Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-18


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA SUNDAY FEBRUARY 18 18WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fiir mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 21 1923 142 S 98 98Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse Wt ttee AWtHnn 68103 bObstinate 105 146 f 108 725 68278 Modiste 95144 6107X720 6107X72068233s 68233s Little Dear 107 146 r 110X715 68181 Meteor 4 107 715 68180 Sarah Cochran M 3 86X715 68182 Tom Owens 112 147 f 115 715 68304 bCapon 10S 149 5 104 710 68279 Mike Daly 112145 9110710 68146 Dora 9S l45s 5 113X710 113X710G8278 G8278 Alice RichmondM 5 107 700 68259 bCobrita 110 146 S 107X700 68239 Little Gink 108 145 10 115X705 68181 Sallie Carter M 6107 700 GSM6 bCork 109146 8109X700 8109X700Second Second Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse 500 3ycarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 21 1923 142 S OS 68182 Christie Ilolters 107 144 7 10SX725 68218 Au Revoir 112 147 5 110720 68304 Balfour 5110X715 5110X71568181s 68181s den Byng 115 145 7 110X715 68181 Plunger 105 147 9 113X715 113X715G8278JbIlopover G8278JbIlopover 107 145 7 110X710 68304 York Lassie 106 145 G 10SX710 6S279 Noniin 10S 146 6 104 705 67548 Camilla Mullcr 108 148 9 107 7K 68259 Glenzar M 4 103 70 68238 Wilton Arrow 112 150 C 101 70 63168 Adeline L 9 107ic70 68233 Clearfield 97 150 7 110 70 Third Race 5 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 500 3yoarold and upward Claiming Track record June 28 1916 105 3 118 68150 Just Right 100 108 4 110 725 68238 Wazz 115 107 C 115X720 67956 I W Harper 114108 8115X715 68240 bMerry Lass 10S 107 S 10SX715 10SX715G8017J G8017J Operator 105 108 C 107 71 716S222 6S222 Cicely Kay A G 10SX710 68241 bBclle Flower 107 109 5 10SX710 65257 Senator Donlan 95 110 4 110 710 68240 Norfield 104 110 3 100 705 68202 Nizam 110108 G 115X705 63278 Limerick 110108 9 107 700 68199 bPlantagenet 112 108 11 110X703 68000 bCuba 101 1OS 6 113X700 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs Parse 500 3yearolds and upward Track record June 28 1916 105 682812 Conichon 101 110 68281s Tom Craven 111 107 68103 View 117 108 67802 bPewankee 113 109 68281 bPoacher 115 108 68263 The Vengeance 104 108 68171 Chick Barkley 111 110 68222 bOld Homestead 115 108 68280 Angelo 68280 Shelby ville 102 108 68144 Lucky Pearl 103 109 67786 Pokey Jane 105 108 67996 Jim Parraer 110 108 Fifth Racs 3 12 Furlongs FurlongsFirst First Running Debutante Stakes 2500 Added Added2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Track record Feb 12 1917 12 2 112 67700 Porto de Oro us 725 67975 Al Hotfoot J25 46m 118 70 68216 Miss Leggo 117 44m 115X715 68277 Irish Buzzer Mlll 45m 115X713 115X71368216s 68216s Buster Keaton M 112 44m 115X715 115X71568216J 68216J Golden Lad M114 44m 115 710 68081 Wiki Jack M 110 44m 115X710 68277 Seths Alibi M 115 46h 112 700 68277 Brandeis M 110 700 Sixth Race 1 Mile MilePurse Purse 800 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Tract record June 17 1916 138 3 95 956S262 6S262 BLACK BETTY 99 i4o 4 9S725 68107 Catharine Jiu rone 100 137 410207151 68221 Van Patrick 110141 3102X715 63244 Philanderer G 98x710 68263 Power 3 84X70 68262 Hyaipom 94140 5107X715 68221 Glen Well 105140 6102X705 6102X705Seventh YardsPnrsc Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Pnrsc ClaimingTrack 700 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Jan 21 1923 112 S 98 68038 bSummer Sigh 114 144 7 110X725 682831 110x72063187s Wocdie JlontgcmeryllS 145 10 110x720 63187s bllorace Lerch 1021144 6 115x715 68303 bltoistcrcr 10D 144 6110X710 68283 bDelhimar 4 105X7o 68301 She Devil 107144 7108X703 7108X703Eighth MilePurse Eighth Race 58 Mile Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 20 1920 59 4 107 68284 Kinglike 113101s 0 114 725 72568284J 68284J Angela 105 101 4 99X70 68303 Settle 110101 4108 711 67323 Ask Jessie 109 100 7 OS 715 71568127s 68127s Dark Ages 115 100 4 90X710 68242 bllonest George 108 101 7 108X710 63151 Athanna 104 101 3 90 70i 67622 Col Snider c 108 705 68284 bPueblo 107101 6 105X700 63284 blncognance 85 101 4 119x700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923021801/drf1923021801_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1923021801_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800