Here and There on the Turf: New Fame of Lord Carnarvon.; Faster Going at Tijuana.; That Local Turf Banquet., Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-18


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Here and There on the Turf New Fame of Lord Carnar Faster Going at Tijuana That Local Turf Banquet Many turfmen are manysided men of diverse leanings and versatile in enterprises and at tainments Loving their horses and exulting ing their triumphs they yet embark in pur ¬ suits and adventures having no relation to the glories and reverses of the turf turfRecently Recently there has been discovered and opened a tomb in Egypt near what was the imperial city of Thebes In that tomb about thirtythree hundred years ago was sealed the remains of one of those mighty monarchs who before authentic history began held ab ¬ solute disposal of life or death for the teem ¬ ing millions of old Egypt This was Tut AnkhAmen possibly the last Pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty He was the soninlaw and successor of that great king and warrior Amenhotep IV who was the son of the lovely Queen Tii who possibly was of Jewish blood Amenhotep IV otherwise variously named by differing Egyptologists was a man of high in ¬ tellect who sought to substitute the worship of one deity for the multiplicity of gods revered by his subjects The priests and people re sisted fanatically and his last years were spent in internal warfare and bitter trouble His successor TutAnkhAmen is also credited with having been an able monarch but his reign only lasted eight years Then he was laid away to be brought to light again by people of races undreamed of in his day dayOther Other royal tombs in Egypt have been opened before but as a rule they had been rifled ages before But this latest discovery is of a tomb so filled to repletion with the treasures laid away with his mummified body as to fill the world with especial wonder The kingly splendor of his living days is revealed in a vast number of golden and goldcovered articles ranging from perfectly preserved chari ots to ornaments for the person the value of the whole probably running into millions millionsAt At the first glance it might seem that such an occurrence interesting as it may be does not rightfully find its place of narrative in a turf newspaper But it does because this astounding discovery was made by the cmi nent English turfman Lord Carnarvon Any thing differing more widely than trying to win the Epsom Derby and exhuming the mummy of a man who died bfore Rome was a name and when Greece was yet to become a home of civilization can hardly be imagined Yet that is now the fame of Lord Carnarvon Turfmen the world over can afford to rejoice with him in the singular good fortune that j has attended his adventures in the dim ways of the hoarj past pastAfter After a long siege of rain and inud at Tijuana there is a cheerful prospect of better things There a fast track is promised for today and this condition may last for some time although there is no certainty about it There they theyhave have but two seasons the wet and the dry dryi i It is now the wet season and rain is liable to descend at any time up to next May The best horses now in racing are gathered at Tijuana and there is quite a band there of good class The time for decision of a number of valuable stake races is approaching and quite appropriately owners of the horses engaged are hoping for a fast track especially when Coff roth Handicap Day shall arrive This is now I by far the most valuable handicap of North American racing its 30000 added putting it far in advance of all other races of that kind If it is continued on its present elevated basis it may become the fashion to send our best handicap racers to Tijuana to strive for its money and honors Thirty thousand dollar races for fouryearolds and over are scarce and well worth trying for Decided interest attaches to the proceedings and possibla outcome attending the banquet tendered by the New Washington Park Breed ¬ ers Association at the Hotel LaSalle to ¬ morrow evening Just what practical thing for the restoration of highclass racing in Chi ¬ cago is to be done or proposed is a matter of conjecture It appeals to reason that some of the gentlemen promoting the banquet must have a definite plan of operation to lay before their guests If that is true the banquet will I be voted a good thing by the friends of rac ¬ ing The only plan of pith is one that pro ¬ poses to put up the money to construct and i equip a modern race track fully up to the standard of the requirements of such a great city Anything less would be futility and a waste of time

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