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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesHAVANA HAVANA WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14 14WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR J TRACK FAST Tho figures nnder the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each harsa at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 157 Superior mud runner X CSood mud rnnner rnnnerJ J Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 105 li 5 102 Todays IJorse Wt Rec RecSmite AWtIIan Smite 101 1OG = 5 5Josephine G 115 725 Josephine K 108 107 107Mao 5 110 720 Mao 100 1073 1073Scarpia 9 110X713 Scarpia II 108 107 107bMcMurphy 9 115X715 bMcMurphy 110 108 108W 12 115 715 W Alfred Clark 109 109 109bTimotliv C 115X710 bTimotliv J Hogan103 1OS 5 11570j Little Niece 10S 107 107Country C 110 700 Country Girl M1C9 110 110Craiucrow 8 110 700 Craiucrow M 109 109 109John 6 115 700 John Spohn 115 109V 109VGeorge 11 115700 George S M 105 111 6 115 700 Second Race 5 12 Furlonjs Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 24 1917 105 0 102 67653 bPolar Cub 109100 C 115X725 68173 bNan 107 108 7 110 720 68174 bCaptrs 110107 8 110 715 68175 Who Can Tell 99 107 4 107 715 67921 bMess Kit 101 106 10668C48 6 115X715 68C48 Humpy 109108 5 115X710 67863 Two Eyes 97 107 5 110X710 65937 bFair Lassie 104 108 5 110 705 68043 Jill 101 106 7 110 705 68119 Occupation M 109 10 5 110 700 63173 Guardsman 114 108 8 115 700 68174 bGood Enough 110 103 Vb 7 115 700 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 500 3yearolds Maidens Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 24 1917 105 VS 5 102 67610 Tenderfoot 110 109 109 67991 Kentucky Smiles 104 107 104 68117 Pandine 99107 99 68077 Cisq a 107 107 103 68117 Courtier 107107 113 66750 Mammon 109 103 104X 67736 Newport 112 112 111H 68117 Eugenia Gomez 104 110 99 68117 Nellida 103 108 99 700 68117 Don Telndo 102 J 112 99 700 67990 bDonna Bella 94 110 99 700 Midday 109 Fcurth Bace 34 Mile Purse 500 4yearolds and nnwaid Claiming Track record Jan 8 1920 111 G 102 68073 RALJAXEW 109 112 112C8139 5 114 7 C8139 Koran 101 112 S 9971i 68161 Runnan 108 113 114X715 67970 Foy 103 113 4 101X713 GS142 bValentine dOr 107 113 4 10KX710 67373 uLe Ralafre 115 113 7 109705 631425 Aeosta 110114 4 101X700 Fifth Race 34 Mile St Valentine Handicap Purse 900 4yearolds and upward Track record Jan 8 1920 111 0 102 68176 Sun Brae 11C 111 5 100X750 67922 bCromwell 124 111 7 98X743 631413 Edgar Allan 1oe 115 111 5 107 740 68121 = bFiucastle 107 112 4 9SX740 681411 bEast View 112 112 5 107X735 66740 Eleanor S 112 115 5 95XT30 95XT30Sixth Sixth Bace 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 0 1922 138 1 101 63100 Smart Money 108 140 9 liri7 68118 bWhippoorwill 109 141 8 108X720 68101 Ilomam 110 141 9 10TX715 68174 bAdvance 110141 nil1 713 713681C3 681C3 Puzzle u lOS n 68162 bThe Ulster 3 93X710 68101 rerfcct Lady 105 141 C 100X703 esiea bllarry Glover 105 141 103X70O 682142 bUrennan 109 143 4 103 700 68118 Ruban Rouge M10G 143 4 103 700 68119 Montperfi 101144 0108X700 68163 Jno R Roche 107 148 G 110 700 7006S138 6S138 Ruddles 114 l50h 5 110 700 68175 bArticle X 102 142 4 112X700 112X700Seventh Seventh Bace 1 Mile and 50 Yards YardsPurse Purse 300 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March C 1918 141 5 117 68163 Abe Sablotasky 3 92 723 72368177s 68177s bDainty Lady 110 144 7 100x720 681783 Miss Rankin 103 145 fl 100X713 68122 Job Thayer 109 143 8 105 715 681771 bAssumption 104143 7 110 715 68119 Miss Hope 93 147 4 90 710 68122 Mooresque 99 145 4 101 710 710G7974 G7974 King B 102 145 4 100 703 7036S178 6S178 bOld Pop 10S 144 10 103X700 68178 George W 105 144 5 105x70 68177 Jolinny OConuellHX 144 5 110X700 68178 Dairyman 110 145 8 110X700