4th Race [4th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13

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1 ZVTilc Ed Tijrd V jlnslnn Memorial Haadlcajj 4th RACE and upward Jnzi 11 1I 1G IsST 45 5 1OG BEST PAL or h 6 122 By Helmet Padnla y Laveco LavecoTrainer Trainer J H Bams Owner S N Holnan Breeder E R Bradley 7Jyl13syivy 135 110 1 1 I R RomcHi 5 Itoyce Itools Olyntlms Bridcsn G7253 Jefferson 31 114 fast 21 120 5 51S 2 2S L Lyke S WiimA Bov fIIomc AtieMay 6G71 9 Pimlico 1 1S l52fast 10 126 4 41 451 C Ponce 7 Ilepliaistos Atlielstan PoIIyAna 6663G Pimlico 1 138 fast fastGGG07 9 126 1 3 G11 A Johnson 5 Tryster Little Chief On Watch GGG07 Pimlico S4 laiLfast 33 130 2 3 3 41 A Johnson 5 Trystcr On Watth Carofnl 65953 Latonia 34 lll lllsfast sfast sfastG5812 1 1C7 U 11 10s 9 II Thurberl2 Chattcrton ChoCho Knrf Itidcr G5812 Latonia ImTOy l43f ast 12 106 3 1 51 516J 5 H Thurber r DrClark llocfcmster LMadcap 65670 Latonia 1 116 145 fast 6J 110 3 4 S SJ S A Wilson 0 LMadcan Bockminisr Houleau 65160 Belmont 1 116 l43Tifaat 15 103 3 1 4 4l 31 C Ponco 5 Tlindcrclap Hcphaistos Frigate BOY FROM HOME br g 4 105 i By Hairnet Kay Bird by Thrush Trainer W Hurley Owner Idln Hour Stock Farm Stable Breeder E R Bradley 67563 FGrnds Im70y l43ifast 12 309 3 2 2 I1 A Wilson 7 Plucky Avispa Oirntlms 07519 FGrnds 34 l13toood 15 ICG 6 7 6 C = l A Wilson 10 MarvicMay 1aradur LEffare 67308 Jefferson 34 l14 ifast rti KM 1 1 If 2i II Tfcurber 5 LFrrare JFOHara All Fair 67253 Jefferson 34 114 fast fast6G795 21 33 3 1 3nt 31 n Thurber S William A Best Pal AtlcMay 6G795 DadePrk 34 l12islow 41 107 1 2 4l 41 II Thurber G Atie May SirTliKcan Tuscola 66722 DadePrk 24 l12 = ifast 65 114 2 1 I1 I1 II Thurber 5 Ittosctlus LotLoraine Prologue GG28 Latonia 4 1 12ifast 35 110 2 2 2 1 H Thurbcrll Isusccles Postlude Cnizcm 65234 Lcxton 34 l13ifast 5 103 456 6JJ A Wilson 7 QnceGanlen Whirl CstwdPoj CstwdPoj62f 65197 Lexington 34 lirfaiit lirfaiitC4920 62f 104 10 10 S1 S13 A Wiison 11 MarConis Etcside JtoyalDlck JtoyalDlckS7 C4920 Churchill 34 l12 ifast ifastC47K8 S7 102 5 G 7 7 A Wilson 7 Blanche Mac Adonis JBowdre JBowdreC7 C47K8 Churchill 34113faat C7 1U11 7887 A Wilson S Translate JBowdre UolBitker UolBitker2J 61792 Churchill 1 l37Jifaat l37JifaatSIR 2J 104 6 6 6 Gs E Barnes G KPlmutom PrcLula Chafrtoa SIR THOMAS KEAK b g 5 109 By Golden Haxlm Guion by Dr Rice Trainar A Thomas Owner Estate J A Vogeler Breeder T K Murphy Murphy2i 67418 Fa JrGds 1 11S 11S l50V hvy 8 10S C 2i Sl E Pool 13 Calcutta Muximac Olyntlms 67110 Jefferson 34 34114 114 gooi good G 106 3 3 331 J Owena C MarMay AuutieMay TWitchet 66795 DadoPrk 34 l12i l123low 3low S710 110 2 11 Ch J Owens 0 AuntieMay uscola Boy fHorau 66740 DadePrk 1 l3S = ifast ifast6GG01 125 111 2 31 3 = 1 AV Kelsay 8 lUeanorS Mcrrimac Harry B B4o 6GG01 Latonia 34 lU lUSifast fast fastCG548 4310 112 6 4o 4 E Pool 8 Abadane Dr Hickmun Abhizc CG548 Latonia 34 Ill Ill7fast = fa8t 8 110 5 5ll3SHfaat 4 4 E Pool 9 Make Up Estero Ararut 66349 Latonia ll3SHfaat 41 106 5 7 10 J Owens 12 Estcro Billy Star Sway 6194 Latonia 34 l12 I12fcfa8t fast fastC37SO 16 109 2 2t16 21 E Pool 6 Buster Pegasus MicliaeUDaly C37SO Kworth 1 116 l Cfast 6 109 7 7L1G 3 3 H J Burke 10 Despair NlglitlUiidcr Tautaliia C3502 Windsor 1 11G L1G l44Jifaat 2 1041 4 31 51 E Pool C Ucdstonc Duke John Fair Gala COIdC BnMTrainer SOUG br r 119 By Slack Jester Olm BMC y BnM Trainer T J Shannon Owner O Kofilgswald Bred hi g c T4 r J R7520 FGrnds ImTOy l43sood Si 122 1 1s 2 Z1 41 O TnT g BlarncyStone Calcutta Colaado 67287 Jefferson 1 l40sfast s n7 t 1 1 11 C Lane 12 Ralco Uppity Witehet Avbpa 66892 Jefferson 1 110 fast 55 114 3 2 1111 L McDott S KONcIL BlarySbme CberTre 66651 Pimlico 1 116 l45faat 2710 U 1 1 I 14 C Lanr 6 Emotion Fairway J P Jones GG595 Pimlico 1 1S l51fast 115 108 1 1 I1 I C Laac Emotion Trcveiyan DonbleCrcM 66388 Laurel ImTOy l44 fast 9 us a aIS5 C u C Lane 6 Rebuke Fairway JJunga Buck GG286 Laurel 1 l40fast IS5 112 7 1 11 I1 C Lane 8 Fairway Rebuke Cham plain 66140 Laurel 1 110 l475sgood 4 105 E 1 1 11 C Lang 5 Knot All Fair Playfellow G6007 Laurel ImTOy l44Jjrast 6 107 t tII 1 1 2i C Lang 5 Knot Polly Ann Bluffer G5530 IIdeGco 1 116 l4Tfast II 107 4 1 21 3 J Rowan G BgaBuck Fairway TopScrgeant G5444 ILdeGce 1 11G l46 fast 39 IM I ISS 5 5 6 H Thomas G LkyHour Bunting SthcruCroa G5301 HdeGce 34 lO2 rast SS IDS 5 7 7 7 L Ensor 7 CalaniJanc Tip Witehet Knot PARADER ch 6 111 111Cahs By Whisk Broom IL Paseant ty Delhi Trainer I Cahs Owner T T Pcndcrgast Ercodor H P Whitney WhitneyIk G7G06 FGrnds ImTOy l45fast 710 110 2 1 Ik 2 J Owens 5 BlarneyStone LKffarc Eplsod 67519 FGrnds 34 113 good 7 110 4 3 31 2tk J Owens 10 MarnMay LEffare Mylteverl 7417 FGrnds 34113 = hvy 43 110 7 7 7 711 J Owena 1 Myneveric Gentility UiffBanr 64655 Churchill 1 1S 151 fast 10 111 1 B 5 1 F Smith f Chatfrton Itockuister Itouleau 64401 Saratoga 1 ISS fast 135 113 3 4 3T3 F Smith 4 JohnPaulJoncs Exodus Knobbio G4333 Saratoga 1 l37fast 5 118 1 1Il37i4rast 4 2J F Smith 5 Thunderclap Roalean Lally C3960 Saratoga Il37i4rast 7 IIS 2 1 ln F Smith 8 JohnPaulJoncs Itouleau Kcdna 63332 Latonia 1 3OC 2Cliihvy 7 107 1 2 2s B Kenndy 3 Firebrand Blarney Stone 63152 Latonia 1 12 220S good 2110 113 1 11 1 F Smith 6 Fircbrd DcvastaUon MintoIL 62994 Latonia 1 139 good 24 103 2 2ImTOy 71 713 D connlly 5 Radio Gangway Bit of Whit 62869 Latonia ImTOy l42 = fast U 103 5 31 2 V Smith 7 Minto II Gangway Firebrand ROTCE SainTrainer ROOLS b e 8 113 By Salvation SaintoUt by Sain Trainer W H Traveri Owner Fairmont Stable Breeders Lawrence Comstock 7481 FGrnds ImTOy l43 l43shvy = shvy 8 11 3 3l 2 L Morris 5 Best Pal Olynllius Bridesman 67417 FairGda 34 O5hvy 15 114 6 G L Morris 7 MyKeverlc Gentility I5iffI5mS S5596S 56212 Sartoga 1 l3S fast 10 112 1 7 S 3i 3 L McAte S Idle Dell Crocus Billy Kelly 5596S Empire 1I1C l43sow 710 114 111 1 C Fbther 3 Sweep Clean Thunderstorm 35713 Empire 1 116 1 45 45sf sf ast 113109 433 3i 2 B Kenndy 4 Xw Hand Dr Joe Dimmesdal DimmesdalB 55673 Empire 1 18 213 213sslop sslop 105 Walk over B Kenndy SetlpcfieldaoalS i5600 Empire Im70y l43good 95 103 2 2 1 1 1 1 B Kenndy 3 Pen Rose Sedpcfield aoalS Aqduct 1116143 fast 7 110 2 2 2 2 2 2 B Kenndy 3 Mad Hatter Dr Joe 5528SAqduct Joe5528SAqduct Devildof55U1 1 116 l447 f ast 1310 118 344 3 2 I B Kenndy 5 Thunderstorm CtsbSp Devildof 55U1 Aquuct 1 l38ifast 165 114 6 9 8 7 4 1 B Kenndy 9 Ciinarron Sundial II Courtship

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011301/drf1923011301_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1923011301_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800