Havana Racing Figures: Sea Prince Largest Money-Winner Among the Horses.; H. Stutts Carries Off Riding Honors--K. K [K.] Karrick Saddles Greatest Number of Winning Horses., Daily Racing Form, 1923-03-29

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HAVANA RACING FIGURES Sea Prince Largest MoneyWin ¬ ner Among the Horses H Stutts Carries Off Ithiinp Honors K K KJxarrick Jxarrick Saddles Greatest dumber dumberof of AVinniug Horses Here is the continuation of the statistics of the Havana meeting Sea Prince was the largest winner ainon the horses while Chief Sponsor IJelle of Klizahethtown Dr Ilick nan Carrie Moore and Cromwell also lig urod prominently prominentlyThe The following are the horses which ac ¬ counted for 375 or more each Horse HorseSea 1st 2d 3d Amt AmtSea Sea Prince 4 1 5 5350 5350Chief Chief Sponsor 5 2 4775 4775Iele Iele of EtinbellUown EtizihethlownDr 5 5 1 4625 4625Dr Dr Ilickmai 5 5 2 4125 4125Carrie Carrie Moore 5 1 3475 3475Cromwell Cromwell 5 3 0 3400 Mountain I jssie 2 0 1300 Purlin p 1 1 3275 Diffeient Eyes 7 1 520 Stonewall 5 3 5200 Itmldic Kein 2 0 3150 The Pirate 4 1 3050 Kincastle 5 2 290 i Marionette 0 0 2D25 Pony Express 5 1 2775 Winnipeg 4 4 2700 Cock o the Rocdt 2 1 2700 Mallowmot 15 3 21550 I Sun Brae 0 1 2650 Metnpiiit I Col Chile Margaret AVarc i Co corrou Riiiiuaii i iWida Wida Edgar Allan 1oe Jap Mum a Duke of Wellingtoi Siixiana Old Sianer Colilen Clmncu Huron II IIHainan HainanSun Hainan Sun Co l lBallynew Ballynew BallynewAcoita Acoita AcoitaMiss Miss Caltha CalthaAVild AVild Cat CatMiss Miss Maze MazeLittle Little Black Sheep SheepTony Tony Beau BeauRediiiou Rediiiou RediiiouDuke Duke Ruff RuffQuecreek Quecreek QuecreekErica Erica Mary Reigel ReigelCza Cza rdom rdomSiroc Siroc i Ike Mills MillsWedgwood Wedgwood WedgwoodTurbulent Turbulent Cavalier TurbulentCavalier BlazonryTony Blazonry Tony Sue SueJeorge Jeorge Kuffan KuffanMedusa MedusaTamper Medusa Tamper TamperDi Di Koucro KoucroAalentim Aalentim dOr dOrSail Sail Pablo PabloDirnley Dirnley DirnleyList List Chance II IIEquator Equator 1 1 uen uenApproval ApprovalMayro Approval Mayro e eAd Ad vance vanceHohokus HohokusRoseate Hohokus Roseate RoseateToe Toe the Mark MarkTop Top Rung RungEast East View Viewi l Km KmSpoils Spoils SpoilsAllivan Allivan AllivanSal Sal vi viSail Sail Diego Koran KoranWalter Walter TurnlMiw ItrocklesbvHazel Itrocklesbv Hazel W Inc R Roche RocheFar Far East EastBlack Black Top TopRobbed Robbed Hair HairPort Port Light LightPuff Puff Ball Balllncle lncle Sonny SonnyRandel Randel Continued on eighth page HAVANA RACING FIGURES Continued from third page Horse 1st 2d 3d 3dt J Alfred Clark t 0 lias Cuba Kncanto 3 1 1 Tan II 3 1 1 AVaterco 3 1 1 AVawona Awning Dad Dainty I aiy Fayyelle Itouncc Hirron Salamander American Ijgion First Pullet Hailock Johnny OConnell Drapery Prospector I ady Fra kes Doortrail Chile AVin or Quit Until Wehle Quaker The AVar Montillo LuiMemc CdOSSUS AVar Idol Col Mnrphy Pilade Snnnini Hi vetHide Miss Jlnnkin Mcl Mcleue eue AVar Map Hullo Gknn Apple Jack II Confederacy Huddles Jtockabye Job Thaycr Heliocross Golden lied Dr Sharer Carrure Assumption Superior Kitty Cheathaui CheathauiKeltoi 211 Keltoi 210 Flycast 2 0 U Ui The Hoy i i 5 Lady Ilachel Lucy Kate Abe Sablotasky Hig Son Iantam Ollie Palmer Sempronia DisouHsioii 100 Lady Heart Hruee Dudley Canny I ady Sun Turret Swiftcricket NeUmc Mary Maxim Tom Norris Felix M I a re tin Mn rce 1 1 i a aNoon Noon Glide Fdith 1C CicsUvood Hoy Faithful Girl AVhispering Cisqiia Charles AVhitney AVhitneyLotU LotU Speed Nig Grandson SHwjricorde Machine Gunner Dairyman Foy Aalmond Foul AVealher Mamichcii AVhippoorwill i 4 Ked 11 Major Domo 143 Liborio Piegau Gratian American Kngle Master Hand Ilurati Forewarn The Holl Call Orris I auk Armedee Short Slop Mary Itock Quail tliiueoleague Chow North Sea The Gafr Lilly Iniie Hlnzing Fire Jennie C I Ha la fro Kl Coronet Orchid King Hlu Hawk Humpy Arrah Go On Indian Chant King H Ciceronian Mary Mallon Twenty Scveu Pkjy Atkin Svveot Cookie Marie Augusta Pittahurg Courtier Currency India Ultimo Herrettu Hieiman Prudential Illusionist Quanah Short Change Sir Jack Fair Airginia Ferrum Flying Orb Kentucky Smiles Hrcad IJne Frank Shannon George AA Harry Glover Homam Ponce Mess Kit Shoot A way Sleigh Hells Newport Hond Scurry Arthur Mnldleton MnldletonIatitcrii Iatitcrii Slar Little Smoke Mad Nell Hriifthwood Yankee Hoy French Canadian Pannman Hrennan Gonwithim Jack Healey Dicknll The Ulster Moorcsiue Nan Nelle York Polar Cub Prettv Haby Our Tcllie Pandine MlM Dixie Miss Hopo AVest Heath Sentimental Skills Dream Mambi Chimera Clttro de Luna Kinetic John Spoin Frankeula Horse HorseRridfiette Rridfiette I I ckstone Hloomington Violet Mersereau Chopsticks After Night Alameda Girl Rrynlimah Puzzle Le Hleuet Thos F McMahon Mumbo Jumbo Shingle Shack Illaise Old Pop Rattle Mountain Ouelph Copers Ha ppy Moments Polite Norsfiland Ostelle Our Maid Split Crass Legacy It Wm J Murray KImont Ilctty W Ha ppy Jo Lucky Ashliu KK Noise QiMsh I on Pope All Aglow Auntie MilKu Urazos Hrookfield Frank S Inunokalee Jack Hill Joe V Ktntmere Kathleen K landslide Hnndals Koyal Hofrain Holdgold Seths Memory Smart Money Titania Mark Dcnunzio Mary Krb Max Cold Paula V The following are the jockeys who rode one or more winners Jockey Mts 1st 2d 3d Unp PC PCStints Stints II 300 04 57 55 204 Hi HiKtirns Ktirns T 235 51 34 31 119 Prothers T 1212 45 3G 30 101 101GrooK GrooK P 2SG 59 39 3 3Williams Williams G 141 i Taylor W 19ii 19iiPickens 14 32 2S 112 12 Pickens A 114 114Fields 23 IS 11 52 20 Fields G 171 171Callalian 2 34 19 9G 13 Callalian J 79 79Walls 22 15 8 34 28 Walls C 110 21 17 15 57 19 19J9 Glick H 150 J9 9 18 24 95 12 12Hrnuncr Hrnuncr J 105 19 15 12 58 18 18MeDermoU MeDermoU 11 115 18 17 14 GG 10 10Hanks Hanks S 119 17 15 11 76 14 14Yerrat Yerrat A 91 15 11 12 53 10 10Scheffel Scheffel H 111 H 7 18 72 13 13Milner Milner W 10f 53 13 20 GO 12 12Woodstock Woodstock F 123 12 1 1G 79 10 10McLaughlin McLaughlin A 1117 12 11 10 74 11 11Grace Grace C 114 10 17 1 ° Kaiser II 97 10 11 1 1Clements 17 59 10 Clements II 89 10 4 9 GG 11 11G 11Primrose Primrose W 71 9 4 G 52 13 13Lancet Lancet W 124 7 If 19 SG 05 Horn F 112 112Hunt 9 SG OJ Hunt F 59 8 37 12 Ambrose E 59 7 G 11 35 12 12Taylor Taylor C 70 7 5 10 48 10 10Harnes Harnes N J 9li G 1 Nolan T 50 0 i a i iGaiitner Gaiitner A 43 t 3 7 27 14 14Obert Obert W GO 5 9 8 38 08 08Gray Gray L 50 5 G 7 38 09 09Meiimee Meiimee F G2 5 6 G 45 08 08Sandslrom Sandslrom A 43 5 5 4 Pcruia 38 54 G Suttoii G 4J 4 8 2 I IHall Hall U l 4 5 7 Corey G 55 4 2 5 5Harnes Harnes K II 17 3 3 0 11 18 18Giitliridsi Giitliridsi J 41 3 1 1 3G 07 07McAlaney McAlaney U 20 3 0 4 13 15 15Hue Hue T 25 3 0 2 20 12 12Filtlvy Filtlvy A 3S 2 4 27 05 05Trym Trym A 13 Connors J 37 37Wilson Wilson F 14 14Wakoff Wakoff H 10 2 1 2 1 1Ueilly Ueilly F 9 2 0 0 0Heach Heach K 24 1 3 4 16 01 01Lillcy Lillcy W 19 1 3 3Arvin 12 05 Arvin A 35 1 30 03 Hernandez F 0 1 1 1 3 17 17Smith Smith W IS 1 1 0 16 06 06Malloney Malloney J F 7 1 0 2 4 14 14The The following are the jockeys who finished finishedsecond second or third with one or more of their mounts but did not ride a winner Jockey JockeySanfurd Mts 2d 3dUnp Sanfurd P 22 i 3 13 Kirke S Alonzo A Ilunsker F Priblc I Madden J Undreville C Stone 15 1 3 11 IVrdiimo A 20 1 3 22 OMahonev C 10 1 1 11 Horn C 3102 Frost C 4 1 0 3 Kelly W SO Partington L 10 o Lowe S IS 0 1 17 The followin are the jockeys who finished unplaced with withJockey all their mounts mountsMts Jockey JockeyCapozzi Mts Jockey Mts Capozzi J 1 Harceues L 3 Krb A 1 La HHIe C 4 Fuller I 1 Mitchell W 4 Chiystal V 2 Williams T 3 McCabe J J 2 Paz A 5 Montalvo F The following are the trainers who saddled one or more winners Trainer Trainer Wins WinsMiles Karrick K K Miles P J 5 5Allen Parson J A Allen G K I IHammond Finnegau W H Hammond D I IHays Fitzgerald K L Hays J S 4 4Kelley Williams P J Kelley S J 4 4Kennedv Hizer J Kennedv H J 4 4Paul Hak I J Paul J L 4 4Sterens Hray F M Sterens F J 4 4Sutton Mooly J H Sutton K C 4 4Travis Padgett W U Travis V C 4 4Woodlonl Haxter S T Woodlonl D K 4 4Young Iowc J Young W A 2 2Tuggle Kice H P Tuggle 0 a aThomas McKiiimy W A Thomas H M 3 3Spargur Foster L Spargur II C 3 3Modelaml Daly W J Modelaml T U 2 2McoJv Carur W A McoJv N K 3 3McCiillcch Carter U D McCiillcch W S SMcElroy Hill 1 McElroy F D 3 3McCaffrey Jones H A McCaffrey W P Shine 1 McCaun J Webb M Hope J Coll W Ilaggcrty J Duly L A Greene P Kilos U L Daly W C Jr McNoill S Hioshears T Ults h F Hrowu W Itichards C Ciiriallo J Dovlc A P HlaiKhi O A Xlmnur A Hlupliy p Lavely J M Hoyle G Forslia U A Mlllin J D Hudson C K Albright K 1 Louder D IJcllew K C Snrtli C K Alexander F A Torrfente K Cedar W Tempest A Cheek T Nichnu A C Cotton II A McCtifferty JJ JJMaikey Davis C Maikey C I Gacs J Crifson 1 G Guest P Frihbie F C Hamel A W Drake W I Harrison J K Hurudidc S Jossop A 1 Trainer Wins Trainer Wins WinsJudge Judge F 2 Kverest J 1 1K K hum ifli W 2 Groves K 1 1Lewi Lewi J K 2 Hadfield T 1 1Madison Madison L S 2 Hijrginbotham W 1 1McCuen McCuen K 2 Hill K II 1 1Middleton Middleton K J 2 Hughes W J 1 1Plunkctt Plunkctt J W 2 Kindscher J S 1 1Ilawstoa Ilawstoa W 2 Knight C 1 1Kcctor Kcctor F Kraus J I IHeed Heed C Kohler W 0 1 1Saunderson Saunderson K I ounsberry W 1 1Schwartz Schwartz W H Marluiau G U 1 1Short Short W 2 Neal C II 1 1Smith Smith C O OLeary L F 1 1Stacey Stacey F 2 Oest C 1 1Stock Stock W Pierce L G 1 1Van Van Hy H 2 Price G 1 1Whatley Whatley J S 2 Itussell J 1 1 1Williams Williams J Sprague C H 1 1Woods Woods H G 2 Stralendorff U 1 1Seifert Seifert M 1 Snmnia 1 1Johnson Johnson C S 1 Button C 1 1Hergmau Hergmau C 1 Thompson M K 1 1llernard llernard M 1 Thurmaii C 1 1Hraut Hraut C F 1 Wright J K 1 1Cahill Cahill W J 1 Young W L 1 1Chaptit Chaptit F 1 Younger A 1 1Crist Crist L K 1 Yzquierdo C M 1 1Denuler Denuler G 1 Yzijuierdo O Jr 1 1lOvans lOvans J 1 1The The percentage of winning favorites was about normal as shown in the subjoined tabulation tabulationNumber Number of days 101 101Number Number of races Winning first choices Winning second choices 120 120Winning Winning outsiders Winning at iildson Defeated it oldson u uPercentage Percentage of winning choices 41 41The The track records to date are as follows Hor e AWt Date DateJan Dr Hall 2 112 112Azurita Jan 24 1919 1919Jan Azurita 2 111 111H Jan 29 1919 1919Jan H Dauglitcr2 113 Jan 21 1916 1916Feb True Flier 2 115 Feb 11 1922 1922Feb True Flier 2 118 Feb IS 1922 1922Jan F Churchill 3 100 Jan 10 1920 1920Jan J H Hirrcll5 102 Jan 24 1917 1917Dec Guvnor 3 107 107Sirocco Dec 1 1921 1921Mnrch Sirocco 4 112 112Ultimo Mnrch 2 1919 1919Feb Ultimo 3 98 98High Feb 15 1922 1922Jan High Gear 6 102 102Moncv Jan 8 1920 1920Jan Moncv 0 104 104Itight Jan 11 1920 1920Jan Itight Ansleo 110 110Pierrot Jan 25 1020 1020Jan Pierrot 5 100 100Wenonah Jan 13 1917 1917Jan Wenonah 4 106 Jan 10 1917 1917Dec C Sponsor 4 101 Dec C 1922 1922Feb Sen James 8 103 Feb 15 1918 1918March J J Murdki 117 March G 191S 191SDec Golden Gate3 102 Dec 14 1910 1910Feb iiluland 3 92 92Pufonl Feb 3 1918 1918Jan Pufonl I 105 105Walnut Jan IS 1920 1920Jan Walnut HallO 105 Jan 1 1U20 1U20Jan Ilerron 4 118 Jan 30 1921

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923032901/drf1923032901_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1923032901_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800