Spanish Stallions Death: Billycock, Which Won Nice Grand Prix, Had Great Possibilities.; Comte de la Cimeras Horse Had Same Blood Lines as Hurry on, Great English Sire--Revival of Barealdine Line., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-14


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SPANISH STALLIONS DEATH Billycock Which Won Nice Grand Prix Had Great Possibilities Comtc lc la Clmeras Horse Had Same SameUlood Ulood IJncs as Hurry On Great English EnglishSire Sire Revival of Barcaldiue Line Billycock winner of the Grand Prix de Nice three years ago has just died at the stud of his owner the Comte de la Cimera at Santander Spain His death is a distinct loss to the incipient industry of thoroughbred breeding in the peninsula for he was a high class race horse Before he went to Franco to race he had shown unusual quality under unusual conditions and was almost the equal of Antivari which was without doubt the best of the first war year crop of thorough ¬ breds bredsBillycock Billycock was by Marcovil as is the great English sire Hurry On and possessed great possibilities in the stud The descendants of Marco have begun to shine in the breeding world with a startling brilliance brillianceThe The exceptional quality found in this line undoubtedly traces to Barcaldine the unde ¬ feated whosa history is one of the most curi ¬ ous in the annals of the thoroughbred An Irish farmer named Low had a mare called Ballyroe by Belladrum She failed to win a race for him and then after two years of failure in the stud she was mated with Solon the only descendant of West Australian then left in England EnglandSOLONS SOLONS FINE RECORD RECORDSolon Solon had made a distinguished record in Ireland On one occasion he ran four races in two days winning three of them The re ¬ sult of this mating was Barcaldine which won three races as a twoyearold and four the following year among them the Baldoylo Derby DerbySir Sir John Ashley impressed by the remark ¬ able conformation of the horse as well as by his victories in the colors of an unfashion ¬ able stable wanted to buy Barcaldine Low who was drunk at the time when the baronet asked him to set a price made Sir John a propcsition that he should lay Barcaldine for a considerable sum in the Northumberland Plate at Newcastle for which he was the favorite Low would then withdraw the horse and they would split the profits After that they could talk sale saleAshley Ashley immediately laid the matter before the Jockey Club and without a hearing Low was ruled off the turf This was probably the only time that a man was ruled off the turf for an intention and not an accom ¬ plished fraud fraudBARCALDINE BARCALDINE AT BARGAIN PRICE PRICEBarcaldine Barcaldine of colurse was no longer of any value to Low He did not run as a four yearold and when he was put up for sale at public auction Robert Peck was able to buy him for 1000 He beat Tristan in the AVest minster Cup in 1883 and then won in suc ¬ cession the Epsom Stakes under a crushing impost and the Orange Cup offered by the King of Holland at Ascot This suparb cup which Peck was authorized to offer to Queen Alexandra then Princess of Wales still stands in the dining hall of Buckingham Palace PalaceThe The last race run by Barcaldine was this same Northumberland Plate which had been the cause of Lows misfortune two years be ¬ fore The horse was to carry in this handi ¬ cap fortytwo pounds more than had been assigned him on the previous occasion and this was at a distance of two miles what appeared to be an extremely difficult task taskSome Some days before the race one of his ten ¬ dons threatened to give way It began to look as if he might not be able to start His price went to 50 to 1 He showed im ¬ provement in a day or so but the night be ¬ fore the race his leg had to be rubbed with liniment linimentThe The next day his action was perfect Peck wagered 5000 Barcaldine started at 11 to 2 and won in a canter This is a counterpart of the story of Ruban his greatgneatgreat grandson last year at San Sebastian SebastianAfter After this sensational victory Barcaldino was sold for stud purposes to Lady Strain ford for 40000 He has left a magnificent record in the Stud Book and as others have said the end is not yet Viator in Le Jockey

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