2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13

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58 Claimingca Mile yearolds and upward Claiming 3Iay 2O 1020 ca i IOT NOONEOUR ch c 3 99 99Trainer By Uncle Noontide by Colin Trainer C B Irwin Owner C 3 B Irwia Breeder Headley Miller 67370 Tijuana Tijuana672G5 El f 103 fast 19 103 1 6 E 5s D Hum 10 Athanna El Roble Sir Leonid LeonidSit 672G5 Tijuana TijuanaU724G El f 103 fast Sit Bowsprit23f ICG 4 1 I 4 P Hum 12 BrianKent LyLeonid Bowsprit U724G Tijuana Tijuana6G527 58 101 fast 23f 93 3 1 E1 7 P Hurn 8 Ask Jessie Joe Blair Milda 6G527 Toledo Toledo6G3JU El f l071 fast 95 112 2 S 2 13 M Fator 7 Athlete Illusionist Silver Maid 6G3JU Toledo Toledo6G357 El f l13ihvy 61 115 1 4 ns 10 R Doyle 12 Nowata Athlete Silver Maid 6G357 Toledo Ei f l07 l07sfast = sfast 16 102 4 2 2 21 M Fator 10 Argo Eau Gallie Nowata YUKON ch g 6 116 By Deutschlasd Lady Yera by Woolsthcrpe Woolsthcrperay Trainer G Gray Owner G Gray Gray6759G ray Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 6759G Tijuana 5S l02faat 2 113 1 2 2C7491 23 2i P Martinezl2 Alajah HuntersPoint You Bet C7491 Tijuana E8 lOCXfast 31 115 S SC 4 J 4J1 W Garcanll Candorosa JCampbell Alajah C 1361 Hastings Ab 5S MTsslop 45 114 1 S Smith G HKAsher GeoJames LitAbe 6392 7 Brhou 34 l14 = sfast 37 113 113G33GG CJ J Singtonll RLOven MRule HonGcorge G33GG Reno 34 l13ifast 10 HO 771 W Gargan 7 MabRuIe HBgoyne Tmbeola TmbeolaC5 62798 Reno 5S l035tgood E C5 3 111 111GALLOUBERRY I1 W Gargan S Bobolink HontGcorge Ternctte GALLOUBERRY b e 5 112 112Trainer By Galatine Kate Kittleterry by Cerasus CerasusI Trainer H E Bavis Owner H I E Davia Breeder J E Seagram 67595 Tijuana 5S l027sfast 2 115 7 4 4 4 M Andsonl2 Philanderer Viva Bacchus Bacchus2CO 67211 Tijuana 34116 slow 2CO 105 4 6 5 1 M Andson 7 Pueblo John Jr Mailce K 67051 Tijuana E l04V hvy 1 122 ± I lit 6 S C C M Andsou 7 Harry D Kimono Ella Waldo 65931 Mncuvo ImSOy l5Shvy 12 112 Pulle Pulled up H Gibson 7 Brdview Satinmorc FandWer GStDl Mneuvc Ab 34 l17fast u 118 3J W Smith i FlyinsFoni Broadview Dormai 65694 Mneuvc Ab 58 100 fast 5 113 3J1 II Gibson S LyIIarrigan MissIIold Humpy 05540 Kempton 24 l15 = fast 2310 10 112 341 E T Moore 7 Almirante Foxhaveu Dcpcndce 6550G Kcmpton 34 llGtfast 1 IIS IISSS 3 E T Moore 7 Satinmore Almirante HoGreen G52GO Kcmpton SS l05Tfast 5 112 112E8 k x Collins S Cliantonr Almirante Capt B G532G Kcmpton E8 l04 ifast 6 U5 21 N Collins S ICVQiicen Ldlcss FandWracr 65211 Dorval 1 l45slow E3 97 5 I 7 S W Organ 9 Malhiwmot Blarney Boy Azrael i 05103 Dorval 34 l21hvy 5 103 1 S 2 1 35 E Barnes 8 Bright Morning Waae Mouctte i MELCHOIH ch f 3 M 89 By Joe Carey Vcno Von by The Irishman Trainer W A French Owner Woodland Stable Breeder V A French 67531 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 19Cf Of 94 2 1 21 o H Long 11 LMaiinlni PcaceKIag Contriot 67430 Tijuana 5S l01 = ifast 50 92 6 4 4 41 II Long 9 Stanleyll SlielbyvIHc StyMis 672G5 Tijuana El f 103 fast EO 10S 9 11 U1 10 T Kae 12 BrianKent Lylx onid Bowsprit 61285 Tijuana 7 102 2 2 61 6J D Hum 8 IMlerson BKent LadyLcotiU 61225 Tijuana 11 IOC 7 7 E1 3J D Hum S Pllampson PIicrson Lkedale 1103 Tijuana 41 f E4fast 29 112 6 6 Ei 5 1 T Rao G Eiasc Lidy Myra Dick Tcrpiu 61080 Tijuana 12 49Hfaat 13 112 9 7 6 4J T Rae 9 Tnle Irosity Glllifiower GlllifiowerB 60982 Tijuana 12 43 fast 101 Hfi 9 I 8 S C Gross B Faber Miss Edna Pat Uampsou ELGA adoraTrainer cb m 7 109 By Free Lance mmrtriojw by adora Trainer E J Howell Owner E J Harwell Breeder G J lonjr 67451 Tijuana 58 l02sfast 6 114 1 Z 6 J Pevle 9 Celebrate Theresa Limerick 67355 Tijuana 58 l027Jfast 11 114 4 X 3 J Pevic 11 Bess Welch Hazel Dale Mldlaa 67298 Tijuana bi f lOS fast 12 109 4 1 2 3J J Perlc 8 Hilda Nes Lariat 67133 Tijuana 5S l04 hvy 38 114 2 S 7 1 O Atwell 8 Cuba Picaquana Celebrate 67078 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 4310f 112 2 6 71 7i O Atwell 9 EyeBright Mllollins CMastet CMastet4J1 06569 Akron Ab 5S 100 fast 7 113 4J1 T Rae 8 Flip Diocletian Right Angle 06504 Akron 61 f l24slow 28 104 4 i C White 7 BRibbon CoIMurphy M d Nell 66301 Akron Ab SS 59fast 13 113 113POKEY 5 T Buel 5 GolChance Baliynew Woodpile POKEY JANE br m 6 110 110Trainer By Angol Jim Vilhalla by Fezzn Trainer B lovell Owner H T Palmer r Breeder W Garth 67617 Tijuana 51 f l 7ifast 15 113 2 1 Z 4 H S Jonesll Midian Cancion Delancey 07574 Tijuana 51 f lOSfast 7 113 2 6 7 8 H S Jonesl2 Ispham Tillotson Plunger 67490 Tijuana ES l02 4fast 35 113 2 2 JJ 4 H S Jones10 Vera Rita Tillotson Norfleld 07430 Tijuana 68 l01fast 16 113 7 7 71 8 1 H S Jones 9 Stanleyll Shelbyville Sty Ml 67132 Tijuana 58 l05hvy 8 109 7 3 31 4 W Dean 8 Toyon Jane A Anna Star 06536 Akron Ab 58 101 fast 4 115 115CG467 21 F Lux 9 Mnb James C Midian CG467 Akron Ab 5S l01slow 19 113 41W Taylor 8 Flip Port Light Zalner 66435 Akron Ab 58 l01hvy 4 117 117G5714 S J W Taylor 7 Milda Mary Mallon Midia G5714 NKton Ab 58 1CO last 10 109 109VEILED 4 G Mangan 7 McLaiie Wealthy Ann Jau VEILED COLLEEN ch f 4 107 107Trainer By The Finn Scenery by S In InBreeder Trainer J Lahey Owner A X Briggs Breeder J E Madden 67320 Tijuana 1 l41fast 17 101 1 5 5G7187 6 6 C Rails 8 Ring Silk Sor Proclamation G7187 Tijuana 1 l49hvy H5 100 2 5 5b7055 51 53 W Martin 7 Benccia CaveMan NorfordsLait b7055 Tijuana 5S l01Hhvy 103 HI 1 6 6 J E Fator 9 BBlkwcll ULeven H Grorgo G5500 Woodne 1 11C l47V fast r 8 8 8 A Abel S BlkBctty BlosHouse Dlslute 64725 Connght ImTOy l46fast 41 55 2 1 1 3 i M Garrett 9 MtlcCrown RkSilk BrMorn 04059 Connght 34 114 fast 17 101 5 8 8 t SI H GregorylO Purl Vibrate Viva Cuba 64192 FortErie 1 1 l51ifagt 49 90 4 410 10 10 10 R Flynn 10 Snngrado PuKtSwnin Kleanorfl 64114 FortErie 1 116 1 l52 l52y l52hvy 2V y hvy 27 97 S 5 5TOM 6J 714 L Gregory 7 Bev Belle BlosmUouse MllesS MllesSTOM TOM CommandoTrainer ROACH b e 5 116 By Disguise Oasis by Commando Trainer W P Gaincs Owner W P Garne Breeder J V Parrish 67596 Tijuana 5S l027sfast 20 110 10 12 12 11 H Uolters 12 Alajali Yukon Hunters Point 67545 Tijuana 5S l01 fast 144 114 4 10 1C1 H13 H S Jonesl2 OlWood JCampbell Mayfioer 67470 Tijuana 34 lllrost IS 103 10 9 91 914 J Thomas 10 VanWcllcs View Plantagenet 67393 Tijuana 34 l14fast IS 113 6 6 54 5 i A Claver 10 ThySeven RLOwcn Plungef 67225 Tijuana ES 102 good 76 1C9 1 4 4 34 W Martin 11 Zindo Mayflower Cyncopntloa 67134 Tijuana ES 103 hvy 71 110 1 5 41 55J H Moltera 7 Cascade Alajah Vera Kita 67052 Tijuana E8 104 hvy 160 109 5 7 7 C Rails 7 Pueblo Toombeola Don Jose 654 68 Omaha Omaha6537G BS 102 = 54810 w 4 112 2 R Scoville S MissBoy KTempIar Kitty SL 6537G Omaha 58 I0l7sfast 24 115 9 J M Slghtcrl2 Mouxle MDenunzio BrownDIck 64380 Toledo El f 109 fast 5 107 11 C Rails 8 LuiMeme Fond Hope Cnteca 64281 Toledo 1 l41fast 24 103 6 C Watson G Bill Head Pierrot Miss Krutel VIRGIN ch m 5 M 105 By Radford Delicious by Delhi Trainer W W McCao Owner A Moser r Breeder W E Carter 07393 Tijuana 34 l14fast 173 115 10 8 S1 7 E Dusran 10 ThySeven RLOwen Plnnrer 67049 Tijuana 34 119 Sshvy 328 103 5 6 S 7 W Martin 8 CBarkley EHargan CMaste 66997 Tijuana El f lllmud 41 104 5 5Ef S 7 7 C Rails 9 KWilliams CBarkley AlPortee 66916 Tijuana 34 117 mud Ef 110 6 8 71 7 3 C Rails 10 North Shore Poacher It 62648 Omaha 63 f lao fast 15 112 4 W Varley 9 Ed Le Van Auditor SirJoImJr 62457 Omaha 41 f E6 fast 10 113 32 E Barham 10 EvcMay TBFavorite TCubll 62378 Omaha El f l08ifast 4 109 109If 7l T Shockley 9 SanPablo Indianola DesertRow CJ285 Omaha 34 1U6 fast If 112 9i E Barhaml2 Repent Double Eye Boreas BoreasBy CURLICUE ch f 14 107 By Handsel Eva Rice by Hasetto Trainer F Binehart Owner F Rinehait t Breeder T B Jones 5S l01 fast IGr 114 6 6 9J 12 E Donhuell OlWood JCampbcll Mayfloe 60673 Tijuana 34 l15T fast SD10 113 1 1 1 B1 S P Martinez S PtoPoint SIIawkins LotSpeed 60517 Tijuana El f l15hvy 7 113 2 2 2 31 33 P Martinezll K of Pythias McCroan ModUte 60250 Tijuana 58 104 good 29 108 1 T I 9 9 D Hurn 9 McMurpiiy Dorothy Tillotson 60133 Tijuana E8 104 slop 7 107 4 7 7 7 6 J Majestic 7 Pewaukee Tom Caro Alajah 47151 Tijuana 34 l14fast 710 113 6 1 P Martinez 6 MerLass Scarpiall TomGooM 47093 Tijuana 781l7 fast 135 109 4 J R Lowe G Concha DonJose GohlCliance 47032 Tijuana 34 112 fast 7 104 541 C Duggan 7 Kuklux PhrWard TdUonr THREE X b h 6 M 107 107Trainer By David Tenny Princess Vera by Rey del Sierra Trainer J Horn Owner J Horn Breeder Mrs E J Schwartz G7451 Tijuana 53 l02 fast 6 107 6 8 8 7s M Milrick J Celebrate Theresa Limerick 67336 Tijuana 34 l16 4fast H5f 114 1 3 33 4si M Milrickl2 Nizam Norfield Glenzar 67205 Tijuana 5 f lllslov 9 109 1 15S 4 3i 4J M aiHrlck 12 Trinket Glcnair Make Haste 67151 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 110 104 7 75S 7 61 63J M MHIriclt 7 Dr Stevenson PhyllisK ThrUla 67114 Tijuana 5S 105 mud 35f 107 7 7 61 6 M Milrick 9 Ternette Hazel Dale Thrills 43497 Cheyenne 41 f 56fast 11 113 5 C Gross C DofWton LottieLec BMtaln 43442 Cheyenne 12 4Sfast 19 112 E R Carter G Squash DofWton BMountala 43354 Cheyenno 38 33fast 13 H3 6 R Lowe 0 Pie Squash Lottie Lee WILD WoolsthorpeTrainer BRIER br m 5 M 110 By Joe Carey Woolen by Woplsthorpe Trainer G W Edwards Owner H Masters Breeder 0 L Rogers 67597 Tijuana 58 102 fast ISf 108 12 12 12 12 E Blind 12 Lobelia Delancey View ViewG733G G733G Tijuana 34 llGfast 91 114 12 10 lO 10 H Moltersl2 Nizam Norfield Glenzar GG973 GlenzarGG973 Tijuana ES l03Jihvy 27 109 8 S 8 8 W Miller 8 Harry D It Ternette

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011301/drf1923011301_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1923011301_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800