Jefferson Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-02-18


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Jefferson Park Form Chart NEW ORTEANS UL SATURDAY FEBRUARY 17 1923 Jefferson Park 1 mile Fourth day Jef ¬ ferson Parish Fair Association Spring Meeting of 8 days Weather clear temperature 38 Stewards T A Murphy II P Conkling and J II Campbell Judges J McLennan J II Reeder and J II Campbell Starter W Snyder Racing Secretary J B Campbell I Racing starts at 215 p in Chicago time 215 p m W indicates whip S spurs IJ blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record ase of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs Dec 16 1910 105 4 112 Purso 700 4ycar olds and upward Claiming1 Net value to winner 525 second 115 third 60 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners 58152 WHALEBONE wn 7 114 53 I1 14 I1 1 H ThurberT E Crist 3 3 1351 12 08225 OG A RITE vr 4 103 7 2 3 3l 2 2 E Roehm T H Sewell S 10 7 21 65 8090 GUVNOR w 5 115 2 5 4 4 4 34 E SmwodT H Bernhardt 6 10 3 3 85 85C8063ZGOLDEN C8063ZGOLDEN FLOSS wn 7 121 12 8 51 5 51 41 I McDottW M Gain 10 15 15 6 3 07003 JOHN JOSEPH w 4 114 6 1 2 21 31 5 F Murphy J L Holland 15 15 8 3 85 85157944MAVOURNEEN 157944MAVOURNEEN wis 0 111 11 10 91 91 S S H J BurkeB A Lano 3 4 1S575 710 17939 PRINCE WELLES w 4 114 9 6 71 71 7 7s T Brooke Hamilton Stable S 12 12 5 21 8025 BOBBY ALLEN w C 114 10 4 61 61 6 S J Majestic L T Whitehill 10 12 10 4 2 67840NCIRTLE wo 4 104 8 9 101 S1 9l 91 B Harvey E C Steimer 20 30 SO 12 G GGS115 GS115 JACOBEAN w 5 114 1 7 Si 10l 101 101 W Kelsay S Jones 20 30 30 12 6 57200 MAY GIRL w 5 109 4 11 11 11 11 11 A FrieshonJ Robertson 100 100 100 40 M MG8225 G8225 IRISH DREAM wn 6 120 3 Left at the post F GrahamA Swenko 10 12 12 5 21 21Time Time 23 475s 100 107 Track fast fastWinner Winner Blk g by AIlanalale JIarcotini by Marco trained by T E Crist bred by Mr J Wat ¬ son Webb WebbWent Went to post at 214 At post 7 minntes Start good and slow for all but IRISH DREAM Won easily second and third driving WHALEBONE showing the most speed raced into the lead at once nnd held it gamely for the entire race to win easing up OGARITE raced close up throughout and fin ¬ ished fast GUVNOR was prominent from the start and was running fast at the end GOLDEN FLOSS tired near the end JOHN JOSEPH showed speed and had no mishaps MAVOORNEEN was away slowly IRISH DRKAM acted badly at the post postScratched Scratched GS152 Iast Kffort 109 G81S9 Fluff 101 CS100 Archie Alexander 118 CS006 Pictrus 115 07773 Hony Raker US 0807 Diana 111 G Qi SECOND RACE 34 Mile Dec 31 1919 112 3 117 Purse 700 3yearolds OO IOO Claiming Net value to winner 525 second 115 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners o n c P 6654l BES LKIGHTON w IDS 10 5 5fi7964CHIVA 6s 6 31 1 E Martz H Roseacher S 8 7 21 65 fi7964CHIVA w 110 2 4 4GK133TENDER 3 21 21 21 E SmwodJ C Cahn 1 65 91013 16 GK133TENDER SETH w 110 5 7 41 41 41 3J A Wilaon E C Knebelkamp 8 10 7 21 65 67130 PUT AND TAKE w 109 3 1 1G8131 1 in ib 41 H TliurberW T Hickcy 20 30 SO 10 5 G8131 FLEETING w 105 6 3 3JK135 21 31 51 51 J Majestic G S Lemieux 10 15 13 6 3 JK135 TUB COLONEL WB 105 4 S SG8071 6 6 6J 6 J Wallace G C Walsh G8071 BESS L w 100 7 8 7 7s 7 R Mocller G Weidemann 30 30 30 10 5 5S1 8135JWIN TAKE ALLwsn 108 8 2 2i8135BUDDUGIE S1 81 Sl B Harvey S Singer 4 5 41 8 45 i8135BUDDUGIE w 103 9 3 3G7G02GOLD 9 9 91 A Abel J Arthur 30 40 40 15 6 G7G02GOLD MOUNT WB 105 1 10 0 10 10 F Murphy E 1C Bryson 10 12 12 5 2 Time 24 47 114 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch f by Wonuleigbton Bessie Moore by Hastings trained by II Roscacher bred by Mr L A Lyne LyneWent Went o post at 241 At post 2 minntes Start fair and slow Won driving second and third the same BESSIE LEIGHTON began slowly and was ridden wide through the last quarter but finished fast and gamely and outstayed CIIIVA The latter moved up menacingly on the stretch turn but gave way In the last strides TENDER SKTH ran well and finished gamely PUT AND TAKE showed the most early speed but began tiring in the last eighth FLEETING showed speed to the stretch GOLD MOUNT appeared lame when going to the post postScratched Scratched OS0153 Macbeth 113 07899 Felicitous 110 O Ory THIRD RACE 34 Mile Dec 31 1919 112 3 117 Hope Haven Handicap OOfafO 4 Purso 1000 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt M I Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P G8205TIP WITCHET WB S 122 16 61 51 31 1 L Morris LT Bauer 2 3 1351 12 12G82053BAKRAClDA G82053BAKRAClDA w 4 1041 7 1 5 31 21 2 L McDottJ Greenberc 3 41 41 S5 45 4558S47 58S47 AUNTIE MAY w 5 110 6 2 3 21 1 31 W Kelsay C T WorthinjjtonS 8621 8621G8247MAS G8247MAS F OHARA w 5 102 53 2l 41 4 B Harvey Kirkfielcl Stable 8 12 12 5 21 58205 IEFFARE w 7 113 4 4 4 6s 6J 5s II TliurberS Louis 5 5 41 S5 45 45C8247 C8247 WAR ONE wn 7 104 3 5 Il 1 5l 6 = J Smith A F Dayton 10 30 30 10 5 5C82 C82 05 CENTIMETER w 5 112 2 7 7 7 7 7 E Barnes G I Blackford 3 1653 1 12 12Time Time 23 47 112 Track fast fastWinner Winner B g by Broomstick Lady Frivolcs by St Simon trained by W Livingston bred by Mr Harry Payue Whitney WhitneyWent Went to post at 312 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow for all but CENTIMETER Won driving second and third the same TIPPITY WITCHET began slowly and had to race around the others in the last quarter but came through the stretch with a rush and got up to win in the final strides BARRACUDA racing forwardly from the start finished gamely AUNTIE MAY showing sudden improvement was a closeup contender from the start but after taking the lead tired slightly right at the end JAMES F OHARA raced gamely LEFFARK had no mishaps CENTIMETERS rider was unprepared at the start and was virtually left leftScratched Scratched GS247 My Reverie 109 109Overweights Overweights Barracuda 2j pounds Auntie May 2 FOURTH RACE 1 116 Hiles March 17 1920 145 7 110 live Oak Handicap 1000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 700 second 221 third 114 Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 6820GBEST PAL WB 6 130 2 3 24 24 lh 2 lt R RomelliS N Holman 12112012 out 082I9CR O DAWN WB 5 106 3 1 Il Il 2 1 2 H ThurberT E Crist 466 75 out outUi8094FANTOCHE Ui8094FANTOCHE wn a 103 1 2 3i 31 3s 4 3t J Owens R T Watts 888 85 out outG820G G820G BLAR STONE w 5 ICG 4 4 4 4 4 31 4 E Martin M Reiser 5 5 5 1 out outTime Time 25 50 115 140 146 Track fast fastWinner Winner Br h by Helmet Padula by Laveuo trained by J 11 Burns bred by Mr Edward R Bradley BradleyW W nt to post at 330 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third tho same BEST PAL was saved under restraint for tlie first threequarters then moved up fast but had to be ridtien hard at the end to outstay CRACIC O DAWN The latter showed much si eed in pace making and finished gamely through the stretch FANTOCI1E moved up swiftly just before reaching the last turn but tired in the stretch BLARNEY STONE was always outrun outrunScratched Scratched 6S1365Copper Demon 112 CS134Sea Cove 105 6QOQCb FIFTH RACE 1 11G Miles March 17 1920 145 7 110 Purso 700 3year O fO 7 olds and upward Claiming Net value to tsincer 525 second 115 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt U V Str Kin Jockeys O II C P S fi8030SAM FRANK wit 4 107 S 1 4k 2l 21 2 I1 B Harvey A Glodblatt 5 G 41 2 1 168064ISUPERBUM 68064ISUPERBUM w 3 93 7 S S 8 5 4 2 J ChalmersC H Knebelkamp4 5 4 8345 8345K82081 K82081 DOUBLE CROSS WB 4 109 2 4 3 3 3 31 31 E SmwodJ R Skinkcr 454 8545 66892 SKKWP ONEIL WB 8 103 1 2 1 I1 11 11 4 E Roehm W H Hall 833 13565 35 8 08 TAN SON WB 5 113 G G 5 = 5 4 5 5 II ThurbcrW M Cain 6 7 7 21 65 681 14 TODY w 5 103 4 7 Gi 61 7 74 6 A Abel H L Crain G 8 8 3 85 85fi7818LAMPUS fi7818LAMPUS WB 5 10S 3 5 244 Gl G1 7 ° F Sharpe Kiverdale Stable 10 12 12 5 21 21C8194 C8194 HERMODEN w 4 110 5 3 710 7i S S S F Kiniry R J Gilmoro 10010010040 20 20Time Time 24 49 114 140 147 Track fast Winner Br c by Honey wood Lady Trinity by Star Shoot trained by W Knapp bred by Nevada Stock Farm FarmWent Went to jmst at 401 At post 6 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing SAM FRANK was ridden wide on the turns but gaiued steadily and outfinishing SUIERBUM won going away The latter threw his rider before the start and cantered away a quarter then was far back for tlio first threequarters then closed i big gap in a fast finish DOUBLE CROSS raced well and fin ¬ ished gamely KBWPIE ONEIL set a good pace but tired after reaching the last eighth TAN SON had no mishaps LAMPUS quit early The others were badly outrun outrunScratched Scratched 6S22SGondolier 10S OS22SMny Bodine 103 67732 Mock Orange IDS CS133SA1 Sleblcr 95 06192 Vitamin 10S 67US7 Grass Tree 108 67937 Uncle Velo 110 68208BiH Bang 10S OS20G Es carpolette 109 109Overweights Overweights Double Cross 3 pounds Hcnnoden 68290 olds and upward Claiming1 Net valne to winner 525 second 115 third 60 Index Horses AWtlPStU Str Fin Jockeys Owners O HOPS j iai HUXOl w 4 104 3 7 7 G1 Zl 1 1 J Wallace W H Kizo KizoG8074 G8074 PASTORAL WB 4 03 7 4 I1 I1 I1 2i 2 B Harvey It McKeever 10 12 10 4 2 581 15 PIRATH McGEE w G 111 2 S 2 3 2 3 3 W Gourleyl W Johnson 4 41 4 8545 08226 SPEC A R GIRL wn 6 103 1 2 4h 5l 4 4J 4J L McDottW J McFee 10 13 15 6 3 57883 HANDFULL w 10 111 6 5 6 41 51 5 r H Thurberlt V Haymaker 35433 45 4507310OLD 07310OLD CHAP wu 5 105 11 11 Si 7 y Gi 65 F Sharpe G B Foley 30 30 15 6 3 3GSOGiTOM GSOGiTOM OASSIDY wn 4 104 10 6 3 2 = 7J 7s 71 A Abel II Acker 4 4 1336523 8229 WARLIKE w 6 105 9 10 91 S 8 S3 S E Roehm A Fennell 10 15 15 5 3 08074 TOKALON MRCII w 9 111 4 3 101 10s 9 9 0 W Kelsay S Jones 20 30 30 12 6 58031 TOREADOR w 5 111 8 9 51 9l 105 101010 H J BurkcW M Carter 10 15 15 6 3 3G7554K1NGLLNG G7554K1NGLLNG H WB 10 109 3 111 11 11 11 11 E SmwodJ P Mayberry 15 20 20 8 4 Time 25 50 115 142 156 Track fast fastWinner Winner B f by Ballot Lady Doncaster by Elopement trained by II Randolph bred by Mr Kugene Kuckcr KuckcrWont Wont to post at 4C9 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing BtXOSI began moving up fast after going a half mile and coming gamely through the stretch pjiKsod PASTORAL and won going away PASTORAL showed the most speed to the stretch and finished gamely for serond place PIRATE McGKIJ raced well under a weak ride SPECTACULAR GIRL was going fast at the end IIANDFUIL lost ground by racing wide TOM GASSIDY swerved out badly iu the htretch f fSeralolieU SeralolieU OR22S Jordan 101 OS207 Moody Ill GS1S3 Cockroach IOC C8209 Execution 109 G79GS Satana Ill OXiJO Tricks 101 GS245 Sandy 11 111 111Overweights Overweights Kingling II 3Vi pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1923021801_3_1
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