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g " Latest Workouts 232 BOWIE. Md., April 7— Todays training gallops here included the following". BOWIE. Weather clear; track good — Three-Eighths Mile. Airey 39 210-Helen Atkin .38 227-Ardella 38 170-Hidden Jewel.. 39 Climb 39 lf»-Mary Maxim . .30% 227-Colando 39 Lit Our Kate 40 lgS-Ds*patr 39 227-Sad. and Boots38% S7.- -K. Rickbacher 39 2*24 Tornado 37 220-Galeta 37 Half Mile. 112-Bobbed Hair .52 If 1 Mlf Cooper ..52 229-Banyan 54 47-Miss Cerina ...54 S9S-Be Trueman ..53 223-Nightboat 55 229-Bes. I*Mghton . .." ." 79-Oui M 54 230-Fehrah 52 229 Safranor 54 706-Fort Bliss 52 230-Sea Tag 52 231-Fusee 52 225 -Thimble 55 Little Smoke .52 22S Thes.-aly 50% Five-Eighths Mile. 92.8-Brookholt 102% 224-Panjandrum .109 229-Chieorn 105 82 Pegasus 105 230-Elemental . . . 1 :03% 224 Sword 107 225-Frenchy 108 100-Snrf Rider .104% 231 -Gourmand ...107 22S-Speedy Girl .104% 105 228-Thorny Way. .105 224-Jeal. Woman. Ill Three -Quarters Mile. 230 Bribed Voter. .121 % 228 Serbian 124 22S-Citat:on 125 230-SIippy Kim .1:20 212-Fluff 1:23 130-Sagamore 1:2« 231-HillsdaIe ....1:23 224-Sogth Aroon .1:17 230 Lidy Boss ..1:19 231 Vitamin 120 229-Lunetta 1:22 230 War Mask ...1:24 22S-Ontario 1:18 229 Whalebone ..1:20 22i Red Brand ..121 22! Wilkes-Barre 1:17 Seven-Eighths Mile. 231 Pit 1:35 One Mile. 225-Brav» 1:49 229-Opperman ...1:59 231 Diadi 1:55 22S-Pittston 1:59 113-Fair Phantoml:50 Saddle and Boots showed speed. Mary Maxim appears in good form. Eddie Riekenbacher is on the slow side. Kea Tag was doing her best. Little Smoke ran well. Thessaly showed good speed. Element; 1 is in good form. Surf Rider is about ready. Brookholt showed brilliant speed. Soggirti Aroon gallops easily. Saganvore was under restraint. Fair Phantom is fit and ready.