Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-29


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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesTIJUANA TIJUANA THURSDAY MARCH 29 29WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tin figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse et the distance since January 1 1920 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on oth r than a fast or good track abbreviations show track ccnditions Racing starts at 155 p m Chicago time 355 Superior mud runner x Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Apprenticeallowance allowance b Blinkers BlinkersFirst First Race 12 Mile MilePurse Purse GOO 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 12 191C 47 2123 2123Todays TodaysTml Todays Tml rinr f Wt Rec AWtIIan 68561 BUSTER KEATON121 49m 122X725 68601 = Brandeis M 115 50rni 112 715 71563821s 63821s Mollio R M 107 50 5 114 710 68821 Virginia Holland HollandM M 107 50 107 710 68709 Lovelace M 115 50 109 710 68942 Battle Shot I1X05 68709 Harry Davis JrM11S 51 110 700 68791 Blushing M 105 51 107 700 700Olivia Olivia 109 Second Race 5 12 Furlongs Ptirso 03 4 yearolds and upward Claiming Tract record Feb 25 1023 105 SI22 63543 Lady Bourbon BourbonPhyllis 105 107 G 110 725 6S772 6S772G8D57 Phyllis K 94 108 4 110X720 G8D57 hPink Tenny 114 lOSVf 7 110X715 68202 Velvet 112 107 9 110X715 68793G8240 68793 Ermitana IIV 10853 5 110X715 G8240 G8240C85S8 Toyon 95 108 A 4 110X71 C85S8 bMerry Lass 108 107 8 310X715 68280 Fickle Fancy 112 107 10710S 5 110X710 68606 Argonnc Forest M MIspiiam 5 110X710 68959 Ispiiam 10S lOS f 5 110 705 68850 Miss Dunbar 95 l08Vr 5 110X700 68912 Annettes Sister KKi 109 If 5 110 700 63913 Caunzel 4 110X700 63914 Cicely Kay G 110X700 Third Race RacePurse 1 Mile Purse 500 4 year olds and upward Track record June 1 r 1910 13 68869 Tcnnileo G3628 Bessie Young 68975 Argento 108 143 6S975 Lariat 10S 140 6897G Lucky Pearl 109 142 63628 Montona 110 141 6897G Pretender 109 l43 f 68976 McCroan 10S l43i 68975 Clearfield 113 144 ji 68946 blropheey 111 142 68S75 Pokey B 10S l47s 683U bJazz 113 IMGVi Fourth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse GOO 3yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec 20 191G l115i 3 110 689331 Alie Oclis 102 114 10 68872 Bowsprit 109 114 104X721 68757 St Angelina 100 114 100x715 68871 Tule 107114 110 710 63421 Irosity 95 l19iu 110 705 Hayseed 92 Fifth Race 1 18 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Handicap Track record March 27 1921 152 5 117 C8853 bJohn S Reardon Reardon68894s 5 107X750 68894s bRomany 5 101X745 68687 bOld Faithful 101 152 5 90X745 68931 John Paul Jones Jones6S933 104 152 5 105 740 6S933 Reap 116 154 = 3 3 SB X 740 68810 = Doubtful 3 95X735 68394 bSeotland Yet 1021551f 5 87 73 735 63931 Van Patrick 11G 154 3 87X731Sixth 87X735 Sixth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse GOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Dec 20 1910 111 3 110 68947 No Wonder 113 114 8 110 725 68825 Stylish Miss 101 l15s 3 98 720 68958 Trippawa 100 110 3 I3X7 5 68808 Slioreacrcs 109 114 9 110X7 5 68959J lobelia 115 l14Vf 113X7 5 68855 Conichon 104 l16Vf 7 115X7 5 68913 Delancey 117 114 = 10 115X7 5 68914 Chncme 115 115 115X710 68960 Nizam 115 115 6 115X705 6S2G1 Olympiad 114 116 4 108X700 63823 Xapaii 107 117 7 115 700 68946 Jerry 111 l13fc 10 115X700 68977 Kirkwood 113 115 5 115 700 700C8823 C8823 bVcteran 105 113 3 7 11SX7CO 11SX7COSeventh Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsPurse Purse COO 3yiarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 10 1923 142 6 118 66964 liBrecze 109 144 3 9 108X725 68935 bllerUer 112 140 8 108X721 6S9595bBarriskane 102 145 4 104X715 68961 bllarry Rudder 113 144 if 7 113 715 68935 = Silk Soi 10S l45f 4 100X715 68864 bDonateIo Ill 14 G 108 710 68964 bRoisterer 109 144 Is G 108X710 6880G bObstinate 105 1MG 5 111 705 68947 Lenieve 06 l4iis 7 111 700 68934 bRotiea 112 115 7 113X700 Eighth Race 5 12 Furlonss 113X700Claiming Purse 700 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingS Track record Feb 25 1923 105 S 122 63873 Pud 104 l07 s 3 105X725 68935 Private Peat 10S 107 107C8D65 109 720 C8D65 bFull Moon 10i 107 5 105X715 C8932 Endive 92 1 OS 3 103 715 68897 bllonest George 10S 107 Vi 7 115X715 68032 hSundial II 7 115X710 1 bDalton 11710915 4 122 705 68065 Loch Leven 115 107 107G3793 5 112X700 G3793 Little Beach 113 107 G 113 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032901/drf1923032901_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1923032901_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800