1st Race [1st Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13

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1st RACE 58 Mile 3yearolds and upward Claiming CO 1 1O7 Index Course Dlst Time Tck Oddi Wt St i Str Tin Jockeys Started Order of Finish H 11 MlKits POINT b f i 111 By Von Tromp Zorita by Ceritp IX IXTrainer Trainer D S Fountain Owner D S Fountain Breeder E Cebrian 596 Tijuana SS l02fast 5 115 3 I 3 3 = 1 35J M Andsonl2 Alajah Yukon Yon Bet 67165 Tijuana E8 l06Hhvy 9 109 1 1 1 21 4 M Andson 9 BilJoc Pinaquana FtClmrchill FtClmrchillfl 67113 Tijuana 58 l04smud M fl 112 4 7 9 10 M AndsonlO Merry Lass Baisy Fond Hope HopeS 67019 Tijuana 58 l03mud 25 S 111 5 4 41 5 M Andson 9 Pueblo HnMajor Goldie Rose 66896 Tijuana E8 104 slop 13 3 114 2 2 23 6 M Andson S Milda Plantagcnet Jerry 63737 Reno El f l07fast 11 103 103C3S34 6 i H Long 8 LyTtoe EugeniaK Sacmcnto C3S34 Reno 34 115 fast 9 109 441 B McEwen S MurTsPct YorkLassie Gadling GadlingC 63622 Reno S f 103 fast C 107 3 B McEwen 7 Lone Pine Contriot C Cannell 63491 Reno El f l07fast 29 HI HIERMITANA 9 2 B McEwen 9 Bookworm Velvet Limerick ERMITANA b m 8 105 105Trainer By Von Tromp Isolation by George Kessler Kesslera Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern a Breeder E Cebrian 67573 Tijuana El f 1C9 fast 17 17 103 4 4 51 61 J Thomas 12 Gen Czar Midian RcTiew 67429 Tijuana 53 102 fast 22 108 4 II1 9 1 E Petzoldtl2 LadySmall Bookworm Olympd 67297 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast E3 103 6 4J 4i E Pctzoldt 7 II lluddcr O Wood H Major 67224 Tijuana SS l02r good ES 109 2 5l Ci E PetzoldtlO ColonelMatt MissBunbar Velvet 65284 Hstings Ab 3S 59ifast 135 114 31 W Davis S Brolaski MursPet BusBrown 65258 Hstings Ab 5S 100 good 5 114 3 T Wilson 10 Limerick Squash Muriels Pet 65189 Hstings Ab 58 l01 l01ihvy = ihvy 11 109 4C3 G Broadft 8 HelMajor NkKlein LndySmali 04871 Bghouse 58 1OJ fast 10 187 71 R Duspanl2 Chrome Squasii Boanelwlle 64290 Hastincs Ab 58 S9ist 9 1C7 1C7PEWAUKEE 31 U Duggan 10 LyEilmton Bkworm CCannell PEWAUKEE b p 6 107 107Trainer By Meelick Lithogeno by Lithos LithosBreeder Trainer D Howell Owner D Howell Breeder G Blackford 67431 Tijuana ES l01fat E6 115 8 9 91 7 H Jones 11 Virgo Alajali Syncopation 67393 Tijuana 34 l14fast 24f 115 4 5 71 10 II S JoneslO ThirtySevcn UUOwcn Plunger 65281 Hastings ImTOy 150 fast 2i 107 5 = H Moltera G NebLad LadySmall ClovJunia 65258 Hstlngs Ab 5S 1CO good 29 114 73 B McEwenlO Limerick Squasii Ermitana 65119 Hastings Ab 58 lOU slov 17 114 C i S Smith 8 View SenatorDonlan LordPrim 65034 Bchouse 51 f l03ttsood 8 111 7 S Smith 9 Overstep Ternette Olympiad 64946 Bghouse 5S l02 good 5 114 114K4425 10 S Smith 12 Thraman Ternette Ooma K4425 Hastings Ab 58 101 good 8 114 7IS W Gargan 9 Fickle Fancy HelMajor Vodka C3630 Reno 51 f lOSfast 16 113 3J B McEwen S Vodka Glad News Kazan 63485 Reno 34 mefcfast 1 113 113SEEKA 6 i J Carter 9 Maxine Chas Cannell Kazan KazanBy SEEKA b m 5 183 183Trainer By Sain or Ralph Thaka by Sir Hnoa HnoaBreeder Trainer J Carney Owner J Carney CarneyC7490 Breeder G J Long LongS1 C7490 Tijuana 5S l02 fast 10 f 113 8 f S1 63J F AndsonlO Vcra Kita Tillotson Norfield 65889 MHghts 34115fast 6 103 103C5513 G l W Bogski 7 Melba Polly Thrills Miss Dixie C5513 Kcmpton 34 l16 fast 15 112 51 R McAney 8 Humpy Hush Lady Harrigan 65359 Kempton 5S 103 fast 3710 111 31 R Ball 7 Ileliocross LyHargan Homam HomamIl 14481 KingEd 34 118 fast 6 110 Il E T Moore 9 Clean Sweep Lara P Lawrence 04384 KingEd Ab 5S 103 slow 145 110 110C4319 8 W Hinphy 9 Natrnm Split Silk Two Eyes C4319 KingEd 61 f l25fast 41 115 115G416G 3 i W Hinphy 9 SmtMoney COJoren Drapery G416G Delmier Ab 78 l32 l32sfast = sfast 12 110 110STYLISH T7 J Thomas 9 Drifting Boydcn Cremona STYLISH KISS b f 3 98 98Trainer By Granite Intricate by Hastings Trainer G Archibald Owner G Archibald Breeder J H Lonchheim 6754 G Tijuana 5S 102 fast Sf 96 9 10 10 751 P Hum 11 Full Moon Kling Red Man Man15f 07430 Tijuana 58 lu fa t 15f 97 4 6 6 6s 3 1 C Rails 9 Stanleyll Shelbyville Melchoir 6G527 Toledo 51 f lC7fast 25 115 5 5 6 6 i A Tmbley 7 Nonnkour Athlete Illusionist 6G357 Toledo 5i f l07 l07sfast = sfast 16 103 7 9 S1 S 3 E PetzoldtlO Argo Noonhoiir Kau Gallifi GG142 Hthorne 51 f l15Hslow 8 99 7 7 6 3 31 1 R Doyle 7 BHead ClpatraBoy RedChiel 6G109 Hthorne 51 f 11S hvy 25 103 6 6 6 6 J J Smith G CEnrique GrLady Fernandos 66010 Hthorne El f l14 ihvy 12 971 4 6 B 5 R Doyle 7 Orinont Crndenas Zapatoa 65829 HtJiorne 68 103 fast 7 105 4 7 81 8 E Petzoldt 9 Crudenas Paula Zapatos 65782 Htborne El f l07fast 20 97 6 7 6 6 J Chalmers 7 Delantc Ormont Miss Jane VIEW b gr 9 116 By McGee Parkview by Hamburg Trainer F Bisk Owner H L James Breeder C W Moore C7597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 3 110 7 4 31 31 E Petzoldtl2 Lobelia Dclancey Plantagenet 67470 Tijuana 34 l14fast 4 108 3 2 21 2JJ E PetzoldtlO Van Welles Pltagenet RMan 67450 Tijuana 58 102 fast 5 107 5 2 2G7374 21 2l G Rails 10 HazelDale Dclancey CIRoberts G7374 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 46 104 4 6 6G727G 6 6s P Stevens 7 LPointer IIKnddcr ThySeven G727G Tijuana 5S l02v fast 7f 113 9 9 8 Si R Carter 11 LdgSIar Mrylnss MarnZorn 07221 Tijuana 58 l027igood 6 109 7 9 9 Ss W Dean 10 ColonelMatt MissDunbnr Velvet I 07080 Tijuana El f 112 hvy 83 107 7 6J 6 W Dean 7 Joe Tag Vera Jtita VanWellej C5279 Hastings 34 118 fast 6 107 4i H Molters G Cascade Ovcrstop Double Van 05252 Hastings 34 llSHiSood 5 103 5 i II Molters 7 NtliShore UKAslier Overstep 051 85 Htings Ab 5S l00 ibvy 2110 109 109G5119 21 H Molters 7 Review George James AlCarr G5119 Hastings Ab 5S l01tslow 32 114 114JOSENIA 1 T Wilson 8 SenDonlan LordPriui DbleEyo JOSENIA ch m 7 105 105Trainer By Jocund Carmelina by Crslni CrslniBreeder Trainer L Williams Owner I Williams Breeder Mrs M H Darby DarbyZ 07129 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 23 113 6 2 2G3G21 Z II11 A Claver 12 I adySmall Bookworm Olympd G3G21 Ueno 58 l01 fast 6 106 8l W Davis 8 Syncopation Alajah BrMaloce 03220 Reno El f l097sfast 6 1C6 1C6C3211 41 W Davis 9 ClioirMastcr LittleOne Dorothy C3211 Reno Ei f lOSVifast 17 1CS 1CSMS54 9ts W Davis 9 Operator Quinam Gce Trimble MS54 Tijuana f8 l01Hfast 19 108 5 S E 8 W Davis 8 Shelbyville LySmall Verallita 01150 Tijuana Ei f l00fast 7C 106 1 1 1ti I1 11 W Davis 12 Foeman Apple Jack Ethel ti 1188 Tijuana 51 f l03faMt 3f 106 6 4 4G0997 6 12 W Davis 12 Daisy N Itluu Van Mex G0997 Tijuana 5S l02fast 79 106 7 7 7CHOIR 9 9 W Davis 9 MaryJay GoodEnough JoeBlalr CHOIR MASTER ch g 8 111 By Uncle JTcthersole by Tournament TournamentBreeder Trainer J Kern Owner J Kern Breeder Headley Miller 07133 Tijuana 5S l04jhvy 11 109 8 7 718 C3J E Petzoldt 8 Cuba Pinaquana Celebrate 07078 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 5 107 6 3 3C7049 3C7049 31 33 K Petzoldt 9 KycBright Mllollins CoVhrate C7049 Tijuana 31 l19hvy 85 107 2 1 1C703G 1C703G 31 Si E Petzoldt 8 CBarkley EHarrigan IWUr C703G Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 21 111 8 4 4CG034 4CG034 3 = 1 3 = T Wilson 11 Silk Sor It Midia CG034 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy 11 109 9 6 4i 43 E PetzoldtlO OlUeWood VetaRita Al Porter 00915 Tijuana 34 llCmud 7 110 S 6 7s 7i H Molters 11 Kimono ChkBarkley LOrphan 65219 Hastings 34 l19Tislow 16 109 109051R7 62 W Miller S Teiry ISosGcosc MissFrauIanrt 051R7 Hastings Im70y l53hvy 10 111 I2 W Miller 7 CloverJunia DesRose NebI id 65110 Hastings 34 llDnslow 21 110 110CJ99G 2A T Wilson 10Toyon Viola Park Black Spray CJ99G lighouss 34 l17 = islow 2 103 103CI871 2i H Long 9 LittlcAbc GenCzar LittlcGinU CI871 IJKhouse 5S 102 fast 4 109 S F Serembal2 Clirome Squash Bonncbplle 64770 lirhnuss 5S l02ifast 33 109 109ri9i 4J H Molters 11 Torsida LittleOne BcssieYoiing ri9i Hastings 34 121 mud S3 103 5si W Davis 8 XtliSliore Due dc Guise Alazon 0 1 H3tinss Ab 38 100 sloii 2310 114 114MARION 4 F J Baker 0 CiccIyKay LylJrbon SSquirrel MARION FLUKE b jr 5 105 105Trainer By Toay Faust Princess Viola by Kismet Trainer I Galbraith Owner t Galbraith Breeder C A HcLaughlin 074 5 1 Tijuana ES l01fast 232 106 5 8 S11 W Dean 8 RUOwcn SpUplI DdeGuise 67355 Tijuana 3S l02fast 63 f 109 1 1S9f 71 CJi W Dean 11 Bess Welch Hazel Dale Elga 07185 Tijuana 51 f l12hvy S9f 104 8 S SJ W Dean 9 IIRudder Viraltita MDnnbar 07105 Tijuana 5S l06 4hvy 113 104 2 5 = 541 W Dean 9 BillyJoe Pinaquana FCuurchill 67075 Tijuana 5S l0hvy 43 105 2 23K 61 41 W Dean 9 SlicnnanA Big Indian Nizam 00915 Tijuana 34 llCmud 3K 110 5 10s 10 W Dean 11 Kimono ChUBarkley LOrphan 65220 Hatinga Ab 5S l03slow 62 105 61J AV Dean 10 ValLady Bookworm BFlower BHOXASKI ch g 5 112 By Enfield Colusa by Joe Terrr Trainer K E Holbrool Owner K E Eblbrook brook Breeder S S Eakln 6745 1 Tijuana 58 l02fast 25 112 7 61 S3 E Dugan 9 Celebrate Tiicrcsa Limerick 67394 Tijuana 34 l13vifast S6 113 3 I1 5 E Dugan 11 PcorPuss TomOwens Celebrate 67317 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 10 114 4 51 6 = J E Dugan 9 Mayflr StanleyH Syncopation 67221 Tijuana 5S l02isood 7 1C9 1 21 4 H Long 10 ColomlMatt MlssDunbar Velvet 5 84 Hstings Ab 5S SSvifast 31 114 1 J Dawson 8 MursPet Ermitana BuaBrown 05220 Hstlngs Ab 38 lOJ7rslow 22 111 B J Dawson 10 ValLady Bookworm BFlower 651 1C Hastings 34 l193 slow ISf 103 8 4 G BroadftlO Tovon Chour Master ViolaPark EONNEBELZE ch m By David Tenny Dominica by Alvescot i Troicer A Heal Owner Heal Bartholomew ew Breeder A Heal 07017 Tijuana 51 f l09ifast 19 103 9 91 11 1 C Rails 11 Midian Cancion Delancey 67573 Tiiuana 51 f 1C9 fast 43 103 9 4 5 J G Collins 12 Gen Czar Midian Review 17431 Tijuana 53 l01ifast 14 113 5 E2 S11 A Claver 11 Virgo Alajali Syncopation 05184 Hstings Ab 5S l007shvy 11 103 C11 H Molters 7 Toisida Fickle Fancv Clirome 65070 Hastings Ab a8 103 muJ 8 109 1 H Molters 9 ValLady TlvcBells LySmall 64871 Ilghouse 5S 102 fast 7 107 107IMS01 33 H Molters 12 Chrome Squash Cigale IMS01 Hastings Ab 5S 59Vilop 26 112 11263S81 5 B McEwen G Yukon II K Asher GeoJames 63S81 Brhousa 5S l01fast 13 107 7 F SerembalO AlitcCarr SSquirrel EycBright 03727 Reno 5S l02fast S 104 22 II Long 10 DLM111S SanthiaC RRogon 63585 Reno 58 l0l fast 48 109 Bci D Hurn 7 J Gorman MaryJay GoldieUoje 63489 Reno Ei f l03Hfast 6 100 C51 Seremba 7 lirome 1erch Ixne Piue 63447 Reno 51 f lOSrifast 93 104 104FICKLE 812 Seremba 8 Gnhviiy Ierch Glcuzar FICKLE FANCY b m 8 105 By Lovetie Fifi by Gigazteum GigazteumBreeder Trainer V Cloud Owner E Cloud Breeder Urs L A Livingston 67574 Tijuana 51 f lOS ifast 16 10S 4 G1 52 H Long 12 lsiham Tillotson Plunger 67227 Tijuana 5S l02Hgood 29 109 7 71 Si F Cantrelll Amknssin Tcnnilcc IWHper 67185 Tijuana Si f l125shvy a 104 2 2l 4 F Cantrell y IIRuddcr VeraRita MDunbar 07132 Tijuana 5S l03 ihvy 133 109 1 E 54i F Cantrell S Tovon Jane A Anna Star 07091 Tijuana 5S lv03Hhvy 21 106 1 7 6 F Cantrell 7 SilkSos EWeller StanlcyH 65279 Hastings 34 118 fast 2710 112 C7J J Dawson Cascade Overstop Double Van 05253 Hastings 34 118 good IS 114 2 J Dawson 7 DdeGuise Review MissSedalia 05181 Hstings Ab 5S lOOTihvy 10 114 J Dawson 7 Torsida Chrome Lady Eileen 65075 Hastings 34 l18Vnud 195 103 551 H Moltf rs G LyBonrhon Dcrkhnnd Ifevicw 65035 Bghouso 34 l15 good 26 109 109M425 3J R Dugan 12 EdIcVan Due de Guise Toyon M425 Hastings Ab 5S 101 good 2 112 112C4394 1 T Wilson 9 HelcnMajor Vodka ValenI Kiy C4394 Hastings Ab 5S E9i mud 33 106 3 T Wilson 7 JtaFredrick Mabelllule Perch

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011301/drf1923011301_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923011301_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800