untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-14


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ED BRADLEY BRADLEYGOTHAM GOTHAM BATfK BUILDING SUITE 321 ISliT BROADWAY JfEW YORK CITY 3f Y I feel quite certain that with the aid of connec ¬ tions I have made at Nevr Orleans this winter to offer to the public racing news that is in a aCLASS CLASS BY ITSELF YESTEBDAYS GOOD NEWS NEWSTERMINAL TERMINAL 101 WON WONMONDAYS MONDAYS GOOD NEWS NEWSSAGAMORE SAGAMORE 31 WON WONString String With Me At Jefferson Park ParkSATUBDAYS SATUBDAYS GOOD NEWS NEWSMOM MOM 51 WON WONFBIDAYS FBIDAYS GOOD NEWS NEWSRUPEE RUPEE 121 WON WONTHUBSDAYS THUBSDAYS HOBSE LOST and I have no excuse to offer offerTuesday Tuesday I received no news from my connections so therefore no horso was sent out Yes indeed thero are days when I have no news to dispense dispenseNO NO GUESS WOBK ON MY PABT PABTThursdays Thursdays horso lost and I have BO excuse to offer offer3IOXDAYS 3IOXDAYS GOOD XEAVS XEAVSTULALIP TULALIP 71 WON WONWon Won in a gallop by three lengths Not only winners but how they win plenty of daylight between them and the rest of the field SUBSCRIBE AND GET SOME GOOD XEWS My Rates Arc 520 for Fire Days Information InformationBomember Bomember this There will be days that I will have ni information to dispense so if yon dont get a wire dont bo alarmed Onco a subscriber alwars one oneIf If you are not a resident of New York wire your subscxiBtion via Western Union

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021401/drf1923021401_11_5
Local Identifier: drf1923021401_11_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800