Fair Grounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-01


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIR FAIR GROUNDS THURSDAY FEBRUARY 1 1WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track renditions Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastRacing Racing KtarlH at 1115 p in Chicago time 215 Superior mud runner X oo l nin l runner Fair mini runner M Maidens Aitprentice nllowancc b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Eace 34 Mile Purse 1000 3yearolds Maidens MaidensSpecial Special Weights Track record Fob 9 1918 111 C 116 116Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 67878 C A Reinhart 98 114 = 110 725 67815 Panasain 1O 116 110 710 67878 Reformer 105 115 110X715 67814 First Blush 112 114 4 115X715 67941 Yorick 108 115 113X713 63183 Nylorac 115 710 67815 Miss Leighton 95 116 110X703 67856 Kittv Carpenter 110 l17 l17sh sh 110X703 67088 Royal Crown 115 l20li 110 700 67437 Irene Walton 111 l20 h h6785C 110 700 6785C Knlalia 10011 16 = in 11070 67935 Sultan 1051114 313X700 67814 Josie M 112 11C 11CSpectator 110X700 Spectator 115 Second Race 34 Kile KilePurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 9 1918 111 116 11667837sbMinnte 67837sbMinnte Man 11G 111 = 3 110072 67752 bniana 106 111 0 10272 67857 Mahony 100 11214 7 11271 67858 Gniyson 110 113 8 110X71 110X715G7898 67898 Birdie G 971113 4 105x71678S5IbFnsce 105x71 105x715678S5IbFnsce 678S5IbFnsce 102 113 = 5 4 103 71 710 67858 uYonnecd 118 112 7 I15X71 67857 Moon Winks 99 113 1134 4 108x71 67935 Spring Vale 103113 C 6112X710 112X71 67771 Rolo 104 113 5 102X71 67777 Jacobean 104 113 5 10770 67879 bRekab 108 113 4 10SX703 67898 bDr T S Dabncy102 l14s 4 108 700 67940 bFred Kinney 116 l13s 4 108 700 700Third Third Bace 34 Mile Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward upwardClaiming Claiming Handicap Track record Feb 9 1918 111 6 116 67816 Monastery 115113 5112X750 67460 bSt All n 103 112 i 115X743 67773 Mlonor Man 113 112 7 111 745 67752 bRapid Day 1O5 111 7 llli745 67562 blladrian 113112 7112X743 67732 Ralco 107112 6108X743 67800 LEffare 118 112 7 118 740 67753 Ariipa 101 112 4 107 740 67859 Boy from Home 114 112 67879 Paul Micou 109 113 60287 Hay Lilly IOC 113 67860 Hermis Kemble 105 115 4 105X725 67900 Harry B 110113 C 111X725 111X725Fourth Fourth Bace 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 1200 3yearolds Claiming Handicap HandicapTrack Track record Jan 11 1916 137 5 106 67938 bSETTING SUN 112 139 114X750 67899 John Q Kelly 109 740 74067883s 67883s Prince of Umbria 104 731 67754 bRoecate II 110 141 108 730 67881 bEdward Gray 1011143 99 725 67814 Fernandos 92143 95X725 95X725Fifth Fifth Bace 1 18 Miles MilesPnrsc Pnrsc 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 14 190S 151 67S39bDoushnut 4 111X725 67712 Grass Tree 4100X720 67903 Escarpolette 99 153 i 100X715 67903 Hnonec 99 152 5 111X715 67862 Ettahe 1UJ 155 8 112X715 67879 bBelgian Qeen 107 151 104X715 67818 Slippery Elm 107 152 10 109710 67903 Little Aramie 99 155 4 100X710 67903 Sagamook 109 154 5 113X705 67813 bDcmoa SMS 156 4 107X 67903 Jack Fairraan 97 15514 4 94 mi 67903 Walnut Hall 107 151 9 116X700 67628 King John Ill 153 8 112700 67898 The Peruvian 4 103 700 700Sixth Sixth Bace 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 66639 Loveliness 100 l4fi 5 98X725 67804 l Matinee Idol 114 145 8 113X720 67862 Gen Cadorna 109 147 111X715 66882 bTribnne 1054140 5 113X715 113X71567904bTiilsa 67904bTiilsa 10 147 0 110X715 67939 bGath 1 112 146 7 113 715 67939 Fornovo 97 149 5 103X710 67840 Serbian 112 147 7 113X710 67820 Bullybell 106 147 98X710 98X71067968s 67968s Bill and Coo 95 146 4 SS705 SS70567940bAilliro 67940bAilliro 101 148 5 113X705 67883 bMoody Ill 148 5 108X705 67903 King Trojan 97 147 5 118x700 66985 Vooseria 4 91X700 91X700Seventh Seventh Bace 1 116 Miles Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Feb 13 1915 144 3 104 67858s bMountain Rose II115 145 10 115725 67882 Contort 108 148 4 100X720 57947 Tom McTaggart 112 144 9 1130715 67777 Natural 1 5 148 5108X710 5108X71067947bAttorney 67947bAttorney 106 147 5 113X710 67904 Bermont 106 146 5 113 715 67883 bCarmencita 93 147 4 111X710 67939 Betty J 103 146 6 110X710 67883 bEternity Ill 147 5 108X705 67883 Solid Rock 104146 10108705 1010870567S47 67S47 Topmast 95 146 4 101X700 67940 bPlantarede 93 147 7 108X700 67943 Pitter Putter 107 151 6 98 700 67820 Commander 115 148 7 108X700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020101/drf1923020101_4_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020101_4_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800