Tribute For A. B. Dade: Sterling Qualities Both as a Man and Racing Official Pointed Out and Commented Upon., Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13


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TRIBUTE FOR A B DADE Sterling Qualities Both as a Man Manand and Racing Official Pointed Out Outand and Commented Upon NEW ORLEANS La January 12 The following tribute was paid A B Dade this morning by William Kcefe sporting editor of the TimesPicayune TimesPicayuneIn In the death of A Barrett Dade the Amer ¬ ican turf loses a pillar pillarWhile While even a year ago it generally was agreed the strain of many years starting soon would necessitate Mr Dados retirement from the starters stand such retirement would in no sense have meant his withdrawal from an active part in turf affairs as the general opinion was he would have made an ideal steward stewardManly Manly just strict yet at the same time kindhearted and broadminded Mr Dade prob ¬ ably was one of the most respected the most admired and the most beloved race track officials the turf has ever known knownOwners Owners silks and jockeys reputations were alike to him no owner was so rich or influential that his horse would not be dis ¬ ciplined when at fault and no rider was too big for him to punish when there was pun ¬ ishment deserved deservedYet Yet even with those who felt his infre ¬ quent acts of discipline there never was any ¬ thing but the highest respect for the man whom everyone said could not and would not take a mean or unfair stand against any anyIt It is a credti to the American turf that a man of Mr Dades reputation should be so highly esteemed Because his was a law based on honesty of purpose and wrongdoers could not have admired him because of the Iinowledge he was their enemy enemyHe He was strict nay drastic when need be yet he was just ho was steadfast yet broadminded he was fearless yet friendly and genial genialTo To have known A Barrett Dade at all was to have admired and respected him to have known him intimately was to have es ¬ teemed him And tho writer who knew him well witn thousands of others of his close friends grieve at tho passing of a ster ¬ ling character and man like A B Dade

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