcrt Bravo Satana 67382 Jefferson 1 1S l56fast 7 112 1 1 51 6 1 C Lang 12 PiratcMcGee Tyrny Brn Bill 66994 Jefferson 1 116 l50mud 85 111 1 1 11 3 1 F Weiner 7 BettyJ KingTrojan Will Soon 66913 Jefferson 1 18 l54fast 10 106 6 1 31 7 3 A Frleshon 9 Magician Hope Amaze 66545 Empiro Im70y 146 fast 13 99 2 1 3l 3 J McCoy G Leghorn The Boll Call Qncsada 66443 Empire 1 116 l43fast 30 102 3 1 11 21 H Bell 11 BalMark StIsidore Chteangaj 65716 Jamaica 1 116 6 l47fast 30 107 8 7 9 S E Bell 9 Curmencita Lackawanna Maisi C4683 Saratoga 1 l41HgooiG4331 l41Hgooi 0 105 6 9 9 9 O Breung 9 Thornhcdse Pibroch Zealot G4331 Saratoga 1 l39fast 20 110JU 9 11 II11 M Garner 11 The Peruvian Brink Care Fret C4068 Saratoga 1 l43mud 12 114 1 3 Gl 6 M Garner 10 Zed Care Free King Albert GYPSY SorcererTrainer LIGHT b m 5 1GB By Beacon Light Gypsy Star by Sorcerer Trainer T J Douglas Owner W H Bond Breeder J M Bumpass 67478 FGrnda 34 l16hvy 20 104 9 10 10 S l R Mthews 11 Moon Winks Fcodor Silence 67200 Jefferson 34 l16 = hvy 12 105 S 11 11 11 W Organ 12 StrghtSbot SprgVale HAtkln 63440 KingEd Ab 34 l20slow 910 110 Il W Hinphy S Navajo Skirt Dance Tommle 0 63411 KingEd Ab 58 l007sfast 5 110 2 E Atkinsn 9 Red Post Draftsman Molly O 63006 Dclmler Ab 58 l10Xslop 12 112 3 F Hunt 8 Crest ComderColin Adelia S SULA ULA KnightTrainer b m 7 M 101 By Leonid Golden Harvest by Free Knight Trainer A Bellegarde Owner A Bellegarde Breeder W McLemore 67238 Jefferson 1 l43sgood 30 110 8 11 7l 7 J Merimee 12 WhHaven Hutchison Warlike Shot670G9 67126 Jefferson 1 l47 = mud 15 110 5 7 7 7 E Martin 7 Anzena Wylie Straight Shot 670G9 Jefferson 51 f l127shvy 50 115 7 7 5 C l E Smwodll Ukase Fernandos Loo Fisher 6966 Jefferson 34 l14fast 60 112 5 11 51 9 J Kessner 11 Wireless Leo Fisher Highspeed 52113 Jefson 1 142 fast 40 107 S 9 9 9 9 9 J Mooney 10 Hoyden Hopover PansyBlossom 46269 Jefson 34 116 slow 30 106 11 11 11 11 11 H Wakoff 13 NSimpler MGarner TAndson 46153 Jefson 1 140 fast 100 100 9 9 9 9 9 9 T Jarvis 9 Lazy Lou Trusty Soldde Verdun Verdun4COS5 4COS5 Tattle4S966 Jefson 58 l00faat 100 107 IT 12 11 lll 11 H J Burkell Toe the Mark Stepson Tattle 4S966 Jefson 34 118 hvy EC 108 9 43 10 10 H J Burkell Verity Grumb Ina MackGarner 45151 JeTson 1 116 l46faat 50 107 788 8 8 8 R Mason 8 Bevolutn L Waldcck J David