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Havana Form Chart HAVANA CUBA WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10 1823 Oriental Park 1 mile Thirtyseventh day CubaAmerican Jockey and Auto Club Winter Meeting of 100 or more days Weather clear tem ¬ perature 76 Presiding Steward J Hachmcister Associate Stewards C H Lansdale and E Burke Presiding Judge C Cornehlsen Associate Judge J S Wallace Starter J F Milton Racing Secretary Martin Nathanson Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 157 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in ptttntftescs following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 6 102 Parse 500 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U i StrFin Jockeys G7504JOUR TELLIE w 107 9 2 U I1 11 1 F MerimeeG L Goodacra 55521 5552167311NEWPORT 67311NEWPORT w 103 56 5 21 2 21 H Stutts S K Nichols 45521 675041 BANTAM w 103 10 1 4 3 3l 3 H Kaiser H Van Ry 3 3 3 6335 6335G7504 G7504 TOLITE WB 110 75 7 5 5 41 J Taylor Keith Hale 15 10 7 21 65 45G7504 67504 GRAY BONNET WB 110 39 8k 4 41 5 F WdstckKmero F m Stb 3 41 41 85 45 G7504 PANDINE w 105 6 4 2 G 6 61 B Scheffel Williams Bros 13 13 13 6 3 67504 WILD CAT w 110 4 7 6 7 71 7 J Brunner W R Coe 34473 710 07504 CONUNDRUM w 112 1 10 9 81 8 S J Connors O White 13 13 15 6 3 3C7444 C7444 NELLIDA w 1071 3 8 10 9 9 9 C Taylor I J Keatlnff 50 50 50 20 10 67444 NUTTY WSB 105 8 3 3 L rider S Banks W J Hughes 12 12 10 4 2 2Time Time 24 49 116 Track fast 2 mntnels paid Onr Tellle 890 straight 520 place 320 show Newport 540 place 100 show Bantam 280 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Our Tellle 343 to 100 straight 160 to 100 place 60 to 100 show Newport 170 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Bantam 40 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Meridian Bright Star by Star Shoot trained by J E Wright bred by Mr Richard F Carman CarmanWent Went to post at 230 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third tlio same OUR TELLIE led under hard riding for the entire race but was tirinz at the end NEWPORT was forced to worke her way up on the outside and was gaining at the end BANTAM ran well but had to be driven hard to outOniah POLITE The latter closed a gap and finished fast NUTTl was crowded while rounding the far turn and stumbling lost his rider riderScratched Scratched 67486 Abe Sablotasky 105 105Overweights Overweights Newport 2 pounds Conundrum 2 Nellida 2 SECOND EACE 5 12 Furlongs Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 Parse 500 4year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 109 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U 4 i StrFin Jockeys Owners O HOPS 67506 MISS CALTHA w 6 105 4 4 21 2 1 1 G Fields J G Greeson 10 10 10 4 2 67401 CARRIE MOORE WB 7 110 3 1 I1 11 2 2s G WliamsJ A Parson 55521 67525McLANE w 7 110 3 2 4 k 5 3 31 H Stutts T B Waters 45521 67525RAS 4552167525RAS r 5 112 7 6 6 6 5 4 A Pickens B Mock 21 31 31 7535 67424 RUNNAN w 6 110 8 7 7 41 4 51 E Beach N K Moody 443 73710 67507 MAX GOLD WB 4 106 5 8 8 7l 7 6 H Wakoff A P Doyla 333 6535 67506 FOUL WEATHER w 4 101 6 5 3l 3 6 7 A Yerrat T E Mueller 5 S 5 U 1 67487 CAVALIER WB 7 112 1 3 5 8 S 8 N J BrncsC E Hudson 12 12 12 5 21 Time 23 47 100 107 Track fast 2 mutucls paid Miss Caltha 4010 straight 1650 place 390 show Carrie Moore 600 place 390 show McLane 370 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Miss Caltha 1905 to 100 straight 723 to 100 place 345 to 100 show Carrie Moore 200 to 100 place 93 to 100 show McLane 83 to 100 show showWinner Winner EistonAVcnt Ch m by Pentecost Caltha by Ute trained by J G Grecson bred by Mr O Eiston AVcnt to post at 256 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow for all but MAX GOID Won easily second and third driving MISS CALTHA forced a fast pace to the stretch turn whore she moved up and easily passing CARRIE MOORE won going away CARRIE MOORE set a fast pace to the stretch and finished gamely McLANE ran well but was tiring at the end RAS and RUNNAN seemingly lacked postScratched speed MAX GOLD was practically left at the post Scratched 67525 Puff Ball 111 67507lRuth Wehle 100 67539 The Enquirer 110 67503 Frascuelo 110 THIRP HACE 34 Mile Jan 8 1920 111 6 102 Purse 600 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Net valne to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 1 i StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C P 67542C O T ROOST w 6 109 3 3 3l 11 In G WliamsN L Forsha 2 21 21 4325 67447 DIFFERNT EYES w 7 106 51 4 k Z 21 2l A Pickens E L Fitzgerald S3 21 21 1 12 31 4 41 3 C Grace O L Foster 3J 31 3J 1 2 G7123JSALVO w 7 114 2 5 6 6 6 41 R McDottW F Knebelkamp7 7621 7621C7468SUN C7468SUN BRAE w 3 110 G 2 1 1 3 k J T BrothsrsW A McKinney 6 S S 21 65 07333 THE BOY WB 6 112 4 6 5 5 51 6 H Stutts Curb Stabla 333112 333112Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast 2 mutucls paid Cock o the Roost 720 straight 330 place 260 show Different Eyes 490 place 360 show CoL Chile 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Cock o the Roost 260 to 100 straight 65 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Different Eyes 145 to 100 place 80 to 100 show Col Chile CO to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Cock o the Walk Lida Flush by Royal Flush III trained by R A Forsha bred by Mr F Johnson JohnsonWent Went to post at 324 At post 1 minute Start good and fast Won driving second and third the same COCK O THE ROOST raced forwardly to the stretch where he sprinted into a small lead and kept it to the end DIFFERENT EYES worked his way up on the cutsido and ran out when entering the homestretch but finished fast and fought it out closely with the winner all through the last eighth COL CHILE ran well and finished gamely SALVO was badly outrun to the stretch turn theu closed a gap in resolute fashion SUN BRAE set a fast pace to the stretch and tired FOURTH EACE 1 Mile a = d 50 Yards March 6 1913 141 5 117 Aero Marina Handicap Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 700 second 150 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt U i i Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S G7333 MASTER MIND WB 4 10S 1 2 21 3 3s 2 1 J Brunner W R Coe 111 23 out outG7293BLUE G7293BLUE HAWK w 3 93 2 1 1i Il I1 1 2 A McLhlinO Yzquierdo 23345 out 67294 JSEA PRINCE WB 6 1W 4 4 4 4 4 4 3J A GantnerOrient Stable 21 21 21 710out G742G CROMWELL WB 7 102 3 3 3 2i 2 3 4 F WdsfckM V Daly 4 6 6 S3 out outTime Time 23 46 111 137 141 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Master Hand 420 straight 260 place Blue Hawk 280 place no show mutucN sold soldEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Master Hand 110 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place Blue Hawk 40 to 100 place placeWinner Winner B c by Ballot Shuck H by Jean Bereaud trained by K K Karrick bred by Mr W C Goodloe Went to post at 351 At post 1 minute Start good and fast Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MASTER HAND was taken back In the first half and saved to the stretch then moved up with a rush when called on and raced into a long lead in the last eighth BItE HAWK set a territiie paw but tired in the last eighth SEA PRINCE wore the tiring CROMWELL down near the end The latter ran a fast mile FIFTH EACE 1 Mile and 50 Yards March 6 1918 141 5 117 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winder 375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U s i StrFin Jockeys Owners O H C P G7538 MOORESQUE w 4 101 6 3 51 4 4 4 1 B Scheffel W F Knebelkamp3 31 31 63 35 35G7390 G7390 T F McMAHON WB 7 103 5 S 81 5 21 11 2 W Milner L Louder 4 6 6 21 63 63G7309 G7309 MONTPERRI WSB G 110 7 1 2 2 1 31 3 G WliamsJ G Arvin 12 12 12 5 21 67449 TROUBLER w 4 110 23 61 S ° k 7 3J 41 P Walls J W Pangle 21 21 21 1 23 67327 BLOOMINGTON ws 3 103 4 2 I l t 31 21 51 S Banks W J Hughes 12 13 13 6 3 G7466 XOIE w 7 105 3 9 9S 7 S 6 6 A Finley M E Thompson 388385 67309 BERRETTA WB 5 103 S 7 41 3 5 S1 7 H Stutts Cora S F Stb 21 3 3 1 12 12G7527 G7527 AFTER NIGHT WSB 10 1121 1 4 3 6 6 71 8 T WllamsA D Bellew 13 20 20 8 4 C7538 LITTLE NIECE w 6 100 9 6 7 9 9 9 9 C Grace II Reed 3 10 10 4 2 2Time Time 24 48 115 142 146 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Mooresque S30 straight 430 place 340 show Thos F McMahon 310 place 360 show Montperri 950 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking cdds Mooresque 315 to 100 straight 115 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Thos F McMahon 155 to 100 place SO to 100 show Montperri 375 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Transvaal Alnambra by Star Ruby trained by W B Fiuncgan bred by Messrs Merris WalJen WalJenWent Went to post at 416 At post 1 minute Start good and fast Won driving second and third the same MOORESQUE came fast in the last sixteenth and just managed to get up in time to win THOS F McMAHON was taken up on the first turn and working his way up on the outside raced to the front in the stretch hut tired in the final drive MONTPERRI ran well but also tired after taking the lead TROUBLEtt closed a big gap and finished fast on the outside BLOOMINGTON tired after leading to the far turn 701R finished close up upOverweights Overweights After Night 2V pounds SIXTH EACE 1 Mile and SO Yards March G 1913 141 5 117 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 375 second 100 third 25 Index Horses AWtPPSt U i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S G7540 SHOOT AWAY w 6 110 5 5 21 2 2i l v 1 H Stutts C H Neal 85831 1214 1214C7528ISWIFTCRICKET C7528ISWIFTCRICKET w4 95 i 1 1 Ill1 11 2 2 C Graco P Hinphy 2 21 21 71013 7539 ADVANCE w 5 112 3 4 3l 3 3 3 3 G WliamsC E Hudson 5 S 8 21 65 67449 3H M STEVENS WB 7 113 7 7 7 7 51 4 4 W PmroseO K Allen 10 12 12 5 21 67339 GEORGE W w 5 110 6 6 4i 4 4i 5J 5 k A GantnerM Seifert 56621 67528 HOM AM w 9 105 2 2 51 5 7 7 6 W Lancet O Tussle S 10 10 4 2 67400 OLD POP w 10 111 4 3 G G Cl 61 7 R McDottH Dougherty 6 S 8 21 G5 G5Time Time 24 43 114 141 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Shoot Away 420 straight 270 place 240 show Swiftcrickct 330 place 280 show Advance 330 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Shoot Away 110 to 100 straight 35 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Swift cricket 65 to 100 rlace 40 to 100 show Advance 65 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Jim Gaffney Milky Way by Star Shoot trained by C II Neal bred by Messrs Robbins Lynch LynchWent Went to post at 441 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the ame SHOOT AWAY followed the leader In closest pursuit until entering the homestretch where ha moved up fast into the lead but tired at the end and had to be ridden hard to outstay SWIFTCRICKET SWIFTCRICKET set a good pace saved ground on all the turns and finished gamely ADVANCE ran well and finished close up on the outside GEORGE W ran out on the first turn turnScratched Scratched OOltK Le Balafre 110 67440 Melvln 110 110Overweights Overweights Swiftcrioket 1 pounds Old Pop 1 Continued on twelfth page