6th Race [6th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-29

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upward Claiming Dec HO 1OK5 NO AVONBER ch e 8 110 By Fireman Belle of Portland by G V Johnson JohnsonTrainer Trainer H T Palmer Owner H T Palmer Breeder Mrs I McPhee 08947 Tijuana 5 f 10 fast 9 10S 1 1 1 J Shaffer 10 Tom Craven Virgo Ispham G8914 Tijuana 5S liOl fast 31 110 C 6 4 P Stevens 1C Jack Pot Joe Tag Virgo 08733 Tijuana 51 f l07fefast 37f 106 G 9 9J 5ei F AVatrouslS Trusty MisvManagc MisriRoy 68422 Tijuana 4 l13fast Il 113 5 5 5J 51 W Pool AmkisKin KmAVilms HRudr 08379 Tijuana 51 f 08Hf st 12 115 2 1 1 1 = AV Pool 9 PogMartin Onwn FrenchNursc FrenchNursci f8297 Tijuana fJ f 1OS fast i 5J l 113 4 4G6398 3 3J 2J W Pool 10 Dolancey Cumioiiball Flame G6398 Akron Ab 5S l03imud 9 109 109STYLISH 7J T Uuel S Virge Cliisca Queen of the Spl STYLISH MISS b f 3 98 98Trainer By Granite Intricate by Hastings Hastingsarris Trainer S Polk Owner C Harris HarrisG882 arris Breeder J H Louchheim Louchheim7f G882 Tijuana 34 l14fast Tf 101 3 3GS710 4 G1 G5 1C KriclsnlO July Fly Virgo F Corley GS710 Tijuana 5S l01fast 13 99 4 2 1 K Kricksni MrKrutcr InsHughes PhLugo 76rt7 Tijuana 5S l01tifast FancySC 5 103 4 4G754G 10 10U12 = A Clavcr 12 Powaukee Sheka Fickle Fancy G754G Tijuana 5S 102 fast SC 96 9 10 1C1 7Ji P Hum 11 Full Moon Kliug Ited Man Man15f 67430 Tijuana 5S lu fasr 15f 97 4 4GG527 6 6 = 3A C Rulis Stanleyll Shelby ville Melcboir MelcboirX GG527 Toledo 51 f lTVtfast X 0 115 5 5TRIIPAAVA 5 6 G i A Tmliley 7 Nonnhour Athlete Illusionist TRIIPAAVA ch f 3 93 By Ormcsdale Helea Pink by Pirk Coat Trainer J S Baldwin Owner J S Baldwin Breeder F J Kellcy 08958 Tijuana 21 Itl 1 1 li 13 I Parke 11 FredKiar Midllell Mirtha U U9S 0892C Tijuana 9S 93 4 3 43 31 I Parke 10 Cnlithump WannCirl CaveMan G8848 Tijuana 41 f fG fast 44 101 7 a ii t E Kenger 13 KlmerW 1 JtSmile Mayltrncu MayltrncuLO 08750 Tijuana Im70y l46fast LO SS 3 1ulled utV Uean 9 JustKiglit Yorklasse IxirMoss CHG r Tijuana i f i50 slow 15 103 2 7J 12 ° F Wein T 14 Kiingrnrgi Contriot Itic Indian 8398 Tijuana Si i iOSrfast 3 91 C G 4 5 W Uean 2 ItetSliiMrt Ciililliump Sthia I 08338 Tijuana 4i f 53ifast 9 103 1 4 41 4l M Andsonll NorHoney IitSmile Mac Seth SHOREACEES br in 9 By Hartimas Jane Shore by Pershnr Trainer J OSuilivan Owner J OSuUivitn Breeder W Hammpll fi808 Tijuana Im70y l47rfast 71 111 C 7 C 5 I J Maiben S Ilalfonr Maysville Walter Dant 08081 Tijuana 1 l41fast l41fastJH311 13 111 S 10 9 5s 1 Maihcn 11 Col Snider Tom Owens Flame JH311 Tijuana 1 1S l55ifast 21 3 113 411 in J Maiben 8 Little Dear N K Iteal Car 08300 Tijuana ImV y I4Gsfast 53 111 S S 5 5 J 1 Maiben 9 Don JOM Kl Itohle Ueydo Ueydo4d G817I Tijuana 34 llS llSthvy = thvy 4d 115 3 11 11s 10IS J Maiben 12 PhilandVr SHedron Ixwis II 07800 Tijuana i 51 f 1OS fast 5 1CS 2 S G1 41 F Stevens S Philamler KllaTValdo ItodMan LOBELIA b m 9 113 By Dr Lesgo Othale by The Jud e Trainer W D Killard Owner W B Millard ard Breeder A B Spreckels T8959 Tijuan 24 115 fast 6 ICG ICG5S 3 3 = G Ross 8 Virgo Itarriskune M Maulsby 08913 Tijuan 5S 101 Wast ISf 10S 4 4 G Rose 9 Swptl11 ShellivTille Fdlloi e 08793 Tijuan 5S l02ifast 19 10S 10 S 6J = i G Rose 13 Foil Chunhill Virge Neg 08047 Tijuan 5S lU lUsfast = sfast 24 1C6 736 = Gi G Ro e 13 MtPiiter ColMatl CalIterry 08523 Tijuan 5S lOllifast 11 IDS 1 2 2nt H G Rose 11 ItosroeOse ItosaAtkin lIeen 404 Tijuana 5S l01 ifast 42 10S 4 11 IIUIO F Vatrousl2 Hirellile Joelllair Missriltov 07933 Tijuana 5S 104 hvy 11 111 1 4 7i S = P AValls 11 Fdllopc Pliilanderer FulIMoon CONICHON b By Reformation Janice Marian by Hubiccn Trainer P Dwyer Owner A Slemmon Breeder G M Van Gorden 8855 Tijuana Tijuana08G2C 1 143 fast 15 113 5 5 7CJ T Wilson S KlHoble HighOlynipiis Po Poacher 08G2C Tijuana f IKTsfast 29 113 9 9 9IS T5J C Thpson 1O Van Welles LPohiter FdHope 08587 Tijuana 34 1T hvy 165 115 3 3 4 = i 3 T Wilson 8 lr do Cnso Lone Pino Car CarIf 08481 Tijuana TijuanaG8315 If a Ufast S 112 1 4 2s 1 C Thpson 12 AlissMcolick Angelo Nel Harper G8315 Tijuana 1 f OT fast G 115 S It T 65 T AVilson 13 Sliolbyville TornCraven Poacher 0828 1 Tijuana i f OSvsslov 23 113 3 G 45i 2J T AVilson S SisterSusie TCraven Poacher DELANCEY b g 10 10 115 115Trainer By Rock SanJ Delusion by Meddler Trainer E VsMss = 2 Owner E Valdez Breeder A Belmont C89I3 Tijuana 5 S l01 01ifast ifast 12 115 4 4 3 C B Fator 9 SweopUpIL Sliolbyville FIIopc 08829 Tijuana 34 l14 14 it ifast ast 5 115 344 G 3 K Fator S Kl Roble It Neg Neg5S i8791 Tijuana 5S 02fast 10 115 S 3 2 21 E Pator 111 Pvateleat HexsAVelch QAVard i871 Tijuana 34 llrifast 11 115 2 2 2 = ij E Fator 1J OllieWocd EWillms CRoberts G8G27 Tijuana il f l07 ifast 19 111 1 3 41 5 E Fator 12 PrivPeat D dediise VeraUiln 08504 Tijuana il f 1OS fast 39 113 1 3 Cii 91 E Fator 11 PiiWard Van Welles Fdllopu CHROME ch E 6 115 By Sigurd Queoncur by King Faustus Trainer E Conner Owner B TrovbridvS2Tf Connor Breeder H H TrovbridvS 08914 Tijuana r S lil fast 2Tf 113 9 4 4 41 3e F J RakerlL Jack Pot Joe Tag Virgo VirgoICf 18047 Tijuan 5S l01 l01sfnst = sfnst ICf 113 S T 7 Tb 7 1 F J HakerlS IUPnter ColMatt CalHerrv 0X502 Tijuan 5S 103 favt 10 113 1 1 11 ink F J Raker Cat Kerry KlinerW CTrimblc 08380 Tijuan 51 f l09ifast l09ifast5S 10 115 9 4 SllHl F J Raker 12 Kimitana Ponnebelle DAdams 07595 Tijuana 5S 1 lO fast 9 115 2 3 3 5J F J Baker 12 Philanderer Viva Pactlms G718G Tijuar i f 112 hvy 7 112 7 G Gl 3 F J Hater S HorI eitIi CicelyKay PhyllisK 0707l Tijuan 51 f lllvhvy 13 112 4 4 4 3 F J Daker S is Cascade Cuba XIZA1I ch h 6 115 By Withers Minyon MinyonP Trainer C M Berry Owner P P Fuller Bred by estate of J F Newman 68960 Tijuana 34 113 fast 22 113 2 4 5 G3 C Rails S Shelbyvitle Neg July Fly 68825 Tijuana 31 l14rsfast 25 115 5 5 r i S = J C Rails 10 July Fly Viige F C Cotley PK71G Tijuana 34 lll = vrast 12 115 G 9 S = 10 J Mrrtmeell OllieWood Delancey EWilliams G8r2G Tijuana 1 l41fast 10 113 3 7 9 9 J Merimee SI Hariyltudder Col Matt Flame 68381 Tijuana 1 l43 = ifast 3 113 t 1 1U is J Merimee S ll ryan Dovesrst SCtleman G8314 Tijuana 51 f 1 OS ifart ifart5J 5 115 4 2 2 2l C Rails 12 Xorfield Merrv Lass CioelvICay 68202 Tijuana 5J f 1 11 mud 33 115 G C S S14 II Zander S Jack Ledi DrTubbs HazcIDale OLYMPIAD ch g By Ferole Olympia by Rock Saru Trainer J D Heard Owcer G H Abbott Breeder A Belmont Belmont082G1 082G1 DolphG8I8G Tijuana 1 1S 202tnvy 23 103 S 7 73 7TJ G Rose S Cabin Creek Lariat Dolph DayC8148 G8I8G Tjuana 1 12 242thvy 31 SS G 3 4J 5 i W Martin 8 nominator XKBeal Tag Day C8148 Tijuana 1 l47Hmud 115 108 5 6 3 2s G Rone Pueblo Jack Ixdi Alazon 1 l42Sjfast 1 107 422 3i W Martin S Neb Lad Walter Dant Leta LetaII II UHI jijuana 1 l51fehvy 12 102 C a 53 41 G Rose S LewlsIS I iriit O Miiehlebach 07997 Tijuana Im70v l53 mua S 103 7 4 4s 2s G Rose 9 Cafeteria Ueuecia Slielliyville SlielliyvilleNAPAN NAPAN b h 7 115 By Br Zeggo Gavioia by Crightoa B BTrainer Trainer C Koerner Owner C Koerner Breeder A B Spreckels 08823 Tijuana 5S l01 fast 2S 11312 12 12 101C J Merimee 111 SwpUpII IlkPrine MrKnifr 08624 Tijuana 34 l15fast S 10711 10 10 9 ° J Maben 12 JCbell DodeAdams PrlessOne 7551 Tijuana ImOy l457tfast 1SS 115 7 7 PullupI2 Dugaii 7 SuinSigli Yennak Cavaldrll 48640 Katonia 1 11G 1 4G igood 0 10710 11 12 12 J Roberts 12 lazyLou PDrapcau Itombast 42770 Inlonia 34 lllifast 97 111 9 S S5 S G Mworth 9 Iton Jour Toto Joe Stahr 40831 FGrnds 31 f lCSltfast 7 113 9 5 G 4 G MworthlO UndcrFire Iwin Vansylvia VansylviaJERRY JERRY ch E 10 115 By Alvesccot Levia by Falsettn Trainer W L Devonshire Owner M Synfy Breeder G J Lonp GR94G Tijuana 51 f l07 l07sfast sfast Sir 113 7 S 9 S T Wilson l July Kly Joe Tag Pueblo 67207 Tijuana 34 117 sloxv 213 112 6 5 43 C Glass 7 Chick Hartley Theresa ISaisy 67116 Tijuana 34 llS mud 163 103 9 9 Cl GH M Fator 9 KWilms Ku eniaK FOCory 67035 Tijuana 1 f 112 livy 2130 114 5 2 21 23 E Josiah 9 Count ISoiis Chrome MfrrvLass MfrrvLassI G7000 Tijuana 51 I f 110 mud 15 112 744 = 46i E Josiah S Harry D North Shore Pueblo 66935 Tijuana 1 l4GVthvy 3 113 i i6G80G 5 1 2 o 51 E Josiah 7 Torsida Fireworth Silex II IIi 6G80G Tijuana 58104 slop 5 114 114GViiVi i 36 E Josiah S Milda Plantagenet Car GViiVi Hastings ImTOy 150 good 1C 112 G i B McEwen S Al Wick Donatella Cafeteria 65219 Hastings H4 l19Ttslow S5 114 1 B McEwen S ROoose MissFraulM GolISose 65186 Hastings Gi f l2T = jhvy 1910 m mKIRKW90D 3 = 3 D McEwen 7 Deckhand Lola Toron ToronBy KIRKW90D = b b 5 115 115Trainer By Leonid Kate Dorznan by Modred ModredBreeder Trainer A Gray Owner A Gray Breeder C B Daniels 08752 Tijuana Ini70y l46ifast 51 112 C 1 1 2 D Powell 10 tipsy Joe Car Arzento 8730 Tijuana 1 l42ifast 21 113 S 2 2s 2e FT Baker 10 Ollie Wood Rafferty Midian 68688 Tijuana 1 IMlVhfast 12 107 S 10 10G8509 95 9 F SerembalO Occident Full Moon Mflchoir Mflchoir70y G8509 Tijuana ImTOy 70y l5 ifast 15C 10S 7 1 1iKISI i S F SerembalO FairOrieut NebUnd SumSigli iKISI Tijuana 1 1142 142 fast 24 10T 5 2 2 = 1 2 F Seremball Flame McOoes Pink DrTubbs 68423 Tijuana 34 l14fast 31 11311 4 4C8404 31 T1 F AVeincr 12 July My Delancey Virg ¬ C8404 Tijuana 3S oSi l01 01 fast 4 11512 S SVETERAN Tl 6 = J Glass 12 HazelDile Joeltlair MissriHoy VETERAN b g 7 118 118Trainer By His Majesty Nectary by Dianeford Dianefordisett Trainer G Bissett isett Owner H Fry Bred in England by J J Parkinsi 08823 Tijuana 3S l0iasfast 47f 116 11 11 10 = 11 T Rae i SwptpII HkPrince MrKrufr 68 8r Tijuana ImTOy l51ihvy 143 116 T 5 4 = 1 5 3 C Thpson 1O Plurality 8558 Tijuana IrnTOy 149 mud 5 111 r 3 3 3 1 T Rae S Oeorge JKIUCS Dora Pliirility 8384 Tijuana ImTOy l G5irast S 113 li 10 10G8I97 U 101S T Rae 10 Poicher PeaceFIag OrleaimGirl G8I97 Tijuana 34 llSjrriud laf IIS S 7 6 4 T Rae J Uifle PilbGibson Nelliellarper 67978 Tijuana 1 14 2l5mua 143 113 S 3 4 4 G Rose S IxmePine Lit Dear TawaBentiia 07927 Tijuana ImTOy 152 vy Sf 11011 S SG7745 4 = G Rose 11 llorlcrcli NhShoie Plinge G7745 Tijuana 1 1S l5Tfast 310 113 S S SG7678 5 i W Martin 9 Rhymer ISosslc Young Dora G7678 Tijuana ImTOy l43faHt 14 113 0 5 71 V Martin 7 Tascntlia SiimSigh LMann G747 Tijuana 34 I14ifast 175 119 Left al the postG Rose 7 Mannikin 11 Herder Pueblo 06624 Pimllco 1 1S l53ifast 195f 105 3 14 141 15 G BreunslS FySucesy MajHcusp X Wales

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032901/drf1923032901_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1923032901_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800