5th Race [5th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-01

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DA PCT 5 s Mile Ityearolds and tiinvard Claiming May 2O IttSV nMUu 5t i 107 PINAQTANA b f 3 94 By Master Robert Miss Cynthia by Too Carey CareyBreeder Trainer J Crofton Owner xu D Gates Gates5S Breeder C B Head 67929 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 19 lOl 6 4 351 3U G Rose 11 MEmC RAtkin Helen Major 07893 Tijuana 1 147 mud 185 93 4 1 1s I1 W Martin 7 SilverMaid PrPnss SCochran 67799 Tijuana 61 f lOSfast D 52 1 2 25S 3s 3l W Martin 9 MarnXorrian Nizam J Partner 67659 Tijuana 5S l01fast 13 S3 5 c 41 4 AV Martin 10 LyBibon KosaAtkiu CavcMsn 67394 Tijuana 34 l157ifast 9 9 11 11 10 AV Martin 11 PoorPiiss TomOwcns Celebrate 67265 Tijuana PI f 1OS fast 14 97 12 E E5S 6b a9 W Martin 12 BrianKent LyLeonid Bowsprit 67226 Tijuana 5S l02Hgood 4 92 6 I 61 G AV Martin S LitFointer Celebrate It Welch 67165 Tijuana 58 106 hvy 1310 90 3 1 2 W Martin 9 Billy Joe FtChurchill HsPoint 67133 Tijuana 58 l04 hvy 2110 92 5 4 2 k y Martin 8 Cuba Celebrate Airge 67017 Tijuana 34 llTmud 31 tf3 5 J 21 21 AV Mastin G RoyalMald ClSlocking BICcnl BICcnlBy HELEN MAJOR ch f 4 107 107Trainer By Hanigan Mazonia by IXazagu IXazaguBreeder Trainer P Dwycr Owner E 3 Looper Breeder B A Tones 67929 Tijuana 5S l04hvy 14C 113 4 4 451 C Rails 11 MKinC KosaAtkin Pinnqnana 67801 Tijuana 51 f l07fast l07fast5S 103 3 5l 45X H Long 10 Due deGuise Theresa Don Joso 67638 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 93 110 6 41 CJ E Fator 8 Barriskane CtBoris IIRuddcr 67297 Tijuana 51 il f 1OS fast 6 106 7 8 31 32 H Long 7 II Rudder O Wood Rrmitana 67166 Tijuana 58 l06hvy 195 101 1 2 25S 1s I1 H Long 8 Baisy WiscJntige Miss Dunbat 67113 Tijuana 5S l04 mud ll10f 109 3 3 3s C l T Wilson 10 Merry LJISS Baisy Fond Hope 67019 Tijuana 58 l03mud 15 111 3 3 2i 2 T Wilson 9 Pueblo GdieUose BrcheMeyen 65189 Hstings Ab 5S l0lhvy 35 1 I4 B McEwen 8 NickKIein I idySmall Krmitana 64811 Bghouse 51 f lOS fast 34 6 F Cantrel It I dyBourbon KosGoosc Toyom 64425 Hastings Ab 58 101 good 9 1 1EB1TJTANA 2 R Duggan 9 FickleFaucy Vodka ValLaOi ValLaOiBy EB1TJTANA b m 8 1 1Trainer By Yon Tromp Isolation by George Kessler KesslerBreeder Trainer J Kern Owner 3 Kern Breeder E Cebriis CebriisSl 67913 Tijuana 5S 104 mud 19 114 1 3 3IS Sl 21 C Thpson 8 Olympiad Smile Again Review 67892 Tijuana 34 118 mud IS 110 2 3 31 S C Thpson 12 Fickle Fancy View Dora 5S l03mud 8 10 6 7 74t 7l TT1 C Rails 11 Toniltaach Squash Plantagcnct 5S l02Hfast 4t 113 8 9 9ISf 8 5J E Parke 11 Yukon Delancey Phyllis K 67657 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast ISf 103 11 11 llt 10i J Thomas 12 Pewaukee Shcka Fickle Fancy 67573 Tijuana 51 f 109 fast 17 10S 4 4 5 = 1 6T1 J Thomas 12 Gen Czar Midian Review 67429 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 22 10S 4 6 11 gej E Petzoldtl2 LadySmall Bookworm Olympd 67297 Tijuana 51 f 103 fast 53 103 6 5 41 41 E Petzoldt 7 II Rudder O Wood II Major 67224 Tijuana S l0273good 6S 109 2 5l HJ E PetzoldtlO ColonelMatt MissDunbar Aelvet J52S4 Hstings Ab S 59fast 133 114 31 AV Davis 8 Brolaski MursPet BunBrown 65258 Hstings Ab 5S 100 good 5 114 114BAFFERTY 3 T AVilson 10 Limerick Squash Muriels Pet PetBy BAFFERTY b g 9 111 111Trainer By Harrigan Picaninny by Cesarion Trainer F Karaet Owner F Marmet Breeder B A Jones JonesSl 67897 Tijuana 51 f l09mud 3 115 9 9 Sl Sl T Rae ft DdeGuise FMHopo Count Boria 67743 Tijuana 34 l14fast 10 113 7 S 51 a i H Long 9 VanWelles CabinCrk Poacher 67615 Tijuana 51 f l fast 116 115 5 5 51 1 J Pevic 12 SwpUpil PonzaKay PbyllisK 67574 Tijuana 51 f l03Wfast 40 113 10 10 9 3 1 T Rae 12 I pham llllotxon Plunger 67432 Tijuana 58 l01fast 14 115 T 10 10 W T Rae 11 Fond Hope Vera Rita Angela G6537 Akron Ah 5S 101 fast 4 106 1 J Pevic 8 GdKuBh Iyllurgan Stkailer Stkailer2s 66470 Akron 61 f l26slow 2 115 2s T Rae 7 Old Red Pretender Minnie II III 66401 Akron 61 f l2SV5mud 9 113 I T Raa 7 StarBanner UAnglc AVarFox 66299 Akron 61 f 123 fast 86 112 5 T Rae 9 StarBanner Benicia JapMuma 66121 MHghts ImTOy l5675mud 13 110 3 T Rae C Flea Pierrot Starry Banner BannerU 65713 NKton Ab 5S 100 fast U10 113 U T Rae 6 Joanitalll MissOrb Athgarvea VEBA BPTA gr m 5 114 By J F Crowley Cisne by Flambeau FlambeauTrainer Trainer W L Stanfield Owner W 1 Stanfield Breeder W L Stanficld 5S 104 hvy S lit 5 S 6 61 II Molters 11 FMHope Philanderer FullMooa 5S l01fast SO 110 2 S S5 7 J AV Martin 9 RLOwcn Lonieve Due dcCuise 67545 Tijuana 53 l015sfast 61 110 7 776 7 61 W Pool 12 OlWood JCiimpnell Mayfloer 67490 Tijuana 58 l02Jifast 1910 10S 1 4 4SJ 11 AV Pool 10 Tiilolson Norfield Pokey Jano 67432 Tijuana ES l01fast 1710 10S 1 3 2l 21 W Pool 11 Fond Hope Angela Phyllis K 67227 Tijuana 58 l02igood 2110 109 4 4 41 41 C Rails 11 Auikassin Tennilee IWHpcr 5 Tijuana 51 il f l12 hvy 1110 107 1 3 3 2 AV Martin 9 HRlidder MisxDunbar F Fancy 67134 Tijuana 5S 105 hvy 2 109 2 4 Z 3 i M Fator 7 Cascade Alajali Kinma Weller WellerII 67880 Tijuana 51 II f 112 hvy 3 107 1 1 1BILLY 1 IT M Fator 7 Joe Tas Van Welles Tenuiln BILLY JOE ch g 11 116 116Trainer By Russell Ethel T by Richmond Richmondne Trainer J ane ne Owner Kace Zicglsr Breeder O H Chcnanlt 67743 Tijuana 34 l14fast 6f 118 9 4 41 8 H Molters 9 VanWcUes CabinCrk Poacher 67672 Tijuana 5s 102 fast 29 117 11 10 Sl 61 H Molters 11 Foiidllope lNebrnsUal id Nizam 67165 Tijuana 5S 106 ihvy 30 111 5 4 4 = 1 1 H Moltera 9 Picaquana FCIiurchill llsPt 67152 Tijuana 5S 103 hvy 13 107 5 o 551 4s il Mol r3 8 Red Man Pis Indian Olympiad 67113 Tijuana 6S l04 imud 78 113 10 9 96S033 8 61 H Moltcrs 10 Merry Lass Baisy Fond Hope 6S033 Reno 51 f 1OS fast 10 10S 4 H Moltcrs 8 GrTmble LyBrlion VtyWoi 5 Reno 34 l15fast 2310 113 88 B McKwea U Maxlnc Clias Canni11 Kazau 63426 Iteno 34 l13fast 14 113 113YUKON 4 D Hum 9 Bed AVllIiam Dorothy Ethel YUKON ch g C 116 116Trainer By Deutschland Lady Vera by Woolsthorpe Trainer G Gray Owner G Gray Breeder Nevada Stock Farm 67927 Tijuana ImTCy l32hvy 14 113 1 5 91 11 W Garganll HorLrrcli NliShore Pltagrnpt 67918 Tijuana 5S l03mud 2t 113 4 o 5 4 W Gargan 8 HazelDale Stleyll DdeGuisa 67802 Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 17 110 4 3 41 31 E PetzoldtlO lobelia Poacher July Kly 67722 Tijuana 58 l02 = ifast 6 115 3 1 1C7658 1 U W Garganll Delancvy Phyllis K Norfield C7658 Tijuana 3S l01 fast 3710 10 116 4 K 10 105 101S J Singtonl2 Melchoir Nnhoiir GalBcrry 67590 Tijuana 5S lOrbfaat 2 115 1 1C7491 23 2i P Martinezli Alajali HuntcrsPoint You Bet C7491 Tijuana 68 l03 jfast 31 113 5 41 131 V Garganll Candorosa JCampbell Alajah G4261 Hastings Ab 5S SS jslop 45 114 1 S Smith G HKAsher GeoJames IJtAba 63027 Brhouso 34 l14 rast 37 115 6s J SIngtonll KI Owen MRule HonGcsirgo 63366 Reno 34 I13ifa3t 10 110 71 W Gargan 7 MabRnle llBgoyne Tmbcola 62798 Reno 5S l03V good 120 111 111CUBA 1 AV Gargan S Bobolink IIontGeorgt Tenieta CUBA blk m 6 114 114Trainer By Bard of Hope Salvation Nell by Salvation SalvationBreeder Trainer L Hankin Owner L Hankies Breeder K N Gilpin 67511 Tijuana 5S 02 fast 63 113 7 7C7133 S 8 T Rae Hazemale RUOwcn FullMoon C7133 Tijuana 5S 04fhvy 9 111 6 4 31 1 T Uae 8 Pinaqiiaua Celebrate Yirfe 67079 Tijuana 5 f llhvy 60 112 8 i 8 It Cascade Chrome 67036 Tijuana 5i f 11 hvy 7 114 9 i 11 11 11 A Claver 11 Silk Sor It Choir Master 66148 MHghta 51 f lmud 7 109 1096G020 1 T Uae S Efficient Punctual Jack Idl 6G020 MHghts 34 llT5ihvy 2 104 4 P Gross 10 BWrack OMcKenua M Dili 63984 MHghtd 51 f l09fcslop 7 98 21 P Gross 8 AtAnnes MayMauIsby JkLedJ 63796 MHghta 51 f lOS ast 10 106 106B5113 2 F Moore 8 Ola Lee Seven Seas Thrill B5113 NKton Ab 5S l01rigood 37 107 6 1 F Mcore 5 Virge Pokey Jane Trcadwell 64672 ConLake Ab 58 100 fast 17 111 KJ F Mooro G Olympian King Huron II SUM 64343 Toledo 51 f lOSvsfast 23 107 107PLOW 31 T Rae S Shorcacres Ollie Wood Tokay PLOW STEEL cb c 4 105 105Trainer By Honeywood Dsccency by Martinet MartinetWalk Trainer W Walker Owner W Walk r Breeder L Chnstenson 67915 Tijuana 34 117 mud 6 102 6 67f 666 = Tl G Rose S PVlamatn DancGirl CabCr 6785 Tijuana EK 1 01 fast 7f 103 10310 10 9 81 S F Stevens 11 Pay Off Vibrate Noonhour 67210 Tijuana 34 llGsloW 18 104 S SIS 7 6 E51 F Stevens Bill Head Cafeteria Romulns 67119 Tijuana 51 f l10Hmud IS 104 S 6 6 6 F Stevens 9 ToombeoLi Romulus LochLeve 67037 Tijuana 34 l177ihvy 10 104 1 2 3 3 1 F Stevens 7 ChfBartbcll Romulus MadgeK I 66977 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 30 107 S 4 3l 4 F Stevens 8 BBlkwell HontGrge Bittern 66999 Tijuana El f lOSalop W 105 7 7 S S1 F Stevens 8 KingUke lacognance Cncuttet MHIIAN b h 6 119 119D By Meridian Veneta Strome by Ben Strome StromeBreeder Trainer J D Bice Cwaer 7 Bice Bice5S Breeder E F Carman 67933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 3Sf 116 9 9 SJ 7J T Rae 11 Fdllope Philanderer FnllMoon 67896 Tijuana 51 f l09Xmud 43 US S 5 7J 5TJ T Rae 8 Corncuttor NShorc EyoBright 67872 Tijuana 58 l03Hmud 13 118 6 6 P up T Rae 10 Corncnttcr Milda Count Boris 67802 Tijuana 51 f l07fast 12 118 3 6 61 81 E Dupan 10 lobelia Poacher Yukon 67673 Tijuana 58 l01 4fast 14 113 4 6 61 5S3 E Petzoldt 9 RLOwen J enieve l uc deGulso 67617 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 32 113 4 45J 4 l k 14 n Molten 11 Canclon Delancey Pokey Jane 67573 Tiluana 5J f 100 fast 45 113 1 158102Hfast 2 3 2 H Molters 12 Gen Czar Review Glenzar 67451 Tijuana 58102Hfast 115 9 95S 9 7 41 R R CTter 9 Celebrate Theresa Limerick 67355 Tijuana 5S l02fast K6 117 6 4 5s 41 R R Cterll Bess Welch Hazel Dale Elga PHITTIPE LTTGO ch g 5 112 112Trainer By Pharmacy Chocolate tady by Bonnet BonnetBreeder Trainer M Williams Owner X Williams Breeder Nevada Stock Farm G7408 Tijuana 5S l01 = jfast 67 108 2 6 6 V TV Wylle 7 It Zindo Angola 66466 Akron Ab 5S l02Hslow 5 113 5 C OMahy 7 MistJiggs Per aSler AAgnea 66396 Akron Ab 58 l01fast 35 109 1 T Rae 7 Fringe Dinty Moore Blue Star StarS 64277 Toledo 51 f l07Xfast 175 110 S l J Maibcn 9 DndleBug Woolday San Pablo 61776 MHelghts 51 f 109 fast 3110 105 S11 J Maiben 10 Dancer Port Light Puzzle j 61688 MHeishts 5S l02 fast 215 106 2 J Maiben 12 Britishlsles Treadwell General j

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020101/drf1923020101_10_3
Local Identifier: drf1923020101_10_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800