Avispa In A Canter: Wins the Fair Grounds Feature in Runaway Style.; Valor Takes a Race Luckily--Fantoche First--Two Boys Injured in Falls., Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13


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AVISPA IN A CANTER Wins the Fair Grounds Feature in Runaway Style Valor Takes a Bace Luckily Fantoche First Two Boys BoysInjured Injured in Falls NEW ORLEANS La January 12 Sev ¬ eral mishaps that came during the afternoon furnished added excitement for the big throng of spectators that witnessed this aft ¬ ernoons racing The mishaps were the re ¬ sults of falls entailing injury to those hav ¬ ing figured in the mishaps The gravest hurts were those incurred by an exercise boy named Henry Remert who was indulg ¬ ing the racer Gath with a workout between the fourth and fifth races He broke his leg when his mount went down as a result of corning in contact with the harrows harrowsThe The other fals came in the second race when fourteen including many decrepit ones went to the post The eightyearold Firing Line ridden by H J Burke stumbled and fell and Fayctte C another veteran fell over him The hcrses escaped injury but Burke received many lacerations about the face and body in addition to a sever shaking up Martz who rode Fayette C got off with a shaking up Burke and Remert were taken to a local hospital hospitalSummer Summer temperature prevailed adding con ¬ siderably to the enjoyment of the spectators Close finishes again were tha order in moat of the races with the winners usually those well supported The fiftysix layers the largest number operating at this track this winter were kept fairly well occupied in at ¬ tending to the speculative wants of their customers customersIn In the feature a mile dash for fillies Avispa scored a runaway victory having led by a wide margin for the entire distance Unlike her last race she did not tire but continued in full stride for the entire race and came to the finish in 140 Auntie May after a brief brush with My Reverie took second place Had Beach Beauty had a more experienced rider she might have headed the pair for second place instead of landing fourth fourthF F AUTOCUE IMPKOVED IMPKOVEDThe The succeeding dash at a mile and sev ¬ enty yards brought to the post another ser ¬ viceable band of racers and in it Fantoche a vastly improved one since leaving Ken ¬ tucky was the victor but it might not have been accomplished in the easy style it was had Pool used better judgment on Brotherly Love This one beat the barrier in a ragged start but Pool took him back sharply and then rode him wide He finished well but followed Fantoche to the finish by several lengths The improving Jack Hare Jr was good enough to land in third place Tody and Copyright were on bad post behavior Tody during one of her tantrums unseated Corcoran and caused him minor bruises from contact with the fence He was given an ovation when he remounted remountedWill Will Land carrying the colors of C T Worthington found it easy to land the open ¬ ing scramble in which twoyearolds met He led all the way and had a good margin on Businesslike at the end Businesslike be ¬ gan poorly but when settled fully in his stride finished gamely Stonearabia wound up in third place The first and second colts were sons of Black Toney ToneyVETEKATiS VETEKATiS TN BATTLE BATTLEWar War Pennant and Flibbertygibbet a pair of veterans staged an interesting struggle in the second race with War Pennant winning in the last stride by a nose noseValor Valor was lucky to get home first in the third race He beat Green Gold by virtue of saving much ground on all tho turns Rapid Day was practically left at the post nnd closed an immense gap to land in third place If away well it seemed he would have won Louis A one of the starters in the race changed ownership as a result of J Elshop claiming him for 52800 52800Under Under a good ride Walnut Hall finally managed to score Ho won the sixth race beating Escarpolette and St Donard The latter at one time had a ten lengths lead on tho others but tired badly badlyCorcoran Corcoran worked an improvement in Ber monts running and accounted easily for the final race from the improved Carnarvon vvith Tingling landing third Trooper a Btanchly backed one here failed badly after going threequarters threequartersScores Scores of turfmen officials newspaper men nnd racing followers assembled at the depot last night to pay a last tribute to the remains of starter A B Dade and express their condolence to his widow She left with the body for Henderson Ky where burial will take place placeThere There was universal regret over the pass Ing of the efficient starter and with his de ¬ mise comes a realization of the great loss sustained by the turf In addition to doing tho starting on Kentucky tracks Mr Dado also figured prominently in Dade Park af ¬ fairs and his death will lead to the election of a director to fill his place in the Green Itiver Jockey Club directorate directorateTodays Todays visitors included J L Rhinock who will remain tomorrow and then go on to New York YorkJ J T Looney who has several wellknown horses racing here came from Lexington 1 to take In tho sport and remain for some time

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011301/drf1923011301_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1923011301_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800