Fair Grounds Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13


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Fair Grounds Form Chart W OHLEANS IA FRIDAY JANUARY 12 192S Fair Grounds a mile Eleventh day Business Mens Racing Association Winter Meeting of 38 days AVeathsr clear temperature 74 Stewards Joseph A Murphy C AV Hay and II I Corkling Judges J B Campbell and Joseph McLenaan Starter AVilliani Snydcr Racing Secretary Joseph McLennaii Racing starts at 213 p m Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkerj Flg nrcs in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record ace of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 33 Kile Jen 19 1D22 34 S 114 Purso 1000 2yearoMs Maidens Colts and Geldings Special Weights Net valuo to winner 7CO second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U 4 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O P 07555 AVILL LAND w 116 5 2 I1 1 W KcLsay C T AVorthingtonl 13101 13 out 07533 BUSINESSLIKE w 116 1 4 21 2 L Lyke Idle Hr S F Stb 4 4 16545 13 13STONEARABIA STONEARABIA w US 4 5 4 3 J Butwell AV Daniel 3 5 41 65 12 17333 A J BUIA w 116 21 31 4 C Lang E K Bryson 10 15 15 5 2 2MASON MASON TOAVLE w 117i 7 7 5 5 AV HcinchC H KnebelkamplO 15 15 5 2 2BONNIE BONNIE JACK w 116 6 6 Cl GJ J AAallace C Phillips 8 20 15 5 2 2JOE JOE GATTI w 116 3 3 7 7 C Jackson J A Hall 20 30 30 8 3 3Time Time 12 23 35 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br g by Black Toney llildred by Peep oDay trained by C T Worthington bred by Messrs AV F J LLand LLandWent Went to post at 215 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing AVI LI LAND raced into n long lead when reaching the stretch turn and easily held the others safe through the last eighth BUSINESSLIKE began slowly but with his inner position saved much ground on the turn aad was running gamely at the end STONEARABIA finished well under hard riding A J BUJA began fast but swerved out in the last eighth aad was tiring badly Scratched 67553 Patsy Howe 110 Overweights Mason Towle Ii pounds SECOND EACE 34 Kile Teh 9 1913 111 0 116 Purse 51000 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 AAVtPPSt U 7 StrFin Jockeys o n o P 07197 AVAR PENNANT WB 7 113 13 1 41 2 1 J Butwell J Robertson 5 07517JFLIBBERTYGEET w C US 1 5 51 3 21 24 J Bell AV Caywood 4 o j uo 07 131 HYSTERIA w 4 95 7 6 71 4i 4i 3 = J CorcoranE Miller 4 5 41 2 1 1Il 07554 FLEER WB G 103 3 4 Il is 31 4 R Moser P II Heffornan 15 20 20 8 4 07305 BRIGHT TRASH vr 4 102 10 7 61 5 51 51 C DishmonC Provenzano 30 30 SO 13 6 6S 5S22JTHE NEIIIEAV WB G 116 48 S 81 6 6s L Lyko AV J Kramer 4 4 13S65 35 353ij 07126 MAGG MURPHY WB 4101 14 9 3ij 91 74 7 j Wallace J Kahn 30 30 0 13 6 612i 673CI GREY EAGLE w S 116 12 13 12i ut gt s1 J Conley F Gering Jr 30 GO 30 13 07407 HERALD WB 8 112 3 13 13OC370 IQi 10JlOi 9 C Lang J T Looney 6 12 10 4 2 OC370 BURGOYNE WB 6 110 2 3 2 61 SiUJi E Pool B C Million 688385 6883853at 07517 ROCHAMBEAU WB 4 IOC S 2 3 3at = t 71 ll iiill G BreningG Oddo 30 30 30 13 S 07553 CLAPPERBILL vr 10 112 5 14 14 12 12 12 J D MneyJeffcrson Stable 30 30 SO 12 C 57535 FIRING LINB WB 3 111 S 11 13 FelU H J BurkeA Hullcoat 20 20 20 8 4 450202FAYETTE 50202PAYETTE C w S 108 11 10 111 Fell E Martz A Posey 30 30 30 12 Time 23 48 114 Track fast fastAVinncr AVinncr Br h by Jim Gaffney Maltha by Ogden trained by J Robertson bred by Mr Charles W Moore MooreAVent AVent to post at 239 At post 2 minutes Start good nnd slow Won driving second and third the same AVAR PENNANT began well and was under a good ride in n forward position from the start and standing a hard drive through the last eighth just got up to win in the final stride FLIBBERTY GIBBET ran a good race finUhed gamely and was lucky in escaping interference HYSTERIA suffered several times frcm interference nnd finished fast and gamely FLEER set a good pace but tired badly ia the stretch BRIGHT TRASH finished well THE NEPHEW was always far back FIRING LINE fell in the first quarter nnd FAYETTE C fell over him himOverweights Overweights Bright Trash 1 pound The Nephew 2 Grey Eagle 2 Clapperbill 4 Firing Line 3 THIRD KACE 34 Hilo Feb 9 1018 1114 G 116 Purse 1000 4ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 sccoad 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners WB 9 112 7 5 5i 2i 21 11 G Meln r J Lavin 3 5 41 2 1 w 8116 12 1 11 21 L Lyke F Swain f B7107 312 12 Hi 51 31 j Owens R McGarvey I 59GGSAGAMORE w G ICC 8 8 9 41 31 4l A Abel J Arthur 10 15 15 6 3 67502 LOUIS A w 6 107 1 2 81 Cl 41 51 J CorcoranG Arvin 4 5 41 2 1 07302 ORClS WB 5 115 11 6 4 51 GI 6 G Babin C A Applegate 15 20 20 8 4 07325 JAVHALEBONE WB 7 107 4 4 21 31 71 7i E Scobio T E Crist 15 15 15 6 3 3C73GG C73GG DEAONITE WB 4 111 5 11 101 91 8s S J Smith J Bishop 30 O 30 13 6 6iGGllLUGS iGGllLUGS w 4 110 9 3 G 71 9 = 9s E Pool AV Perkins 6 6 4i 2 1 07197 AV OF CORMAN w 5 113 6 9 7 10s 10 10 J McCoy AV M Carter 15 20 20 8 4 GG338CANYON wn 4 115 2 7 34 S 11 11 AV Kelaay M L Mahler 20 30 3 10 5 5C7254 C7254 DOUGHNUT w 4 112 10 10 11 = 12 12 12 C Lang A E Alexandra 20 23 20 I 4 4Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch h by Ballot Muriel by AVatercress trained by D R McDaniel bred by Estate of Mr James B Haggin HagginAVent AVent to post at 304 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the came AAIOR began somewhat slowly but saved ground on all the turns and closing a gap came fast throuhg the stretch and outstayed GREEN GOLD in the last sixteenth ami won drawing clear GREEN GOLD had no mishaps and set a fast pace but tired near the end RAPID DAY was almost left and had to race wide on the turns but finished with a rush SAGAMORE ran well but was given a weak finish LOUIS A was going well at the end LUGS had a rough race raceScratched Scratched G73G2 Picnic 112 07251 Trantula 10L FOURTH EACE 1 Hile Jaa 11 1916 137 5 10 Kadoaaa Purse Purse 51200 3yearolds azd upward Fillies and Hares Allowances Net valuo to win nre 300 second 200 third 1CO Index Horses AAVtPPSt U li = i StrFin Jockeys 07563s AVISPA w 4 104 7 4 1 1 1 I8 1 J CorcoranIC McGarvey McGarvey07460JAUNTIE 07460JAUNTIE MAY w 5 112 2 2 41 5 3 3 2l AV Kclsay C T AVorthinirto 07519 MY REVERIE wn 4 U6 5 1 2 2 2 21 3i L McDottR J Brown 07459 BEACH BEAUTY w 3 92J 1 5 3 3 41 1 41 AV Fronk Idle Hr S F Stb 15 20 20 7 3 07520 SWEEP HAAVK WB 3 9J 4 C 51 41 5J 5t 5 J ClialmcrsAV S Kilmer 4 4 1631 25 6 JUNO wr 4 104 67 1 6 C C1 C J McCoy C A Applegato CO 50 50 15 6 6fc758G fc758G CITATION w 4 104 3 3 7 7 7 7 7 J AVallace F Farrar 30 30 30 10 4 4Time Time 24 = 4 43 113 1AOM Track fast fastAVinncr AVinncr Ch f by Runnymede Napa Girl by Solitaire II trained by R McCarvey bred by Mr Adolph B Spreckels SpreckelsAVent AVent to post at 327 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing AAISIA raced into a long lead at once and making the pace fast won all the way and finished in a canter AUNTIE MAY was hard ridden and outstayed and outnnished MY REVERIE The latter raced prominently in closest pursuit from the start but tired ia the stretch BEACH BEAUTY ran a good rate SWEEP HAAVIC was given a weak ride but finished gamely gamelyScratched Scratched G75SC Diana 10G 10GOverweights Overweights Beach Ileauty 2 pounds FIFTH EACE 1 Hilo acd 70 Yards Feb 12 1916 142 4 113 Everglades Pune Purse 1000 5ycarolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 700 sec ¬ ond 200 third 100 Index Horses StrFin Jockeys O H O P C7521 FANTOCHE WB 5 110 4 6 7 7 7 I1 1 L McDottJ Greenberg GreenbergCGG03BRHBRLA 21 31 1651 25 CGG03BRHBRLA LOVE w6 108 6 3 CJ 51 51 21 21 E Pool J McPhoraon McPhoraon07G03 3 41 41 32 35 07G03 JACK HARE JR w S 106 3 2 4 2 31 3l 3 J Owcng V M Bolts 10 15 15 5 21 07521 SERVITOR wn C 10S 7 4 3 4l 4 4 4 F Sharpe C P AVinfrey AVinfrey075G2 3 1G516555 12 075G2 IECLAIR wn f 110 5 7 5 61 1 5 5 J AVallace C K Moore MooreC74D9 20 30 30 8 3 C74D9 = TODY w 5 101 1 1 I1 I1 2i C1 61 J CorcoanII L Craln CralnOCaSS 21 3 1351 25 OCaSS COPYRIGHT wn C 1C6 2 5 2 3i Cl 7 7 A AVilson r J I avin 50 50 BO 15 8 8Time Time 24 43 114 1405 144 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch g by Fitz Herbert Fresnay by Meddler trained by L Johnson bred in France by Mr Clarence II Mackay MackayAVent AVent to post at 352 At post 5 minutes Start bad and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing FANTOCHE began slowly and was far back to the last turn but under good riding saved much ground then raced into a long lead in the last eighth BROTHERLY LOVE was taken or forced back sharply after being away well and ridden wide on the turns but made a fast finish JACK HARE JR showed improvement and ran a good race SERVITOR ran fairly wclL TODY threw her rider ut the post and acted badly then quit after leading for threeqcsrters threeqcsrtersScratched Scratched G74GO St Allan 110 G75SG Slippery Elm 110 110Overweights Overweights Brotherly Love 2 pounds SIXTH EACE 1 13 Kilos Haroh 14 1DOS 151 3 122 Parse 1000 3ycar olds and upwcrd Claimias Net value to winner 7CO second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys O U C P S G7C07 = AATALNUT HALL WB 9 104 3 3 7s 3s 3s 2 14 J Owens R T AVatta C C 41 2 1 67161 ESCARPOLETTE w G 107 9 7 4 41 4 4 2i R HartonT F Devereaux 20 20 20 8 4 07557 = ST DONARD WB 5 103 2 2 Ill 1 11 S G Mein R McKeovcr 444 S5 45 07500 ITLK AMMIE we 4 97 8 8 G1 5i 54 El 41 AV Fronk L T Bauer 10 15 12 5 21 07501s LAMPUS w 5 102J 6 4 31 7l 71 GI 51 F Sharpo RIverdale Stable 4 4 3 75710 07564 = ATTORNEY w 5 109 1 1 Si 81 S 7J C1 J CorcoranG C AVinfrey 4 G 5 2 1 1C7587EXHORTER C7587EXHORTER w 9 108 11 5 2 2 21 3 71 E Pool AV D Earnhardt 8 10 10 4 2 07564 KING JOHN WB S 115 5 10 11 IQt 10 Si S1 J Bell J T Buckley 5 8 S 3 S5 07557 GMAN JOUETT w 4 1041 4 9 10 91 9s 91 9 A AVilson E R Bradley 30 30 23 S 4 07557 MIRACLE MAN W3 4 102 10 6 5 Gi GI 10 1011 A Abel D L Richards 20 20 20 8 4 C7462 ANNA GALLUP w G 1021 7 11 9 11 11 11 11 J Ponco A Swonko 50 50 CO 20 10 10Time Time 24 48 114 140 151 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Sunfiowtr II Waterweed by AVatcrcress trained by R T AVatts bred In Eng ¬ land by Mr John B Joel JoelWont Wont to post at 418 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing AVALNLT HALL running consistently today began moving up with a rush after going a half mile nnd passing ST DONARD in the stretch held ESCARPOLETTE safe nt the end ESCARPOLETTE ixcoverod her speed scddcnly and came with a rush through tho stretch ST DONARD showed high Fpced in pacemaking but tired in the last eighth LITTLE AMMIE rau wclL EXHORTKR ran well to the stretch and tired badly LAMPUS had no mishaps mishapsScratched Scratched C75SCJThe Wit 10 J JOverweights Overweights Walnut Hall 1 pound Lampus 2i Exhorter 2 Gentleman Jouctt 1 Anna Gallup SEVENTH EACE 1 116 Uiles Feb 13 1915 144H 3 104 Parso 1000 4ycar olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second C3 third 100 j Index Horses AAVtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O II G P S 07563 BERMONT ws 5 96 5 3 3 3 14 li 1 J Corcoran Hamilton Stable 8 10 8 3 7 7w 67331 CARNARVON w G 111 3 1 2 1 2i S 21 L McDottG Druraheller 6 10 10 4 2 C755U TINGLING WB 5 105 6 6 5 41 3 2t 3 J Owena K K Brysoa S 7 21 C CWB 07558 AVAR VICTOR WB 7 106 7 7 C 6 41 4 4 G Meln S Louis 6 I I Iw C7IGt SERBIAN w 7 105 1 5 71 7 71 6 51 F Sharps II Neusteter 10 15 12 E 21 21w 07383 STANLEY w 5 101 9 1 44 1 Gi 5i 6 H Shilllck F T Miller 4 S 21 7S 7 7w 75SU ViVA CUBA w 6 1C6 2 S J1 S S 7 7i E Roehin R Warfleld 8 I 3 S GC326 COMMANDER w 7 1CS 4 9 9 9 9 8 S C Jackson A D Harrison 105 100 100 40 20 67503 TROOPER w S 110 S 2 1 2 51 9 9 J D MncyAV H Hall 2i 31 1C565 25 25Time Time 24 4S 114 140 148 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Light Brigade Five Aces by Disguise trained by E C Crockett bred by Mr Johnson N Camden CamdenWent Went to post at 443 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BERMONT raced into the lead with a rush after going threequarters nnd Urcw away in th stretch CARNARVON ran a good race but came wide into the stretch and lost ground TINGLING ran a game race but tired AVAR AICTOR was going well at the end VIVA CUBA rau poorly TROOPER quit badly badlyScratched Scratched G7uGG Charles J Craigmilc 96 67539 Ballybell 96 G1303 Bolster 96 67150 Austral 101 61604 Brown Check 101 101Overweights Overweights Aiva Cuba 3 pounds Commander 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011301/drf1923011301_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1923011301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800