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Entries and Past Performances BOWIE MONDAY, APRIL 9 WRATH Ell CI.KAlti TltACK FAST. The figures tinder the heading "Rec." In the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1921, no matter where it flushed. In cases wheie record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track cenditions. Racing starts at 2:15 . m. Chicago time 1:15. 8 Superior mini runner. X fJooil mini runner. :: Fair mud runner. M Maidens. •Apprentice allowance, b Winkers. First Bace— 1-2 Mile. hm ,200. 2 year olds. Claiming. Track record: April 4, 1921—48—2-114. Todays In l. Horse. Wt. Iter. A.Wt.Hnn 69071= •lady Choco 113 :49V, 111x72". eSTJW Ix-e Adiin 112 :48% 106X720 6S0713 Rachel Potter 105 :50M; 112X715 69071 •RomanGirl 114 :48lA 10.5X71.". 6905G2 Vanity Hug M...103 :49"h 103.. 715 69056 Star Cudgel M...113 :50*i 114. .710 69040 Chopsticks 112 :50 110. .705 69056 Goldmark 11 110 :54 and 106.. 700 Small Star Ill Rlaekoliu 110 Fantasia 108 Achievable 106 Second Race — 7-8 Mile. rnre ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track iccord: Nov. 21, 1910-1:26% — 4—116. 6S076? *Smarty 5 110x72." 69059 *.lo-eph Brant 110 1 :27% 4 108. .721 69058- *MEa nave 105 1:26 9 110X715 69371 •Zennotta 107 1:31% 4 103x715 69074 Sultan 112 1:32V, 3 101X71". 69072 Wrangler 107 1:31% 3 104x715 69073- Antilles 103 1:3% 5 110X710 67842- *Ina Kay 11 105x710 69072 •Simplicity 4 103x711 68616- bFluff 5 112X710 6S075 bSuper 114 1:28% 6 115x70.. 69074 *Mt, Donard 107 1:29% 5 112. 705 6C874 *l Kings Champion. .11311 :27% 6 110X70.. 69074. »t,MiraeIe Man 4 108x705 69103 Ticklish 7 115X700 67058 hQiieen Monde 8 110X700 69103 Dark Horse 5 110x7K 69062 Scottish Chief 110 1:26% 5 115. .700 Third Race— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track recoid: Nov. 20, 1917 — l:19Vs— 4 — 112. 6877£»hSAGAM0RE 92 1 :20% 6 107X72 ". 69075 Spugs Ill 1:22% 5 110X715 69073 •Tidings 105 1:22% 5 101x715 68471 *Mom 4 108x710 69036 Elemental 100 1:22m 4 114X710 69075 •bKnight of the Heather 1101:19% .1113X70". 68270 •l.The Limb 112 1:20% I WXW 68721 *bD.:ntzie 5 108 X TOO Fourth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Old Virginia Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Track record: Nov. 29, 1917--1:19% -4—112. 69041 Oran 111. 725 69089 Flying Devil 108.. 720 69087- Dicks Daughter... IC3X715 69038 Windigo 103X715 6S035 Little Smoke 108.. 71". 68227 Thcssalv 103.. 710 6933V Soggarlh Aroon ...104 1:22% 113X710 690413 Rosa Yeta M ... 103.. 710 6C223 Speedy Cirl 103..710 66871 Wilkes Ha i re 113.. 70.. 69041s St. liiwrence M. 108.. 705 60011 Santlev M 108.. 700 The Sage 108 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. The Marines Handicap. lnrse ,500. 3-year-tIds and upward. Track record: Nov. 23, 1916—1:41—6—114. 69360 bRama 98 1 :40 5 102X725 69037 »Duke John 100 1:39 7 99x720 6C880 Opperman 115 1:41% 4 107x71.". 69060 I.Saddle and Hoots. 105U:3SVr. 4 106X710 69060 l.Master Hand 112 1:39% 4 104x705 69043 bVitamin 105 1:41% 4 98X705 69C44 Tiajanu; 110 1:39 4 98X700 Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Pi.rso ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 25, 1915— 1:48—4 — 110 69108 *bOur Birthday 105 1:47% 6 109® 725 69DC1 Hravo 96 1:48% 4 106x720 69091 •Tin-ling 114 1:47% 5 100X71". C9076 II— flu 99J1:49% 3 94x715 69039 •l.Tulsa IOC. 1:47 6 103*710 G9103 .Camouflage 113 1:48% 7 110X705 69103 *bJouquina 1111:47 5 102x700 Seventh Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse ,200. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Nov. 25, 1917—1:50—3—94. 690922 Day Lilly 102 2:00%h 5 95X725 69061- Natural 1011:54% 5 105X720 69045 Maize 107 1:53% 6 99X715 69103 *Luoy Kate 103 1:52% 5 105X715 69092:I bWarlike 103 1:54% 6 105X715 69091 *King Trojan 107 1:54% 5 107x715 69092 bWylie 109 1:56 4 112x710 69061 Stanley 110 1:55% 5 104X705 69090 *bDr. Charles Wel.s. 107 1:55% 5 100. .705 69077 bTom Cassidy 104 1:57% 4 109x7O; , 69061 •bAtto:iiey Muir ...106 1:54% 8 104x700 69074 •Dm Foreigner 4 100X700 I 69091 bAustral Ill 1:53% 8 100x700