8th Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13

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Qth DA PC Miles iycarolds and upward Claiming May 1 U i Oin nAUt 05 15 0 115 JUDGE DAVID D h 7 115 By McGee Bcnedetia by The Pepper Tanner D Dennlson Owner OBourke Breeder R H Oots G7548 Tijuana 1 1S l56ifast 113 1 3 2l 1 C Halls 8 Flrcworth Dora HlRli Olvnums OlvnumsUS C7515 Tijuana J 11G l ifapt US 8 7 7 7 A Clavor S Shoreacres Lariat Klivirer C7277 Tijuana 1 1S l55ifast 111 S 3 21 2i IS PctzoldtlO Madge F Drifting Rhymer C7153 Tijuana 1 18 2 M = hvy 109 3 1 21 23 E Petzoldt 7 Dolpli Gen Hyns Silcx II C709G Tijuana 1 116 153 hvy 111 4 2 2J 2J K Pctzoldt 7 Coniciion Poacher My laddie 67041 Tijuana 1 l46Hhvy 103 4 7 6 6 E Petzoldt 7 Itajnli Krk Fosnrty Sum 815 G1322 Tijuana 1 1S 153 fast 113 4 7 9 D P Caron 10 LeDinosatirc TUrooks Coniciion 01182 Tijuana 1 116 lKfast 113 6 7 1 1 G Wliams 8 Pierrot Alma B Argento 61093 Tijuana 1 116 l43ifaat 115 5 4 3 3 i C Rails 8 DaintyLady Kardom UfiiI5yiiR C1070 Tijuana 1 31C 201ifaat 112 4 2 2J1 T Wilson S Montana TomRrooks DrSamuei DRIFTING ch f 4 4Traiaer 105 105B By BallotsSpindrift by BequiUI BequiUIBreeder Traiaer B Creech Owner B Creech Breeder C H Benyman 07409 Tijuana 118157 fast 1 103 2 4 13 M Fator 9 Ars nto John Arbor Caamnnn C7356 Tijuana ImTOy l47fast 33 1C3 9 5 4 S4i M Fator 11 KHarrigan LCochron CMullcr 67277 Tijuana 1 18 l5o fast 4 103 Z 4 3l 31 J Thomas 10 Madge F JudRC David llliymo 67167 Tijuana ImTOy l 5Vhvy 41 105 1 12D 6 4J 2J T Wilson 8 Poaclier Argento Deckhand 67115 Tijuana ImTOy l52 l52smud = smud 2D 105 7 5 5 4J J Pcvic 9 Lctn Deckhand Little Orphan 67077 Tijuana Im70y l51 l51thvy thvy 24 107 7 734S 7 61 6i J Pevic 9 Itatlbird LOrplian llansTopaz 67055 Tijuana 58 104 Hhvy 34S 103 9 S 9 9 J Pevic 9 Ultluckwell LLevcn IIGeorge 66574 Akron Ab 1 1S lKHfaat 23 102 31 P Gross 9 Puzzle Ie Ulcuet Eva Sons 66506 Akron ImTOy 151 fast 8 101 It1 F Lux 7 Pierrot Silex II Wreckless 66472 Akron 1 l477islow 9 93 5 P Groca 7 Will Soon Little Dear Ueveler 66335 Akron ImTOy l Vifast VifasttDcad 16G 103 3s O Atwell 8 Vodan My Hose Arapahoe tDcad heat heatWISE WISE JUDGE b e 5 5Trainer 112 By Judge Wright Mrs Wright by Masetto MasettoTarn Trainer H Tullett Owner Tarn o Shonter Stable Breeder Tyree Bate 67453 Tijuana 1 l42Vifast 2 112 5 3 2 = 1 11 W Pool 11 Tom Craven Flame Cfcale 67395 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 6 110 4 C 4i 41 H Lonjr 12 LanraCoeliroii Lariat Hliynicr 67243 Tijuana ImTOy l4Tfast 1310 10S 10 6 51 45 W Martin 12 WGMCtk Gllyns Obstinate 67190 Tijuana ImTOy 152 hvy 4 108 2 2 20 2J W Martin 9 Ifpcreso Arjicnto Lariat Lariatf 67166 Tijuana 68 lOG = ihvy f 107 4 4 51 3l E Petzoldt S HelciiMajcr llaisy Miss Dunbar 65C31 Omaha 5S 102 fast 4 113 2 H Tullett 7 OM Coin Onota Iiisot 65630 Omaha 34 114 fast 4 112 S H Tullett 8 Velvet WothoTVIsp UrnDIck C3896 MHuhts ImTOy l43Efast 33 104 3 7 7 7 N Foden 7 Blossom llouse Clip Advance CONICHON b g 7 112 112Dwyer By Reformation Janice Marian by Rubicon Rubiconemmon Trainer P Dwyer Owner A Slemmon emmon Breeder G M Van Gordon 67377 Tijuana 1 116 l47fast 23 101 5 S 8 7 7 H Long 8 liyKicht Walter Dant Dolph 07263 Tijuana 1 116 l4Sfast 6 112 1 3 3ImTOy 3 o b II Long 7 Eugenia K Leta Walter Dnnt 07136 Tijuana ImTOy 151 hvy 165 115 3 2 2 2 T Wilson 6 Yerrnak Illiymcr Double Van 67096 Tijuana 1 116 133 hvy S 113 5 1 1J1 11 T Wilson 7 JudjjcDavid Poneher MyLaodie 67022 Tijuana ImTOy l50smud S 108 2 1 1ImTOy J 21 T Wilson 0 Lnvaga DotibleEye Sanllcdron 66978 Tijuana ImTOy l49J hvy 13 111 3 5 CJ 6 T Wilson 7 Double Van Laracn Jlyl Jlyliddlo iddlo 05156 Hastings 1 116 l32slop 11 111 4s E McEwen 0 Double Van Lariat Wcinland 65040 BKliouse 1 116 l4S ROod 10 107 4s II Molters C Bittern PrcoDircot Bcnmorell C4814 Buhouse 1 1S lWfast 28 111 J H Daker 6 Caamano RpyJo MissIIcrrmann 64397 Hastings 1 11C l34 = mud lt5 111 2 C Gross 0 Lariat Tom Brooks Jlobolisk SHOREACHES br m 9 9OSuilivan 110 By Martimas Jane Shore by Bershore BershoreOSullivan Trainer J OSuilivan Owner J JImTOy OSullivan Breeder W Hammell Hammell10S 67551 Tijuana ImTOy l4fast S 10S 3 6 C C i B Petzoldt 7 SumSigh Yermak Cavaldrll 07515 Tijuana 1 116 l49 Jast 165 113 2 1 I1 1 F Stevens 8 Lariat Khymer Rejdo C7357 Tijuana 1 l42Afast ST10 ST10ImTOy 105 3 4 31 31 J Thomas i DocTubbs Proclamatu GipJoe 07280 Tijuana ImTOy I43 ifast 5 100 1 5 31 GJ M Fator S FFosty McCsPk CvlMrll 07229 Tijuana 34 113 Bood 35 101 6 6 ol 41 M Fator 7 BBlactwcll MoKKarncs llajil 66948 Tijuana 34 117 slop C 110 1 4 3J 3 = 1 M Fator 7 Jolm Jr Wliippet WalterDant 06565 Toledo 1 18 l53fast 3J 3JAb 106 3 1 1J 2 M Fator 0 SmartMonoy Wliippet Flyllomo C6495 Toledo Ab 34 llOfast 135 109 2 2 U 11 M Fator S Momentum CapBurns MessKit CHICK BARKLEY b g 8 112 112Trainer By Toddington Mary Le Bus by St Savin SavinBreeder Trainer W Walker Owner W Walker Breeder A L Ferguson FergusonSs 67534 Tijuana ImTuy l47Ufast lOf 110 10 9 Ss 9 J F Stevens 10 By Uigbt Tom Owens Vie 67435 Tijuana 1116150 fast 3T10 112 6 1 3J 3 = F Stevena 7 WaltcrDant Lavaga FirewortU 67300 Tijuana ImTOy l46 fast 16 110 1 3 2h 21 F Stevens 7 Toombeola Walter Dant Dolpl 67207 Tijuana S4 117 slow 4 112 4 3 2l 2l F Stevens 7 Jerry Theresa Baisy 67154 Tijuana II f l12hvy 19 109 5 7 7t 75 F Stevens 8 Conicutter btierman A It 67094 Tijuana 58 l03 hvy 41 109 G 5 5s 41 F Stevens 7 SilkSox EmmaWeller StanleyH 67049 Tijuana C4 l19 bvy 76 107 7 4 I1 1 = J F Stevens 8 EUargan CMastcr IWHpet I W HARPER b g 8 8R By J F Crowley Fenelon by Governor Foraker Trainer F R Irwin Owner F Irwin Breeder H R Schrim her 67547 Tijuana 1 18 l36tffast 17 4 1 I1 I1 J Sing ton S Al Wick Meteor John Arbor 67453 Tijuana 1 l42ttfast 14 145S 3 11 11 11 J Singtonll WlseJudgo TomCraven Flame 67429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 2 9 11 101 ti J Singtonl2 LadySmall Boakwornj Olympd 67394 Tijuana 34 l15fast 95 9 11 91 4s P Martinezll PoorPuss TomOivena Celebrate 07264 Tijuana 34 l14fast 19 195S 3 C 51 3i P Martinez 8 CSaider DonJose F G Corley 67227 Tijuana 5S l02Eood 6 2 6 51 3i P Martinezll Anrickassin Tennilce VeraKita 67079 Tijuana 61 f lllhvy 11 5 7 6 Gl J Sineton 8 It Cascade Chroma 67049 Tijuana 34 119 Hhvy 9 6 7 7l 4 i J Sington 8 ChBarkley Ellarrigan CJIter 66933 Tijuana 51 f 111 hvy S 8 4 5l o1 J Sinstonll Nog Merry Lass Count Boris ARGENTO AmlgoTrainer br s 9 112 By Jake Argent Ardenei by Amlgo Trainer L Knifong Owner L Knifoag Breeder Estate of E 3 Baldwin 67471 Tijuana 1 18 l56jfast 9 110 7 3 3J li E PetsoldtlO Al Wick Deckhand John Arbor 67409 Tijuana 1 IS 157 fast 12 108 3 3 3s 23 E Pntzoldt 9 Drifting JohnAroor Caamano 67395 Tijuana ImTOy 148 fast 21 110 11 7 71 5J1 E Petzoldtl2 IauraCochron Lariat lihymer 67337 Tijuana 1 143 fast 5 108 4 5 5 31 E Petzoldtll Baisy Ollie Wod Trinket 67190 Tijuana ImTOy 152 hvy 11 10S 4 4 4 SJ E Petzoldt 9 Itesreso WlPf Judge Lariat 67167 Tijuana ImTOy l56hvy 13 103 3 3 2l 31 E Petoldt Poacher Drifting Deckhand 67077 Tijuana ImTOy l51 4hvy 14 104 4 5 5 5 E Petzoldt 9 Itlbird Lirnrphan IlaasTopaa 67022 Tijuana ImTOy l30V mud 17 104 S 4 4s1 Glz E Petzoldt 9 Lavaga oniehon Double Eye 60953 Tijuana 1 110 ISSrislop 10 108 3 6 4l 4 E Petzoldt 7 Sum Sish Lc Dinosaure Dori

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011301/drf1923011301_11_1
Local Identifier: drf1923011301_11_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800