Tijuana Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-29


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Tijuana Form Chart TUTANA HEX TUESDAY MARCH 27 1923 1 mile One hundred anil fourth day Tijuana Jockey Ilub Winter Meeting of 100 or more days Weather clear Stewards Francis Nekon J W Coffroth and L J Rose Presiding Judge Francis Nelson Associate Judges L 1 Rose and J S Ilothert Starter llarry Morriss FIRST RACE 34 Mile Dec 20 191C 111 3 110 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 3EO second 100 third 50 Index Ilors 2 4 Str Kin Jockeys Kquiv Odds Strt C8891AV C DOOLY w 7 110 U G 4J 2J 1 1 = E Blind Elamler Bros 870100 68818 MAE SETH ws 3 9S 10 10 9 k S G 2 H LonK FA Breit tlS60100 689IO tlS60100689IO MR KRCTER w 7 110 5 8 10 7 K Stevens R Marmet 50100 6877I 501006877I VSHIRE MAID WB 4 106 11 7 11 9 8 41 L Creery Martin Barlow t S5M89PINK TENNY w 7 103 3 2 1 1 2 5 E Kenser G Lyon 520100 689 10 RUTH HRRIGAN w 6 108 1 5 12 12 ll 6J K Seremba T AVeeks t 58848 CABBA B w 3 ICO 7 3 5h GJ 9 7 TAVilson A Gibmey t 58890 LITTLE ABE WB 11 115 31 3l 4J 4 Si D Hurn P Dwyer f 89IIYOC BET w 6 1K 212 G 5J Sb 3J K Ericksn M Anderson 9260100 926010058H90 58H90 DO ADMIT w S 108 S 11 S1 7 10 10s F AVatrous Millerick Bros 920100 689 13 13J J HUNTERS PINT ws 5 115 8 4 2 3 5h ll AV Ganran D S Fountain 1S40100 68910 6079J100tMutnel EL SABIO w 13 110 4 3 71 11s 12 12 1 Parke E Aogel 6079J100 tMutnel field Time 4 49 116V4 Track fast 2 mutuels paid AV C Dooly 1940 straight 740 place 3SO show Mae Seth field 1920 place 320 show Mr Krnter 220 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds AA C Dooly S70 to 100 straight 270 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Mae Seth Held S 0 to 100 place JO to 100 show Mr Kruter 10 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Prince Frederick Millers Daughter by Belviderc trained by D Y Elander bred by Mr W C Dooly DoolyWent Went to post at 150 At post 5 minutes Start good and alow AVon easily second and third driv ¬ ing AV C DOOLY moved up steadily after rounding the far turn and taking the lead with a rush after entering the stretch easily drew away in the last sixteenth MAE SETH gained ground fast after turn ¬ ing for home and finishing with a rush outstayed MR KRUTER The latter lacked early speed but iinisluM fast AOUKSHIRE MAID closed a big gap in a fast finish 1INK TENNY set a sood pace to the stretch and tired tiredScratched Scratched OSSSO Emma AVeller 113 58771 Norain 115 68958 SECOND RACE 34 Mile Dec 0 191S 111 3 110 Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Not value to winner 350 seccnd 100 third 50 AAVtPPSt U I = i Str Kin Jockeys Eqmv Odds Strt B832J TRIMAAVA w3 3310 1 I Parke 1 S Baldwin 2070100 8944 KREDDIE FEAR ws 4 113 65 J 2070100J Glixs Reed Kiefer S10100 S10100C JIOJMIDNIUIT BELL w3 3S 5 3 3liH71i C Balls G Cooney 230100 liH71i MAllTHA L WB 4 105 S 3 36X880 AV 230100AV Dean San Dietfo Stable 1030100 6X880 STEVE wsu 6 110 711 11 3 = 5J 5s 5s2h H 1030100H under J D Rice 7140100 7140100H BITTERN w 1 111 2 4 45SI50G 2h 411 G 6 6tti H LonR L O Cassity 90100 90100E 5SI50G MDIE AVII ON w 5 108 110 110770ti tti ion x1 7 E Kenger Campbell Kipp HlfiOJOO HlfiOJOOJ 770ti CLARE KRCES wn 5 10S 47 7 0 SJ J Shaffer H T Palmer t2t 190 190AV 5891 4ALTDITOR w S 110 3 2 3 2 1 S SCS890 AV AViley McCarty Landrum t CS890 THE CTRE WK G 115 11 G 71 10M10C83IO iouio M tM Edwrds P Duffy f C83IO BON SANTE ws 7 111 3 8 1U 11 11 11 11IMntnel D Hum F Rinehart IMntnel field Time 4 49 l15 l15s s Track fast faste 2 mutuels paid Trippawa 1340 straight 800 plact e 500 show Freddie Fear 6GO place 300 300ht show Midnight Hell 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent liooking odds Trippawa 2070 to 100 straig ht 300 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Freddie Freddieo Fear 230 to 100 pliuv 0 to 100 show Midnight Bell 0 t tAVinner o 100 show showCoat AVinner Ch f by Ormcsdale Helen Pink by Pink i Coat trained by J S Baldwin bred by Mr Mrand 1 J Kelley KelleyWent Went to post at 219 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon driving second and third the same TIIIPPAAVA began fast and lowing the most spei ed all the way stood a hard drive gamely and InIll KUKimiK FKAR safe to the end FUEDDIK FEAK ran well and made a fast finish MIDNIGHT 1UOII lx gaii slowly but meed to almost even terms with the winner midway of the stretch then tired MAUT11A L maile up ground STKVE cliwed i 111 111S S ritfIiiMl 57435 Madrono 115 lSll Dr Cuna THIRD RACE 34 Mile Dec 0 1910 111 3 110 Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner S420 second 120 third 60 Index Horse AAVtPPSt U tt = i Str Fin Jockeys Eiuiv Odds Strf 5SO100 510100 58913 LOBELIA w 9 106 2 1 1 21 3 3 G Rosa AV D Mlllunl JllMOO OH9I7 GOIOOOH9I7 MAY MAULSBY w 8 111 77 3 37 2J 41 C Rails J AV Marchbank 70100 58945 VERA RITA w 5 111 G a G Gi 5 5 E Donahue AV I Stanfield iWO100 58917 1SPI1AM w 6 111 3 4 51 5 61 G F Stevens II A Lott T2IX53100 5H930 LITTLE GINK wn 10 113 58 8 8 8 71 H Long J McFarlane f 589 IH TCTT WB 5 113 12 1 71 7J S C Thpson J Pidgeon 33W100 tMntuel 33W100tMntuel field Time 24 48 115 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Virge 13CO straight 360 place GO show Barriskane 540 place 560 show I l iI 5SO show showEMiiiTiilent EMiiiTiilent bonking odds Virs 580 to 100 straight 180 to 100 place SO to 100 show Barriskanc 170 M 101 place ISO to 100 show Lobelia ICO to 10O show showWinner Winner Ch In by Leonid Virginia Lindsey by Pirate of Penzance trained by C E Davison brvl by Col Milton Young YoungWent Went tn post at 241 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving recond and third the same V1UCK raceil LOHKLIA into defeat in the first half and taking the lead came away after enter ¬ ing the stretch and finishing gnniely uuiler hard riding outstayed ISA ItUISKAXK The latter saved much ground when entering the stretch and finished fast and gaining LOHKLIA set a good early pace and after tiring ran well MAY MAILSHY from a llatfooted start raced up to within striking distance of the winner then tired VERA RITA and ISPHAM finished well wellScratched Scratched CSU47 Ienieve 1IW 5MU20 Tawasenthu 111 58S1J ISenecia 111 08945 Rosa Atkin 111 5SJ1 Cuba Ill 5S875 Pokey B 115 FOURTH RACE 34 Kile Dec 20 191C 111 3 110 Purse 600 3yearoldj and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 i = i Str Fin Jockeys f89 1 3 SH ELBY VI LLE LLE08855NEG wit I 106 4 5 5w 08855NEG w S 108 S 4 4ws 158946 JULY FLY ws 3 ICC 5 1 1w 885 CARL ROBERTS w 10 10S 1 3 3wr tlli POOR PCSS wr 3 Dl 7 7w 15 NIZAM w G 113 32 32w 68730RAFKERTY w 3 113 2 15 15w 60505 MEAVEL CITY CITYtMutuel w S 113 7 S tMutuel field Time 24 43 i 115 Track fast fastS2 S2 miiluoli paid Shelbyville 520 straight 280 place 200 show Neg 520 place 320 show July Fly 2151 show showKiHiiraleiit KiHiiraleiit bMikinc odds Shclbyville 1RO to 100 straight 40 to 1W place 30 t 100 show Neg 150 100 plaii iJO to 100 show July Fly 30 to 100 show showAViniur AViniur B c by Watervale Miss Melcalf by Ardington trained by J Manale bred by Mr S K MchiUl MchiUlWont Wont to post at 313 At post 2 minutes Stnrt good and slow Won driving second and third the inu SHEIJIYYIIIK pa sed JlLY FLY iarly and raced into a clear lead but tired when twenty yards out unl only won because best ridden at the end NK5 finished fast on his own courage and with better riding would havr easily reversed the decision JlLY FLY j t a fast early pace and was liurd ridden but tind in the stretch CARL ROBERTS was in repeated trouble and finished clusc up NlAM ran a Coj1 half halfSrralclied Srralclied 531 1 I AV Harper 113 5SS25 Ri il Man 113 68850 Double Eye 103 C3754 Lewis B 113 5MMS TIIJ Breikcnridge 111 5S754 I riit 113 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards March 10 1923 142 6 118 Purse 700 3ye rolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 490 second 140 third 70 Horses AWtPPSt i = ri Str Kin Jockeys Owner Equir Odds Strt C88S7 YUKON WB G 10t 5 1 I I 1 1 = 1 F Cunlrcll C B Irwin IrwinC8HI4 C8HI4 MY ROSE w 5 1 2 4 5 1 41 Jl 4 2 F Stevens AV AVilliama AVilliamaU8 U8 75lBTEt PIERSN wu 3 93 4 2 2s 2s 2 2i 3 P Hum R Blake 110100fi8916HRY 68932 JCLIP WB 7 113 3 G 6 6 G nl 4 II S Jones J B McGinn 110100 fi8916HRY HUDDER WSB 7 101 5 5 3 3 3 3 5 1 AV Martin Quinlan HeiBcl 3501W 68935 ROYAL MAID w 3 87 1 3 4J 5 5 G G I Parke E Murray 450KW 450KWTime Time 24 43 114 142 146 Track fast 2 mnluels paid Yukon 20 0 straight 000 place 3CO show ily Rose 630 place l50show Petoi Pierson 50 J Fhow FhowEqnivnlont Eqnivnlont booking cdds Aukon 930 to 100 straight 200 to 100 place SO to 100 show My Rose 210 to 100 plice 130 to 100 fhow Peter Iieron irO to 100 show showAAinncr AAinncr Ch s by Ucutschlaud I jdy Aera by AVoolsthoriie trained by C B Irwin bred by Nevada Stock Farm FarmWent Went to post at 33S At post 1 minute Start good nnd slow for all hut CLIP AVon easily second and third driving YlKOX took the lead at once and raced head and bend with PETER PIERSON until rounding the far turn where he came away at his riders call and increased his lead to win easing up MY ROSE after being liiilly outpaced eaily closed a big gap into a fast going secoud PETER PIERSON tired after forcing the pace to the last eighth CLIP was practically left and closed a bis sap in the last half HARRY RCDDER and ROYAL MAID tired badly badlyOverweights Overweights Royal Maid 1 pound SIXTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Feb 25 1923 105 8 122 Purse 700 3year olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 490 second 140 third 70 Index Horses i i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eijuiv Odds Strt 68895 DR JOHNSON w S 120 4 1 l i I1 I1 Il B Kenndy A L Brisks 310100 68895 DR CORBETT WSB 10 123 G 4 2 2 2l 21 C Tlipson R AI Hollenbeck 220100 68826SCOCA COLA w 5 115 3 5 5vs 31 3J 3s 3 F Stevens AV AAalker 10010 867 1CORNCUTTER vs 9 103 2 2 2w 41 4 4i 4l F Cantrell C B Irwin 3I70100 3I70100Gl 08916OLLIE AVOOD w G 107 5 6 6wsn Gl 61 6 5 I Parke J Kern 21 IOO1W IOO1W5J 58897 NORFIELD wsn 3 103 1 3 3v 5J 5 5 61 K Erickan Leslie Stable iOliM C7853BLUE BELLE w v 5 113 7 7 7 7777 7 7 7 E KenKer Pelter Bros 12045100 12045100Time Time 23 4SV l00j 107 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dr Johnson 880 straight 380 place 240 show Doctor Corbett 340 place 240 show Coca Cola 220 show Equivalent booking odds Dr Johnson 340 to 100 straight 90 to JOO place 20 to 100 show Doctor Corbett 70 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Coca Cola 10 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Sir Joha Johnson Quack by Ogdcn trained by A L Briggs bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenAVent AVent to post at 401 At pot 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon orsily ceronrt and third driv ¬ ing DR JOHNSON bepau fast and retting a great pace easily held DOCTOR COR I PIT safe through ¬ out The latter raced in closest pursuit made a game finish and outstayed COCA COLA The latter va forced to race on the outside of the leaders and did her best The others were always outpaced but CORNCllTER raced well wellScratched Scratched 589 IS Ring 113 5S911Tubby A 112 112Overweights Overweights Norfield 1 pound SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards March 10 1923 142 6 113 Purse 600 3yearolda and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 Index Horses AWtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Eijuiv Odds Strt C8896 EUGENIA K w 5 111 7 1 I1 17 I1 Il 1S C Italia 68950SHE DEVIL w 7 ICG 15 3 2 2l 251 2 F Cantrell B Creech 3Tx 10 68927 WATER AVLOAV w 7 112 6 7 4k 5 5 3l 31 AV Garsan 1 Eckert 2D100 2D100C8897PEACE C8897PEACE FLAG w 3 31 2 3 G 41 4 = 1 4 L Creery R Parton 75WIO 75WIOfi8917AVISE fi8917AVISE JUDGE w 5 108 3 2 51 G10 G10 G 5 F Stevens Tarn o Slianter Stable ISWltW ISWltW68910INS 68910INS I1UGHES wn G 103 5 4 2 3l 3h 5 G G Rose H D Cates 510lfiO 510lfiOC8917SP C8917SP G CORLEY WB 7 113 467 7 7 7 7 T AVilson J T Johnson G20KH G20KHTime Time 24 43 115 142 14G Track fast 2 mutuels paid Eugenia K 700 straight 120 place 200 show She Devil 420 place 320 show AVater Willow 2SO show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Eirgenia K 280 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 30 to 100 show She Devil 110 to 100 place GO to 100 show AVater AVillow 40 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B m by The AVolf M Us Angela by Bob Ragon trained by T J Ogle bred by Mr P A Klipstein KlipsteinAVeut AVeut to post at 424 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AAon easily second and third driv ¬ ing EfOEMA K began fast from the outside and showing the most speed easily won all the wiiy SHE DKVIL raced forwardly and persistently and made a game but unavailing finish AVATKR WIL ¬ LOW dropped back after rounding the far turn then came again anil outstayed PEACE FLAU The lat ¬ ter raced fairly well INSPECTOR HUGHES quit in the stretch drive driveScratched Scratched OSS9 Doctor Tubbs 103 OS892 Lichen 92 OS950 Lavaga 111 111Overweights Overweights AVater AAillow 1 pound Jxl EIGHTH RACE 1 Hile June 17 1916 138 3 95 Purse 600 4yearolds and 6OQ OtxJTc upward Claiming Nat value to winner 420 second 120 third 60 I Index Horses AAVtPPSti A i Str Fill Jockeys Owners Eijuiv Odds Strt C89161 BREEZE WB 3 10S 4 2 Il 1 = 1 1J 1s I1 I Parke C H Abbott Abbottw 68926 CAL1THUMP CAL1THUMPC8916 w 5 105 5 5 53 51 3s 2 21 K Ericksn Pueblo Stable C8916 RO1STERER WB G 10S 1 1 21 2l 2i 3s 31 V Stevens C E Grovea 68949 DONATELLO WB 6 10S G 6 4s 4 4l 4i 4 G Rose R Cooper 68911 HAL AVRIGHT AVRIGHTG8920MR w 4 104 2 3 6s 6 G1 55 51 C Rails Neal Bros 7501 G8920MR X WB 5 103 3 4 3i 31 5 G4 6l F Cantrell C B Irwin 3tIMO 3tIMO68930G 68930G MHLEBACH WSB 7 110 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 D Powell J Manale 27X0100 27X0100Time Time 24 49 114 141 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Breeze 440 straight 400 place 200 show Calithump 1000 place 1540 show Roisterer 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Breeze 120 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Calithump 430 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Roisterer 00 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner B g by Ballot Elise It by Prince Royal trained by J D Heard bred by Mr T U Carpenter CarpenterWent Went to post at 446 At post 1 minute Start good and slow AVon pulled up second and third drivin BREEZE set a good pace throughout and won in a canter CALITHIMP moved up fast while rounding the last turn and easily passed ROISTERER in the final eighth The latter was prominent from the start but tired badly and had to do his best to save third place DONATELIO came wide when turning for home but finished fast MR X quit quitOverweights Overweights George Muehlebaeh 2 pounds ar ffc e NINTH RACE 1 12 Furlongs Jan 8 1921 53 10 105 Burse 600 3yeir 9jOtlj t olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 420 second 120 third 00 Index Horses AAVtPPSt U i Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt h 2 I 12 AV Martin R M Hollenbeck 3 3s 3i 2 F Stevens B F McCluin 1 in 2l 3 D Hurn C B Irwin IrwinGl Gl 5l 6 = 4 H S Jones J B McGinn McGinn4h 4h 411 4h 5J G Rose R Cooper CooperV V o 51 51 AV Dean San Diego Stabl Stabl7J 7J 7 7 7 C Rails P Fuller FullerS S S1 S1 S1 H Lous A Kaufman 68911LOCH LEVEN w 5 112 410 10 10 9 = 3l AV Garsan R Howell HowellYINSA YINSA w 4 110 1 8 3 3 ID 10 E Kensrer B Orin tMutuel Held Time 24 48 54 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Angela 340 straight 300 place 240 show Aryanna 700 place 340 show Hazel Dale 240 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Angela 70 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Aryanna J 0 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Hazel Dale 20 to 100 show AVinner Ch f by The AVolf Mona Canoiimann by Elmer L trained by R M Ilollenbeck bred by Mr P A Klipstein KlipsteinAVent AVent to post at 510 At post 5 minutes Start bad and slow AVon driving second and third the same ANGELA away fast forced HAXEL DALE along at top speed and catching her tiring took the lead iind gamely held ARYANNA safe The latter finished fast and gamely and ran a good race HAEL DALE swerved out badly in the stretch after showing the most early speed and setting a fast pace FULL MOON was going fast at the end PAY OFF ran well S547Little Pointer 110 JS9113Iady Tiptoe 110 58773Charmant 110 G3730 Eva Evaoverweights overweights Full Moon 2 pounds Looh Leven 2

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032901/drf1923032901_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1923032901_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800