7th Race [7th Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-01

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7JU DAfC 1 11 Miles 4yearold and upward Claiming Fell 1 In riAUt ijiir 144 4r 104 104MOUNTAIN MOUNTAIN ROSE II br g 10 115 By Yankee The Rose by Miser MiserTrainer Trainer B Chapman Owner L A Seregni Bred in France by T Hitchcock 67858 FGrnds 34 l14slow L 20 0 115 9 5 31 2 M Schwtzlt Kklivgtmi WlVnnt Graysou 67503 FGrnds 1 116 l4TsROOl 6 111 12 S 41 31 J Bell 12 Wincone GCadna LVharesII 674 15 FairGds 1 316 205 hvy 5 106 4 1 U 2 W Organ 8 DrItae Honlu Hoy B miville 67367 Jefferson 1 14 208 ifast 31 110 4 1 U 2 M Schwtz Dr Rac Huoncc AttoryMuir 67093 Jefferson 1 116 l50ihvy 7 112 3 5 41 lit M SchwtzlO Amaze HonoliiluBoy JCadorna 5 Bowie 1 1G6847 116 1 52fast 1S5 106 6 5 1J 11 M Schwtziri Natural Rovallieu Tingling G6847 Bowie 1 16G819 1 1S 200fast 1310 102 1 1 2l 2fM Schwtzl4 TCmender Dkmate AttMuir 6G819 Bowie 1 116 l527ifast 175 107 4 3 2 21 M Schwtz 14 Rouen Lord Herbert Natural 66805 Bowie 1 116 152 fast 19f 110 9 10 SI 7 M SchwtzU Goaler Transient Gallivant 66624 Pimlico 1 1 1S l53 fast 19 of 10811 5 91 99i M Schwtzl5 FySnoezy MayHonso NWal 9 66525 Laurel 1 1 1S l54fast S 107 9 4 3 21 M Schwtzlt Hello Pardner Gallivant Ettalie 66254 Laurel 1 116 l497sfast 185 108 4 2 i I1 M SchwtzlO MaxGold Qiiecnlllonde DollyO CONSORT br c 4 108 By Celt Silent Queen by Torfarshire Trainer E J Crawford Owner E J Crawford Breeder A B Hancock 67882 FGrnds 1 116 l4Vsfast 15 100 5 4 3 3 ° J McCoy I Ramkin Tody Doughnut 67712 FGrnds ImOy l45 l45sfast = sfast 0 106 7 7 71 S H Thomasll GrVTree ZdAimee PciV PciWellos 6651 1 Empire ImTOy l4C = ifast 7 104 2 5 S S13 II Thomas 9 Transient Hnonec Chateaugay 66373 Empire 1 I fast S 107 7 3 33 33i E Bell 11 Nightboat BallotMurk Busani 66273 Empire ImTOy fUeJsfast 10 105 6 3 21 2n C Studer 11 SirGaladll Orderly Wincone Wincone6609C 6609C Jamaica 1 1S l lTigoocl Tigoocl 6 109 2 2 21 4J II Thomas 7 Witehwork Rustler Horcb 3 3j H Thomas S Vulcain Park Bantry Horeb 9 8 H Thomas 9 ServStar LMIIcrbort Carncita Carncita6571G 6571G Jamaica 1 116 l4Tfast 5 10S 5 S 71 9 E Taplin 9 Carmencita I ickawanna Maize MaizeTOM TOM McTAGGART b h 9 113 By Chuctanunda Toplash by Top Gallant GallantTrainer Trainer D B McDaniel Owner P J Lavin Breeder J E Madden 67947 FGrnds 1 18 l52fast 2 112 C 4 3 = 2s E Pool SFrauk Attorney FezySnecry FezySnecryC7776 C7776 FGrnds 1 316 200 fast S 103 2 3 4 = 5J5 L McDott S Fantoche Tan Son SaKamook 67692 FGinds ImTOy 46 fast 1S5 10S 11 3 1 1 L MeDottll Bolster Handfull Bill and Coo 66932 Jefferson ImTOy 43 = jfast 6 110 4 3 21 3 1 L Ensor 9 OBthday Carrvon Sagamook 66826 Bowie 1 316 07 fast 1310 103 1 3 10 10 = E KummerlO Dolly C Bravo Attorney Muir 66805 Bowie 1 116 32 fast 51 112 7 4 4s E KummerH Goaler Transient Gallivant 66667 Pimlico 1 1S 36slow 5 115 7 4 42 A Johnson 8 Nightboat NhWales TheltCall 66610 Pimlico 34 liV fast 12 114 654 4T1 A Johnsonli Cum Sah Whalebone LButtoo LButtooG6342 G6342 Empire Ab 34 110 fast 6 1101 9 7 5 5 1 T Rice 10 The Almoner Daydue Orcus 66440 Empire Ab 34 111 fast 165 110 12 11 71 6 1 L Ensor 13 Orcus Daydue Esquire 61307 HdeGce Im70y 145 good 10 109 6 2 2 2 H Thomas C Our Flag Jeg Fairway FairwayG1215 G1215 Bowie 1 143 fast 13 1C4 3 2 2 22 H Thomas 5 StAllan GdeCause TheArcher TheArcherNATURAL NATURAL ch m 5 108 By Martinet Chemulpo by Ben Strorce StrorceTrainer Trainer J Bauer Owner J Lyon Breeder Williams Bros 07777 FGrnds 1 1S l54 = ifast 6 101 4 4 61 lh A Abel 12 Carmencita M Roberts Plulan 67714 FGrnds 1 18 153 fast 4 106J 1 9 S S l J Owens 11 LitAmmie Encrinite W Prize 67607 FGrnds 1 116 145 last 8 106 4 1 42 4 1 A Abel 8 FrzvSnzy WiItHull Wcoune 67300 FGrnds 1 11G I4J good 41 103 2 8 C 6 R Doyle 8 Little Amraic Encrinite Kirali 07420 FairGds 1 11 l52ihvy 7 101 3 4 5l 4 = 3 J Wallace 10 Rama Otirllirllulay Cantilever 67310 Jefferson 1 116 149 fast 3 105 4 1 I3 1 = J Owens 9 Tulsa White Haven Magician 67223 Jefferson 1 116 l50sslow 45 105 3 3 1 1s L McDottl2 BritLiner Amanda Viva Cuba 67149 Jefferson 34 llThvy 0 104112 11 11 = 11 F Weiner 12 Jago Spugs Rikab RikabG6875 G6875 Bowie 1 116 l52tfast 3j 107 4 4 2 2 B Mariellllo MtnRosell Royallicii Tingll 66861 Bowie 1 116 l31 4ra t 2110 1M 7 2 2J 2 B Mariellil5 Phalari Royallieu Bravo 66819 Bowie 1 llo l52fast 30 106 5 4 5 41 H Stutts 14 Rouen MnRoselL LMHerbert 66454 Laurel 1 116 149 fast 6f 110 3 8 9s 9 W Kelsay 15 Ettahe Phaluris Mayor House ATTORNEY b g 5 113 By Strephon Haversack by Martin MartinTrainer Trainer G C Winfrsy Owner G C Winfrey Breeder S Ross 67947 FGrnds 1 18 l52 fast 6 107 J 2 Z 3s E Smwod 9 SFrank TMcTact KrSnewty 67839 FGrnds 1 116 l50ihvy 4 10S 4 7 7 E Smwod 8 Amaze Kirah Huonec 57628 FGrnds 1 1S l54ifast 5 109 1 8 7 6 J Crcoranll WaltHall iVnnlctte StDnud 67564 FGrnds 1 18 l54fast 5 109 1 4 2 2 E Smwod 7 Sagamook Jat Idol King John 67461 FGrnds 1 316 2OSihvy 5 109 1 3 1 I2 E Smwod i Cantilever Sagamook Escarpl G7347 Jefferson 1 116 149 fast 6 10S 4 7 Cl 4 = 3 G Mein 12 ZdArmee StDonunl PIMicoti 07148 Jefferson 1 K45 = shvy 6 107 5 7 3 3 i E Smwod 8 Aninlloy Kirah Minute Man 07111 Jefferson 1 116 l49jgooa 2 112 1 2 2s 21 E Smwod 7 BelginnQiiPen Onlligli KffJoliu 07033 Jefferson ImTOy l4 l4rimud rimud 7 107 4 6 G2 6 E Smwod 8 Kof thellor Eastisiilc FrkW FrkWGI958 GI958 Jefferson 1 1lfi IMT fast S 10T 3 6 22 E SmwodlO ABoyll RibGrass ServiceStar ServiceStarGCRiO GCRiO Bowie 1 116 USlrifast 12 112 5 2 I1 Il C Lang 12 Gallivant Tribune Inclines 10S 1 3 3 4 i Et Smwod G Plucky Dark Horse TheRolICaU BERMONT DisjulseTrainer b g 5 113 By Light Brigade Five Aces by Disjulse Trainer E C Crockett 0 T er Hamilton Stable Breeder J N Camden 07904 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 12 113 9 9 iO3 9 B Harvey 12 Magician Wylie Tulsa TulsaG768G G768G FGrnds 1 316 2OOHfast 12 112 9 2 31 31 E Pool 10 Huonec Hickory MormonElder 67629 FGrmis 1 116 IMS fast S 96 3 1 I1 1J J Crcoran 9 Carnarvon Tingling WVictor WVictorG75G3 G75G3 FGrnda 1 116 l4SAfast 12 107 S 5 41 411 E Martin 8 Scgeman FrankW GenCudna 67383 Jefferson 1 18 l567ifast 7 112 3 5 6l S E Martin 12 Maize l ricks Bill and Coo 67348 Jefferson 1 31C 2C3fast 40 110 1 1 1 31 K Martin 12 J Overtoil StGermn HMBouniT 67329 Jefferson 1 11G l51Hhvy M 11010 10 9 9 = ° E Martin 11 Huonec Wylie Booneville 66971 Jefferson 1 116 148 fast 30 108 6 6 C G E Martin 8 Merchant Secretary Cockroach S6G27 Latonia 1 14 206sfast 21f 108 2 11 12 122 C DlshmonlU The Wit llama Pirate McG e 6550 Latonia 1 1S SS faat 43 1921 6 6 612 A Roach G Flncastlp Matldol LouWidriK 66481 Latonia Im70y 144 fast laf 104 8 9 82 8 1 E Roehm 1U BuddKean W lllall Clnynioj CAUEHCITA b f 4 Ill 111Tncmer By Fitz Herbert or Spanish Prince Manxanita by Tncmer W Baird Owrer M L Mahler Meddler Breeder H F Whitney 67883 FGrnds 1 1S ItKi fast 1ST 103 6 1 1 = 11 J Owens 12 Holster Aillirn HandfiiH 7 FGr nds 1 1S l54fast IS 5 I Itt tt U 7 C 2 L McDottl2 Natural MayKoberls Ilielan 67691 FGrnda 1 31G 203 = rast 10 0 1C7 1 2 7 7 E Pool 7 Walnut Hall Kama Join 67583 FGrnds 1 316 2021ifast 6 103 9 I C 4 4 J J Wallace 9 Ldllerlvert Maize Itritlshlincr 67559 FGrnds 1 116 149 Rood S 100 1 I 2S 21 J Wallace 10 Itruwn Kill Tingling Kuxoni Kuxonir 67497 FGrnds 34 l14good r 105 11 1 10 10 10 C 1ang Jl WofCtomaii lacobinn Ix carn 66688 Pimlico 1 116 147 fast 1C C K 7 7 7J 7M J Callalian S Mawrcoron DoubCross Soot Yet 65897 Jamaica 1 116 l47fast 5 104 4 1 21 3s n Martz ServStar IordIlerl IordIlerlert ert SChiei 65716 Jamaica 1 116 l47fast 4 103 2 1 11 1 J Callalian 0 l ickawanna Maize ServiceStar JT ch m C 110 By Celt Logistilla by Locobatcheo Trainer W C Baines Owner J M Collins Breeder A G7939 FGrnds Im70y l44 ifast 1COJ11 10 1 101 S J H Shillickll Dchnut AtKiiyll M Huberts 67858 FGrnds 34 UU slow 3D 110 10 10 Ol C B Mam 10 Kklgton MnKoselL WPent WPentS 67367 Jefferson 1 14 208ifast S 102 C r 3 o W Organ f Dr Hue MtainKoscIL Iluonee Iluonee4i 67326 Jefferson 1 l41hvy 4i 10JJ 7 C 4 2 W Organ 12 Cliatgay OiirKelsy Simplicity SimplicityS 67286 Jefferson 1 1lfi l49fast S 107 7 S 61 45 L McDotlll Winnecopne Kterity Tinglliig 67204 Jefferson 1 116 l51hvy S 103 3 3 2 3 W Organ 10 Tulsa Kins Trojan Kallotear 67062 Jefferson 1 116 134 hvy 6 104J 2 3 a r W Organ 10 OuiKirtliday Kama SI Donald 66994 Jefferson 1 116 l00mud 4 103 7 4 4ETERNITY 2 1 W Organ 7 KTrojnn SLigbtlll WillSo i ETERNITY blk g 5 103 103Trainer By Ballot Golden Fancies by Gold Heels HeelsP Trainer F G Magnl Owner F 6 Magni Breeder Morris McGouch McGouchIN 67883 FGrnds 1 1S lfiVVfast 1M 108 4 7 fi R McCrnnl2 Carmeneita Kolster Ailliro 67565 FGrnds 1 116 l4Sfast 7 112 4 6 6 R McCrnn S Scgeman Frank W GeaCadna G7442 FGrnds 1 116 l53hvy 4 4J 10S r S S6728G 3 9 R McCrnn 9 AmSoldier Pallybell Amiinda 6728G Jefferson 1 116 l49fast 30 103 II 7 3 2 = J Wallace 11 Winneconni Tingling Kelly J 67242 Jefferson 1 IMi good 13 113 Lost LostC7093 rider J Wallace 10 Dr Kae Doctor Jim Attoo C7093 Jefferson 1 116 l59hvy 12 112 4 9 S S13 J Wallace 10 MtnKoselL Amaze HonInKoy 66882 Bowie 1 18 159 fast It 106 9 S 71 S K Mart 13 KGIICII Lllerlert TlieCloekmer 66833 Boxvie 1 116 l53 jfast lir IT H 10 10 91 S J Rowin ir Mystic Kadical Kings Kelle 04583 ConnKht 1 116 149 fast 6 107 6 3 3SOLID 3 k 3 E Aralnso C Austnil Gatli Franc Tireur SOLID HOCK b g 10 108 108Trainer By Trap Rock Amaranth by Sir Dixftn Trainer E J Salt Owner W E Smith Breeder P J Millett 67883 FGrnds 1 1S lVVast 13 10S t f 1 J E Smwodl2 Carmeneita Kolster Ailliro AilliroM 67714 FGrnds 1 1S 153 fast M 103 S C C 7si G BreungH LitAmmie Knerinite W Prize 67583 FGrnds 1 316 202Hfast 7 107 3 S 1 7 J Crcoran 9 Ldllerbert Maize KritishLiner 67382 Jefferson 1 1S l36sfast 4i 107 2 S 71 4 G Meln 12 PirateMcGee Tyrny Krn Kill 66950 Jefferson 1 1S lr 4fast LM 10S 7 7 S 0 E Smvodl2 Kichelieti Amaze JolmnyOton 66894 Jciferson 1 116 l47fast 7 106 7 fi 7 8S1 J Owens 12 MyAgnesS ServStar Ckroach 66390 Laurel I 14 210 fast 1 111 7 10 8 ° S11 J Wallace 10 A atikeag Dolly C Kouen 66322 Laurel 1 1S l364fast 5 113 7 G 4 4 J Wallace S 1 Overtoil Oi High Debalou DebalouIS 66173 Laurel Im70y l46 fast IS 114 6 2 2k 41 J Wallace 10 1idsLove Ettahc Cur Events TOPMAST ch e 4 101 By Pennant Golden Red by All Gold GoldW Trainer J B Partridge Owner W M Cain Breeder H P Wliitsey 67947 FGrnds 1 1S l527sfast 20 103 3 5 sVi C J R Doyle S SFrank TMcTaggart Attorny 67839 FGrnds 1 116 l50Vshvy M 10i 10U S S C4 67 R l oylo 8 Amaze Kirjili Iluonee 67712 FGrnds Im70y l4Cfast 12 02ilO 9 10IS 9 ° R Doyle 11 JrsTrei XdArmee PceWelles PceWellesC 647 G7 Devshire 1 1S UaSHhvy C 102 3 5 2i 4s E Petzoldt G FFoparty ClcanGone Comme Ci G4G22 Devshire 1 18 l5S = hvy 4 100 3 3 3 3 E Petzoldt 5 SisterFlo FrankFogarty I ouls 64558 Devshire Im70y l4lJast 4310 10 110 7 S 7s 5 E Iet oldt 9 Foster Kmbry Toodles Attorney AttorneyIf 04444 Windsor 1 1S l3 l3sfast sfast lit If 100 C 2 I I3 K Petzgldl2 IxrdVriek Haman SumrSieli SumrSieliCl C4217 FortEric 1 1S l32fast Cl 106 3 7 31 3 = M Fator S Anmut On Iligli Azrael FLANTAEEDE b s 7 108 108Trainer By GotoBed or Gorgorita La Falona by Vinicius ViniciusK Trainer H W Plant Owner K Vr riant Bred in 1 ranee by J Jariel C7940 FGrnds 1 116 l48fast M 111 S 9 10 10 A Roach 12 Ailliro My Hosie Fast Trial 7G93 FGrnds Im70y l467sfast 20 109 10 6 91 92 A Roach 12 Demos Wylie Buxom 67587 FGrnds 1 316 202 fast 30 107 566 6 A Roach 7 KlngTrojan Exliorter Mnsicii 67559 FGrnds 1 116 149 good 30 109 2 G 9s 9 A Roach 10 Krownltill Cjirmemita Tngllne 6G77G Marlboro 1 116 l53good 11 109 131 1 = 1 F Wdstck 7 KUngll Dottas Kest Iloreb 66748 Marlboro 1 116 lG fast C10 110 1106G734 a 4 C White 0 lUali Mayfiirl CeoWasliingtou 6G734 Marlboro 1 116 151 fast IS 112 112FITTER 4J 3J1 C White 7 Doctor Jim Horeb Prospector FITTER FATTER ch er 6 98 98Owner By Broomstick TUln O T by TTmmbnrc TTmmbnrcBreeder Owner M C Frichard Breeder H P Whitney Whitney7h 67943 FGrnds 34 l14Hifast 3 110 7h 72 W BoBslc 12 Feodor Adrentnie Klkllackle 66902 Mobile Ab 1 1S 1 53Vif ast 21 114 S10 S11 1 W Mphy 9 FtdPrincess DkieW Obstate 6C144 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 60 307 9 8 9 10 10 10 E AmbroselO Iidia Riinzuf Claymore 80012 FGnia 34 117 hvy 15 log 4 11 10 92 920 E Ambrose 11 Tiui iir KrowiKill ScrvlceRtH E9678 FGnds 34 l14V fast 12 103 6 7 0 61 A WJon 9 KrmiVddlr Cornstalk Briito COMMANDER b g 7 By Broomstick Folly Flinders by Burgomaster Trainer A D Harrison Owner A D Harrison Breeder H P Whitney 67820 FGrnds 1 11G liillfehvy 1M V lf9 9 9 al 4 r Jackson 11 Sezliian C IWgherty Knllybvll 67629 FGrnds 1 116 148 fast 100 10S 9 9 S S C Jackson Kirniont Carnarvon TinRliiiK TinRliiiKof 66526 Laurel 1 11G l4aifast of 114 1146G454 S 15 14 r C Jackson IT KincsBelle Hickory Aiiniverry AiiniverryGf 6G454 Laurel 1 116 149 fast Gf 113 113C4250 13 14 14014e C Jackson 1 Kttalie Plialaris Mayor House HouseIT C4250 Toledo Im70y l45ifast IT 113 113G3900 51 T Buel Sentimental Puzzle Kog G3900 MHghts 1 116 l Giifapt 61 115 9 9 9 S E Hileman 9 Puzzle Kill Head Ked 63024 Reno 1 14 207fast 115 103 35 M Fator 5 FNail LLciunond I eDosanre 62040 Reno Im70y 148 fast 45 110 051 P Caron 7 KeesWing FanNail OrrnsCJiil 62800 Reno Im70y 149 good 21 102 I1 M Fator G Orleans Girl Midia Madrono

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020101/drf1923020101_6_2
Local Identifier: drf1923020101_6_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800