Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-01


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Tijuana Form Chart TIJUANA HEX TUESDAY JANUARY 30 192S 1 mile Fifty fourth iliiy Tijuana Jockey Club Winter Meetinc of 100 or more days Weather rainy temperature 70 ° Stewards Francis Nelson J V Coffroth and L J Rose Presiding Judge F Judges It J Koto and J S Rothert Starter Harry Morrissey Kacing Secretary 1 S Hotliert Itacing starts at 155 p in Chicago time 35 p in W indicates whip S spurs It blinkers Kig nirs in iiarenthcses following tlie distance of eacli nice indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile Dec 20 191 111 3 110 Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner S350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 s Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 07926 = JACK IKDI wsn 5 107 16 4J 5s S1 Il G Rose W E Worley Worley3J 7D14 PLURALITY w 4 107 7 3 3J 31 24 2J E Fator J Johnson Johnson5J 67890 HVERS TOPAZ w 8 107 9 5 5079llsYOU 5J 4i 4 3 = R Flynn F R Irwin 079llsYOU UET w G 103 6 2 1 15J I1 4 M Milrick M Anderson AndersonCJ 07912 MISTAKE w 7 107 8 4 40780fi CJ G 6 5 = 1 D Hum V OBrien 0780fi AU REVOIR wsu 5 112 2 S 8 S = 7 6 C Rails A Moser Moser2J 07912 VICTORY WON w 5 107 5 1 2J 2 5 7s H under AV Overby Overby7s 07531 MALXAVKXA wa 4 103 3 7s 71 8 S F Stevens E W Moore 363100 0761 ETHEI KISMET w 4 102 4 7 9 9 9 9 W Miller Stuart Henderson 12190100 12190100tMutuel tMutuel Jield Time 24 50 117 Track heavy 2 mutuels paid Jack Le Ii 80 straight 400 place 280 show Plurality field 720 place 400 show Hanovers Topaz 400 show Equivalent booking odds Jack Ledi ICO to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Plurality field 200 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Hanovers Topaz 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ir g by J H Houghton Myrtle Lcdi by Campus trained by G W Crippen bred by Mr J A lUackwpll lUackwpllWent Went to post at 151 At post 1 minute Start poor and slow Won easily second and third drir Inir JACK IKIH was much the best and away slowly he quickly raced into forward contention and imssing the leaders midway of the stretch wou going away PLURALITY was a forward contender from the start and finished gamely HANOVERS TOPAZ came wide entering the stretch but out finished YOl IlET The latter showed the most speed to the last eighth but tired suddenly VICTORY WON ran a good half halfScratched Scratched 0792 View 107 C7744 Overstep 105 07270 Dragoon 107 07892 W C Dooly 112 112Overweights Overweights Malzavena 3 pounds Ethel Kismet 2 f H SECOND RACE 34 Mile Dec 20 1916 1116 3 110 Purse PCO 4yearoids and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt U ft Str Fin Jockey EquirOdds Strt 07022SHELHYV1ILE w 4 107 3 7 77X70 4 4 2 H F Stevens J Manale Manale1J 7X70 CHLOTTA SMITH w 4 103 1 1 1fi7913 1J 1 11 21 R Flynn F J Gilroy Gilroy3k fi7913 THKILLS w 8 103 2 2 3k 3J 3 = 1 32 G RcJse H D Gates 07914 LUCKY PEARL w 7 103 6 6 607K90JMUDIE 77 5 41 J Pevic J S Baldw Baldwin t t07K90JMUDIE 07K90JMUDIE WILSON v5111 5 3 3C7745 5 5 4 = 5i S Sykes Campbell Kipp 520100 520100C7745 C7745 LITTLE GINK w 10 113 7 4 2 2 6 6 B Parke J McFarlan S60100 S60100G7829 G7829 FRKNCH NURSE ws S 100 4 5 6 6l 7 7 M Milrick Millerick Bros 2760100 2760100tMutuel tMutuel field Time 25 51 119 Track heavy 1 mutuels paid Shelbyville 400 straight 340 place 240 show Clmrlotta Smith 360 place 300 show Thrills field 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Shelbyville 100 to 100 straight 70 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Cbarlotta Smith 180 to 100 place SO to 100 show Thrills field 20 to 100 show showWinner Winner If c by Watervale Miss Metcalf by Ardingtun trained by J Manale bred by Mr S K Nichols NicholsWent Went to post at 218 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SHELBYV1LLK moved up fast after rounding the last turn and passing CHARLOTTA SMITH when a sixteenth out held her safe at the end CHARLOTTA SMITH set a good pace and when chal ¬ lenged finished gamely THRILLS raced well throughout LUCKY PEARL closed a gap with a rush MAlUIK WILSON and LITTLE GINK quit quitScratclud Scratclud 07850JCoonibs 112 C774 i Jay Mac 107 07C3G Cigale 105 G7702 Clare Frances 105 677 MlWoolday 110 00997 Glad News 105 105Overweights Overweights Maudie Wilson 1 pound Little Gink 1 ftTQCT i THIRD RACE 1 18 Miles March 27 1921 152 5 117 Purse 600 3yearolds D 4 JjOO and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U s Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strl 677GGPONHA RAY w 4 110 3 2 1 = 1 1 1 1 = 1 I1 P Hum G F Hum 450100 67828 LEWIS B wn S 112 6 7 fijl 5 5 31 21 G Rose Blackwell Crippen 410JOO 410JOO07928RAILBIRD 07928RAILBIRD wn 7 112 4 1 2 2 2 21 3 M Milrick Campbell Kipp t720100 07834 EVA HARRIGAN v7110 2 4 33 3J 3 4 = 141 R Flynn Leeds Miles 740100 740100riiTAi riiTAi WICK w 10 112 1 C 4J 4 = 4J S1 5i F Seremba A M Gray 1C60100 W HARPER w S 117 757 7J 6 6 = 61 D Hum F R Irwin 830100 0 626 ADELINE L w 9 110 S 8 8 S 71 7s 7 1 G Rails 7 E McGreRor t C7834 MONTONA w n 6 117 5 3 5 61 8 8 8 C Thpson W Pinkstaff 230100 230100tMutnel tMutnel Held Time 25 51 118 147 202 Track heavy 2 mutiicLs paid Ponza Kay 1100 straight 040 place 420 show Lewis B 420 place 360 show Kailbird field 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Ponza Ray 150 to 100 straight 220 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Lewis It 110 to 100 place SO to 100 show Railbird field 80 to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 f by Prince Hermis Lucky Miss by Campus trained by G P Hum bred by Mr J Odell OdellWent Went to post at 245 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving PONZA HAY showed much speed and taking the lead quickly held sway to the end although tiring LEWIS It after racing far back in the early running made up ground and finished fast RAIL UIKI raced in closest but unavailing pursuit of the winner to the last eighth and tired EVALYN lIAItltlliAN thowed speed btit tired badly AL AVICK ran well to the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 07927 Argento 117 07534 Laura Cochron 110 03623 Mike Daly 112 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile May 20 1920 59 4 107 Purse COO 3yetrolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U ij i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 07933s FULL MOON w 5 10S 31 I H I1 I1 M Milrick J McGiven illO100 07933 COUNT BORIS wsn S 113 6 4 5l 41 3s 2 M Andson H E Davis 910103 91010307918MILDA 07918MILDA wn 7 10S 7 7 G 3 2J 3 F Stevens B Creech 3101CO 07744 NEBRKA LAD wsn 5 113 12 4 610 6J 4 = 1 C Rails Loe Pinnejjar 1080100 07890 EYE BRIGHT ws 4 113 5 3 31 5 = 5 V W Gargan W Gargan 760100 07918 = STANLEY H w 13 115 25 2 = 2i 410 6 = P Hum G F Hum 110100 110100C3630 C3630 MODISTE w 6 113 4 6 7s 7 715 7 = ° J Meehan J Hamilton 426 100 DUBLIN ANNE w C 108 S S S S S S R Lee J F Durkee f tMutuel field Time 24 50 103 Track heavy 2 mutncls paid Full Moon S2420 straight 900 place 540 show Count Boris 840 place 480 show Milda 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Full Moon 1110 to 100 straight 330 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Count Boris 320 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Milda 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner Illk m by Dick Finnell Caller On by Oddfellow trained by A W Kraft bred by Mr McIJrayer Moon MoonWent Went to post at 314 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow for all hut DUBLIN ANNE Won handily second and third driving FULL MOON began fast and showed the most speed all the way withstood repeated challenges in the stretch drive and finished gamely COUNT BORIS steadily improved his position and made a fast finish MILDA began tlatfooted and racing into second place tired when seemingly the winner NEBRASKA l VD did his best and finished fast STANLEY H ran a good half and quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 07S97 Neg 115 C7933 Philanderer 110 07800 Lenieve 108 G78273Queencup II 97 07805 Ollie Wood 115 115Overweights Overweights Eye Bright 1 pound FIFTH RACE 1 Mile June 17 1916 138 3 95 Purse 600 4yearoJds a = d upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U f i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 7895 = DORIUS wr 4 107 1 1 Il I1 1 = 1 = 1 = E Fator Pueblo Stable 110100 07895 HYANPOM w 5 10S 3 4 SJ 52 41 3 2k M Slghter P Heigel 740100 07854 MOUANNA w 4 10S 4 3 2 41 2 4s 2 = 1 C Studer Shafer Conway 510100 07931 DUC DE MRNY wn 5 103 6 C 51 3 3 21 4 ° D Hum H D Gates 830100 07854 WILD FLOWER w 6 10J 3 41 2 5 5 5 R Flynn A L Briggs 810100 7804 SCOTLAND YET wu 3 103 2 2 G 6 6 C 6 P Walls J Crane 6201CO 6201COTime Time 25 i 51 118 140 Track heavy 2 nnituels paid Dorius 420 straight 300 place 200 show Hyanpoin 510 place 400 show Iouinnu 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent Ixxiking odds Dorius 110 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Hyanpom 170 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Ixniunna 80 to 100 show showWinner Winner B or br by Sain Latifa by Hamburg trained by J Morris bred by Mr George J Long LongWent Went to post at 310 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing DOKIIS was hard ridden for the entire race anil showing the most speed won all the way I1YANPOM was repeatedly flint off and when clear finished with a great rush IOUANNA ran well and had no mishaps DfC DE MORNY away slowly rushed up into forward contention but tired sud ¬ denly WILD FLOWKIt showed sped but quit quitScratched Scratched 07413 Eugenia K 100 07801 Sangrado 10S fr7KQ SIXTH RACE 58 Mile May 20 1920 59 4 107 Purse 1000 3yearolds and O 4 J7O Jr upward Claiming Net value to winder 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U V i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt G7853HARRY D ws 9 112 31 1 17 Il D Hum C B Irwin 170100 07832 = COCA COLA w 5 107 13 4 = 4 = 31 2 F Stevens W Walker 40100 40100C7832SDOR C7832SDOR CORBETT wn 10 109 4 5 T 5 5 3 R Flynn R M Hollenbeck 23401W 07917 DR JOHNSON w S 110 2 2 2 = 2 4 = C Thpson A L Brings 260100 7917 NOONHOUR w3 S5 2 4 3 = 3 41 3 W Dean H E Davis 330100 Time 330100Time 24 48 J 102 Track heavy 2 miitii N paid Harry I 540 straight 300 place 240 show Coca Cola 400 place 280 show Doctor Cornell 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Harry D 170 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Coca Cola 100 to 100 place 40 to 100 show Doctor Corbet t 130 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Barnsdalc Turnaway by Nimrod trained by C B Irwin bred by Mrs S Wat kins kinsWent Went to post at 109 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing HAItRY D set a fast pace and raced head and head with Dlt JOHNSON until after entering the tretirh then increased his lead to win going away under a hard ride COCA COLA saved ground on all the turns and finished fast DOCTOR COUBETT closed a gap in a game finish Dlt JOHNSON forced fiut pace but tired after turning for home NOONHOlU showed speed but tired badly badlyScratched Scratched 677M Brilliant Ray 110 07474 Red Wingtield 110 OVJI4 Wild Heather US USOverweights Overweights Dr Johnson 2 pounds Noonliour 2 SEVENTH RACE S4 Mile Dec 20 WIG 111 3 HO Purse JGOO 3yearolda and upward Claiming Net value to wiener 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U ii i Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt C7791 LITT FLORENCE w 4 113 2 4 5 = 1 4 = 1 31 1 C Thpson G M Van Gordon C7853HONr GEORGE w 7 103 9 7 3 2 = 2 = 21 R Flynn W Sims C7917 B BLACKWELL w G 115 S 2 iu ink iii 3j D Hum C E Grove 078553 CHIEF BTHELLws 5 102 1 1 1C7833JFLORNCE 21 3 4J 4 = 1 F Stevens E W Moore C7833JFLORNCE DEEN w 4 101 3 3 44 5 = 5 5J M Garrett Quinlan Heigel HeigelSl 07929 CAFETERIA ws 7 103 7 C Sl 8 7s 61 T Wilson E McCown 07910 TOM CRAVEN WSB 4 107 5 3 71 6 = 6 = 71 C Rails C Irby 07853 AVAR GOD w 8 109 C 9 9 9 8 8s J Defonl Bronx Stable StableJ ct G6499 FLEA w 5 101 48 G J 7 = 9 9 P Walls T Hodge tMntuel field Time 24 49y5 l16s Track heavy 2 imitnelK paid Little Florence 1000 straight 660 place 460 show Honest George SOO place 480 show Kill Blackwell 340 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Little Florence 400 to 100 straight 230 to 100 place 130 to 100 show Honest George 300 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Bill Blackwell 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by General Roberts Lori Nita by Reformation trained by E K Armstrong bred by Mr George M Van Cordon CordonWent Went to post at 435 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same LITTLE FLORENCE moved up steadily after rounding the last turn and finishing fast on the outside won in the last stride HONEST GEORGE passed BILL BLACKWELL and took the lead mid ¬ way of the stretch hut tireil in the final twenty yards which cost him the race BILL BLACKWELL showed a good order of speed in pacemaking but gave way to the first two in the final drive CHIEF BARTHELL began fast but tireil when forced to a drive driveScratched Scratched 67804 Messines 103 07833 Lady Leonid 88 677485Harrigans Heir 103 6774S = Horinga 96 Overweights Bill Blackwell 5 pounds War God 2 EIGHTH RACE 1 116 Miles Juce 24 1916 145 3 110 Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming DECLARED OFF

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923020101/drf1923020101_12_1
Local Identifier: drf1923020101_12_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800