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7th RACE 4 1 FurlonsTH Jtyctirolds and uitvrard Claiming HAZEL BALE ch m 10 112 112Trainer By Barnsdale Tern by Black Dean Trainer C B Irwin Owner 0 B irwiml irwimlr8108 Breeder L C tiloan tiloani r8108 Tijuana 5S 101 fast B 11G 1 2 i 3rt D Hurn 10 AnRcln Pay Off Colonel Mat 67982 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud S5 113 1 2 2C7918 2 31 D Hum 5 DdoGuise lUllvJoe Fondllope C7918 Tijuana 5S l03 l03smud = smud 2310 306 2 3 3G77GU 21 1 II I ong S Stanlcyll Due deOulsc Yukon G77GU Tijuana 5S l01ifast C 114 1 1 1G7704 lb 1 D Hurn 8 ItUOwen NCR Uttle Pointer G7704 Tijuana 12 4Sfast 21 111 1 1 I4 1 D Hurn S Joe Tap Joe Ulair I Gentry 7532 Tijsmna DS 101 fast 3 111 1 1 I1 2l D Hurn S Honest Ceorffe It Pay Off MADGE F b m 7 By Voorhees Salvatrix by Salvati = Trainer W D MillarS Owner W D Millard Breeder A B Spreckels G8045 Tijuana 1 159 hvy 1 113 3 4 C1 G J H Long S SHedron MEmG Chlry Boy 67932 Tijuana 1 316 2074ihvy 61 110 2 C CG787G G C14 C Thpson G Toreida Whippet Rajah G787G Tijuana 1 14 213Vimud 3 111 3 1 1B7791 1 Il C Thpson Vic nominator Judge David B7791 Tijuana ImTOy l45fast G 303 4 4 4C7G63 7J 7Ti E Petzoldt Donntello ClilirBov Fireworth C7G63 Tijuana 1 11C l47fast 3110 93 2 1 1C75S4 11 o = J W Martin 7 Bkhnrnll WMlRomy Picdrn C75S4 Tijuana Im70y Ii7 fast 13 313 C E EG7398 10 10 H Long 10 By IMglit Tom Oxrcns Vic G7398 Tijuana 1 13 l544 fast Tl ins 1 112 1 1MILDA 3 1 M Fator Just ISiglit Vic MILDA br m 7 108 108Trainer By Jack Atkin Armilda by Eryn Hawr Hawreech Trainer B Creech Owner B Creech eech Breeder C C Patrick 68044 Tijuana Ci f l13hvy 3 10 3 3 5 53 W Martin 7 Joe Tag Jack L ll Ollle Wood 67957 Tijuana 5S l03Hhvy 3 IDS 7 732 3 3J F Stevens 8 KullMoon CountBoris NobI d 67918 Tijuana 58 l03imud Ci 106 7 4 41 G G Rose S Hazel Dfle Sthyll DdeGuIse 67872 Tijuana 5S l03Hmud 13 108 6 2 2C7G39 Z 21 W Martin 10 Corncutr Countlforis N Shore C7G39 Tijuana 5S l01fast r IDS 2 2 21 1 C Rails 7 FulIMoon Altijah FGCorley G739G Tijuana Dl f l07Hfast 15 107 3 4 4C7298 4 551 W Martin 7 CcilMill CcilSiiiiler Clicuttcr C7298 Tijuana El f l05Hfaat 21 309 2 J JC72 2 3 3 W Pool 8 NCR Elga lariat C72 1C Tijuana 58 101 fast 61 309 5 4 4671G8 Sl 3 W Martin 8 AskJersio JocBlalr DancgGIrl 671G8 TLluana 68 106 hvy S2 111 1 1 3 141 W Martin 7 Kimono Ella Waldo Toion QUINCY OroaBientTrainer WABD b h 5 113 By Marathon TUdeet Lut by OroaBient Trainer B E Lovell Owner H T Palmer Breeder J T Embry C8203 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud 2 115 4 2 31 4s A Claver 8 JackLedl DrTubbs HaielDiIc G8085 Tijuana 5S l01ifast 3 110 5 2 2 3 = 1 F Stevens 8 Philanderer Pueblo StanleyH B8017 Tijuana 41 f SSiimud 21 30S 3 1 1 1 F Stevens 8 Operator NorfdHoney PokeyB PokeyB31f 6789G Tijuana 51 f l09mud 31f 110 C 5 5fc 7 E Petzoldt 8 Corncntter NShore EyeBrlght EyeBrlght29f 07851 Tijuana 41 t 56 mud 29f 110 3 4 3l 3i J Shaffer 8 Corncutter Fond Hope Axgelo G6569 Akron Ab 5S 100 fast 5 305 Cl J Pevie 8 Flip Diocletian Right Angle CG501 Akron Ab 5S 102 alow S5 11 113 61 J Pevlc C Black Cat Propaganda Winkle JOE TAG b g 5 108 108Trainer By Flammarlon BeDo Bod IT Nimrod Nimrodiff Trainer B Jones Owner Nacoff iff Jones Breeder W MikeL 61 f l13ihvy 115 15 106 2 1 13 I F Stevens 7 JkLedi OUieWood EWilllams G8003 Tijuana 58 l03 mud 3 113 5 2 2G7704 DH G i M Andson 9 BBIackwl Corncntter BPrince G7704 Tijuana 12 4S faat 6 108 2 2 34 2 G Rose 8 Hazel Dale Joe Blair LGentry 67679 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 70 108 1 3 21 2 M Milrickll Angela Full Moon Pay Off 67510 Tijuana 5S 102 fast 5 110 1 4 5s 5si II Long 8 Angela Sweep Up II Don Jose 07407 Tijuana 68 l01fast 15 111 1 3 3 11 H Lons S HamiltonA Mflower llerLass 67279 Tijuana 58 l01fast 6 111 4 3 3BLACK 41 41 C Rails 9 HiltoaA HazcIDale BWelch BLACK PBINCE blk h 6 108 108Trainer By Tony Braero Clotkmi BTOTB b JUu Brah BrahPillans Trainer G Boyd Owner B Pillans PillansG8003 Breeder estate of F J Pons G8003 Tijuana f S l KJ mud 24 105 3 4 4T992 31 32 G Rose 9 BBlackwell Crcutter Amksin T992 Eric Ab 58 l03Vhvy 1710 118 18 C Garner 10 AMaid DrCmpbell DoctorD 53272 Havana 34 l13fast 2 99 1 2 22 2 21 21 I Penman 7 Sirocco TKDuke PrinMyrtle 3217 Havana 34 l127ifast 4 101 01 3 2 23 3 4 31 L Penman 7 Sirocco TBelgianll Ammptlon 53161 Havana 51 f lOGHfast 2 112 12 1 133 3 3 B 31 W Kelsay 5 Brig of War Ossood EdGarrison 33037 Havana 5J t I07i4fast 1 107 07 2 4 43 43SOUTHEBN 3 3 I J Francis 6 Brig ofWar Discussion MFeast SOUTHEBN GENTLEMAN b h 5 108 108Trainer By Ultimui Tsarina y Smcstra Trainer A W BJaft Owner J McGinn Breeders 7 0 6 H Keeaa 68171 Tijuana 34 l18hy 24 112 3 2 8s S l M Milrick 12 Philander SHedron Lewis B B3f 68125 Tijuana 58 102 fast 3f 113 3 1 I1 1i E Donahucl2 JCampbell HtersPoint ReTiew 68021 Tijuana 34 119 mud SO 110 3 334 3 3G799G 5 J M MUrick 8 DonJose JackLedi FickleFancy FickleFancy21f G799G Tijuana CI t illmud 21f 110 6 7 7s G M Milricklt Cannzel TlieVcnsce CharSmith CharSmith3Sf 67933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 3Sf 113 10 10 10G7704 10 10 II S Jonesll FdHope Philanderer FulIMoon G7704 Tijuana 12 4S fast 49 108 8 8 8 8 J Shaffer 8 Hazel Dale Joe T s Joe Blair Blairllf 67622 Tijuana 34 l14fasi llf 117 8 10 10LOMOND 10 101 J Schaffer 11 Royal Maid Poacher El Roble LOMOND JB blk c 4 M 111 111Trainer By Lomond Midsummer by Kenilworth KenilworthBreeder Trainer J L Crawford Owner B Parton PartonB77G4 Breeder B Parton Partonlh B77G4 Tijuana 58 l02 fast 01 112 2 1 lh s F J Bakerl2 Cancion Santhia C Woolday Woolday5s 67075 Tijuana 58 l04hvy 74 110 7 6 6G7016 5s 5 1 F J Baker 9 SliermanA I g Indian Nizam G7016 Tijuana 5S 104 mud 139 112 6 4 61 7 F J BakerlO Ea Waldo Countltoris TerneUe 66914 Tijuana 5S l03 mud 14 111 5 2 4 6el C Rails 11 MarnZorn ArneFort CavcMaa 64357 Hastings Ab 58 100 slop 1710 109 3 C Gross 9 PFountn Dtltose WtaParka C4323 Hastings Ab 8 5 fast 25 107 1 C Gross 9 CAComkey SwCap FBall II II34i 63922 Brhousc 12 48 fast 7 107 34i C Gross 12 BabeRutli OkanBell BlkTrack