3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-01-13

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RAPE yearolds and upward Claiming May 2O 192O LADY BOURBON ch m 6 105 By ByTrainer Marta Santa Helen Pink by Pink Coat Trainer J G Givens Owner J G Givnas Breeder J H Woodford 67456 Tijuana 5S l00fast 216 W7 1 7 T1 1 61 W Miller 8 CocaCoia Aryanna Ih Ward 67380 Tijuana 34 l144fast 32f 1C5 4 7 8 1 9 92 W Miller 11 Aryanna She Devil July Fly s 34 llSinud 145 109 1 1G4811 lt W Milier 0 Deckhand Review IlKAsher G4811 Bghouse 51 f lOSifast 11 104 li liC 11 W Miller 11 RoscocGcosc Toyon Lady Small C J359 Hastings Ab 5S 100 slop 31 107 2 2G4291 21 W Miller G CicelyKay SSquirrel CMastrt G4291 Hastings Ab 5S 59 fast 9 107 2 2P4033 21 W Miller 8 Stanley II Toyon Ella Waldo P4033 Brhouso 51 f lOSfast 20 102 9 9G3G33 W Miller 11 Ringleader MScdalia DdeGuise G3G33 Reno 51 f 1OS fast 910 106 2 2l W Miller 8 GrTrimble VtoryWon BilJo 03489 Reno 51 f lOSAfast 1713 106 7 7J W Miller 7 Chrome Perch Lone Pine 63427 Reno 34 l14fast 9 106 2 2ALAZON 2h W Miller 8 Shelbyville Toyon OUomestea4 OUomestea4By ALAZON ch f 4 100 By ByTrainer Semproius Edna K by Bonus Red Trainer J S McDaniel Owner J S McDaniol Breeder I L Allen 67575 Tijuana 51 f l09rifast 115 105 3 2 2l 1 3 H Long 11 Due Do Guise Jazz Cicely E r 67245 Tijuana 34 l14fast 60 103 1 2 1 2s C Rails 7 Allcilen Proclamatn TCravea 65220 Hstings Ab 5S lCQHslow 7 100 FeR W Miller 10 ValLridy Bookworm BFlowe 64998 Bghouse Im70y l4SV slow 8 104 Sls F Seremba 8 BYoung ClavJunia MonBelie 04393 Hastings 34 121 mud 33 95 95C 31 H Long 8 NtliShore DdeGuise MFraulM C 7S2 Keno Im70y 145 fast 5 94 571 H Long S Glad News Coniclion Norain G3432 Reno 1 142 fast 2110 92 92Im70y 8 W Dean S JtRiglit Bobolink Md ofAusel C3277 Reno Im70y l45Vfaat 6 89 3 H Long 10 amlocli Canmano Poacher G3224 Reno 1 142 faat 145 85 2l H Long 8 Kimberly Ola Lee Poacher ROSA ATKIN br m 5 By Jack Atkin Montrosa by Plaudit Trainer R M Hollenbeck Owner R K Hollcnbeck Breeder R T Wiisoa 6739G Tijuana 51 f l07fast 32 107 2 21 4s E Petzoldt 7 ColMalt ColSnStlcT Cncutter 67342 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 39 107 2 6ll C3 E Petsoldt 7 Pueblo HamiltoirA Corncutte 67283 Tijuana 5S l01 fast 25 HO 4 4i 43 M Fator G HarryD AskJessie Hon orr 67225 Tijuana 5S 102 good 3 109 6 3 64 M Fator 11 Xindo Mayflower Tom Roach G2G84 Omaha 34 l14fast 175 110 110El 5 W Mnilers 9 DonJose Winehegter LitPointet 62548 Omaha El f l10sgood 3310 110 I1 W MnderslO OlkaKid ThlrtySeven Waltlna REVIEW b e 6 116 By Deutschland Alico Cary by Trappean Trainer J T Strita Owner Strite Valentine Valentinela ntini Breeder Nevada Stock Farm la 51 f 109 fast 16 U5 2 1 1 3 31 315Sl02 = 1 T Wilson 12 Gen Czar Midian Gleuzar 5Sl02 sood 39 114 9 8 S2 S Sl J T Wilson 11 AiaUassin Telinilee lWHper 07080 Tijuana 51 f 112 hvy 11 U2 2 5 ESJ 55 551 T Wilson 7 Joe Tag Vera Rita VanWellea 60947 Tijuana E3 ii37Jslop 13 110 644 4 4J 4JGG934 4J3 P Walls 7 Don Jose Pay Off Velvet GG934 Tijuana El f 111 hvy n 109 3 3 C C1 oi 55 C Rails 10 OllieWuoiI VvraRita Al Porter 05253 Hastings 34 113 good 1S6 114 3 3 T Wilson 7 DilcGnise FleFancy MSfdallm G5185 Hstinga Ab 5S l00 ihvy 2710 114 li liPINAQUANA T Wilson 7 View George James Alice Carr PINAQUANA b f 3 93 By Master Robert Miss Cynthia by Joe Carey Trainer J Crofton Owner H D Cates Breeder C B Heart 07394 Tijuana 34 l15ifast 9 90 9011 11 11El 9 11 10 W Martin 11 Poorlus 07205 Tijuana El f 103 fast 14 97 12 125S Ch E W Martin 12 BrianKent LvLeonid Powsprlt 07226 Tijuana 5S 102Higood 4 92 G G5S 61 6 W Martin S Litlointtu Celebrate B WtIch 071 G5 Tijuana 5S lCCfchvy 1310 90 3 35S 1 2 W Martin 9 BillyJoe FlClinrcIill Ilsloiiit 07133 Tijuana 5S l04 hvy 2110 92 5 4 2i W Martin 8 Cuba Celebrate Virge G7017 Tijuana 34 l17imud 31 33 5 J JPERFECT 2 25J W Martin G KoyiIMaid CI Slocking BKeat PERFECT DAY ch m G 105 105Trainer By Prospero Pansy King by Kingston Trainer J Green Owner P Gliiman Brooder S A ltccham 07532 Tijuana o1 f 1C9 fast 42f 106 7 64 W Wiley 12 MyrtleA Delaiuiy FrchNurse G72G2 Tijuana 34 l14fast 15 109 3 71 S AV Wiley 10 NubrLad TCrivcii Shelbyville G3C38 Reno 34 l147ifast 46 104 6 1 Millerick 8 MofAnsoI IWlIarper Snider 03589 Reno 1 l42fast 24 lOt Sl E PetzgId S iiiiilocli Fiio W C Dooly 03425 Reno 34 l13rast 11 106 151 M Fator 10 1C of Pythias Sam Hill Maxine 633 19 Reno 1 l41 fast 85 103 611 Seremba Capon Firo I V Harper G2S4G Keno 34 115 fast 9 104 6 W Millet 7 Bit torn Dots Red William G1379 Tijuana 34 115 fast 41 110 G 10 10s 54 B JIcEwcnl2 Lloubon HotFoot Cant VICTORY WON ch p 5 By Seth Fascinatnr by Peep oDay Trainer W Overby Owner W Overby Breeder J Quintan 67490 Tijuana 5S l02 ifast ICf 110 3 8 9 91 C Rails 10 Wri Rita Tillotson Norfield 63728 Keno 58 l01 fast 31 105 10563G33 E l W Davis S LittlfOne Em VclliT GolKose 63G33 Reno 51 f 103 fast 43 106 31 W Davis S GrTrimble IyBoiiibon BilJoe 63523 Reno 5S l01fast 37 105 4 J W Davis S DSMirray MerLass MsleC 63420 Reno 31 l15fast 9 106 8 W Miller 0 Red William Dorothy Eth l 63389 Reno Ei f lOSfast 9 IOC 3 = 1 W Miller MursPet Dos Kt ofPythlaa 62935 Rono E8 l02 = ifast 14 106 4i W Davis 10 DoAdmit MadIluiry UrKdall 62845 Reno t4 l16 l16sfast = sfast 176 93 93C13G2 9 W Miller M iy lay CaneIon Galway C13G2 Tijuana Ei f 110 fast 7f 107 1 5 11 6 1 W Davis 12 HMersPoint MarIInke Ispham 01241 Tijuana 58 l02fast 19f 107 4 10 1 1611G4 10 11 G Wliamsl2 LKi lkt MMgoiaory Jr 611G4 Tijuana El f l09ifast 131 31 107 6 8 71 6 W D Miller 9 EWIllius SIIawkins LetUee LetUee3f 61088 Tijuana El f l039ifast 3f 107 2 7 7G1073 9l S3 H B Bwerl2 DitUy N RlliK Van Mex Mex6f G1073 Tijuana El f l07 ifast 76f 6f 107 1 8 7 7 E Petzgold 8 FullMuon UWiliiaias SocStnr SocStnrC8 60990 Tijuana E8 l02fast 70S C8 107 4 E EOLYMPIAD 71 71 E Petz oldtl Luiy lloiirboii Vodka Olive D OLYMPIAD ch e 4 109 109Trainer By Ferolo Olympia by Rock Send Trainer J D Heard Owner G 3 H Abbett Breeder A Belmont 07021 Tijuana 1 l44fast 243 43 105 3 5 S1 5el M Andsonll PFlag Pjotlamatn Gen Czar 07574 Tijuana El f lffi fast 165 5 104 9 7 G C5i F Stevena 12 Isphsin Tillotson Plunger 07429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 15 112 1 10 6 Si M Andsonl2 Lady Small Bookwoini Viva 07225 Tijuana 5S 102 good 9 111 11111 11 11 1 11 II11 A Claver 11 Hlmlo Mayflower Tom Roach 07152 Tijuana ES 105 hvy 10 101 4 3 4 31 C Rails S Red Man Risliidiit Billy Joe 67099 Tijuana 1 l4GV hvy 23 S3 6 G E 5 C Rails 8 Whippet My Rose Dissolute 05221 Hastincs Im70y l52 alow 18 93 3 W Dean 7 thralc KenDonUn GMuehlebi McCROAN b e 1 112 By Modred Lecnja by Hastings HastingsM Trainer C H Duffy Owner M Jordan Breeder C B Daniels DanielsG2 07G1G Tijuana 51 f l03 4fast 62 11C 2 2Ci 7 S 9 F Smith 10 JParmer TiKotn GMhlebach 07078 Tijuana Ci f 112 hvy 4310f lOf 107 7 71m 8 9 9 = H Flynn J EycBnght Mllollins CMistcr CMistcrI7f 01383 Tijuana 1m l43fast 17f I7f 109 6 6 7 S R Moss 11 Nashotah Allorter CTulMiirphy C1320 Tijuana 1 l4i fast 10 104 9 7 4l ol W Organ 9 MyrtleA Prless One Master G128G Tijuana Im70y l4S ifast 15 IJyng2C 110 E 2 2J 23 W Organ 9 Vera Wood Cohrita Gen IJyng 01231 Tijuana 1 l43rifast l43rifastG1200 2C 105 3 2 6 = 7s R Moss S Orleans Girl Limerick Careen CareenLH IMSvsgoodi G1200 Tijuana 34 IMSvsgood LH 103 8 8 10 10 1 R Moss 11 DonJose DonbleVan K Rumboa RumboaS6 01171 Tijuana 51 f l0872fast S6 1CS 7 B 4 3i R Moss 8 G Enough ValtMack UNVrisht HESTER H ch m 9 By Harrigan Kostcr Zorra by Cesrion Trainer W C Hoover Owner Hoover Duncan Biccdcr B A Jonex G7597 Tijuana 5S 102 fast lEf 111 9 95S 10 SI 9 F Smith 12 Lobelia Delancey View G7432 Tijuana 5S lvt fast M It 11C G G5S 4 71 7 1 F Umlth 11 Fond Hope Vora Rita Angela 07224 Tijuana 5S l02Kond 792 92 114 G Gt 8 S 911 F Smith 10 ColonelMatt MissDiiabar YiUvl G7075 Tijuana t lOI = 5hvy 80 105 1 15S 4 7J1 SJ H Lons 9 SliermanA Big Indian Nizam G701G Tijuana 5S 104 mud 83 HI 3 3ES 9 10 10 F Smith 10 Dl Waldo CotmtUcirls Teruetta GG973 Tijuana ES l03hvy 61 114 5 7 7 7 C Studer 8 Harry I It Ternelte 37G83 Oahlawn 34 l15sslow 100 00 103 7 7 S J Dursch 11 Unclellart Roadmaatsr Hwfa HwfaLOO 37G4G Oaklawn 34 Il4faat 100 LOO 101 1 1Ci I 9 9 T Rowan 12 ScotchKiss TrasSteel PStar 31913 Tlluanu Ci 1 lilSJihvy 40 105 2 6 9 8 W Taylor a LadjLcoua Posiliuio MPrldi BLACK PAT br r 5 113 113Trainer By Dick Finnell Paitio Black by Wagner Trainer H B Stewart 0wner O Strwart Breeder Million Gregory GregoryG 67470 Tijuana 34 lU4fast 13C 112 7 6 G 61 B P CrterlO VanWclles View Plantascnct 07225 Tijuana BS 102 good 130 114 10 8 8G7000 7 6fi W JarreU 11 Zindo Mayflower Tom Roach G7000 Tijuana El 1 110 mud 56 115 5 6 6GC571 6 6 T Rae S Harry D North Shore Pueblo GC571 AUron Gl f l24fast 41 103 103GG501 4 F Lux 10 Cavalr MrKruter Qof the Spa GG501 AUron Ab 5S 102 slow 165 115 115GG4GG 1 S Wida G Propaganda Winkic Homad GG4GG Akron Ab 58 lC2 slow G 110 110GG399 4 C Eames 7 MistJiggs PcraSlcr AAgnes GG399 Akron Ah 5S l01 mud 21 111 111GG2G2 2 E T Moore 7 KWorlli Hilda 1 and Stcaler GG2G2 Akron Ab E8 101 fast 65 119 6 F Lux 7 P Accompli BigSon Goldie S 05939 MHghta 7S 128 fast 13 315 41 C Barnes G Slip Silver FRooster TheEnqr 63619 XKton 61 f 125 fast 285 113 2 S Wida G MrKiuter MMallon StKcvia 05509 XKton 34 118 fast 2110 110 2l C Eamea 5 ArtMiddleton Neg Safranor 65362 NKton 34 123 fast 1110 112 112C5277 1 S Wida 5 Bcnecia Rubula No Wonder C5277 NKton Ab 58 l01 fast 3710 108 2 S Wida S Right Angle I Gentry Gilder 03250 NKtoa Ab 5S 101 fast 15 111 21 S Wida 8 BightAngle MinnicU JamesG CAVE MAN ch g 8 H 116 By Celt Jamma by Delhi DelhiTrainer Trainer H Wells Owner H Wells Breeder G Starr 07574 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast 23f 115 1 2 21 4 B Barhaml2 Ispham Tillotson Plnne r rG7338 G7338 Tijuana 1 l13Vifast 34 108 2 3 Esi 5i D Hum 9 Lcta Cancion An Revoir 07187 Tijuana 1 l49 = ihvy 41 110 3 2 2 2 D Hum 7 Benecia Norfcrds Last JayMae JayMaeG707G G707G Tijuana 34121 hvy 2710M14 1 2 1 3 D Hum 12 NfdsLast ArgFort DrCund 07030 Tijuana 34 120 hvy 17 112 1 3 31 4 D Hum S Al Porter Jlidia Circulate CirculateGG914 GG914 Tijuana 5S l03 mud 1 103 4 J S1 3I H Long U MarnZorn ArneFort Glenzar GlenzarG2G83 G2G83 Omaha 51 f lOSfast 22 110 G51 T Johnstn 9 luvation Salvatoron TRoach TRoachC2G30 C2G30 Omaha 01 f lC9fast 14 117 1 T JohnsfnlO POXeill LEHecn TbeBFave TbeBFaveC23S8 C23S8 Omaha 51 f ll3Hslow J17 117 4 J T Johnst ill RMBrown McMurphy MaryD MaryDC237G C237G Omaha 51 f 105 fast 21 IOS 6 R Dorlty 10 Lenve BAJoDe TBFavorlto

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923011301/drf1923011301_9_3
Local Identifier: drf1923011301_9_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800