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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesHAVANA HAVANA SUNDAY FEBRUARY 18 18WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRAGIC PAST The figures tinder the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record vas made on other than a fast or Rood track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago timo 142 Superior mini runner X Good nuul rnnnor Fair mud runner SI Maidens Apprentice nllovincc b IIinkcrs IIinkcrsFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse J500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Truck record Jan 24 1917 l03 l03r r 102 102Todays Todays Iml Horse Wt Rec AAVtIIan G7507 Riposta 115107 0 102X7153 68253 Mad Nell 10 107 4 103X720 68164 bHay Atkin 112 1OS 0 107X71 67792 Maiinclii n 110 106 0 107X715 67778 bArthur Middlcton 110 1 OS OS63C33bMcMiirphy 10 112X715 63C33bMcMiirphy 110 lOS f 12 107 710 68211 Mg Noise 104 108 VB 4 103 705 68292 blort Light 112 107 107Second 10 107700 107700s Second Race 5 12 Furlong FurlongPurso s 107700Claiming Purso riOO 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Claiming Track record Jan 24 1SI17 1 5Ji 5JiC813S 5 102 C813S Deertrail 108 107 6 107 725 68253 bKIrnont 112 107 107C8139 G 112X720 C8139 Foul Weather 103 107 V 4 10SX715 68075 Itig Son 114 107 B 107 715 68047 bCurrency 10S 100 8 112X715 63138 Jko Mills 105107 8 112X715 63252 bCol Murpliy 113 107 5 107X710 68014 bGoIdeii Red 11 1OS 8 112X710 63173 Lt AVm J Murriyllt 1OS 1OS68235s 5 112X710 68235s bAdvauce 110 1 OS 5 112 703 68230 John Spolin 115100 11 112700 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Allowances Track record Jan 24 1917 105 5 102 68160 Hullo 107107 5 102 725 68253 = bliobbed Hair 101 l0li 4 103X720 6S231 bCapers 110107 8 107 715 68076 Mary Mallon 107 107 C 107 715 68047 Kd Garrison ICC l0fi 9 112X710 68252 = bFar East Ill 107 K C 112X710 68210 Mary Rock 100 l085f 4 9S 701 68252 bHaran 114 107 C 112 705 63160 = bAVar Idol 107407 7 112X705 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongss Purso 000 3yearold 3yearoldTrack s and upward Claiming Track record Jan i iC3252bRedmon 4 19 17 1 05 5 1 02 C3252bRedmon 10 OG 8 102X725 6773S b01d Sinner 104 05 C 102X720 C8254 = bCol Chile 100 0t5 4 1O1X715 68254 Huron II 110 07 7 105X715 67843 bSirocoo 110 05 3 8 113 715 67872 Susiani 100 0 01s 1s 3 88 710 68256 = Winnipeg 109 06 3 OR 710 68233 Itallynew 114 07 5 107 710 68211 = Tony Sue 98 107 4 98 705 68254 Lustre 108 106 4 IOC X 700 Fifth Rac 1 Mile Mileand Furso ROO 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec C 1922 138 4 101 6S215 Drapery 107 142 6 107 725 68177 bl tread Line 108 144 6 107 720 6S138 India 95 141 4 9G715 GE291 bMolIy Puff 101 143 4 101 715 68178 bKeltoi 1021142 4 101X710 68253 lierrctta 100 143 5 1O1700 68294 = uardsman 107 141 S 104 705 68271 Ferrnm M 103 141 4 106 705 6823C King 15 81 141 101 700 Sixth Race 1 Mile MilerFe rFe 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec C 1922 138 1 101 68223 = bThe Ulster 99 142 3 93X725 93X725G8256 G8256 ViId Cat 91 139 3 97 720 7206S1601 6S1601 Waterco 100142 5 104 715 7156S175 6S175 Blaise 115139 91090715 68253 Hcliocross 109 141 8 109 X 10 10C8274 C8274 Abe Sablotasky 68273 Hazel W 100 14014 E 100X705 100X705CS236 CS236 bAssumption 104 l40Vi 7 116 705 68271 Lotta Speed 103 142 5 99X700 99X700Seventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards YardsPurse Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 0 1918 141 5 117 11768275s 68275s HERRON llll43 i 0105 750 68255 bFincastle 92 142 4 106X740 106X740GS275 GS275 Quanah 4 93 735 68275 The Roll Call 102 145 4 101X735 68272 Quccreek 5110X730 63266 Duke of Welling ¬ ton 115144 G 101 730