6th Race [6th Mobile, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-29

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Ci DA PC 1 31 ilt tyenrolils anil uptrard Claiming aiarcli 27 1J2II Oil I HAot 141 15 5 115 GRANDEE ch e 7 ii2 ii2Trainer By Lorenzo Crowboronsh by Crowberry CrowberryWendel Trainer 0 Wendel Owner 0 Wendel WendelC8941 Bred in England by Major J C CHartley Hartley C8941 Mobile Ab 61 f 124 fast 8 120 3 3 3 1 35 E T Moore S PugKlts Consort Harvest Kins 68903 Mobile Ab 61 f 125 fast 115 5 120 7 6 7 = 7 E T Moore 9 GypLight Amanda KinglinRlI 68861 Mobile 1 151 slow 95 5 110 3 1 1C8836 3 49 E T Moore 7 HarKinj Hutchison TokMarch C8836 Mobile Ab 5S 10 hvy 31 120 3 1 1 1 = E T Moore S PitPatter HappyGirl FastTrial 68832 Mobile Ab 5S l0 fhvy 7 121 7 3 3s 31 E T Moore 8 Lancelot High Value Not Yet 6698G Jefferson 1 11G l47sfast 25 110 8 9 9l 9 A Wilson 12 LishtWine Handful VivaCubn 66568 Akron 34 l17ifist 2310 112 112ARDITO 3i E T MoorelO Our Kate Lendoria DintyMoore ARDITO ch h 8 117 117Trainer By His Majesty Etrly Rose by Star Shoot ShootBreeder Trainer E C Lucas Owner E Harmouget Breeder G A Cochran Cochran2s 6895G Mobile Im70y l49Jifast 7 114 1 2 25 2s R Rice RiceII 8 Flypaper 15rit Liner VivaCuba 68879 Mobile 1 149 good 41 II Hi 7 7 7 7 R Rice 7 Herald Exhorter Jacobean 68841 Mobile Im70y l5S7sslow 7 113 1131 4 3 3 2s R Rice 5 Magician HarKing TMcTagt 68831 Mobile Ab Gl f l32hvy 5 117 117C8719 6 6 C1 ol R Rice Mary G Amaze Crayson C8719 Jefferson 1 31G 1C 2C3ifast 10 115 2 3 1 lh F Murphy It OldChap Harvest King JFeld 68697 Jefferson 34 l15slow 1S5 113 7 10 10l 9J E Pool 12 Stamp Runnyol Twopair 68449 Jefferson 34 l17ihvy S 117 6 G 41 3r A Wilson 12 Marimba Herald Ticklish 6733G FGrnda 34 113 hvy 20 10S 11 S 4l 3 i J Wallace 11 Alva Flibbcrtygibbot Bgoyne TRICKS b g 4 10G By Theo Cook Canny Miss by Ogden OgdenTrainer Trainer J Arthur Owner J Artnnr Breeder V Garth GarthCK955 CK955 Mobile Ab GJ f 123 fast 2 US 5 1 1 = 1 = E T Moore 7 Hot Foot Ely Jacobina 68881 Mobile Ab Gi f 127 good 7 115 2 2 2 3 R Bolton S PitPatter Buggies GypsyLight 08637 Jefferson Im70y l46 ifast 10 10S OSS1 7 A Abel 12 Execution Blazonry Adventure 08391 Jefferson 1 3lfi 202fast 7 108 10 5 6l 9 = A Abel 11 TCassidy Pastoral BkHackle 68226 Jefferson 1 116 lM9H fast 25 107 S 5 10l 9 A Abel 11 Ashland JFairman WhIIaven 67968 FGrnds 1 31G 201Vifasi 10 M S 10 II1 10 J CrcoranlS Ace Bolster Bill and Coo BROWN BILL br g 5 117 By WaldosCutaneous by Farandole FarandoleTrainer Trainer J B Partridge Diner W M Cain Breeder B A Jones 68941 Mobile Ab Gi f 124 fast S 115 S 7 7 7 B McCrnn 8 Buggies Consort Grandee 07857 FGrnds 34 l14islow 20 11011 10 SI 10 = W Reid 11 Hillsdalo Begum Stamp 7756 FGrnds 6 112 2 8 9 R Doyle 12 Gen Caiiorna Stanley Buxom 07559 FGrnds 1 116 149 Rood 10 106 6 2 1 1J R Doyle 10 Carmeneita Tingling Buxom 67483 FGrnds 1 18 l57ihvy 20 10S 10 5 C = 4 = 3 W Reid 12 Lord Herbert Bravo Satana 67443 FGrnds 1 116 l5 6hvy 12 110 13 111 11 E SmwodU Ettahe Jordan Chief 67382 Jefferson 1 1S l5frtast 4 107 3 3 2 3 J Crcoraul2 PirateMcGee Tyiny Sol Rock SPECTACULAR GIHL b m 6 112 By Hippodrome Colna by Collar Trainer J A Strode Owner W J 1IcFee Brooder J W Corrigan 089G9 Mobile ImTOy 150 fast 5 112 7 fi 4i 5i R Holway 7 Stevson Jacobina Mir eJImniy OK722 Jeiferson 1 316 202fast 12 110 9 C 5l 0 J Owens 12 Bolster Bonfire Jacoliina 63597 Jefferson 1 12 236 fcfast 6 107 4 6 7 7 P Harvey 7 Stanley FinancIRooster Moody C8571 Jefferson 1 1S l33fast 12 10S 9 11 11 12 L McDottl2 Blue Brush Bravo Cliateaugay sni Jefferson 1 12 237fast 20 95 S S S S R Costello 9 CJouett Ldlleibert IhtWine 68351 Jefferson 1 316 202afast 6 10S 12 S 4 4 1 McDott 12 The Wit Moody Hickory 8290 Jefferson 1 1S 156 fast 15 105 2 4 4 4 L McDottll Buxom Pastoral Pirate McGee BE SURE b h 5 By Helmet Presanella by Cyllene CylleneBrooder Trainer R L Smith Owner R L Smith Brooder E R Bradley OR903 Mobile Ab 61 f 125 fast 10 113 9 9 9 S9 T Thralkl 9 JypLiglit Amanda KinglinpII 68861 Mobile 1 151 slow 30 115 7 7 7 7 = T ThrUSll 7 HarKing Hutchison TokMarch 62187 Churchill 1 11C 14S fast 31 113J S S 8 8 W W Tlor S Harry B Warsaw Link Boy 61869 Churchill 34 lili fast 110 113 S S S Ss G Fields S GreeiiCold Col Baker HonorMrtn HonorMrtnG1809 G1809 Churchill 34 113 sov 70 114 S S S S A Johnson S GndSwell ToiiySue ColTaylor ColTaylorSPEARLENE SPEARLENE b p 8 112 By Spearmint Mare by Cyllene Thimble ThimbleTrainer Trainer R Willmert Owner Rice Willmert Bicd in England by H Do Wsldea 68956 Mobile Im70y l49fast SO 115 G S S S A Airmrn K Fivpapcr Ardito British Liner 68903 Mobile Ab til f 125 fast 30 1X S S 8 9c T Johnson l CypLigi Amanda KingliiigH 68859 Mobile 1 lM islow 30 115 5 4 4 4 I Gordon 6 SVliLightHI Tyranny FUster 68841 Mobile lm0y llSslow SO 109 5 5 5 5o J SchlKcr 5 Magician Ardito HarvcstKing 62745 Aqueduct 1 l3 v nl 30 102 6 6 65 EJ F Catronu 7 Cnarvon Cahalan Mount Hope 62316 Belmt 61 f MC lCO slow 25 114 7 6 121 13ts L Lyke 19 Buckna Copyright Pansy

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032901/drf1923032901_5_2
Local Identifier: drf1923032901_5_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800