3rd Race [3rd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-29

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r 1 Mile mid upivart Claim iiijc June 17 lil XENNILEE TammanyTrainer br z 5 110 By Colin t Tokalon by Tammany Trainer W H Sperling Owner J Pidseon Breeder J W Fuller 08809 Tijuana Im70y 1 S fant 2310 10 110 311 Il O Rose IS Cork Cigale Modist Modi 08823 Tijuana OS 1 rtl fast 8 1 1K K 4 4 3 4 J G Rose 12 Sweeiilpll PPrince MrKrter 08772 Tijuana 31 f 1OU fast 115 5 10S 1 15S 5 5J 3i W Martin 13 IhyllisK Kahnni FredilieKear 07912 Tijuana 5S l04 4mud 3 111 1 15S 4 4 5J K Petzoldlll Velvet Plantasenet Ijiue Pine 07227 Tijuana 5S 02ir ood 3 109 I I5J 2 TJ 21 E ivtzoldtll Amkassin IWHarper VKita 07080 Tijuana 5J t 12 hvy 32 2 107 3 3 3 45 II Molters 7 Joe Tag Vera ICita Van Welles 07021 Tijuana 51 f llmud 16 6 106 1 2 1 3J E Petzoldt 7 Kenward NorthTower Conlriot 00930 Tijuana 51 f JShvy 6 101 2 3 4 5 W Pool 0 Jnella 1 Harry I Uomultu 01381 Tijuana 34 iNferast 26 6 107 G 5 51 CJ R Moss 7 Aryanua ThirlySeren Julr Flv 01308 Tijuana 1 42 ifast 13 112 7 7 51 5 J Deford 7 II Wright DonDodge YkLassie 01321 Tijuana 51 f 077ifa t IS YkLassieIS 108 2 2i 7 71 71 C Rails S HsansHeir KUOwcii JohnJr BESSIE YOUNG ch i f 4 104 By Edwin T Fryer Baby Young by Gov ForaKer Trainer J W Hunter Owner W E Hunter Breeder W Z Hantcr 08028 Tijuana 1 1S l55ifast S T Wilson 12 Pacchus Kalfour Fireworth 08438 Tijuana 1 12 2SSsifast 12 91 1 4 6 C 3 W Dean t Chaileyloy WalteiDaiit Dolpn 08342 Tijuana 1 1S Io5 ifaat 21 1CS 3 2 41 41 T Wils Wilson S Vic Knrclm Ttwasentha 08181 Tijuana Im70y 151 hvy 5 103 3 2 2 1 G Rose 7 Plunger Cen Itvng Meteor 08144 Tijuana 34 119 mud IStf 110 4 4 3 3T T Wilson 9 KelleKIower CladNews Jazz 07745 Tijuana 1 18 l57Hfast 9 108 4 2 207G75 2 21 T Wilson 9 Khymer Dora High Olympus 07G75 Tijuana 1 1S l56ifast 135 103 4 2 2ARGENTO 3j 4J II Long 9 Montana Cen liyng Patiern ARGENTO br g 9 115 115Trainer By Jake Argent Ardenes by Amigo Amigodwards Trainer C Edwards Owner M Martin Breeder Estate of E J Baldwin 08752 Tijuaim Im70y BaldwinIm70y 1 45fast 121 11310 S S080KI 41 R Carter 10 Jinny Jce Kiikwood Car 080KI Tijuana 1 ItUHfaM 5Sf 10 IDS 10 11 11 9 J L ArniKtgll Col Snider Tom Owens FUiii 08628 Tijuana 1 1S l55ifast 19f 105 U 12 12 121S L Annsfg 1 Haceims Kalfour Fireworlh 08483 Tijuana 1 l42 ifast ICSf IDS 11 6J 5 L ArmsfBlI Yukon Midian Little Cink 08341 Tijuna 1 1S l55fast 45 115 S SO82G1 6 G M Sfghter S Shnreacreit Lit Dear NKIteal O82G1 ijuana 1 1S 202Lhvy J3 113 4 31 4SJ F J IJaker S Cahn Creek Ijriit Dotpli 08180 Tijuana 1 12 242iihvy 28 111 5 5LARIAT S S C Thpson 8 Dominutor NKHeal Tag Day LARIAT br r 7 115 115Trainer By Rapid Water Tourraalctta by Lissak Trainer J Edward Owner V Clond Breeder G W J Bixscll 08754 Tijuana ImTOy l Vifast S 113 6 11 ll lls s D Powell 11 Don Van WCMcCck Tuvrtha 08608 Tijuana 1 141 slow 9 11 lir 2 2 22o 2J 35 U Powell S Wai Dnnt Double Van P Steel 08201 Tijuana 1 1S 20hvy 2u 113 1 1 Ib 2J C Rails S Calin Crcok D ilph Argendi 08105 Tijuana 6 107 f 5 5Il S S P Martinez Don Jew Mi Kuiinn Itaisr 8050 Tijuana 1 lHihvy Il 114 4 3 2 2 W Pool S Lewis CMhlelmcli OivmpM 07998 Tijuana Im70y 134 mud CO 11 10S 5 2 G OivmpMG 7 K Flynn S PItHgemt CabCreek KidMan 07981 Tijuana 41 10S 2 S 7J 7 G Re ID VlhShore IMIiryaa ChIeyloy LUCKY PEARL b m 7 108 By TodJinstin Mrs Sewall by Maetto MaettoJ Trainer J S Ualdwin Owner J S Baldwin Breeder W W Dirden 08918 Tijuana Im7iy l46 rast 102 02 104 4 5 6 5J K Kenger S ViC ClCk DonJwc DonaClj 08852 Tijuana 1 l42 ifat 9 100 4 7 S S K Kengr 9 War iod Dolph Col Snider 08083 Tijuana 1 143 fast 7 iOO 3 7 6 Gi 61J F Sevens 11 Lenieve She Devil Ixme 1iue 1iueG 08436 Tijuana Ini 1 47 ifast G 108 5 3 2 1J U Flynn 1 Senator Donliin McCroan Iiva 08360 Tijuana lirT y 1 4S fast 7 101 4 1 2 31 R Flynn 11 Iilllcink ilonzar Cen Ityng 51 f l07ifast 20r 10312 10 S1 7li K Flynn 13 Slielivville TomCraven Poacher MONTONA cb g C By Montgomery Ratoni by Scarborough Trainer 7 Pinkstaff Onmer W Pinktiff Breeder A S Williams WilliamsC8628 C8628 Tijuana 1 1S l55kfast l f 105 12 9 7 7 1 G Rose 12 Itjeeliu Halfour Fireworth C8341 Tijuana Sl VaHt 9 113 777 7f V Gargan 8 Shoreacre LitDear NKHeal C818C Tijuana 1 2 242hvy 18 10J S 3 7 G Rose S Duniinator NKHeal Tag Day 081 S3 Tijuana 1 S l53 ifast 5 113 5 6 4 4J C Thpson 9 CMlilebach AlUick J David C79C6 Tijuana 1 8 292ihvy 2310 117 3 8 8 S C Thpson S Ponza Kay Lewi H Itailbird 07834 Tijuana 1 4 2OXHfa t 31 112 5 3 2 5 C Thpson 9 Firrwurtli Yorklsissie UtDear C7675 Tijuana 1 S l56Hfaat 115 115 7 3 11 11 II S Joies 9 Jen Kyng Pattern HessieVoun PRETENDER b bTrainpr ff 10 115 115Felix By Burgomaster Sallio of Navarr by Henry ol olNavarre Trainpr R Felix Owner R Felix FelixIm70y Navarre Breeder H P Whitney WhitneyL G8053 Tijuana Im70y 153 hvy 11 110 L 1 1s F Stevens 11 Christie Hollers Hacchus Don 07978 Tijuana 1 14 2lfi mud 4 110 1 4 4U 1 5 u J E IVtxcldt S IxmiIine Lit Dear Tawascntha 079 14 Tijuana 34 l163onud U 112 S 4 43i 4 41 3 P WalU S Delhimar Just Ifight Caunzel 07848 Tijuana 51 f l10 mud 3i 115 S S 5 61 41 P Walls S KosaAlkiii OITinpd JollySailor JollySailorr 67743 Tijuana 34 l14fast 7 113 113Im70y S 7 r 6 4i E Fator 9 Van Welles CabinCrk Poacher 66540 Akron Im70y l507itast 7 110 4 C OMahy 7 Cavalier Melha Polly LittleDeat HoCROAN b g gTrainer 115 By Modred Leenja by Hastings HastingsBreeder Trainer S E Smith Owner M Jordan Breeder C B Daniels 08752 Tijuana Im70y lIS lISifast ifast 130 113 2 2 3 6 G Rose 10 Gipsr Joe Kirkwood Car 68557 Tijuana Im70y l50imua SI 110 1 1 1 IS G Rose S I IreniMos reniMos CeiiHyng Silex II 08430 Tijuana Im70y l47 ifast 6f ICG 1 1 11 3J G Rose 13 LkyPearl ScnatorOimlan Lava 08379 Tijuana 51 f lOSHfaat t 113 7 7 71 7TJ W Mai tin 9 No Wonder Pegzy Martin Onwa 07S70 Tijuana 20 106 11 11 11 II1 E Pelzoldtll TomKoach Siuash Pluitagenet PluitagenetICf 07850 Tijuana 51 f 111 mud ICf 110 3 6 C 61 II Long 10 Alazon MaudieWilsou Coomb CLEARFIELD b bTrainer 110 By Textile Grizel by Aintre AintreB Trainer B B Bond Owner B a norm ttond Breeder B Smith 08824 Tijuana 1 l43fast 32 113 4 4 3J E KVnger S ICampbell H Flower Woolday OS70 Tijuana 1 l42Hfast 19 10S 4 488 S 7 K KengerlO Ollie Wood Kirkwood Kafferty 08625 Tijuana 34 l13Tifast 2f Kafferty2f 101 1 1 1 1 E Kengerll Dora W C Dooly Canvasbjck 08512 Tijuana 51 f 1 10 mud 8 113 7 7 6i 51 H Molters S MissKdna I Campbell LitSmila 8558 Tijuana 34 l15ifast 20 107 9 10 10Im70y 91 93 R Dauer 10 Woolday Knin i Writer Modiste C8313 Tijuana Im70y lt7HUst 27 110 3 336 3 3g 11 C Thpsonl2 PluiiRer York Ii Rie Palfour PROPHECY ch chTrainer g 7 110 110Dennison By Astronomer Fleda B by Falsetto FalsettoI Trainer D Dennison Owner D I Dennison Breeder K P Shipp ShippIf C8946 Tijuana 51 f l07ifast 5Jf If IW S 5 5Im7fty 71 7i K Ericksn 9 July Fly Joe Tag Pueblo 08813 Tijuana Im7fty l4CVifast 2lf If 10S 5 7 Fell E Petzoldt S TomOwens SlieDevil JudDarid 68754 Tijuana ImTOy l46 5faat ISf 103 10 10 9 10 W Dean 11 DouVan WCMcCck Tawtha Tawtha35f 08587 Tijuana 34 117 hvy 35f 115 3 S 7 7s J Gliiss S Due detiuise lyinePine Coniihnn 08130 Tijuana 1 1S l35 rast rast5i 9 110 1 1 21 5 E PetKoliU 7 Charley Hoy Dolph Dominator Dominator13f 67721 Tijuana 5i f l Sifast 13f 10S 5 5 41 1 E IVtoldtl2 Nonsuit Flame Plantagenet 07615 Tijuana 51 f I09 fa3t 11 110 3 4 4 5 E Petzoldtl2 Kafferty SwplTpIL Ponzaltay POKEY B b h hTrainer 113 By Charivari Helen Burnett by AllaaaDale Trainer G P Sherman Owner G P Shermin in Breeder W G Hirsig HirsigS 68875 Tijuana Im70y 147 fast 1229 100 4 7 S S G Rose S Herder Caneion Peter Pierson 08500 Tijuana 1 147 mud 76 116 2 7 7 5s F Stevens 9 Alazon SCentleman CansbacU 08543 Tijuana 34 l16imud alt IIS 4 7 75J 71 7 i T Fletche 9 Alazon I ne Pine Plow Steel 08281 Tijuana 5J f l06 islow 10S 116 6 S 7 7 I Fletcher S Sister Susie Conichoii TCrav i 08222 Tijuana 51 f lUl imud 3f 116 4 1 15S 11 71 B Dugan 12 Haisy StliiiCentlemali Midi in 08160 Tijuana 5S 106 hvy 6 113 7 4 3s 1 E Dugan 9 JarkPol Ans Sister Am Maid 08017 Tijuana 41 f SSVimud 14 111 5 S J 4IS H Fynn S QyVard Operator NordHoney JAZZ ch g 0 0Trainer By Boots and Saddle Autoline by Autolight Trainer H R Stewart Owner G Stewart Breoder M P Hattmgly Jr 08314 Tijuana 51 f 1 OSifast 67 115 S 6 7 7 H Long 12 Not Held izim Meiry IISA 08238 Tijua 11 34 121 livy 5 113 1 1 1J 1 H Long King Worth Mistake You Ket 08195 Tijua la 51 f l12iinud 9 113 S 5 44 I1 W Gargan S Nonsuit Krmitana Lola Fluke FlukeC6 08 144 Tijua la 34 119 mud C6 6 112 7 3 4 4 W Jarrell 9 KelleFlower CNews KesYoiuig C8038 Tijua la 31 f l13 l13shvy shvy 43 113 1135S 6 5 4J G1 W Jarrell S HarHurgoj lie Thrills Hachtu Hachtu2S 07912 Tijua la 5S l04smud 2S 116 Refused W Jarrell 11 Velvet Pluntagenet Lose Pine 07892 Tijuana 34 1IS mud 20 113 7 6 7 7 W Gargan 12 Fickle Fancy View Krmitana Krmitana3i 07828 Tijuana 24 l15 fast 3i 113 1135S 659 S i W GarganlO Lewis H WCDooly P Tenny G7722 Tijuana 5S l02ifast 1 115 11519 7 7 71 T Rae It Yukon Delancey Phyllis K KTJC 07575 Tijuana 51 f l03ifuat HOC 115 7 5 32 2i T Rae 11 Due de Guise Alazon CicelyKiy

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032901/drf1923032901_6_1
Local Identifier: drf1923032901_6_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800