1st Race [1st Mobile, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-29

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i f DA PC Al ont 5S jtTile 15yearolds ami upward Maldenx Claiming Ibl liAUU 31 arch 27 l2y IS 25 y 11 Index Course Dist Time Tck Odds Wt St 5i Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish JOSIE PlauditTrainer M b f 3 II 106 By Ealph Ameeras by Plaudit Trainer C E Anderson Ownor B Eosenthal Breeder G J Long C8938 Mobile Ab 65 f l24fast 4 1071 754 4 1 R Harton 7 MLghton RalCrown Walespa C8878 Mobile Ab 5S 102 Rood 5 107 G 4 31 3 J E Atkinsn 8 MarjWood Fringe TMnlcskinr 68131 FGrnds 34 l16Vtslow 8 103 10 11 35 91S J CrcoranlS CARhart Reformer ECrown 07983 FGrndd 31 114 fast 12 110 6 6 4 6 1 H Thomasll Eulalia Sultan First Blush 67814 FGrnds FGrndsC7477 34 116 hvy 10 110 3 2 4 5 II Thomasl2 Fernandos Sultan Bonfire C7477 FGrnds FGrndsC7437 31 104 4 2 Si 4J J Owens 11 Radiant Yorick Minnie It C7437 FGrnds 34 117 hvy 10 111 6 5 4t 4 J Owens 11 Amole Prince Tii Tii Rupee 67324 Jefferson II f l10ihvy 6 107 S G 41 5i J Owens 12 SirSiduey KitCarpcnter Kitan WALESPA b c 4 M 116 By King James White Silk by Galloping Simcn Trainer T J Jackson Owner T J Jackson Breeder H T Oxnard C8938 Mobile Ab 61 f l24fast l24fastG8S5G 20 115 3 2 2 3 C Jackson 7 MIgbton RoyalCrown JosieM G8S5G Mobile Ab 5S l01vgslow 12 116 7 7 71 GB W Dkson 9 UIHrn llighValue Misslgliton 68469 Jefferson 1 11C l54 ihvy 15 103 1 S 8 S A Abel 12 Tingling 1C Carpenter Npolitnn 68095 FGrnds 1 11C 110 good 10 93 5 10 101 S AV IYonk II Uglit Wine Ashland Hickory 67968 FGrnds 1 31C 201Vifast 30 93 G 2 3 6 AV Fronk 13 Ace Roister Hill and Coo 67856 FGrnds Im70y l47Hslov 20 111 14 S Cl 7 H Shillick 14 Nuyaka Itupee Juno LAWN MOWEE b or br c 3 M 115 By Short Grass Intrigue by Kingston Trainer F Tennant Owner J H Murray Breeder Short Grass Stud 08938 Mobile Ab GI f 24Hfast 15 110 C G 5 61 R McCrnn 7 MIghton RalCrown Walcspn G8856 Mobilu Ab 5S 01slow 20 1 112 8 5 5 51S E Atklnsn 9 ISHcrn High Value Misslghton 08696 Jefferson 51 f 09 = isow GO MisslghtonGO 3 103 3 3 4 C 1 G Mcin 12 Sultan Auntie Em Kau Gallic 67088 Jefferson 34 1S hvy 0 1 110 10 11 11 = 11 R Costello 12 Wrangler ICeformer CapRicks 67010 Jefferson 24 18rnua 20 IDS 12 12 12 12 E Scobie 12 Al Stcbler Yorick Flying Devil C3712 Empire 51 f OG fast CO DevilGO 102 5 5 5 5 E Kumrner 5 Dunlin Zev William Tell BAEEAEA PAXKF7i ch f 3 M 1 110 By Manager Waite Miss Bellamy by Plaudit Plauditatz Trainer E Lutz 0vncr E Lutz atz Breeder T C McDowell 08938 Mobiio Ab Gi f l24ifast 10 110 4 77 7 E T Mo ore 7 MIghton RalCrown Walcspa 08850 Mobile Ab 5S l01slow 30 110 6 4 4 4 E T Moore 9 ISIlern llighValue Misslghtou 08700 Jefferson 51 f lOS irrud 60 97 9 J J S ST = T V Fronk 9 TcnScth URose Waywassamo 686 1 2 Jefferson 34 l15fast 0 109 10 11 10J 10 E T Moorel2 AmcliaS The Colonel Ficetiug 67324 Jefferson 61 f t10 ihvy 20 11211 12 11 ll E T Moorel2 KlrSidncy KitCarpenter Kitan 67199 Jefferson rS l03Khvy l03KhvyG7 30 109 4 G 7s 7C1 W PosKkil2 KlynSiwypr Kinsman JosieM G7 145 Jefferson 5S l04 hvy 40 109 7 7 7 71S E T Moore 9 IVrmarco Fcrnandos Begum 106 By Great Britain Kiss Thorpe by Woolsthorpo Trainer J Collins Ovrser A B WoolsthorpoB Lowe Breeder A B Lowe 68360 Teffeison 51 f 1OS fast 60 103 10311 11 11 11C7477 11 10 G Mein 11 JnJoseph UodyCuard RillyUcrn C7477 FGrnda 34 lUhvy SO 102 9 10 9 9 C Dishmonll Radiant Yorick Minnie 15 6529 Kcxton 51 f lC9 = islov 122 22 112 9 9 9 S C Dishmon 9 Kuperbum Redazzle KCarptcr 6145 Lcxton 12 49 fast 21 S9 10 9 9G1438 10l 10 G Breunfll Old Top Poppye Ailsie Vernor G1438 Lexton 12 48 igood 22f 3f 115 2 10 10NYLORAC 12 12 F Paul 12 Avisack FiglifgCk PandTake NYLORAC b f 3 M 1C3 1C3Trainer By Frizzle Dimit b The Commoner Trainer W Vroodard Owner W Woodard WoodardG8931 Breeder G M Hendrie G8931 Mobile Ab 5S DS fast 13 IOC S 7 7G8K80 CJ 711 K Parrton S Flip Machiavelli Sea Board G8K80 Mobile Ab 5S 101 pood 7 109 5 4 4fi885i 51 7 C OMalfy S Amanda Ppaganda MkevMcnre fi885i Mobile Ab 5S l01slow 7 107 1 9 9 9 = U Doyle 9 UillTliern II Value MUighton 68737 Jefferson 5i f l0976fast 15 103 3 2 ri 71S W Fronk 12 Jupiter EauGalJie Misslghton 68696 Jefferson 51 f lC9slow 10 103 7 5 5G83G7 S1 S = II Thurber12 Sultan Auntie Em Eau Gallic G83G7 Jefferson 34 IrllTsfast 12 110 2 3 10 = 10 = I Morris 12 Hillliouse Full o Fun Radiant 67983 FGrnds 34111 fast 10 110 11013 13 1 1EOCHAMBEAU 1 13 = L Morris 14 Eulalia Sultan First Blush EOCHAMBEAU ch c 4 M 116 116Trainer By Trap Eock Sisaga by Sunflower II Trainer C Houbro O ner G Oddo Brooder A K Macomber 68967 Mobile Ab 58 5S7sfast 3 120J 3 G G G J Smwood 8 UGirl Sanwood CAComiskey 08937 Mobile Ab 5S 59 fast 30 117 1 2 S1 6 1 C OMahy S Ifylonian Spicebiish Ppagauda 68831 Mobile Ab 58 l04Hhvy iO PpagaudaM 121 n B C1 6 R Rice 7 Ulatsy CAComkey Amanda 68612 Jefferson 34 1 15f ast 15 120 4 4 61 S71 E Pool 12 AmcliaS The Colonel Fleeting 08572 Jefferson 51 f lOS iast 10 115 9 987 8 7 G Mcin 12 Jlenlivtt KpFlax MLcighton 08512 Jefferson 34 l15Afast 10 113 7 4 71 S H Thomasl2 A X Akin Stamp PriuceWclles 68387 Jefferson 34 l14 = ifast GO PriuceWcllesGO 109 12 12 12FOET 12 12 lj Ward 12 Mavournccn Galeta Hysteria FOET MTEES ch c 4 M 116 116Trainer By Great Britain Palisade by Von Tromp Trainer F Battiste Owner Battiste attiste Trompattiste Bros Breeder E Cebrian CebrianS9 06335 Akron Ab 5S l01fast S9 106 106AGEIMONIA 8 A Casey 8 li Gentry Almirante French AGEIMONIA b c 3 M 115 115Trainer By Superman Farie Augusta by Fariman Trainer J Eobson Owner J Eobson Breeder H T Oxoard 08189 Jefferson 51 f 110 slow 3J 11311 10 11 11 J D Mneyl2 Kinsman Full o Fun Sultan 1nds 3S SCfast 12 115 2 11 11 B MariellU2 Daniel Better Luck Uuehie

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032901/drf1923032901_4_3
Local Identifier: drf1923032901_4_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800