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THIRTY LEADING OWNERS C B. Irwin still maintains his proud position at the head of the money winning owners of the year. In so far as money won is concerned Irwin will soon undoubtedly relinquish his exalted place, for with the advent of spring racing in Maryland and Kentucky many valuable stake races will be decided and the winners share of either the Kentucky Derby or the Preakness Stakes wilt exceed the entire winter earning of the Irwin establishment. However, it is a question whether or not any one own»r will equal, much less surpass, Irwin as far as the number of races won Ls concerned. B foi3 the year is ended he will probably establish a record unapproached in that respect. Commander J. K. L. Ross, by winning the rich Coffroth Handicap, is now second on the list and has quite an excellent start over his eastern rivals. W. Daniel is third and has every reason to fe?l satished with his journey West. , The following are the thirty leading money-winning owners, the records of which cover the racing from January 1 to and including March 29: Won in Leading Winner Won in I-eading Winner 1922. Owner. in 1922. 1st. 2d. 3d. 1923. in 1923. | SMBa Irwin, C. B Motor Cop 71 45 37 S 49. OHO Almdane 169.134 Ross. J. K. L. Boniface 11 6 8 38.130 Rebuke 28,580 Daniel. W Costignn 21 fi 8 I9.575 Blanc S. i:ig Holman, S. N 11 10 4 12.514 Rest Pal 1S.755 Walker. W Ring IS 14 15 11.200 Coca Col* 3.156 Southland Stable Zone dArmee I 3 4 10.784 mole 750 Crane, J. M Supercargo 11 10 I 1O.400 Supereargo 37.594 Cain. W. M Harry B 11 14 12 10,080 iem 31.170 Raker. R. L Quince Garden 15 11 8 9.910 Jack Bauer 9.C50 Fitzgerald, K. L Miss Beulah 15 14 13 9.525 Different Fyes 375 ItatkkMM, W Adonis 7 I 4 9.420 Adonis 75.070 ioldl.latt. M Dr. Clark 10 9 2 9.400 Rama P2.110 Winfrey Bros Pastoral Swain 10 6 7 8.750 Servitor 37.172 Skinker, J. R Gallivant 9 12 8 8.590 Fannie liean 20.063 Allen, G. R Mulciher 4 I 3 8.185 Calcutta 42.105 taste, J. A Sister Susie 14 11 10 7.S25 Chief Sponsor 1S.334 Coe. W. R Many Smiles 10 8 2 7.050 Mountain I-assie 22.634 Pemiergast, T. J Para.Ier 7 9 6 7.400 John Q. Kelly 02.410 Ivatej A Hidden Jewel 9 « 8 7.390 Sagninook 18,981 Holland. J. L Rork 8 13 3 7.310 Rupee 0.520 McKay, J Melactirino 5 2 2 7.275 Buster Keaton 30.365 Major. B. E Golden ha nee 13 17 9 7.025 Bally new 94.218 Idle Hour Stock Farm. . Blossom Time 7 8 9 7.006 Blue Nose 19.430 Williams Bros Sun Cod 13 9 6 0.875 Dr. IlirUman 10.029 Bryson. E. K Tingling 6 2 11 0,420 Setting Sim 225 Leililing. L Saddle and Boots 7 7 4 6.192 Ramkin 820 Meadowbrook Stable . . . . Ineognanee 7 7 4 6.030 ....i Prince CH Ti 18.595 Bernhardt, W. D Jago • I 9 6.015 Matinee Idol 9.115 Hollenbeck, R. M Doctor Corbet t 10 7 10 5.970 Doctor Cortxtt 27,402 Bauer, L. T Tippity Witchct 7 4 6 5,920 Little Auiout