6th Race [6th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-01

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C4U DA PC 1 11 O aiilos 4yenrolds and upward Claiming Feb i Din rmuil inio 144 45 104 104LOVELINESS LOVELINESS ch m 5 98 By Charles Edward Spanish Maid by Disguls DisgulsTrainer Trainer G H Keene Owner J 0 G H Keene Breeders J 0 G H Keene 66639 Latonia 1 1S l53ifst 65 102 4 5 31 31 J Owens 7 Salvo Tulsa Quaker QuakerC6599 C6599 Latonia 1 116 l46fcfast 10 100 8 6 3 2 J Owens 11 Claymore TwinBlue HighGear 06281 Iatoniu ImTOy l44fast 7 106 S S S SIS A Roach 8 Virgo Repeater War Prize 65904 Latonia 1 116 l47vifast 6 107 1 5 41 4 = J A Roach 8 FlygPrinee Corson BrithMaiil 65294 Lexton ImTOy 146 slow 61 103 1 2 11 l n B Kenndy 7 Escarpolette OoLaLa Ala Girl 65233 Lexton 1 116 l4G fast 65 106 5 4 4s 3 = 1 B Kenndy 8 Mildred Hysteria Moon Winka 04719 Churchill 1 11C l47fast 6 106 2 4 2s 31 B Kenndy 6 T S Not Pass LouWidrig Gem 03247 Latonia 1 116 IMSrifaat 185 107 C 4 31 21 B Kenndyl Opulent Mildred Amanda MATINEE IDOL b e 8 By All Gold Matinee by Broomstick Trainer D Womeldorff Owner W D Berhardt Breeder H P Whitney 07904 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 165 113 8 4 22 5 i J Crcoranl2 Magician Wylie Tulsa 07564 FGrnds 1 1S l54Vifast 4J 103 7 1 3J 3 1 J Crcoran 7 Sagamook Attorney King John 67502 FGrnds 1 116 l4Sgood 3 106 1 1 1 II E SmwodlO Magician May Roberts Phclau 67421 FairGds 1 316 207 hvy 4 JC6 1 1 2J 22 J CrcoranlO Ballotcar Huonec Tulsa 07309 Jefferson 1 1S 15G fast 2 107 1 1 2i 1i J Crcoran G Doctor Jim Dimples Care Free 07240 Jefferson ImTOy 147 good 5 103 6 6 31 331 J Crcoran 8 Goaler Dimples Tulalip 07071 Jefferson 1 l45 ihvy 6 09 9 9G6603 5 4 S = J CorcornlO M Orange Accelerate Dimples G6603 Latonia 1 1S l52 fast 165 5 109 2 2 5 5i M Garner 7 BrothLove Sea Prince Pumns 66550 IxitonUi 1 1S 153 351 35 5 110 4 4CG451 1 in 2 J Corcoran 0 Fincastle LouWidrig FPrince CG451 Latonia 1 14 20o7ifast 3310 10 113 7 5 3 33i B Kenndy 8 Raider Sea Prince Fly Prince 66383 Latonia 1 116 l46Vifast 3 110 3 3C5908 4 2 2 B Kenndy S Georgette Trooper Tulane C5908 Latonia 1 116 l46 fast 2J 115 4 3 I2 1s B Kenndy 8 Travesty Virgo Walnut Hall 65723 Iitonia 1 11C l46Xfast 115 5 104 4 2 1 1J B KenndylO Trooper Hyanpom HarJock 65668 Latonia 1 116 l47 fast 15 110 5 5GEN 2 1J 3 D Connelly 9 LouWidrig Megan Geui GEN CADOBNA b h 6 111 By Textile Wyf by Killer KillerOddo Trainer C Houbre Owner G Oddo Breeder P F Jolmson 07862 FGrnds 1 18 l53good 12G 109 2 1 21 3 = C Lang 10 Ettahe Jack Fairnian Tulsa 67756 FGrnds 1 116 l47fast 21 109 10 1 1s C Lang 12 Stanley Buxom Leocnares II 67693 FGrnds ImTOy ING fast 7 114 9 3 21 4 J G Breung 12 Demos Wylie Buxom 07565 FGrnds 1 116 l48 Afast 165 112 5 2 11 3 G Breung 8 Sgeman FrankW Bcrmont 07503 FGrnds 1 1lfi IISsgooa 12 10812 1 1 y G Breung 12 Wincone MRoselL LcuesII 07478 FGrnds 34 l16Xhvy 115 113 6 7 62 5 1 L Lyke 11 Moon Winks Feodor Silence 07220 Jefferson 34 l15islow C 110 8 4 21 21 G BreningI2 Meuse Hereafter Feodor 07093 Jefferson 1 116 l50ihvy C 1131 2 2 21 4 i L Ensor 10 MtnRosell Amaze HonluBoy 67062 Jefferson 1 116 134 hvy 12 107 7 2 3 4 G BreunglO OurBirthday Rama St Donard 66970 Jefferson 34 l14fast 8 112 4 7 62 4 1 G Breung 12 PMieou ThePeruvian Youneed 66928 Jefferson 34 l14 = fast 12 III 6 5 41 22 G Breung 12 Grayson Flip FinaucialRooster FinaucialRoosterTBJBUNE TBJBUNE b h 5 113 By Jim Gaffney Ameeras by Florist FloristTrainer Trainer E E Watson Owner E J Morrow Breeder G J Lonp 06882 Bowie 1 1S 59 fast 3 110 7 2 31 5 J M Schwtzl3 Rouen LHerbert TheClockmer TheClockmerCC860 CC860 Bowie 1 116 51fast 7f 111 12 9 5 33 H Shillick 12 Attorney Gallivant Jacques Jacques6G84C 6G84C Bowie 1 116 52fast 34f 109 11 7 71 5 J W Organ 11 HelPardner Oare Fr c Goaler 6717 Plmlico 1116 rlTfast 12 105 6 2 2 U M Fator 13 cazinta The IColl Call Tingling 06693 Pimllcc 1 116 47 fast 20 101 6 5 41 4 1 B Marlelli 8 HelloPardner Gallivant Goaler GoalerGG525 GG525 Laurel 1 1S 5iifast 13 106 3 S S1 S W Martin 12 HPardner MnRosell Gnlvunt GnlvuntC59G5 C59G5 Kworth 7S 31 ihvy 95 107 6 3 21 I3 F Werner 8 Tarascon Ciceronian ArcKIng 65778 Kworth 78 127 fast 21 110 3 7 1 4 = 3 F Wilson 7 ColanUo Shoot Away LadsLove LadsLoveTULSA TULSA b g 6 119 By Ivan the Terrible Useeit by Bonnie J Trainer J Titu Owner C J Brockmiller Breeder Mrs S M Hoot 67904 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 63 31 H Shillick 12 Magaciuu Wylie Ace 67862 FGrnds 1 18 l55good 8 104 8 4 4i 4 = 1 J CorcoranlO Ettahe JkFairman Gradnrnn t 7777 FGrnds 1 18 l54raat 8 102 3 1 21 8 J Crcoranl2 Natural Curmoncila MRotMrts 07714 FGrnds 1 1S 155 fast 7 103 C 3 3 61 J Crcoranll LitAmmie Encrinite W Prize PrizeC7523 C7523 FGrnds 1 14 2OSgood 10 103 3 1 43 4 G Mein 0 Sagamook Huonec Pit 67502 FGrnda 1 116 l4SgooU 10 106 7 5 5 5 i J Owcnd 10 Matldol Magician MRoberts MRobertsC7421 C7421 FairGds 1316207 hvy 4 106 7 5 41 45 G Mein 10 Ballotcar Mutineeldol Huonec HuonecC7310 C7310 Jefferson 1 116 149 fast 7 108 2 4 3 2 J Crcoran 9 Natural White Haven Magician 67255 Jefferson 1 316 202Hfast 6 100 7 8 CJJ F Sharpe 10 LIIerbert Phelan llonolulullny 67204 Jefferson 1 116 l51hvy 5 104 2 1 1 1 J CorcoranlO KingTroJan BettyJ Ballotcar C7059 Jefferson 1 18 201fchvy 510 109 1 3 3 3 J Corcoran 9 Amaze Satana Little Ed C6639 Latonia 1 1S lS3 fast 6 105 3 3 2 2J J Corcoran 7 Salvo LovelineKS Qimkur GATH b g 7 113 113Trainer By Tracery PhilisU by St Blals BlalsBred Trainer 0 B Alters Owner 0 B Akcrs Bred in England by J Sanford 67939 FGrnds ImTOy 144 Sfast 41 10T1 7 5 h 751 G Babin 11 Dghnut AtBoylL Jf Roberts 07650 FGrnds 1 1lC 14S = ifast 10 113 3 1 451 G Babin 11 SamFrank Maglcn DoctorJim 66173 Laurel ImTCy l46fast 5 114 9 9 9 D Stirling 10 LadsLove Ettuhe Cur Events 65773 Laurel 1 18 l55V fast S5 115 9 G 1 6 = 1 J Butwell 10 RossR WarVictor Star Realm 05674 HdeGce 1 1lC l49fast 41f 116 3 1 1 1 = J Butwell 13 Gallivant HanlGuess Cimarron 65531 HdeGce ImTOy 148 fast 21 113 9 9 6 1 W Kelsay 9 StarRealm JakeSchas Gallivant 65066 Dorval 1 1S l59mud 3 110 8 7 C H Ericksn 8 Phalaris Tok March Gallivant 64859 BEnneta 1 1S l55fast 1710 104 5 5 11 E Barnes 8 KcntBoy Cavalier Greatllawk FOSNOVO ch chTrainer h 5 101 101C By Ecouea May ora by Isidor Isidorr I Trainer A C Porretto Owner W J JImTOy r Kramer Bred in France by J Sanfcrd 07939 FGrnds ImTOy l44ifast T 110 110ImTOy 679 = 10 1 C Lang 11 Dchnut AtBoyM M Hoberts 67811 FGrrids ImTOy IMS mud 13 104 104ImTOy 5454 = ° II Thomas T JUareJr Episode HloPardner 67713 FGrnds ImTOy 146 fast 20 103 9 5 31 21 A Abel 9 Lampus Citation St Donard GG141 Laurel 1 1S 157 good 9 110 4 7 71 6 ° J Rowan 9 On High Clean Gone Dolly C 6G108 Laucrl 1 116 l51 l51sgood = sgood 6 113 356 7 = J Rowan 11 Glivant Ettahe KathRankin 65968 Kworth 1 1lC l33Vihvy S5 113 4 3 2J 25 J McTagt 7 Flibbertygibbet Rouen Onlligli 65828 Kworth 1 116 l46ifast 5 109 1 4 52 G ° T Nolan G HighGenr BlosIlouse RGaiety 05174 Dorval ImTOy l557 hvy 4 106 4 5 I1 2 ° F Sharpo 7 FrzySneezy Austral Gallivant SERBIAN ch g 7 7Trainer 113 By Ivan the Terrible Arline by The Commoner Trainer H Neustater Owner Nensteter Breeder C C Patrick 67840 FGrnds 1 116 l50 l50shvy shvy 5 103 S 9 92 T7 G Mein 12 UAmmip MiracleMan Rlotcar 67820 FGrnds 1 116 151 Khvy 4 114 3 3 11 II E Pool 11 GDgherty Pallvbell Comnder 67629 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 12 1C6 5 7 6 3 F Sharpo Bermont Carnarvon Tingling 67463 FGrnds 1 116 l54ihvy 5 106 4 6 65 6 ° J Owens 9 Bnoville Waukenp ThoriihMlgo 66797 DadePrk 1 l43slow l43slow6676G 4 103 4 4 4 4 ° J Owens 7 SmirtGny lverkill Gold Floss 6676G DadePrk 34 118 hvy 1 106 4 2 21 1 J Owens 8 Mabel Rule Royal Dick Rekab J6681 DadcPrk 34 l14fcfast 16 112 10 14 14 14s D Connllyl4 Jacobean Mahony Amnndi Amnndi23f 66625 Latonia 34 113 fast 23f 105 10 II 12 12 J Owens 12 ULoraine llojul Harvest King G5688 Hthorne 7 114 5 9 7l 710 R Bolton 12 Bond Skeer Face Jaeobiiui 01762 Devshire 34 l17shvy 371 T10 121 5 2 I1 121 R Bolton S BrownUill Old Chap Turnabout G4730 Devshire ImTOy l49 hvy hvyBALLYBELL 21 112 5 2 I 1i E Petzoldt 8 JOConll FVirginia SHedrou BALLYBELL ch g 6 6Trainer 98 By Celt Lady Isabel by Holstein HolsteinArthur Trainer J Arthur Owner J Arthur Breeder S Ros 67820 FGrnds 1 116 l51 ihvy 115 9S 1 1 31 32 A Abel 11 Serbian GDgherty Commnder Commnderfi 67559 FGrnds 1 116 149 good fi 102 7 4 5 5J A Abel 10 BrnUill Carniencila Tingling 07522 FGrnds 1 14 209 good 8 100 4 2 21 2 A Abel 5 RibGrass DocJim BritishLincr I G7442 FGrnds 1 1lC 53 = hvy 5 99 C 4 21 2i A Abel 9 AmerSoldier Amanda Demos 67329 Jefferson 1 116 51Jihvy C 110 I Lost riderH Thurberll Huonec Wylie Booneville G728G Jefferson 1 116 49fast 10 100 10 4 5 63 A Abel 11 Winncconne Eternity Tingling 67148 Jefferson 1 45hvy 45hvyG7092 12 102 6 5 SI ol A Abel S American Boy Kirah Attorney G7092 Jefferson 34 16V hvy 50 102 9 7 71 541 A Abel 12 Whalebone SewlCombs Ettahe GG842 Bowie 6J f 22fast 22fastGG821 12 103 13 13 I25 12 C Lang 13 Kirah Hillsdale I a Kay KayfiJf GG821 Bowie C f l2iiast fiJf 105 10 a 91 9IS W Organ 13 HidJcwel Ettuhe Camouflage BILL AND COO br f 86 86Trainer By Helmet Padula by tavern tavernBreeder Trainer L Gantry Owner L Gentry GentryC7968 Breeder E R Bradley C7968 FGrnds 1 316 201Vsfast 12 93 9 2 33 J ChalmerslJ ACP Bolster Buxom 67692 FGrnds ImTOy l46 fast 15 991 6 667G08 31 43J H Shillickll TJIcTaggart Bolster Ilanilfull 67G08 FGrnds 1 1S l55 fast C 93 1 7 2 5i J Chlmcrs 9 ScottishChhf llandfiill Buxom 67483 FGrnds 1 1S l571ihvy 6 92 4 4G7383 4 6S2 J Chalmersl2 Lord Herbert Bravo Satana G7383 Jefferson 1 18 l56fast 41 98 2 2G6784 4 3 J Crcoranll Maize Tricks Stanley G6784 DadePrk 1 18 l38hvy 15 102 5 71 9 J Owens 9 Buckboard Light Wine BnBill 66727 DadePrk 1 l39fast 6J 1001 2 2GG709 4h 4 = 1 H Thurber G Harvest Kinj Mahony Boj GG709 DadePrk 34 l137ifast 7 106 11 C 6J C Pierce 11 Lt Colonel Mab Cwood Jioy AILLIRO ch g 113 By Cicero Orillia by Lochryan LochryanC Trainer A L Denny Owner C Denny Breeder Kentucky Stable 67940 FGrnds 1 116 l4S7ifast 101 1 1 21 1 G Mein 12 My RosiV Fast Trial On High 67883 FGrnds 1 1S l53fast 103 3 2 2J 3 J J McCoy 12 Carmencita Bolster Handfull 07735 FGrnds 1 316 202fast 101 3 C 5 5 = G Mein 9 Wads Last TluWit DtorJim 67650 FGrnds 1 116 l48 l48sfast = sfast 102 S 11 11 II5 G Mein 11 SamFrank Magkn DoHorIim 07502 FGrnds 1 116 1 4S 5BOO1 1031 S 9 9 9 C Lang K Matldol Magician May Roberts 67443 FGrnds 1 116 l33hvy 100 2 6 6 i G Mein 14 Ettahe Jordan Chief 07242 Jefferson 1 l42good 113 Lost rider C Lang 10 Dr Rae Doctor Jim Attoo 67128 Jefferson 34 llSV mud 11011 9 73 7T1 J Crcoranll Firecracker Hutchison Herald G6993 Jefferson 34 118 mud 110 9 S S5 S51 F Weiner 10 Mary G Lura Mahony MOODY b g 5 108 By Broomstick Contrary by Hamhnrir HamhnrirTrainer Trainer W V Casey Owner W V Casny Breeder H P Whitney 67883 FGrnds 1 1S l53fast 20 103 9 11 II6 11 R Doyle 12 Carmencita Holster Ailliro AilliroG7819 G7819 FGrnds 1 116 151 hvy 15 103 2 2 21 Gl G Mein 9 War Prize Advturo MorElder 67201 Jefferson 1 316 201hvy S 108 4 G 5 5s G Mein 7 Sagamook DrRap LonlHerlxrt 67112 Jefferson 1316203 good 20 110 4 3 103 9 F Weiner 11 Light Wine Secretary JOverton JOvertonC7015 C7015 Jefferson 1 18 l58mud 15 107 5 6 6 6 D Smwod 5 Richelieu OBirthday Ballotcar Ballotcar6G874 6G874 Bowie ImTOy 149 fast 43 10711 11 11 1013 C Lang 11 Cum Sah Care Free Gallivant 60800 Dowie 1 116 ISlTsfast 36 107 2 6 7l 3 B Mariellil2 Attorney Gnllivai Tribune 66847 Bowie 1 18 200fast 25 102 9 5 41 5 G Mein 14 TCkmder MRoselL Dkmata 66839 Bowie 1 316 206fast 18 105 4 4 5 5 G Mein Plucky Dark Horse TltollCall 1 18 l3S4fast lf 104 12 11 11 ll E Martz 12 Goaler Huonec War Mask KING TROJAN br g 5 118 118Trainer By King James Bohemia by Wagner Trainer A B Maguire Owner C Morton Breeder H T Gxnard 67903 FGrnds 1 316 200 4fast 13 104 10 S 71 6 A Abel 10 Huonec Espolette GtliuIVtt 67862 FGrnds 1 18 l55good 12 116 6 6 63 S2 R McCrnnlO Ettahe JkFairman GCalorna f7r 87 FGrrids 1 316 202 fast S 112 2 3 22 lt R MoCrnn 7 Exhorter Magician Plulan 67503 FGrnds 1 116 l4S good 7 111 3 3 51 5 1 L McDottlL Winconne GCadna MRoselL 67463 FGrnds 1 116 l34hvy l34hvyG7204 3 10S 3 4 4 4 1A Abel 9 Bneville Waukeag Tliornliedgo TliornliedgoS G7204 Jefferson 1 116 l51 = ihvy S 104 1 a 4 2h A Abel 10 Tulsa Betty J Ballotcar 67150 Jefferson 1 14 213 hvy 10 106 5 3 4 4 i AV Fronk S Rama Little Ed Honolulu Boy G7031 Jefferson 1 14 217 muil 95 1C6 1 1 1s I1 J Corcoran i Austral Wadss Last Warlike 66994 Jefferson 1 116 l mud 2 107 3 2 3 2 E Roehm 7 BetlyJ SchLightlll AVillSoon 66959 JohnnyOtou6G009 Jefferson 1 1S l54 = fast 7 111 4 8 T 613 J Rowan 1U Richelieu Amaze JohnnyOtou 6G009 Laurel 1 116 149 fast 215 109 1 3 3s 2 W Martin 14 KGeorge Kingsliclle PGKing 65868 Laurel 1 316 201 fast 11 105 5 4 2ni = Il W Martin 11 Royal Duck Debadou Padua PaduaG5773 G5773 RealmG3217 Laurel 1 18 l5Sifast 36 108 7 6 63 41 W Martin 10 RossR WarVictor Star Realm G3217 Dorval 1 14 213 i3low 41 105 3 4 51 4 1 F Sharpe S PreaFeu Plaiitde TokMarck TokMarckVOOGERIA VOOGERIA br f 4 91 I ITrainer By Voorhees Egeria by Top Gallant Trainer A F Dayton Owner A F Bay ton Breeder A B Spreckols 66985 Jefferson 31 2 C Miller Ili Stamp Moon Winks My Rosin 66431 Toledo ImTOy l46slow 10 102 4 4 4l 3s C Miller G Flbytygibt BHouse BsWing 66177 Hthorne 34 118 slovy 3 99 7 S S1 S11 J Chlmersl2 BrotlierJohn IlattylL ArPoint 63888 Kworth 78 l26 ifa t 33f 101 5 3 ot 9n C Miller 12 Citation Dorius Plucky 02087 Woodbine 34 113 fast 36 104 6 7 6 5s C Miller 8 Sagamore Wraith Carmandale CarmandaleCl Cl ModestyC1584 945 Woodbine 34 l13Iast 45f 103 G 7 9 9 C Miller 9 See Thoughts Lunetta Modesty C1584 Pimlico 34 114 fast 7 102 3 4 41 9 1 J Chalmersll Bromolia Mayor House Ettalie

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020101/drf1923020101_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020101_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800