3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-14

past performance

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1 Mile and 7O Yards yearold and upward Claiming Jan 21 l y 142 3 S OS PLURALITY b c 4 10J 10JTrainer J By Pluvious Farewell by Ossary Ossaryson Trainer J Johnson Owner J Johnson son Breeder T W 0 Brien 68168 Tijuana Im70y 154 hvy 08 1 2 25 21 E Fator 7 Cabin Creek Hnlfimr Fizer FizerOS 68146 Tijuana 1 1S 202imud OS 1 5 2Ji 2 E Fator Paeclins Little Dear Gen Byng 68103 Tijuana 34 110 fast 12 5 9 51 2 = E Fator 12 View Cannonlcill Obstinate ObstinateC8 C8 7 4 4 4 E Fator 10 NKlteal PlSleel Tawasentha 67954 Tijuana 341175 07 3 3 21 21 E Fator 9 laekljai IhtnVropaz YoiBet 67914 Tijuana 34 l16mud 12 1 5 55i C E Fator S Dvlhlinar JuslUislt Pretender 67703 Tijuana 1 l43fast 12 3 C 4 47i K Fator 10 Finworth Starlike Sail Hedroa 67017 Tijuana 51 f l09fast 12 S 10 SI C1 E Fator 11 Miilian Casjcion Delinrey 7574 Tijuana 51 f lOS fast 12 S 3 S1 7s E Fator 12 Isphaiu Tillotsoii Plunger 60083 JIHghts 34 119 mud 02 3 M Oarrett 7 VanDresr rwellTaps SUSox 06022 MHghta Im70y l53 hvy hvyANITA 03 1 J Allen S AmSoIdicr Bouiirvillc Hliymrr ANITA K b f 3 50 By General Roberts Larinita by Reformation Trainer C E Groves Owner C E Groves Breeder G H Van Gordon GordonMS OS 183 Tijuana Im70y l50 hvy 1SG M MS 3 1 2 2l H Lonff S Tawaseatiia Caamano Sic = II 21 Tijuana 5J f lC3Vsfast S 90 7 10 101 H7i H Lonjj 12 Prophecy Nonsuit Flame 27 Toledo 51 f l07fast 29 109 09 6 7 7 7 J Majestic 7 Noonliuur AthUti Illusionist 91 Toledo 51 f l13 ihvy 13 11212 10 10xS 51 fi G Mancanl2 Nowata Athlete SiSver Maid xS Toledo E f lOSVinst 16 110 10 4 5 C C T Bunia 7 Argo Athlete KJU Gallic 43 Hthorne 5S lOS ihvy 6 110 10 3 6 5U 3 It S Jones J Kris My Lorraue Miss IMna 20 Hthorne 5S 103 fast 4 10S OS 5 5 5l 03 M Slshtcr 9 Cnideims Piula Xapatos 35 Hthorne 68102 fast 12 HO 11 6 644 4 3 M Slglitcr 7 CEnri CEnriiiie iiie DrMrArthur Cruds 45 IVghouse 6S l02sgooa 7 111 11 6 = j H Rows 7 CarKirijiif lfrpin IvyGray 75 Brhousn 12 49ifaot t 112 112TLE 12 I1 W Rowan S Elmer W Darrei J LulaFluk TLE DEAR b g 5 us usTrainer 13 By Olambala Ma Wee Dear by Love Wisely Trainer J S Baldwin Owner T Harris Breeder R T Vilioa 68140 Tijuana 1 1S C2Vimud 13 2 6 3J 31 M Andson i Pacclmi Plnrelity Gen Bvnjr 67978 Tijuana 1 14 215imud 2 115 15 3 3 Ss 2l W Gar an K LcrePiiie Tawasfiitlia Veteran VeteranC5 07831 Tijuana 1 14 2OS7ifaat 2OS7ifaat6GD18 13 1C5 C5 3 3S 6 4J T5 M Andson Fircwortli Yorklas ie Arsento 6GD18 Tijuana 1 11C l53Xmud l53XmudCS574 S 113 13 4 5 Ci Sh J Pevis 7 MistrcssPolly Dora My Laddlo CS574 Akron Ab 1 1S l55 fast fast6C510 5 101 Ot 5 1 J Pevic 1 Puzzle Li BStret Diiftiug 6C510 Akron Im70y l50jfast 1 110 10 3 J Pevic 7 Cavalier Mel ha Polly Ptender 66472 Akron 1 l47islov 21 105 05 J Pcvic 7 Will Soon Hevcler Wodnn CC370 Akron 1 11C l5fast 95 110 10 lh J Pevic C Pierift Montprrri Heveler 06267 Akron Im70y l4t fast 310 97 1 J Pcvic 0 Bloudi1 FrkShannoa Sllti II TAG DAT br 4 M 105 05 By Uealo2 Fair Annie by Hawkswick Hawkswickby Trainer A Binnev Cwrcr A Blncey by Breeder Thornclsffo Stablfi 081 86 Tijuana 1 12 242Jihvy 3S 83 3 4 3 Sl H Lone S Dumiuutur N K Ieal Bilfour 68010 Tijuana 1 l50hvy 47 105 05 5 6 3J 31 E Donhue 7 TVKPanee Dissoliiie Fismatn 67871 Tijuana Im70y IMg mud 113 110 10 S 8 SS 9 = H anler 12 Sail lledron Gen Byne Pluneez OJSOG Tijuana 1 14 203fefast Z4f 103 03 5 S S1 SIJ II Xarder 11 Dominator Hivdo John Arbor C7C18 Tijuana 1 1S liS liSsfaat sfaat 149 105 3 4 4i S5i II Xandcr 8 Swenon Al WIfk Klcva 67S43 Tijuana ImiOy l47rifaat lOf 103 9 11 11s 9 i H XarUer 1 WGMClk Glyn lbstnnl 67187 Tijuana 1 1 l497Jhvy C3 K0 7 7 J1 6 3 II Xandcr 7 HeiiPtia CaveMm NornrdbLast 07070 Tijuana 31 31121 1 hvy 27lOflO 7 10 9l 9 II ander 1 J NfdsUist AijKort CaveMau 65955 Mneuve Ab 34 1 125 hvy 17 103 5 A Sstrom Kiutl Hey Kniiis Mar aiet N Nr LITTLE GINK b p r 10 113 By Tim Payne La Poeta by Honduras Trainer J McPfcerson Owner J McFarlane Breeder Lawrscce 5 Csnsstock 08197 Tijuana 34 llSv mud 32 115 G 3 7l C E Du an fl Hiile PillyGibaon Nelllancr 8 Tijuana Im70y I43ij3low 9 113 4 1 11 2 K Ducau 11 Car Point to Point Dalwood 07955 Tijuana 34 l19hvy 9 113 4 2 6 6 i U Parku 7 Rhvlbyiillr CharSmitli Thrills ThrillsS 07745 Tijuana 1 1S l57last S 116 3 9 S E Taylor 9 Hliymer Hessic YOIIIIR Dura C7C74 Tijuana 1 1S lGifast 8 110 5 2 J 21 F Stevens Al Wick Obstinate Dora 07518 Tijuana 1 1S l56fast 14 110 446 E Petzoldt S Judce Divid Finworth Dora 67515 Tijuana 1 11S 149 fast 13 115 7 S S S R Carter 8 Slioreacrei Lariat Rhymer Continued on tenth pace TIJUANA ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES PERFORMANCESContinued Continued from ninth page STEVE b g 8 113 By Uncle Strita by Waterboy WaterboyTrainer Trainer J Croftax Ownor H D Gates Breeder Oneck Stable 58182 Tijuana lm0y l51hvy 13 114 8 8 8 8 E Dugan S OMcKna Mistaki MistakiG8040 G8040 Tijuana 1 l50hvy 7 115 6 3 5 5 P Martinez 7 TheVgeance Dissc DisscG7703 G7703 Tijuana 1 l43fast 7 117 8 9 10 10 O Atwell 10 Flrcworth Starliko StarlikoG7G18 G7G18 Tijuana 1 18 l53fast 5 115 4 1 1 4 P Martinez S Swenson Al Wick WickG515 G515 Tijuana 1 11G l43fefast 118 115 5 S S1 6 O Atwell 8 Shorcacres Lariat LariatG7470 G7470 Tijuana 34 Ill7sfast 7 113 9 10 S 8 W Martin 10 Van Welles View LOUIS LACHMUND b g 9 9Trainer 113 By Tony Fanst Princess Viola by Kismet Trainer L Galbraith Owner L Galbraith Breeder C A McLaurjhlin 65257 Hastings 1 11G l52good 6 103 ri W Dean S SDonlan BelleFlowcr SamHill G5039 Bghousa Im70y l47good 195 103 10 W Dean 10 Capon Bos Young D of Wrath CI99 Bghouse 1 1lrt l vsslow 13 95 if1 W Dean O Mint Cafeteria Tawasentlw 03735 Reno 1 116 lM3 fast fastG3G28 7 111 41 R Duggan 7 Reydo Jerry Orleans Girl G3G28 Reno Im70y I44f3st 11 112 3 ° W Dean 7 Donatello FanNail OrleansGIrt 03982 Brhouse Im70y l45fust C6 99 2 W Dean 7 Eastltidian Reydo Verdi I oon C3935 Brhouse 1 116 150 fast 10 39 6si W Dean 0 FanNail Regreso MissManaga LAVA ch g 7 7Trainer 113 By Textile Ashes by Tremont TremontB Trainer B B Bond Owner B B Bond Breeder T Uonanan Uonanan4f G8082 Tijuana Im70y l Hlor 4f 115 7 4 6i 7 1 P Martineill Car LittleGink Pcint to Puint G7978 Tijuana 1 14 215raud 30 110 4 8 8 S F Stevens 8 LonelMne LitDear Tawasentha 07806 Tijuana 1 14 209fast 2tf 115 8 6 4 4 P MartmeyU Dominator Reydo Jolin Arbor G7745 Tijuana 1 18 l57fast 21 115 7 7 6i G J R Carter 9 Rhymer ISessie Young Dora 07G7 1 Tijuana 1 1S l5Sfast 8 115 3 3 9 9 R Carter 9 Al Wick Little Gink Obstinate 07636 Tijuana ImTOy 149 fast 12 110 8 7 5l 4 P Stevens 10 GMuehlcbli SnSiw PTenny G7532 Tijuana 5J f 109 fast 42f 113 12 12 12 12 E Taplin 12 MyrtlcA Dolancey FrVhNurso G6084 MHghta 34 l19mud 28 107 7 W Bogskl 7 IIorLerch Pretender Efficient EfficientS G5454 Kempton 51 f l07fast S 112 51 E T Moore S MisJiggs Ladyloue SmThrgh FIZEE b h 9 9Trainer 116 By Transvaal Foundling by Lazzaroae Trainer A Brent Owner A Brent Breeder W P Johnson Johnson2Sf G8168 Tijuana Im70y 154 hvy 2Sf 116 6 2 3l 4J F J Baker 7 Cabin Creek Plurality Balfour Balfour25C 804t Tijuana ImTOy 154 hvy 25C 116 9 8 S1 10s F J BakerlO NKBeai PlSteel Tawasentha G7997 Tijuana Im70y l53imud 20 111 9 9 9 9 F Stevens 9 Cafeteria Olympiad Benecia BeneciaSf 07927 Tijuana Im70y l52hvy Sf 11010 10 10 9 R Flynn l HorIeruli NlrShore ITtazenet ITtazenetlOf G7890 Tijuana 34 l18mud l18mudG7637 lOf 105 7 10 10 8 F Stevens 10 IVbleEyc LonePine MdieWiln G7637 Tijuana Im70y l47ifast 135 113 8 8 7 I1 W Dean 8 Tlieresa Starlike Keyilo G7341 Tijuana 1 142 fast fastG5242 68 105 6 7 7 7 E IcUoldt 7 Kill Head Yermak Just Right G5242 Dorval 1 116 149 fast 31 101 2 10 10 10 W Organ 10 SMoney Hrrcliff HMSterens 65142 Dorval 1 14 221 mud 10 101 6 7 7 7 W Organ 7 TokMarch Hercules JohnArbor

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021401/drf1923021401_9_5
Local Identifier: drf1923021401_9_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800