8th Race [8th Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-29

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5 3 Fiirlousrs 5ycar lls ami uitivard Claiming Fel 5 PUD b s 3 105 By Wrack Medora II by Rabelais RabelaisTrainer Trainer J M Cooper Owner J M Cooper Breeder Bclair Stud 08873 Tijuana TijuanaC8757 34 12 = fast IS 93 2 2 4h 7 M Garrett S Dolores Dclmte Cflpt Clover CloverIS5 C8757 Tijuana TijuanaG8GG7 34 iCfaFt IS5 10 2 1 1f 13 1 = 1 A Claver S AlOchs CKririque StAngclina G8GG7 Tijuana f f OT1ifast 5 10 2 1 I1 Ink A Claver 11 Faber Peter Pierson ivy Cray 08362 Tijuana 34 Wafast 4 103 5 G 5 = 1 5 = 3 F Stevens S Norfield Alhaniia TkStocking 04577 Saratoga SaratogaG3853 34 16 hvy 20 113 3 G S S = A Wilson S BrtToVw MSinith Dgliogau G3853 Empire 58 l02 = 5fast 115 10T 1 2 2 = 1 L McAtee 9 Irish Pat Noon Slide Gliost 63770 Empire 51 f l09sfast 5 103 9 4 5 = 451 G Mein 10 Suspicion Cliost Temptress 03475 Empire 58 l04mud 12 108 2 4 4 3 II Thomas 7 Hes Leighton Kork Chief Flynn PRIVATE PEAT ch s 6 IDS By General Roberts Janice Marian by Rubicon Trailer J Humbrecht Owner er J Humtrecht Breeder G M Van Gorden 08935 Tijuana 1 l43 ifast 11 112 3 35S 2 1 TJ1 E Fator S Lady Leonid Silk Snx Faber C8794 Tijuana 5S l02 = ifast 1 115 6 4 U 1J P Martin 712 Delancey HWelch QitlncyWard 68713 Tijuana 34 1 14Vfast 33 115 4 4rl 2 21 11 P Martinez S Shelbyvllle Syncopatn HWelch 68627 Tijuana rl f l07fast 133 106 3 3Z 1 I i W Dean 12 DdeCuse Vora Uita Lenieve 08102 Tijuana Z z f lOS7ifast 710 110 2 1 13 13 C Studer 12 Delancey SantliiaC Three X 67748 Tijuana 34 l14fast 37 107 3 5 9 = 9 C Studer 11 M Maulsby Iloringa Hs Iltir FULL MOON blk m 5 105 105Trainer By Dick Finnell Caller Ou by Oddfellow Oddfellowr Trainer R E Lcvell Owner r J McGinn Brooder McB Moore G8965 Tijuana 4f 54 54sfast sfast 2 112 5 G 6 = 43i II S JoncslO Angela Aryanna Hazel Dal G875G Tijuana ImTOy l lD D fast 2 112 5 4 51 4C3 H S Jones 7 Delhimar Herder Melcluir C8736 Tijuana Im70y ll = fast fastG8G88 12 112 5 2 3 = 3s H S Jones S Purl Harry Kuddcr Hreeze G8G88 Tijuana 1 l41tfast l41tfast68G51 129 112 1 2 li 2 = 1 M Milrick 10 Oceidenta Melihoir Delhimar 68G51 Tijuana 31 l S fast 21 100 4 S S1 9Bi M Mil ick2 Dalton Fireplace Vibrate VibrateG2 68589 Tijuana 34 l141 hvy hvyC8488 G2 9S 5 6 6 = 1 G 3 M Mil ick S JkHaiier Linieltope LkyHutn C8488 Tijuana 51 f l07ifas = t tG8242 34 108 3 G 3 21 M Mil ick Coca Cola Dr Johnson Faber FaberPS G8242 Tijuana 51 f lU hvy hvyC8199 PS 105 3 5 4 = 3 = M Mil ick G HarryD JacUHaiier Incognanca C8199 Tijuana 51 f l10imud 21 10S 2 1 1J 151 M Mil Ick S CicelyKay Don Jose Caunzvi ENDIVE b f 3 103 By Honeywood Envoy by Kenilworth Trainer J D Heard Owner G H Abbott oil Breeder Nevada Etook Farm 68932 Tijuana 13 ST 2 1 1 V I Parke 7 Sundial II Clip War Penny 68757 Tijuana 51 9 7 7 6l 5s AV Martin S Pud Allie Oehs Carlos Enritiue EnritiueS 8G50 Tijuana 34 l13 ifast 22 103 S SS S S 10 W Martin 10 DrTSDaby Ocdeuta llCgv 68591 Tijuana TijuanaG834G 34 lilS ihvy S 107 4 421f 2 1 2 F Stevens 9 Kl Roblf Clock Stocking Heap G834G Tijuana TijuanaG8344 34 l15mud 21f 113 4 3 3i 31 R Carter 7 Clock Stocking Kup Kl Itcibla G8344 Tijuana 51 f lOCfast 150 92 S S S S l W Martin S Jjtancr CarKnri uo UHutton 68201 Tijuana 5S l0iimud 39 IOC G 5 51 G15 AV Martin 7 Paisley Joella J Royal Maid 68169 Tijuana TijuanaG8127 34 llOVivy 10 10T 4 3 1 1 AV Martin 7 HrlaiiKcut Hinvsprif NorHoney G8127 Tijuana 5S lOlVafasi 115 101 4 3 3i 3 = 1 P AValls D Aryannn DarkAges St Angelina HONEST GEORGE b 115 By Kenilworth Mitten by King Eric Trainer W Sims Ovner W Simi Bresdor D F E an G8897 Tijuana 41 f 53 fast H 111 1 2 2 1 C Rails It MotorCop DarkAges DickTpin 68650 Tijuana 34 l13fast 9 103 3 2 2 2i = i 3 M MilriclslO DrTSDaby Ocdenta Trusty 68487 Tijuana ImTOy l45 = ifast 33 1CS 3 1 4 Gl F Watrous 8 Aic Fannie Nail Purl 68441 Tijuana 1 141 fast 1 107 3 3 3 4 J F Stevens 9 Purl ClkStocking Fannie Nail 68242 Tijuana 51 f lllhvy IS 112 4 4G8060 3 5 i3 E Petzoldt i HarryD Jackltaiur FulIMoon G8060 Tijuana 5S l04shvy S 101 4 4G7960 3 Cs 2 ° W Pool S Kinglike Dr Johnyon Settle G7960 Tijuana C4 llCiihvy S 103 7 2 2J 2 R Flynn 9 LltFlorcc HHlackl CHarthM 67853 Tijuana 51 f 1OS mud 11 105 G 4 5J 51 F Stevens S HarryD liicoguauro John Jr 37770 Tijuana i f l077itast 61 10S 6 5 4J 23 J Thomas 11 IIMH iitu r I iiliti A Athaiina 67552 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 3 10S S SSUNDIAL 7 5J 1 AV Pool S Hazel Dale It Pay Off OffBy SUNDIAL II ch g 7 115 115Trainer By Faucheur Martha Gorman by Sir Dizon DizonBred Trainer C Euxton Owner C Buitcn Bred in Francs by J E AVitlsner 08932 Tijuana 1 l40fjist 710 101 G 4 4G8828 2 2 F Stevens 7 Kndive Clip War Penny G8828 Tijuana 1 11G 14S fast 3 109 1 2 2 3i F Stevens 7 FrankFogarty Power Pill Head f8t 4j lor 4 3 M Muootti 5 5a3 F Stevens S Pol Wale PccDircct Hyanpom uootti ujuuiia mil ii fast 2710 103 1 2 2l 2J F Stevens i Reap Hlos IIou o Fair Orient 08508 Tijuana 1 11C l 7 fast 65 10S 3 3 3G8405 3 4 M Andson G Romany llvanimm Faithful G8405 Tijuana ImTOy 141 fast T3 1U3 5 1 1J 2 J MerimcelO MurcellaHoy IllHotty HI House 67768 Tijuana ImTOy l44Tifast G5 113 3 1 1G7705 2 SUM Andson 9 HkhoruII VPalrick ICIIankiii G7705 Tijuana 34 1 12fast CG 10T 7 7 C1 5ri M Utrxton 7 Ten IHittoiis Settle Mcssinos 67578 Tijuana 34 113 fast IS 112 S S S6G870 6J 0s M Andson S Hril Ray LuckyHiittou Coffield 6G870 Bowie 61 f 121 fast 17 103 10312 12 12 11 = 9 1 E Kummorll1 Picnic Calialan Wiaitli 66721 PImlico 112233 fast S 104 5 3 4 4 U Marielll 5 Yorkist Callivaiit FrzySneezy DiLTON ch e 4 122 By Lough Foyle Woodland Nymph by AllanaDalo Trainer R U Hollenbeck Owner sner R M Hollenbetk Breeder J A Buchanan 68854 Tijuana TijuanaG8798 1 f lOTfast 15 117 9 9 9 4s G Rose 9 LuckyHiitton Tnisty Fireplan G8798 Tijuana TijuanaG8651 34 l13ifaKt 41 116 5 S = 2l W Garganll Dr Johnson Ksriijao LHtacU LHtacUOf G8651 Tijuana 34 l SHfast 1Of Of 113 7 3 31 li AV Garganl2 Fireplace Vibrate Tubby A 68505 Tijuana 34 l14sfast 113 3 114 3 3il G 4l 45 I Fletcher 9 CStking HI eer DrTSDney 68403 Tijuana 51 il f 108 fast Tf 115 4 432 11 I Fletcher 9 Virginius Ccdric Kof the Spa 6 63 16 Laurel 31 l16fast 6 113 3 5 61 7 I Fletcher 15 Paul Micou Kaninettu Papillon 65918 Kworth 7S l27 = ifast 4 104 5 2 2 F Wilsqn G Ring Fair Virginia Satana 65870 Kworth 19 103 8 3 41 3 F Wilson 9 Oarfield Tricks Dark Aces AcesGC 65104 Dorval 34 119 hvy GC 110 7 7 65 61 J Simmons 7 HlyHellc Anticipate Koiiterer LOCH LEVEN b m 5 112 By Meelick Dona Hamilton by Donald A Trainer R Howell Owner R Howell Breeder G L Blacfcford 68965 Tijuana 41f 34ifaat 26 112 11210 10 10G8011 10 9 = 9o AV GarganlO Angela Aryanna Hazel Dal G8011 Tijuana 5J f 108 fast 11 111 2 2G8840 2 2J 2i W Gargan S TiibbyA IyTiploe HalWright HalWrightSO G8840 Tijuana 34 l14rsfast SO 113 1 1C8523 1 3 53 W Garganll Haryllcir InspHughcs Undirn C8523 Tijuana 5S l01ifast G5 13 10S 2 3 3 = 4i W Martin 11 Ionelin KuMt e etMt tMt KosaAlkin 67570 Tijuana 41 f 34fast 49 107 1 6 7 O Atwell S Settle Sister Snsie PhruneWard IS7552 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 60 111 2 4 7 = 7 O Atwell 8 Honest Corge Hazel Dale U 67342 Tijuana 5S 101 fast 28 107 3 3G7268 354 = 41 II Long 7 Pueblo HamliloiiA Corncutter G7268 Tijuana 51 f l07sfast 9 102 2 26715G C C = 7i V Marrin 9 Pay Off John Jr Full Moon 6715G Tijuana 51 f l12 hvy 3 102 2 2LITTLE 2 23 3i C Rails G Silk Sox Harrv H Count Uorls LITTLE BEACH cb m G 113 113Trainer By Rex Beach Handy Cop by Hanover Trainer J Pelter Owner Pelter ter Bros Breeder W H Askcy 68798 Tijuana 34 l13fast 21 112 8 S 3l 4J E Kenger U DrJohnsoii Dalton CarEnriiiue 8735 Tijuana TijuanaG7G41 51 f 107 fat 33 113 5 6 4i 2n E Kenger 6 DrTSDaby TubtvA Hryl G7G41 Tijuana Tijuana67S7d 31 l13 fast 113 13 105 1 2 2 1 C Rails G Settle May Maulsbv Sam Hell 67S7d Tijuana TijuanaG7172 34 114 fast 190 10 104 3 2 lt 1 M Fator 7 OraceK MolHmies TCrav n G7172 Tijuana 51 f lllUhvy 9 IK 5 6 5 = 1 VI C Rails 7 HarryD HItrkuell CHarthell 13625 Reno 34 llHifast 21 10S 3 = 3 W Miller 7 Candoiosa lldnOeorge KWoM 63320 Reno 34 l14ifast 93 97 3 W Miller 0 Vic Mabel Itulc Marcella Hoy 01246 Tijuana 34 l13fast 1110 107 4 2 I1 1 T Wilsor Mlson 7 HsIIelr MMaulsby NHarjMr 61092 Tijuana 1 l41tfast T 106 3 1 U 2 2i C Studer 7 KUankiu HobAllen PlHlosm

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032901/drf1923032901_7_3
Local Identifier: drf1923032901_7_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800