7th Race [7th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13

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yearolds and upward Claiming Jane 24 WOODIE MONTGOMEEY ch g 10 107 107Trainer By First Chip Duchsss of Montebello by Banastar Trainer F E Irwin Owner F E Irwin IrwinG7G19 a Breeder S L Warine G7G19 Tijuana Im70y l47Hfast 25 120 1 1 21 21 J Sington S Regreso KathRankin Whippet 7577 Tijuana Im70y l44ifast 10 114 5 5 71 Sa J Sinston S Regreso MankinlL MMauage 67535 Tijuana Im70y l43 ifast 25 103 3 7 7G7514 SJ S J Sington 10 PUUect Regreso KathRaukiu G7514 Tijuana Im70y 146 fast 9 113 2 1 1G739D 2J 43 A Claver 7 Loiunita Black Betty Breezti G739D Tijuana 1 116 143 fast 12 113 2 1 1J 3l J SinSton S Iofiamia F Fogarty 1r Direct 67322 Tijuana Im70y l43 fast 2710 115 3 2 2G7302 51 G3J J Sington 7 Piedra Mannikln II Louis G7302 Tijuana 1 116 147 fast 31 103 S 5 5G7189 S1 9 J D Hum 11 TailorMaid CrysflFord Bastille G7189 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 3 IOS 3 2 2C7098 3t 43i J Sington 5 DrJnson LFloreiice CocaCola C7098 Tijuana Im70y lM 3hvy 21 112 1 2 2G6901 21 2J J Sinston G Halu Buckhornil Wed Prince G6901 Tijuana 1 l43fislop 1310 113 1 1 1MADGE I1 1 = J Sington 7 Rajah FFogarty Double Van MADGE F b m 7 93 By Voorheea bilvatriz by Salvation Trainer W D Millard Owner W D Millard Breeder A B Sprecks G7334 Tijuana Im70y l47fast 13 113 6 6G7398 5 10 10 II Lons 10 By Right Toni Ovvciui Vic G7398 Tijuana 1 1S l3Uifaat 21 IOS 1 1G7277 21 3J M Fator ies Just Rluht Vic VicI1 G7277 Tijuana 1 18 l55ifast 75 103 3 3C7211 I1 Il W Pool 10 Judge David Drifting Rhymer C7211 Tijuana 34 116 slow S3 110 6 6G715G 7 3 J Carroll 7 Puablo JohuJr EmmaWilliatiKi G715G Tijuana Ei f l12hvy 23 102 1 1G7037 6 C J H Ions 6 Silk Sox Harry I Count Boris G7037 Tijuara 34 l17hvy 16 107 7 7GC977 4 4 C Rails 7 ChBarthell Romulus PlowSteel GC977 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 24 110 2 2GG180 7 C E Petzoldt 8 BBlkwcll HontGrgo Bittern GG180 Hthorne 1 IMS slow 6 109 3 3LOUIS 2 2 J Kederls G SuecGIrl Chllolters WWillow LOUIS br g 6 109 By Leonid Dolly Hayman by Crighton Trainer W L Etanfield Owner V7 L Staafield Breeder W HcLcmorc 67399 Tijuana 1 11G 143 fast G 109 7 S G = i 6s C Rails 8 Luuaiina FFogty WMtcoai 67 360 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sifast l4SifastG7322 Ci 107 2 Ei 5J C Ralla G Whippet Rtgrtso Piedra G7322 Tijuana lm0y l43 ifast ifastG726G 21 100 7 4s 3J C Rails 7 Piedra Mannikiii II Roisterer G726G Tijuana 1 141 fast fastGG111 20 113 5 4 C 51 R Carter G Supercargo Breeze Bastill GG111 Htharne 113211 hvy hvyG5881 103 6 Lost rider E Pzoldt G Friz Tokalon March Edna D UpG5784 G5881 Hthorno 1 116 l43 fast fastG5784 5 107 a 7 31 3 1 C Buel 8 Frank Fogarty Piedra Walk Up G5784 IPthorne 1 116 143 fast fastGEN S 103 5 5 5 S1 C But 5 LLillian Croupier BlacxBeUy BlacxBeUyGEN GEN CZAE ch c 4 107 By Czar Lady LounSes by Admonition AdmonitionTrainer Trainer W J Donohue Owner J Humbrecht Breeder Clark tc Fear 67621 Tijuana 1 lMfast 10 109 3 9 4i 3J H Moltera 11 PFlas Plsmatu MEcimaO MEcimaOG7573 G7573 Tijuana 51 f 1C9 fast 163 107 5 3 2 1 C Halls 12 Midian Review Glenzar G7452 Tijuana 1 l437sfast 16f 107 4 2 lk 23 II Moltera 9 Gipsy Joe Lariat Little Gink GinkG7337 G7337 Tijuana 1 l42fast 23 100 4 5 5 = 1 5 J H Long G DoeTubbs Proclamatii Shores 67278 Tijuana 34 l15tifaat GS 113 3 S Sl 9 H Molters 9 DlorTubbs SheUuvil AnRevolr AnRevolrG499G G499G Bghouse 34 l177tslow 79 103 31 F Cartrel 9 UtAbe ChoMastcr LIttlcGiak LIttlcGiakBUCKHOEK BUCKHOEK SempronlusTrainer II h e G 107 By Buckborn Berlin V by Sempronlus Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeder H P Hsadlsj C7GOO Tijuana Im70y l43fast 6 110 1 7 E Petzoldl 9 FrkFogarty StinimerSigh Vic 07550 Tijuana 1 116 IMGrsfast It 92 4 7 7G7322 7 Gi H Lons 7 Adonis Supercargo PceDircct G7322 Tijuana Im70y l43 faBt 5 103 6 6 C Ei D Hum 7 Piedra Mniinlkin II Louis 67248 Tijuana 1 1S 133 fast 4 112 2 2 Si 53 H Lons G MyKose Sum Sigh PrceDircct 07170 Tijuana 1 115 l 3 hvy 41 101 1 5 5G7098 41 41 H Lons G TailorMaid Halu WedgPrince G7098 Tijuana Im70y l OTihvy C 105 5 4 41 3i H Lons 6 Halu WMtgomy Wedlrinc 67054 Tijuana Im70y l51 = ihvy 10 SG 5 4 i 1 H Lonj r TiiorMaid Halu Capt Clover 67020 Tijuana Im70y l49tmud 4 93 1 2 2PIEDEA 2i la H Lons 0 Haiti Croupier Rouen RouenBy PIEDEA b B 8 107 107Traiccr By Magellan Premiere March by ChIdwick ChIdwickBred Traiccr J Eckert Owner J Echort Bred in France by T P Thorns 07577 Tijuana Im70y l44sfaat 23 111 S 7 5 5 1 II Molters 8 Regnso Manuiklnll MManaffe 07333 Tijuana Im70y l4iUfat 10 110 S S SG73GO 71 CTJ E Fator 1U PDireet Regreso KathlSankin G73GO Tijuana 1 116 l4S fast 2110 110 1 3 3G7322 31 2i M Fator G Whippet Regre o Summer Sigh G7322 Tijuana Im70y l43ifast 16 103 5 4 2l 1J E Fator 7 Mannikiii II Ixiuls Roisterer 67020 Tijuana Im70y IMO mud 25 111 2 5 56G178 5 5 E Fator 5 Biukhoni II Haiti Croupier 6G178 Hthorne Gl f l24 islow 7 111 5 3 3G58S1 3 2 H S Jones 5 Bond Money Mary Rcigel G58S1 Hthorne 1 115 l4Stast 1S5 10G 4 1 1G3710 1 21 D Hum 8 Frank Fogarty Ixitiis Wilk Up G3710 Hthorne 1 1S ljGifa3t 133 106 2 3 3CHARLEY 1 I1 D Hurn 7 Lliast Buckbrd M Prosperity ProsperityBy CHARLEY BOY b g 5 117 117Trainer By Zeus Romania by Peep oEay Trainer J Lahey Owner A L Briggs Breeder White Garnett G7493 Tijuana 1 l42BfaBt 30 110 4 4 3 1 H Molters 7 SumrSish Col Snider GipJoa 67399 Tijuana 1 116 14S fast 31 112 G 7 S S1J E Dugaa 8 Lotiaunu FFogty WMtgomy 67339 Tijuana 1 1S l34 l34sfaat sfaat G 115 3 3G7280 4 54 6J I Fletcher 7 Knsenia K Vie Dolpli G7280 Tijuana Im70y l43 ifast 13 111 3 3G7228 5 8 S R Carter S FFogty McGsPk Cvldrll G7228 Tijuana 34 lI3good 1710 103 S 7 S S E Fator 8 DrJohiru CstalFord CCloTet 65100 ThncUffe 1 116 l47 = islow 101 105 1 1G501G 9 8 S3J F Welnr 9 Iiantzic Buckboard Secretary G501G Thncllffo 34 116 stop 47 107 6 I 71 71 II McCrna S Qkltua Neapolitan ShtAwa

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011301/drf1923011301_10_4
Local Identifier: drf1923011301_10_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800