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Fair Grounds Form Chart NEW ORLEANS UL WEDNESDAY JANUARY 31 1923 Fair Grounds 1 ratio Twentyseventh day Business Mens Racing Association Winter Meeting of 38 days Weather clear temperature 70 Stewards Joseph A Murphy C V Hny nnd H V Conkling Judges J 11 Campbell and Joseph McLonnnn Starter William Snyder Racing Secretary Joseph McLennan Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 213 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance U OiJO FIBST RACE 38 Mile Jan 9 1922 34 3 114 Parse 1000 2yearolds O 4 JJt Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPStU Is i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H JIM SAND A w 113 1 2 Il F Murphy J L Holland 10 12 7 21 75 75G7835BESSIK G7835BESSIK HOPE w 112 3 5 31 21 E Martz O Torrell 5 6 41 2 1 67807 RACHEL POTTER w 112 S 6 G 0 G Mein H E Vickerman 4 8 8 3 S5 6772 K1WAXAH w 112 41 2 4 ° E SmwodH S Bowns 21 3 21 65 35 67680 ASA JEWELL w 115 22 5J oh W Keteay C T WorthingtonlO 12 12 3 21 21C7877 C7877 GLADYS V w 112 67 7 Gl J Wallace W H Fizer 10 13 15 C 3 3G7G23 G7G23 A J BUJA w 115 11 12 10 7 C Lane K K Bryson 20 20 20 8 4 67835 FEHRAH w 112 12 14 4l S1 H ThomasR H Shaffer 15 15 15 6 3 67877 BELLE ISLE w 112 98 91 9 G W CrollE D Springer 15 50 SO 20 10 10RUTH RUTH S w 112 5 9 12J 101 H J BurkeW H Hall 15 15 15 6 3 3HOMER HOMER w 116S 7 10 11 11 = J Butwell J H Tevis 4 41 4 2 1 6783 SAISIB w 112 11 13 13 = 12 E Pool Waldeck Stable 20 20 15 6 3 67835 NETTIE MAY w 112 13 4 Si 13 J Bell A S Day 20 20 20 8 4 4FRANCES FRANCES SHARPE w 112 10 11 11 11 T BonhamF H Scvin 50 50 50 20 10 10Time Time 12Vi 24 36 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br c by Jim Gaffney Polysanda by Polymelus trained by W Shields bred by Belair Stud StudWent Went to post at 213 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second nnd third driv ¬ ing JIM SANDA began well and lost ground by corning wide on the tarn but raced into a long lead and won in a canter BESSIK DOPE had to fight her way through but finished fast and stood a hard drive resolutely RACHEL POTTER had to go wide on the turn and came with a great rush near the end KIWANAH raced prominently all the way but tired finally ASA JEWELL ran well HOMER was always outrun but suffered from interference Overweights Homer IS pounds SECOND RACE 34 Mile Feb 9 1918 111 6 110 Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPStU l 51 StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C 1 5 106 3 G 5 3 2 I J McCoy Rivenlale Stable 75 75131012 14 1467736GRAXXY 67736GRAXXY LEE w 6 101 C 5 31 2 H 2 G Mein F C Brines 20 30 30 10 5 67836 BURGOYXE WB 6 111 1 2 12 81 41 S J ChalmersB C Million 15 15 10 4 2 67688 JOSEPHINE C w 3 95 5 1 H 11 3 4 B Harvey I T BaTrcr 30 30 20 8 4 67836 JACOBINA w 5 104 11 10 9 9 71 5 R Doyle W M Cain 8 12 12 5 21 67815 KINSMAN wn 3 104 12 8 4 6k 61 G F Smith H T Batchler 588385 67808 HUTCHISON w 4 104 2 7 11 10 = 81 71 W Fronk J W Murphy 13 20 20 8 4 467709SILVER 67709SILVER SPNGS WB 5 101 S 9 71 51 5 81 J CorcoranC X Freeman 4 8 S 3 85 63163 HARRY MAXIM w 4 104 1C 11 101 11 9 = 9 J Smith A F Dayton 13 13 10 4 2 62034 TICKLISH wn 7 1C6 9 12 61 41 10 10 J Wallace W H Fizer 20 20 10 4 2 67730 THE NEPHEW WB 6 111 7 3 21 71 11J 11 E Pool W J Kramer 67621 67517 COL LIV1XGSTOX w 7 110 44 S 12 12 12 J Allen B J Brannon SO 30 30 10 5 5Time Time 23 47 114 Track fast fastWinner Winner It g by Dr Lcggo Oratossa by Ormonde trained by D E Stewart bred by Mr Adolph 15 Sprerkels SprerkelsWent Went to post at 245 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ORALEGGO began somewhat slowly but came with a rush through the last eighth and won as his rider pleased GRANNY LEK was prominent for the entire race but tired after taking the lead BUR GOYNE came with a rash through the stretch JOSEPHINE C set a fast pace but tired badly right at the end JACOIIINA came from far back KINSMAN showed a brief flash of speed THE NEPHEYT ran out on the stretch turn TICKLISH showed speed and may improve improveScratched Scratched 67044 Twopair Ill Ci786 Last Girl 107 107Overweights Overweights Granny Lee 5 pounds Colonel Livingston 4 f ± T7 A THIRD RACE 34 Kile Feb 9 1918 111 6 106 Olympia Purse Purse 1006 O 4 tf 04 3y ear olds Allowance Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U 14 i Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C 67878 ADMIRER WB 104 7 4 3t 3h 31 I E Barnes G L Blackford 4 67881 CHIVA w 104 11 7 7MAJOR 51 2h 21 2 = F Smith J C Cahn 5 i a aS1 MAJOR CHILTON WB 100 3 S S1 71 5 3 = R Doyle W Perkins 20 20 20 8 67809 THESSALY w 93 12 1 1P7817 4 11 li 4 H ThomasS Louis S 8 G 21 P7817 KEXT L w 104 4 6 101 9 7h 5 L McDottM Kelly 8 8 G 21 67809 BOSH w 99 2 2 2 6 8 6 J CorcoranU C Bunbury 4 41 41 2 67772 PERMARCO w 105 6 3 11 41 6 71 E Pool J C Fuerst 4 41 41 2 2G1 67772 BETTER TIMES w 113 10 10 G1 5 4 S C Lang G Konigswald G 7 6 21 67889 THE COLONEL WB 100 1 5 91 81 9 9l J Wallace G C Walsh 20 20 20 8 4 67687 PELIOX w 100 99 ll 10 105 101 J McCoy E J Crawford 20 30 20 8 4 67899 FLEETING w 93 S 12 12C26CO 12 12 12 II1 J ChalmersC S Lemieux 30 30 SO 10 5 5C26CO C26CO MISS CLAIRE w 95 5 11 71 m 11 12 R Moeller C Weidemann 50 CO 50 20 10 10Tune Tune 23 47 113 Track fast Winner R c by Prince Hermit Fanny Kumble by Sempronius trained by R N Vestal bred by Mr George L Blackford Went to post at 309 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same ADMIKKIt racing in improving form and saving much ground on the last turn came fast through the stretch nnd got up to win in Uie final stride CHIVA ran a good race and finished gamely but tired in the last few strides MAJOR CHILTON came with a rush through the last eighth THESSALY raced into the lead but tired in the stretch FERMARCO set the early pace but gave way in the last eighth BOSH was in close quarters after going the first quarter KENT L had no mishaps BETTER TIMKS quit quitScratched Scratched 67S99 Jupiter 104 FOURTH RACE 1 Mile Jan 11 1916 137 5 106 Valiant Handicap Purse 1200 3yearolds asd upward Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 6790nBEST PAL WB G K6 1 4 3 in Il I1 I1 R RomelliS N Holman 43131063 13 out 7810 BLARNY STONE w 5 105 4 5 5 5 5 3 E Martin M Reiser 13 20 20 6 2 2C7901 C7901 PARADER WB 3 1091 2 2 41 4 4 21 3J E Pool T J Pendergaat 554113 5541137899ISHAMROCK 554113f f 7899ISHAMROCK w 3 96 3 3 2 2 21 4 41 J CorcoranT W OBrien 34465 13 67901 COMIC SONG wn 4 117 5 1 1 3 = 31 5 5 C Lane G Konigswald 66575 23 23Time Time 24 47 112 138 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br li by Helmet Padula by Laveno trained by J II Burns bred by Mr Edward R Bradley BradleyWent Went to post at 332 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving BUST PAL hail to be much the best to win was sharply interfered with on the tirst turn but recovered and racing into the lead on the bucsktretch held it gamely to the end BLARNEY STONE closed a gap and finishing fast might have won bud he ccme through next to the inner rail in the last eighth PARADER was hard ridden and finished gamely SHAMROCK ran a good threequarters and tired COMIC SONG quit after setting the early pace and ran in striking contrast with his race when lie beat BEST PAL at the same weights weightsOverweights Overweights Blarney Stone 2 pounds Parader 2 f27Qf242 illrli RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Feb 12 1916 142 4 113 Evergreen Purse O m vOO Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 700 sec ¬ ond 280 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U StrFin Jockeys Owners 67U80LOUIS A WB G 110 5 2 7 5 31 11 I J MajesticJ Bishop 46521 4652167838RAMA 67838RAMA wn 5 110 7 7 6 G 6l 4 21 J CorcoranF De Latour 8 12 10 4 2 679X7 SERVITOR wn G 110 6 4 1 1 11 31 3 E SnVwodC P Winfrey 46621 66649 NOSE DIVE WB 4 104 15 41 4 51 5 4 F Murphy J M Howard 55521 67880 CRK O DAWX WB a 110 3 1 2 21 2 2h 5 E Pool T E Crist 57621 7901 ROYCE ROOLS wn S 106 8 S S S 8 7s 6 J Chalmers Fairmont Stable 2 21 73 71013 67775 RUXQUOI w 5 106 4 3 31 3 41 61 7J C Lang L Kay 13 15 15 6 3 67646 REP WB 5 110 2 6 5 7 7 = 8 8 J Owens R T Watts SO 3S 3D 10 5 5Time Time 23 i 47 112 139 144 Track fast fastWinner Winner B h by Buckhorn Electro by Electioneer trained by J Bishop bred by Mr C C Pat ¬ rick rickWent Went to post at 359 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same LOUIS A began slowly but moved up rapidly ou the stretch turn and after taking the lead had to be ridden hard to outstay RAMA The latter came like a shot through the last eighth and would have won in a few strides SERVITOR set a fast pace to the stretch and tired but finished gamely NOSE DIVE ran a good race CRACK O DAWN quit in the last sixteenth after being a close contender UlNQlOI tired after going well for threequarters ROYCE ROOLS was never prominent prominentScratched Scratched 67733 Copper Demon 110 C7833 Richelieu 100 B7SCOPlucky 103 67838Knight of the Heather 110 67503 Banker Brown 103 67967 3yearold Claiming Net valne to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U J = i StrFin Jockeys Owners O II C P 67938 GOLDEXCRBST 67861 SUPERBUM 67861 IRISH PAT w 10S 2 3 4i 3 2 31 J McCoy 1 J Lyons 15 20 20 6 2 67936 GLABELLA w 104 4 5 3l 4 31 4J 4 A Wilson G W Butler 57673 23 67815 WRANGLER w 107 6 4 51 51 6 5 = 5U E Martz G Peterson 20 30 20 S 3 67881 SLANDERER w 106 J 3 1 2 2i 51 6 G C Lane J H Baker 15 30 CO S 3 3Time Time 24 48 114 140 144 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch o by Meelick Golden Agnes by Golden Maxim trained by R X Vestal bred by Mr George I Blackford BlackfordWent Went to post at 422 At post 1 minnte Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing GOLDENCRKST set a good pace from the start and holding SUPERBUM safe through the stretch won going away SUPERBUM saved much ground on all the turns but tired a trifle in the last eighth when she appeared the probable winner IRISH PAT raced well and finished gamely GLABELLA tjred in the last quarter SLANDERER quit after racing well to the last turn turnScratched Scratched C73361 Winner Take All 102 07731 Marjorie Wood DO C7861A1 Stebler 107 07SC1 Mani ¬ cure MaJil 94 67173 RutJdngle 101 101Overweights Overweights Wrangler 5 pounds Slanderer 2U C CrTO rTO iQ SEVENTH RACE 1 316Miles Feb 27 1904 158 5 107 Purse 1000 4year O 4 tfOO old and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horse AWtPPStU = Strain Jockeys O H C P 67804 ACE wn 5 108 12 7 2 11 11wn I I1 1 A Wilson W II ParrLsh 21 3 3 67883 s BOLSTER wn S 105 3 2 11 S1 7 41 2s G ManganE E Watson 2 4 21 7a 710 67C92 BILL AND COO WB 4 93 13 9 G 4 41 21 3l J Chalmers Gentry 10 13 12 5 21 21GU 677fi6 BUXOM w 4 102 2 11 10 9J GU 51 4 1 G Mein W II Fizer 88485 45 45l 67587 PIRATE McGEE w 6 1 7 13 12 11 l 8 51 W GourlcyL W Johnson 10 10 8 3 85 67856 WALESPA W 4 93 11 6 1 2 21 3l S W Fronk Southland Stable SO 30 30 12 6 67819ST GERMAIN w C 106 9 10 8 5 51 6s 7 A Roach F HoUnan 20 20 13 C 3 67841 HWARD BOUND w 8 10S 81212 121 91 71 8 J Merlmce P J Douglasa 15 13 13 C 3 67883 RADICAL w 4 104 6 6 31 3 2 9l 91 B Harvey L T Bauer 20 20 20 8 i 67735 TRICKS WB 4 95 Ki 8 4MO 10 It 101 J Corcoran J Arthur 13 13 10 4 2 67841 PLENTY WB 7 105 4 3 7 7 81 10 = 11s J McCoy H Dattner 24 20 20 8 4 67686 SATANA w 6 108 1 1 9 13 13 121 12 C Lang C J Brockmiller 10 13 13 6 3 67686 REGAL LODGE WB S 105 54 5 6l U1 13 13 J Wallace C K Moore 30 30 30 12 6 Time 24 49 114 141 154 201 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch h by Meelick Agnes Dale by Ilinsdalc trained by S James bred by Mr George L Blackford BlackfordWent Went to post at 448 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ACE lost ground by racing wide in the early running but took the lead on the backstretch and came away in the homestretch to win easing up BOLSTER was far back for a half mile but closed a big gap and came fast in the stretch BILL AND COO ran a good race but was tiring at the end BUXOSI closed a big gap WALESPA showed speed but quit in the stretch RADICAL tired badly PIRATE McGEE had no mishaps and closed a big gap Scratched gapScratched 675S2 Bengali 111 07820 Anna Gallup 93