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34 Mile nycaroIdM and npvrard Claiming Dec 2O 1O1C DELBJMAB ch ff 4 107 By Delhi Marion Rose n by Bearcatcher BearcatcherTrainer Trainer W Berkini Owner W Perkins Breeder S H Velie 67914 Tijuana 34 l167imud 65 107 4 1 1 = 1 1 R Flynn 8 Just Right Pretender Caunzcl 67873 Tijuana 34 l e mud 2f 112 5 3 5 5 E PetzoldtlO MEmmaG Xoonhour MBarnes 67172 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy 6 105 4 4 4h 4 E Petzoldt 7 HarryD BBlkwell CBarthell 66810 DadePrk 34 I17i4mud 41 101 4 3 21 3 1 E Petzoldt 7 Golden Floss Rekab Arietta 66794 DadePrk 34 l14islow 5 110 4 466S93 5 8 S11 E Petzoldt 9 Royal Dick ORarito Rekab 66S93 Toledo Ab 34 114 hvy 25 5 107 2 3 2 I6 E Petzoldt H LitLess JFairman JHoffman 66229 Toledo Ab 34 111 fast S310 10 IOS 1 2 21 4s E Petzoldt S Manna Joycellfman BillsLuck 66048 Hthorne 34 l21ihvy 135 5 103 1 4 2 k 2 E Petzoldt i Jncobinn BBlackwt11 Nenctte 66011 Hthorne 34 l21shvy 1110 1041 3 3 2 1 E Petzoldt G Batty II It Proclamation INCOGNAUCE K c 4 By Disguise Las Flores by Bearcatcher Trainer E F Wright Owner Meadowbrook Farm Stable Breeder B S Avery 67917 Tijuana 51 f l09vimud H Long 8 Nnhour TubbyA BBlackwell 67853 Tijuana rl f 1OS mud llo 101 3 1 1 i H Long 8 IlarryD John Jr Blue Belle 67770 Tijuana 51 f lOTifast 7 101 3 1 151 Is H Lone 11 HnniGeorer TubbyA Athanna 67601 Tijuana 34 l14 ifast 22 109 3 4 43 Ol F Andson 8 HarryO SamReh BBlackwtll 67536 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 9 111 5 3 33 43 W Pool 7 Krewer Messiues Oil Man 67473 Tijuana 41 f 54 fast 6 105 G 3 21 23 W Pool 7 Kinglike TubbyA PhroneWard 67411 Tijuana 51 f 107 fast 1S5 116 333 3 = 3 E Dugan 7 HarryD BBlacKwell SamReh 66900 Tijuana El f lOSHslop a IOS 8 3 2l 21 W Pool 8 Kinglike Corncutter ARegina 66011 Hthorne 34 121 Shvy 4 109 1 2 5 6o J SIngton G Delhimar Batty II it CHIEF BABTHTLL b e 115 By Tony Bonero Bettie Sue by The Commoner Trainur E W Moore Owner E CommonerE W Moore Breeder A Brown 67960 Tijuana I 34 l16 hvy 2 102 1 3 41 4 F Stevens 9 LFlorce HGeorgc BBlacfcwell na 5 51 t l087imud 7 102 7 C 4 = 1 3J F Stevens 8 Kinglike TubbyA Fireplace 67361 Tijuana 34 l14rifast 8 107 5 5 7 il J Thomas 8 Herder Honest George John Jr 67304 Tijuana 5 51 f l07ifast 4 105 6 C 6 4 W Pool 7 P Ward EBrown BBIackvrell 67172 Tijuana 5 51 t UllHhvy UllHhvy5S 3 109 2 3 3 3s R Flynn 7 Harryl BBlkwell Dclhimaf 67138 Tijuana 5S 103 hvy 41 102 4 3 2s 2 R Flynn G DrJohnson Corncutter EBrown 67037 Tijuana 34 l17hvy 185 111 2 1 1 = 1 Il R Flynn 7 Romulus Plow Steel MaJse F JOHN JB b g 10 By Marta Santa Maude Fealy by Ben Strom Trainer J Manale Owner J Manale Breeder W S Payne 67853 Tijuana 51 f 1OS mud 12 104 2 3 3 = 3s A Claver S HarryD Incognance ItlucBollel 67475 Tijuana Tijuana673G1 34 l14fast 5 43 A Claver 7 Mannikin II Herder Pueblo 673G1 Tijuana 34 l14 l14tfast = tfast 1T5 104 8 0 51 3 A Claver 8 Herder HonestGeorge FullMoon 67268 Tijuana 51 f l07 fast 85 106 1 2 21 i3 A Claver 9 PayOff FnllMoon HarryRudder 67211 Tijuana TijuanaA7100 34 116 slow 115 113 1 2 2 = E Bugan 7 Pueblo MadgeF Em William A7100 WilliamH7100 Tijuana EJ f 111 hvy 2310 111 1 3 Sl 3 = 1 A Claver 7 Harry D Pueblo Full Moon 66948 Tijuana 34 117 slop 185 115 2 1 Il 11 A Claver 7 AVhippet Sacrea Walter Dant 65078 Hastings Cl f 125 mud 5 107 4 W Davis 7 CBoyle HonIGeerte FlorDecn 64812 Bghouse 34114 fast 31 112 9IS P Martinez 9 Money Bittern Smiling Maggie 643A5 Maggie643A5 Hastings Cl f l26Kmud 2i 111 4 = 1 S Smith 9 IIGeorge ColBovle Benmorell 64012 Brhouse 34 111 fast 145 110 5 R Duggan G MabRule UGeorge BBlkwell 6S276 BBlkwell6S276 Reno 51 f l07fast 23 102 5 J R Duggan 7 Aryanna Dr Corbett Fiesta 63217 Reno 34 l14Hfast 1910 10 1 R Duggan 7 Bittern IkeMIlls FlorenceDean FlorenceDeanMcGEES McGEES PINK ch f 4 110 By McGee Pink Bose by Fonss FonssTrainer Trainer L Matthews Owner Matthews DunUp Breeder C W Moore 67791 Tijuana Im70y l45ifast t 107 6 3 S1 8 i C Thpson a Donatello ChIeyBoy Fircworth 67748 Harslleir6749G Tijuana 34 l14Vifast 23 108 6 10 7 6 J E Taplin 11 MMaulsby Horinca Harslleir 6749G Tijuana 1 l42fast 3710 103 34 2 li W Pool 8 SilkSox Pclaraatn MEmmaG 67280 Tijuana Im70y l43fast 27 101 5 3 1 2 W Pool 8 FFogty CVldtll JtRight 67229 Tijuana 34 115 good 43 107 3 5 6 1 5 i E Petzoldt 7 JIBlackwell MolBarnes Rajah 66974 Tijuana 51 f I10i4hvy 1710 104 G 4 3 3 C Rails 7 LFlorce DrTutbs 1clamafn 66617 Latonla Im70y 141 fa t 68 101 1 5 71 Si B ScheffcllO Tiilanc I nnnnn Tnlalip 66515 Latonla ImTOy IMl faat 22 99 5 3 31 61Z II Stutts 12 Wickford Uucn Mary Maxim MaximFLEA FLEA b m 6 103 By Stanhope LT Flaccinr Spirit by Ildrim IldrimTrainer Trainer T Hodge Owner T Hodge Breeder Mrs L A Livingston 67960 Tijuana 34 l165 hvy Tf 101 8 7 9 9 P Walls LFIorce UGeorge BBlackwell 66499 Toledo Im70y l45fast 22 103 3 2 31 41 E Petzoldt 7 Buckboard BIIlHnnley ColMatt 66396 Toledo ImTOy l47hvy 1 IOC 1 1 1 = l k M Fator 8 Ferrum Tamper May Girl 66323 Toledo Ab 34 I09fa8t C 104 1 3 41 4 1 M Fator 8 J Hoffman BBlkwell MessKit 66187 MHghts Im70y 200 hvy U10 103 4 M Fator 7 Boonevllle My laddie Lavaga 66121 MHchta Im70y l56mud 43 103 I1 P Gross C Pierrot Rafferty Starry Banner 21 C Etames 10 VanDrser Bluzoury DrShafcr By Athelingr XL Jeanne Wood by Honeywotd HoneywotdBred Bred in England by Sir E Hnlton HnltonSJ 9 Tijuana 51 f lOG ifat 33 9S 5 7 SJ S I Parke 9 JudgcPryor Fireplace Messines 63620 Reno 41 f 54sfast 1 112 1 P Martinez 8 MartBunch ElmerW SirLcocid SirLcocidBy BLFLE ch gr 8 115B 115 By TJncle Flenr de Marie by Meddler MeddlerBreeders Trainer C B Irwin Owner C B Irwin Breeders J 0 6 H Keene 67873 Tijuana 34 l16jmud 135 115 3 S 10 10 P MartinezlO MEmmaG Nhour MolBamea 62685 Omaha 1 141 fast 6 107 3 J Sington 8 LeapFrog Mildred MarcellaBoy 62623 Omaha 1 142 good 41 106 3Z D Hum 6 Franklin Manicure WMtgomy 62460 Omaha 1 18 l53fast 4 114 8 W Mnders 8 Wdie Mtgomy Frklin Dolpli 62339 Omaha 34 l13fast 25 102 4 1 D Hum 5 Money Motor Cop Ikey T C1208 Tijuana 1 116 l4Tfast 113 107 1 2 31 4 3 D Hum 8 Mulclber KRankin MankinH G1117 Tijuana 1 1S l54fast 2910 107 2 1 II 2o D Hum 7 Bobby Allen Belario Gath